View Full Version : Helm

10-14-10, 11:46 AM
Name: Helm Ortega
Race: Human
Class: Paladin

Physical Description:

Helm stands half-a-head above the average human; tall and regal, with long, flowing blonde hair and deep blue eyes that lack wisdom and intelligence, but shine brightly all the same. His jaw is strong and wide, housing pearly white teeth always bared in a jovial smile, a testiment to the fact that ignorance does often bring bliss.

He has the physique of a soldier, with chord-like muscles and broad shoulders. A good, strong back, well seasoned from years of training in heavy armor and pack, keeps the paladin standing tall with good posture to boot. His antique breastplate sports dings and dents from almost a century of use by the men of House Ortega, and his hammer, also a hand-me-down, is like-wise weathered but serviceable.


Ortega is as much a title as a surname, and Helm bears it proudly, fore it carries with it all the deeds of each Orteagan man who bore it before him. Tradition, thus, is very important to Helm.

Not blessed with quick wits or diverse knowledge, Helm struggles along at the mercy of his tendancy to say the wrong thing at the worst possible time. However, it does little to diminish his almost perpetual mirth. He is as friendly as he is strong and Right, and what he lacks in social graces, he makes up for in companionship and an overall supportive nature.


Helm hails from the island nation of Day Haven. Having long ago overcome any serious strife and conflict, the land of Day Haven is now serene. Serving under the undisputed King of Day Haven, King Marcus Creed, are the Paladin-Magisters; an elite group of warriors who long ago abandoned their quest to purify the world of evil, and now focus soley on the continued prosperity of their nation and its allies. If there is utopia to be found in Althanas, truly, it is the rolling plains and lush, green forests that make up the grand island.

Born some eighteen years ago, Helm spent most of his time between his family estate, the island's cathedral, and the castle training-grounds. Not much for scholarly duties, Helm often found himself at the mercy of the Nuns in the cathedral who seemed to take extra delite in disciplining the unstudious youth. Helm endured though, and surly women-of-the-cloth aside, he prospered into adolesence.

Soon comes the day where Helm will take his Knightly Vows and will venture forth to bring more glory to House Ortega.


Most pages and squires are forbidden to bear arms and armor until their annointment but Helm has found that there are advantages to being noble born. He wears a suit of breastplate and weilds a heavy warhammer, both crafted from steel and sporting moderatly valueable gemstones. These are the vestments and ordinance of House Ortega and following tradition, will be returned to the vault when he passes his trials of knighthood (thus, would not be sold).

Aside from his armor and weapons, Helm carries nothing else on his person save a signet ring of gold, worth approximately one-hundred pieces of gold, and much more in sentiments.


Martial Training - Helm is almost a full-fledged Paladin, and thus, has fighting ability slightly under what an average warrior would possess.

First Aid - Helm can bandage wounds, and set broken or dislocated bones with a fair degree of proficiency.


Aura of Goodness - Paladins all eminate an aura of holiness (Highly detectable by agents of darkness), and many grant additional abilities. Helm's, however, just serves to make his hair continuously straight and shiney in the face of evil.

10-15-10, 12:53 PM
Paladins rock. You are approved. Welcome to Althanas.