View Full Version : Notice to the Ixian Captains

10-15-10, 10:15 AM
The dining hall in the Ixian Knights primary stronghold was filled with bustling activity at all hours of the day. The swirling sea of humanity was an elegant dance that could be processed only by those whose lives had been integrated into the Knights, those who had become cogs in Sei Orlouge’s war machine. William Arcus strode into the dining hall fearlessly, his status as one of the Ixian Captains as much as his reputation meaning that he had no need to worry about being swallowed by the wallowing beast that was the assembled masses. He nodded respectfully at the muttered greetings that he received from the Knights around him and ignored the Soup Nazi’s pleading demands to try a taste of his latest tomato-lobster bisque, choosing instead to keep his eyes focused intently on his destination, the public notice board. The Revenant lingered at the notice board for only a moment, tacking home a large piece of paper before turning and disappearing back into the crowd. A wave of curious onlookers filled the gap that he left like water flowing into a hole, eager to see what message the demonic Captain had for the Ixian Knights.

In order to foster a sense of friendly rivalry in the Knights or something like that, I hereby challenge the other Ixian Captains to combat in the Citadel of Radasanth. All Ixian regulars are encouraged to pressure your Captain to accept my challenge in order to prove that your teams are tougher than the Monster Hunters .
-William Arcus, Captain of the Monster Hunters

Remi: Finished (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=21838)
Talen: Accepted (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=22054)
Kyla: Accepted (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?p=174161#post174161)
Taka: Tentatively Accepted
Zerith: Accepted (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=21839)
Duffy: Accepted (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=22053)
Dorian: Not Accepted


Like the post says, William challenges all of the Ixian Captains to a game of “let’s see who the baddest man/woman/Taka is”.

Tainted Bushido
10-15-10, 05:59 PM
Like the mercenaries could say no to THAT.

Taka's in. Get in touch.

10-15-10, 06:32 PM
Accepted, but only after I've done Maudlin' For Memories, Beast With A Thousand Backs and Little Miss Monacle :)

Requiem of Insanity
10-15-10, 08:17 PM

A robed body moved through the throng of people as rumors abounded about the Monster Hunter's challenge. Though the intentions were good sport, one name was already crossed out as if the challenge would go unheeded. Truth be told there was good reason for this thinking.

One, Cassandra Remi wasn't a fighter. Jensen Ambrose proved that when he nearly killed her in the citadel. Two, Cassandra and William never got along to the point that her accepting his challenge was on the side of brashness, and even her deadly poisons would only help so much against the Revenant. She was slower, and chances were she wouldn't last for very long before she became a paste.

Still, the robed figure eyed the challenge, and with a few fingers traced Cassandra's name lovingly before retreating. The people looked to the hooded person, only a smile on the lips could be seen as they left the mess hall.

An hour later the robed figure returned, smile wider than before as a small note was left next to the Challenge. Carefully they hammered in the nail into the parchment written in blood. While by no means would it intimidate anyone but the weak, it was still about the dramatic flair.

Cassandra Remi and her team accepts your challenge, William Arcus.

The robed figure turned and headed away as the enigmatic immortal, Jensen, stepped forwards and read the sign before he looked back at the robed person, eyes lit with curiosity.

10-15-10, 08:57 PM
Talen lifted his head from his third bowl of tomato-lobster bisque as the room spread with excitment. The little warrior looked around and nearly went back to eating when whispers of Cassandra floated through the air. It was more than Talen could take and he got up and pushed his way through the crowd to the notice board.

A challange huh?

Talen lifted his hand and let a small amount of energy flow to his index finger. A small amount of black liquid formed and Talen quickly scribbled on the page. Talen Accepts. Satisfied Talen turned and walked back to the his table and another bowl of brisque. He ignored the few mutters he heard as he walked.

"That boy? Pft, that demon Arcus will tear him appart. I heard he tore off a giants monsters head because it looked at him funny."

"I heard it was because it insulted his mother."

It seemed some people thought it he didn't have a chance against the Monster Hunting Captian. Talen was more worried about the psycho Cassandra. She was the only captian that fightened the youth.

I hope to be going up to the next lvl very soon... so depending how long this starts I could be a brand spanking new lvl 3 ;)

10-15-10, 10:50 PM
Even as the halberdier stared at the piece of parchment on the notice boards, a smile gradually began to take shape. It had been a stroke of luck for the warder to come across the challenge to take on the juggernaught, but this was something even better. He was being called out by another one of the Nine. Such perfect timing, as Zerith was telling Sei that he wished to challenge another one of the mute's generals after he had heard of the fight between Jensen and Cassandra.

With his signature halberd in hand, the prince wrote at the bottom of the same piece of parchment. "Zerith, Captain-Commander of the Morian Army, accepts this challenge."

The monster hunter versus the general. This was really beginning to sound like a promising encounter. In fact, the prince was already starting to imagine how a victory would significant boost his public reputation. This was just what his team needed.

Amber Eyes
10-16-10, 11:21 PM
"No way!" Kyla glared at Anita as they strode together through the hallways. "I'm not gunna fight Mr. Arcus, or Cassandra for that matter." Kyla bit her lip the way she always did when she was trying to think of a good excuse, "I am very much above the bloodsport of the citadel, I'm a mother now for Thayne's sake."

Kyla continued her walk for a few moments before she realized Anita wasn't walking beside her. She turned around slowly to see her sister smiling at her with a new twinkle in her eye.

"You're scared that they're going to kick your ass and prove that you shouldn't even be a general aren't you?" Anita tried to stop herself from giggling at the thought. "Kyla Orlouge is scared of being shown up in the citadel. This is priceless."

"I'm not scared," Kyla protested a bit too loudly. "I'm just....ya know what forget it." Kyla turned on her heels, forcing the tray of food she'd been carying into Anita's arms. She walked quickly towards the dining room and tried to ignore the dozens of eyes that followed her every step. She finally reached the notice board and without giving herself a moment to back out she grabbed a piece of paper and quickly scribbled a note and a signature. She hung her note directly below the notice and walked away.


10-20-10, 06:14 PM
Remi, Zerith, and Kyla threads are up and linked.

Taka and Duffy will have theirs posted when our current threads together are finished.

H-man, do you want me to wait until you get your next level to start up our post? I only ask since you mentioned how close you were.

10-21-10, 12:28 AM
Oh, are we doing individual threads? I figured we'd have a free-for-all. Maybe we can wait for the Oni thread to be judged? That'll get me over.

Tainted Bushido
10-21-10, 12:47 AM
Me thinks a free for all would just end up in a bunch of Captains ganging up on Rev Cassandra and Sei. For fear of not being able to compete otherwise.

10-21-10, 01:27 AM
And thats bad why? :p I could sneak through with a win!

Silence Sei
10-21-10, 01:46 AM
And besides, Sei wasn't addressed in the thread.

Why? Because Sei's already spanked Willie once :D.

Tainted Bushido
10-21-10, 01:57 AM
And thats bad why? :p I could sneak through with a win!

Let Hoturi teach you how to use that Katana first, before Taka shows you how much you DON'T know.

Amber Eyes
10-21-10, 02:08 AM
Aww...I thought it was a free-for-all too! Now my reply makes no sense....that'll teach me to pay attention I suppose. Seriously though...an Ixian Knight general's free for all would be pretty darn awesome.

10-21-10, 08:48 AM
But good Lord, can you imagine the headache that would result from trying to maneuver this herd of cats?

All the fights are one-on-one, though maybe we can have a big Royal Rumble style knock 'em down afterwards in celebration of the Ixian Knights' first birthday anneversary or something. It could be the main line for a full day long festival.

Plus it would give us all a chance to kick Sei in the shins. :D

10-21-10, 09:06 AM
One more reason why it should be a FFA, then Talen could show Taka the merits of having a mixed fighting style :p

Let Hoturi teach you how to use that Katana first, before Taka shows you how much you DON'T know.

10-21-10, 09:59 AM
We don't need an excuse to kick Sei in the shins :p

10-21-10, 10:21 AM
*eyes light up with enlightenment*

Hey! You're absolutely right!

*kicks Sei in the shins ... hard*

Silence Sei
10-21-10, 03:17 PM
*Mystic Protection, bitch*

And I can use the thing seven more times. Thats one for each of you :P

Tainted Bushido
10-21-10, 03:27 PM
Can't MP what you can't see...

10-21-10, 03:32 PM
Wait until Duffy gets Wainwright's Riposte activated, then you're mine bitch :p

Silence Sei
10-21-10, 04:33 PM
Can't MP what you can't see...

Don't need to, the glass will handle that part for me.

Wait until Duffy gets Wainwright's Riposte activated, then you're mine bitch

Yeah, and then I'll get something to counter whatever it does on activation, and then MP your ass.

Or maybe I'll just sic the cactus on you.

10-21-10, 05:11 PM
It penetrates any barrier, and then rapes your soul, :p

Silence Sei
10-21-10, 06:04 PM
Then my soul itself will (what a twist!) be Mystic Protection!

That's a twofer, can't penetrate something that's a soul, and nor can you rape it. Muahahahah!

Tainted Bushido
10-21-10, 06:05 PM
Isn't that what Bleach is about?


10-21-10, 06:08 PM
Christ On A Stick(tm) you people are violent! I said "royal rumble" which means over the top rope people, not Gorefest 2010.

Rev grabs his head and his soul at the same time in ultimate frustration.

Enigmatic Immortal
10-21-10, 06:18 PM

Yup, you all just got it.

AND in case you didn't catch the reference...

10-21-10, 08:25 PM
Seth looked upon the note, slowly looking at each of the others before he chuckled softly. His eyes never left the note as he continued to read on, only slowly going through the words, until finally he shook his head slowly. Reaching into his pack he sat at the nearby table, drawing pot of ink, a quill and some paper before he penned his note;

What's the matter William? Too afraid of a Demon that you gotta mess around with your equals? When ever you feel like you found your balls, you know what door to come knocking on.

11-30-10, 07:45 AM
Yo Rev, you want to start up a thread? I am tired of waiting till I lvl up :p

11-30-10, 06:24 PM
Duffy tapped his fingers on the desk patiently, awaiting his battle to start despite the long cold trek across the cityscape to the Citadel.

He looked up at the announcement board, and then back at the piece of paper that had been delivered to him in the Prima Vista not two days ago.

Just what was William Arcus playing at? Didn't he know it was rude to keep a lady waiting?

12-28-10, 11:49 AM

Just a reminder that the threads for Talen and Duffy are linked in the original post.

12-28-10, 01:42 PM
Talk about slipping my mind, sorry Rev, I'm back on the ball with this :).

12-28-10, 10:26 PM
My bad, I'll get to it :)

01-14-11, 09:47 PM
Reply is up Hys. Still waiting for the Duffmeister to remember me.

01-15-11, 12:07 AM
I'll take you up on this offer after the Orochi quest. I simply don't have the tools yet to put up a good fight.