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Enigmatic Immortal
10-17-10, 01:15 AM
Winter nights were rather cold in Ixian castle, something Jensen didn’t really like at all. Having been frozen to death on several occasions was not a helping factor, and losing his friends to the cold made his opinion of the weather rather sour, but still, he had no choice in the matter. Stephanie had made it abundantly clear that living underground in the caves wasn’t healthy for Azza, and they moved to in the family district with relative ease.

The first thing they noticed was now the room they owned was a constricted to living quarters. They had a room, Azza had a room, and it was led into by a long hallway. There were two other hallways just like it at opposite sides, all with a small patio like area before attaching to a main room furnished for mass volume living. The three families would each share a kitchen, restrooms, and living space, but their personal sleeping quarters were their own realms.

Jensen kind of liked the idea the more he was exposed to it. The families created a small community that all worked and lived together in harmony. Fights were nearly non-existent in this particular grouping, and that was because Jensen was paired with Kyla and her newborn child, and his newest brother in arms, Zerith Draconis. They all worked together to feed each family, entertain each family, and watch each family’s kids so the parents could get a break. Jensen was even enjoying Jasmine’s cooking and sneaking into the rooms late at night when she was breast feeding her kid and getting her to be silent before resting again. Those wee morning visits were when he practically begged the woman for a sandwich.

Now it was a serene winter’s evening when the immortal looked out to his room seeing Zerith with a stack of folders, studying them with careful eyes and learning all he could about his new pole arms division. While all this was rather important, the knight didn’t seem to be enjoying himself. Only on Saturday’s would Zerith come out of his personal office and join Jensen to fight some unknown legendary creature, though most were lacking when compared to Ramah, the thunder lizard.

Stephanie at long last returned home, her body looking ragged as she moaned loudly and walked with a gimp. Jensen eyed her and swooped over his patio railing and ran to her, lifting her off her feet and nuzzling his nose into her cheek, kissing her softly.

“Ta’gaz beat the shit outta me,” Stephanie whined. “I didn’t even get in three minutes before he lifted his hand out and grabbed me by the neck and tossed me aside like a trash bag. Shit hurt to, and then to capitalize his victory he sprained my ankle when I tried to fight back.”

“Well, that sounds fun,” Jensen mouthed to her. Stephanie lifted her finger and gingerly ran it down the bridge of his nose. “Don’t expect me to be a good boyfriend and defend your honor. Ta’gaz is a monster and you’re the idiot for challenging him to a fight. This is kinda your fault, love.” Stephanie cooed to him, smiling before her eyes went narrow and her finger hooked one his nostrils. “AH SONOVA!” Jensen cringed as nearly dropped his girlfriend from the sudden pain.

“Mom’s home!” Azza shouted running down the hall to greet her mother. Stephanie lifted her finger and tapped it on Jensen’s forehead as he gently put her down. Azza slammed her full force into Stephanie’s waist, burying her face into her mother’s stomach and squeezing her tightly. He little straw hat nearly fell off from the impact, but one hand quickly righted it before it exposed the girl’s secret of her horns.

“I always can tell when mom’s home!” Azza joked as she looked to Jensen. “Cause you always scream like a girl, dad!” Azza giggled as Jensen pretended to chase her, rushing after her in mock anger, roaring like a monster as she squealed and jumped, hurtling over a couch and nimbly lifting herself over the table where Zerith was sitting at. She easily dodged his papers, not making a mess and the Halberdier smiled to her without even looking.

Perhaps he should have been…

Jensen easily moved over the couch, but his boots tripped on an untied lace and he face planted into the table scattering the folders all over the room. Stephanie groaned as she hobbled over quickly, Azza stopping instantly as she ran to help clean up.

“Gods be damned, Jensen! Say you’re sorry!” Stephanie ordered.

“Fuck my jaw hurts…” The immortal whined as his apology. Zerith smiled to him as Jensen pulled himself up and looked to the man. “Why you knee deep in this stupid shit anyway?” Jensen gestured to the papers as the general of the Ixian Knights started scooping the papers up.

“Azza say your sorry,” Stephanie interjected.

“Don’t apologize, Azza, you did nothing wrong,” Jensen quickly barked to his daughter.

“She shouldn’t have played so close to other people, it was rude of her to jump over his table like she did. She needs to learn to mind her manners when with other people!” She looked to Azza. “Apologize, sweetie, or you will not get dessert.” Azza made ready to pipe up.

“You apologize, and I’ll knock that to a whole week with dessert.” Azza’s jaw shut tight. Stephanie lifted herself up and slammed her fist into Jensen’s jaw knocking him over.

“FUCK STEPH!” Jensen shouted angrily. Zerith merely laughed as he finished scooping up the last of it, Azza apologizing, but making sure Jensen didn’t see it. Zerith moved over to the table and fixed it back so he could dump it all. “Ta’gaz really been beating that meat into you.” Stephanie grinned with pride as she flexed her muscles. Zerith smiled before he looked to the side, and then with a casual glance to his approaching wife and child he looked to Jensen.

“This is something I have been meaning to ask for awhile, and I was wondering if, well,” He looked back to his family and nodded in confidence. “Do you think you can convince Ta’gaz to train me? I want to defend my family and be stronger for them so they don’t have to fight.” Jensen lifted his eyebrows in surprise, before he grinned.

“Sure thing, buddy, but you know the man has an open door policy. Don’t need me to hold your hand on the way in, did you?” Jensen lifted a hand out and locked fingers. “It’s going to be okay, Zerith, we’ll get you through being a pussy,” Zerith pulled his hand back and laughed as Stephanie looked to him with more serious intent.

“You train with Ta’gaz and you better be ready for one hell of a beating. I’m his favorite student and he beats the shit out of me everyday. He doesn’t tolerate weakness, so if you have any, any reserves you best not bother.” Zerith eyed her gaze and matched it with his stern, determined eyes.

“Just give me the chance,” Zerith said with pride. Jensen smiled to him.

“Alright then, your funeral pal,” Jensen joked.

10-17-10, 01:11 PM
Throughout the ranks of the Ixian Knight, Zerith was probably unmatched in skill when it came to handling polearms. Sei himself was probably the only exception, but that could always be determined if the two ever sparred against each other. Yet the halberdier wasn’t an idiot, since he knew that should an opponent ever get in close to him it would probably mean the end of the warder. The simple truth was that when it came to Zerith’s skills in hand to hand combat, he really fell short. So while he had buried himself in his work over the past few days, it was really all just a front. The reality was he was also trying to figure out how he could solve this little problem of his.

The answer had been staring at him in the fact. Well actually it was more like the answer was living just down the hall from him. He had seen both Jensen and Stephanie come home several times battered and broken from their brutal training sessions with the one called Ta’gaz. Yet he knew for a fact that the lessons were definitely paying off, as he couldn’t think of any more fierce combatants than the couple. So the solution to Zerith’s situation became painfully obvious. He needed to be taught by Ta’gaz as well.

As the morning of the following day continued it’s casual pace, the halberdier was in fact walking to the dojo alongside the immortal. While the two men continued their trek through the halls of Ixian Castle, Jensen couldn’t help but let out another frustrated sigh before he had to open his big mouth. “So remind me why you have to be a big baby and need me to hold your hand? Are you afraid of the big, scary Ta’gaz? Cause I’ll tell you know, he’ll kick your ass just because of that if that’s the case. He doesn’t like to put up with little pussies.”

“Just shut up, Jensen,” Zerith retorted. “Look at it this way. Now I won’t have to feel bad when I kick your ass after a lesson or two. In a way, I guess I would see it as you asked for it, since you would be the one that brought me to the dojo in the first place.”

He decided it would be best if he didn’t mention he thought it was also so he could punch Jensen in the face when he tried to sneak into the prince’s room when Jasmine was breastfeeding again. Zerith did make a mental note to mention it to Ta’gaz later though, just in case the legendary fighter wanted another reason the kill the immortal. Maybe then Jensen would take a hint and learn that even delicious sandwiches could wait.

“I’m just saying,” it was Jensen who spoke. Apparently the image of punching the knight in the face was so interesting that the halberdier didn’t even realize his comrade in arms was talking again. “Are you sure this is a good idea? Ta’gaz doesn’t put up with shit in his dojo. I mean a lot of guys don’t even come back after the first day. The man is a fucking beast!”

“Worry about your own ass, Ambrose.” Zerith felt relieved his wife wasn’t around to hear him speak to the immortal; otherwise he was certain she would demand he apologize just as Stephanie did to Azza the previous day. “You’re just scared because soon you won’t be able to call me a pussy anymore. Oh no, what ever will you do then?” the halberdier responded dramatically.

Jensen merely laughed, grinning ear to ear. “Please, I know you won’t make it past today. Without your big stick you’re just a little puppy. Seriously though, I’m really going to enjoy watching Ta’gaz kick the living shit out of you. Then you’ll cry for Jasmine to come and kiss your boo-boos better, pussy.”

The conversation came to an abrupt end when the two finally stood before the doors that lead into Ta’gaz’s dojo. Judging by the sound of things on the others side, someone was definitely getting their ass kicked while others were groaning in pain. Staring at the doors, fear quickly crept into the warder, which he swallowed deep in his throat. Ta’gaz was just on the other side, and Zerith had no idea what kind of hell the man would put him through.

Patting his shoulder, Jensen tried to be comforting but failed miserable when he laughed again. “Well this is it, buddy. The beginning of the end for you.”

With that said the immortal quickly pushed the doors open and pulled the halberdier inside to learn what pain really felt like.

Enigmatic Immortal
10-18-10, 08:14 PM
“What pathetic attempts are these?” Ta’gaz shouted as he backhanded another potential student in the jaw so hard he spun on his heels and collapsed in a head atop of his friend who was kicked in the gut moments before. He sighed as he side stepped to the left, a soldier attempting to tackle him from behind soared forwards, and punched downwards with such finality the cry of pain echoed in the castle training hall.

“You call yourselves warriors?” Ta’gaz spat as he eyed Stephanie dispatching the last of her new recruits. In a heap they all breathed heavily, groaning as they held their heads in pain upon the blue training mats. She didn’t even look like she tried. “Pick yourselves up, this second, if you wish to train with me!” Nobody moved.

“I got ya one, Ta’gaz!” Jensen hollered from the doorway. “Mister general himself! Zerith Dra-pussiest. Pussy for short.” Ta’gaz smiled as he lifted his arms to his chest, eying his new pupil. The immortal removed his jacket with ease as he danced over to his love, both of them sending out probing attacks as he managed to break her stern face with a kind smile. Zerith looked up to Ta’gaz and offered his hand in greeting. With respect Ta’gaz shook the man’s hand.

“What brings you to my dojo, Master Dracosius?” The legendary warrior asked. Zerith built himself up to his regal height and spoke confidently.

“I wish to train in hand to hand arts with you, should you accept me. I expect no special treatment in these proceedings. Ignore my rank and treat me as you would,” He gestured to the fallen warriors. “As you would them.” He seemed to lose a bit of himself when he looked at the devastation. Ta’gaz eyed the pupil and nodded brining himself up to a defensive stance.

“With William Arcus I defeated him in three moves, with Stephanie I did it in two, with Jensen I did it in one,” He spoke proudly as Jensen turned his head, flipped Ta’gaz off, and received a vicious roundhouse kick from his lover. “I will defeat you, Zerith, without even touching you with my fists of feet.” The halberdier laughed at that, looking around as Ta’gaz turned to his favored student and shouted to her in a dialect that sounded like much harsher Akashiman. Stephanie bowed low, retreated away from Jensen and ran back with a training pole, tossing it to Zerith.

“You will use all you know to defeat me. I must see for myself what you are capable of.” Zerith lifted his hand up and twirled the pole as he caught it in his hands, feeling natural in the grip of the weapon. He tested it out a few times, maneuvered it with a few quick jabs before twirling on his heels and striking with a vicious thrust. “Impressive,” Ta’gaz admitted as he bent into a low attack pattern.

“I am at my best when with my favored weapon,” Zerith admitted. Ta’gaz looked to Stephanie, and she lifted her hand up and held it to signify when the match would start.

“Twenty gold on Ta’gaz in thirty seconds!” Jensen shouted. Ta’gaz snarled and Stephanie lowered her hand, signaling the starting duel.

In a flash Ta’gaz moved forwards, feet sounding like the charge of elk in the forest. Zerith was quick to lift his arm to a defensive position, the pole arm rising to the occasion. He jabbed twice at Ta’gaz’s feet, pulling back swiftly as he retreated a few steps. Ta’gaz avoided each strike with nimble agility, darting from side to side as if his feet were on fiery coals of an active volcano. Zerith did a low sweep, but what happened next alarmed and amazed all those in the dojo.

Ta’gaz’s hands punched downwards, snapping the pole arm at the head. His foot kicked the fallen debris forwards, and it slammed into Zerith’s face sending the halberdier stumbling. Ta’gaz’s body charged forwards, his free hand gripping the staff before Zerith could pull it away and pulled on it so Zerith fell forwards.

Like a rampaging rhino slamming into a wooden cart Zerith’s body was trampled, arms flailing outwards as the bulk of Ta’gaz stomped him underfoot. Zerith’s world spun as he rolled turning and attempting to get to his feet before Ta’gaz could retaliate. He swung his broken weapon forwards, but again Ta’gaz was prepared, gripping it and slamming his other hand into the wood. It snapped like a twig and echoed in the room like a breaking bone, and wielding two broken sticks Ta’gaz charged forwards.

“You rely to much on your skills with your weapon!” Ta’gaz shouted as he slammed one stick into Zerith’s arm. It broke from the impact and Zerith crumbled to one knee, seething in pain as he rolled back to his feet to attempt to fight off the rampaging warrior. “You cannot think of battle any other way save what you wield in your hands!” Ta’gaz’s other weapon slammed into the man’s knee, and Zerith lifted up in the air and collapsed, clutching his wounded leg.

“When I snapped your pole arm, you used what you had left, when I charged at you and crushed you, you still clutched to the useless weapon!” Every time Ta’gaz spoke with Zerith he beat him with his broken tools. Welts the size of thick rope began to appear on Zerith’s arms and feet. Zerith tried to roll away, but Ta’gaz pounced him like a puma, pinching his arms beneath his knees as he wailed into him.

“You are powerless, Zerith!” Ta’gaz said darkly before he slammed both sticks into the side of Zerith’s head, the wood warping and snapping from the impact as Ta’gaz let them flutter wistfully in the air away. The trainer stood over Zerith’s beaten corpse and lifted himself up, grabbing Zertih’s bruised fingers.

“But you are not hopeless,” Ta’gaz said to the man so only he could hear. “Go home, think about what I am about to ask you with your soul and your heart. Do not return to me until you ready to answer it. When you give me an answer I find passable, I’ll train you how to fight like a true warrior.” He gripped Zerith tightly on the shoulder in a respectful way.

“JENSEN!” Ta’gaz shouted. “My time?” The immortal whooped in joy.

“Forty five seconds. Worth the money lost,” He laughed like a jackass until Ta’gaz glared to him.

“That was forty five seconds you stood idle in my training dojo. Prepare for yours lessons, Jensen. You owe me forty five minutes of punishment.” Jensen’s eyes went wide in shock as Ta’gaz turned back to Zerith.

“Ah shit,” Jensen mumbled walking away to prepare for his daily training. Zerith weakly looked up at Ta’gaz. His face showed no hostility to the beating, showed no fear of the coming trials. He huddled only because his body forced him too, and Ta’gaz smiled as he saw a new student forming before his eyes.

“My…Ques…Tion…” Zerith breathed heavily, mouth coughing as he winced in pain. He opened his eyes a bit wider, realizing the extent of his beating as he attempted to stand. Ta’gaz looked to Zerith one last time before walking past him to train Jensen and Stephanie.

“Why do you fight, Zerith Dracosius? Answer me that, and I will train you.”

10-18-10, 10:54 PM
Things would have been far different if Zerith had his Amenzanil instead of the weapon Stephanie handed to him. Yet despite having his skills with his weapon of choice mocked and the absolute beating he received, the overall experience was surprisingly humbling. Ta’gaz had punished him tremendously, breaking him down until there wasn’t much left of him. Perhaps that was he intended to do all along so that he could remake Zerith Dracosius into whatever he saw in the halberdier. If that was the case, then the prince would go along with it.

“That’s...it?” the warder questioned as he had nearly caught his breath. Damn, it even hurt to just take a breath. How the hell was he going to explain the welts and bruises to Jasmine when he got home? He was absolutely sure she would be furious with him once she learned what he was doing. Slowly, he someone managed to climb to his feet, though he was slouched over and felt a little dizzy from the blow to the head. “You want to know why I fight?

Ta’gaz had just reached Stephanie and Jensen when he heard the man speak. His eyes widening in as he feigned a look of surprise, “You really think you’ve already discovered the answer? Very well then, Tell me why do you fight.”

“I’m just going to assume you don’t have a family of your own, Ta’gaz” Zerith managed to say before he began coughing once again. Each time it sent another jolt of pain through his body. “I fight for my wife and daughter. Not just to protect them, but to ensure that they themselves never have to take up arms. That way my daughter will never have to experience what it is like to take a life.”

“Well if you call that pathetic display you just performed ‘fighting’. I don’t see how on Althanas those two could possibly feel safe if you’re the only one to rely on. Go home, Zerith, before you waste more of my time.” Ta’gaz replied before he turned back around and ordered Jensen and Stephanie to prepare to go another round.

Anger rose deep within the halberdier, to the point where he clenched his fists tightly and grinded his teeth together. “No!” he yelled. “I will not be moved, Ta’gaz! I’m more than capable of keeping my family safe!”

Still standing with his back to the halberdier, Ta’gaz smiled. “Not yet,” he thought, “but you will be”

“Jensen! Stephanie! Go bring me four of those stones over there and place them in front of your friend.” Ta’gaz ordered as he pointed to a pile of rocks piled up against a well. The two obeyed without question, each one carrying a single boulder the size of a bowling ball in each arm. They dropped them before the halberdier and a loud, audible ‘thud!’ was heard, showing that each stone carried some weight to it. They were covered with dirt and looked like someone has just dug them up from somewhere just outside the castle. The master grinned when he saw Zerith frown as the warder looked the rocks.

“So what the hell is the meaning behind the rocks?” the prince asked as the immortal and his girlfriend went back to stand by their teacher. As they did, the warder tried to push one of the rocks with his foot in order to see just how heavy they really were.

“Your first training lesson, Zerith. Since you decided to try and dig your heels into the dirt, I thought this exercise to be appropriate. Those garden boulders before you weigh roughly fifteen pounds each. I want you to sand each one down into a perfect sphere that tie a rope around. In addition to that, each one must weight exactly seven and a half pounds. Should even just one of the four not be perfectly sphere or meet the precise weight, I will crush them into dust and you will start over again.” Jensen laughed loudly once Ta’gaz finished, muttering something about the “pussy” not having the slightest change of completing the task, and that he would probably just cry back to his wife.

“But that’s impossible!” the halberdier answered. “How am I to know when they reach the proper weight? Besides, I thought you were going to teach me how to fight, not have me play gardener for you or Sei!”

“I said I would train you, not teach you how to fight.” Ta’gaz countered in an instant. “Part of the challenge is figuring out how to do it. Though I suggest you get started, those boulders will not get any smaller by themselves.”

“Yeah, better hop to it, pussy” Jensen added with his trademark grin.

“Alright then Jensen, I believe it is time to pay off your debt to me.” Ta’gaz said as he turned around to get back to training the immortal and Stephanie, who just remained silent throughout the entire conversation, yet offered the halberdier a warm, encouraging smile.

“Fuck my life,” the immortal mumbled as he too turned his back to his brother in arms, leaving the noble to get started on his first lesson.

Zerith picked up one boulder at a time and carried them to one side of the room in order to ensure he was out of everyone’s way. “You have got to be kidding me, sanding rocks?” he told himself as he sat down on the ground and pulled one of the four stones do that he laid right in front of him. “There had better be a point to all of this.”

Regardless of if he thought it was pointless or not, Zerith soon found himself beginning to sand the first of the four boulders anyways. Somehow, a small part of him felt like Ta’gaz knew what he was doing, even if he seemed a little crazy and unrealistic.

Enigmatic Immortal
10-21-10, 07:28 AM
Ta’gaz monitored Zerith as he sanded the stone, making the paper smooth to the touch before discarding it for another. The four rocks he held were starting to take shape slowly, and Stephanie trained next to him on her dummy, beating it into submission while commenting on the good work the general was doing. Jensen had vanished from sight on some mission Sei had for the immortal, and Ta’gaz was happy for that. The immortal had no reason to be around while Zerith trained anyway.

He watched William Arcus enter his dojo, cracking his body as he prepared for a refresher lesson to keep his skills at peak performance, and Ta’gaz had thought about using the brute of a man as a lesson, but decided against it. He looked away from the general as he sanded his stones, looking to the demonkin.

“Yes, he’s a new pupil. Zerith has learned that in close quarters he’s absolutely useless.” Zerith’s sanding became harsher than before. “I didn’t even touch him with my feet or hands, so easily was he crushed.” William smiled as Zerith started to mutter to himself. “He thinks if he had his toy he could have beaten me,” Ta’gaz continued on, and at that Zerith stopped his sanding and looked darkly at the legendary warrior. “Is there something amiss, Master Zerith?” Ta’gaz smiled.

“He’s bating you…” Stephanie whispered loudly in a child’s song. Zerith however ignored the comment.

“I would kindly appreciate it if you could keep your comments to yourself,” Zerith said angrily. Ta’gaz smiled to him, and bowed to his lord.

“Of course,” Ta’gaz said glancing at William, who grinned wider as his voice lifted out to the halberdier. Like two pieces of charcoal grinding against each other he spoke gravely with a sinister smile.

“What’s the matter? Can’t take a few honest truths? If your skin is that thin, you won’t last long,” Ta’gaz nodded to William who voiced his master’s thoughts. Zerith looked to William, debated on saying something, but instead went back to his stones. His sanding became less controlled and Ta’gaz let out a triumphant chuckle before getting ready to fight William.


Hours later Ta’gaz breathed deeply as he clasped William’s hand and lifted the man up. His ash covered body, for the Revenant didn’t sweat more than flake away, was hauled to his feet as he flexed his fingers out. The legendary warrior commented on his fighting skills, and Stephanie looked to William, shifting from foot to foot as if she wanted to play too. Ta’gaz nodded and she ran at William, throwing out a few probing kicks as the demonkin moved into a fighting stance to defend against her.

While they fought Ta’gaz walked over to Zerith and looked down upon the general. His coat was removed, his back sweated, and several empty glasses of water were near his side as he continued to sand. Ta’gaz inspected each one in time, and as he reached the one the man currently worked on he let his fingers touch the stone.

“This one, you sanded it down further than the others,” Ta’gaz spoke confidently. “If you aren’t careful, it will get away from the others and you will have a harder time getting all four to be perfect and uniformed.” Zerith nodded as he angrily tossed the rock aside and rolled another to his feet, starting to sand it again.

Ta’gaz looked to his frustrated eyes, and with a deep calming breath the warrior brought his fist down and shattered the rock into several pieces. Zerith’s eyes went wide as the rock was sundered, and Ta’gaz lifted his hand back and smashed another rock. The halberdier looked to Ta’gaz, then to his rocks, and then back before he sighed, lifting himself up to his feet.

“If you don’t want to accept my teachings, than why are you even here?” Ta’gaz pondered. Zerith shook his head and headed for the pile of garden rocks. Smiling, Ta’gaz watched him simply grab another rock, bring it to where he was, and drop it off before grabbing another rock. He dropped it off, sat back down, and began to sand again without answering Ta’gaz.

“Very well, Master Zerith,” Ta’gaz said smugly. “You are stubborn, but I suppose that is its own virtue in fighting.” Ta’gaz left the man to his own thoughts.


“You think these are done?” Ta’gaz said darkly looking at four spheres two days later. “I can tell these are not seven and a half pounds.” Zerith shook his head and was about to speak up, but Ta’gaz lifted one of the stones and shattered it against a wall. Zerith’s eyes began to twitch at the destruction of his ball.

“That wasn’t a perfect sphere. It had a flaw, and I am sure when I look at the others I will find flaws. Would you like to take those rocks back, and try again?” Zerith looked at Ta’gaz, then to the rocks and scooped them up.

“As you wish,” Zerith said stubbornly turning his back to the trainer and heading to his little workshop.


“No, No, Maybe, No.” Ta’gaz’s fist smashed two rocks, and Zerith’s hand reached for his hair as he pulled at it, bloodshot eyes glaring at Ta’gaz. When he went for the third rock to destroy Zerith’s hand darted out and snatched it.

“What, by the Thayne’s, is wrong with them?” Zerith spoke with controlled fury, and the warrior smiled to the halberdier. He lifted up the fourth rock, showed him the bump that shattered its perfection, and then slammed it on floor, cracking it into several pieces. “I am starting to wonder if you even are looking,” Zerith muttered.

“And I am wondering if you are ready to take this seriously.” Ta’gaz countered with just as much spite. “You have two more tries, and then I will deny you my training.” Zerith’s eyes looked to Ta’gaz, and when he saw the man was serious he turned and stubbornly headed for the garden rocks to begin anew. He dropped the rock on the floor that was in his hand and left it behind him as he spoke under his breath.


Almost two weeks had passed and Zerith was nowhere close to pleasing Ta’gaz. Stephanie watched the man shave off layer after layer of the rock, stopping to pour water over the surface to wipe away any residual dust, and continue onwards. She looked to him as she trained and at last, after three hours of constant attacking the dummy her break was called. She collapsed next to Zerith, and the halberdier gave her a smile.

“Hello,” Stephanie breathed as she took heavy breaths. Zerith waved to her as he continued to sand the rock down. Stephanie wondered if she should offer her advice, or keep it to herself, but when Zerith’s eyes glared to Ta’gaz she realized the man was in need of a wake up call.

“The test isn’t so much in the sanding,” Stephanie said to the Ixian Captain. Zerith’s sanding slowed before he looked to her like she just told him he was married to a spider.

“What the hell is that supposed to mean?” The man asked her. Stephanie lifted a feeble hand and tapped Zerith’s chest.

“You’re way to stubborn to train under Ta’gaz. You came in here expecting him to just magically start teaching you how to crush people with your hands, but as you can see, Ta’gaz doesn’t do that.”

“No, he plays games,” Zerith spoke quickly and harshly. “Sanding a rock, what the hell does that mean, anyway?” Zerith looked to the man beating the tar out of several students for his daily hand to hand lesson for the general masses of the Ixian Knights.

“Wanna hear a story?” Stephanie tried changing tactics as Zerith slowly returned his gaze to her. He nodded, shrugging as he did so as he continued to sand the rock. “When William first came to learn from Ta’gaz he had the monster hunter build benches for the dojo. The one you sit against now was created by William himself,” Stephanie traced a finger along the edge, with no fear of getting a splinter from the wood.

“They are rather well built,” Zerith admitted.

“Point is, William was told each bench had to be the same. Each one had to be built exactly alike with no differences at all. Ta’gaz said ’Because you must make these benches exactly the same. Every measurement must be the same as the first one you build, and every nail must be in the same spot. You must hit the nail the same number of times for each nail,” Stephanie mimicked Ta’gaz stern voice and Zerith and she both laughed. “William worked on it for about three weeks, and at the end Ta’gaz trained William into the destructive close combat fiend he is.” Zerith looked to her, then he shook his head.

“But I don’t get the point of the stones,” Zerith pointed to them as if they were diseased and all his anger should have been apparent.

“That’s not the lesson,” Stephanie repeated. “Nor was it building benches,” She continued on. “I’ll give you one last hint, because it’s something you really do need to learn yourself. I had a trial as well, Zerith. It took me two days to start my training with Ta’gaz. That’s the fastest of any of his pupils. There’s a reason why I didn’t take so long,” Stephanie willed herself up to her feet, smiled to Zerith, and ran to Ta’gaz where he smiled to her and spoke to his class. When Ta’gaz began shouting at her she immediately obeyed, without hesitation or question as he demonstrated basic defensive stances.

Zerith watched her and Ta’gaz, and when he looked to his rocks he shoved them all away, seeing numerous flaws with them. “Thanks Steph,” Zerith whispered getting to grab a new set of rocks.


Zerith carefully moved around each rock, inspecting it with his tired eyes as Jensen looked at the others. The immortal touched them, rolled them, but he continued to insist he didn’t see the flaws that Zerith did. “You’re blind, Jensen! Look, this side is a tiny bit smaller than the other. Dammit all to hell, I may have to start all over!” Zerith looked to the pile of rocks.

“Whoa dude, I don’t think you need total overkill at this stage. Just present them, they are fine.” Stephanie looked to the rocks and shook her head.

“I dunno, it’s way to close to call.” Zerith sighed nodding his head in agreement. Ta’gaz stepped forward, looking over Jensen’s shoulder.

“Closer,” The warrior said with a smile. Zerith looked to Ta’gaz, sighed deeply, and then looked right at Ta’gaz.

“Can you offer me some advice, please?” He spoke, and this time there was no stubborn tone in voice, but sincerity to make them better. Ta’gaz looked to the rocks, and then back at Zerith.

“Place them in a bowl. If they aren’t perfect, they’ll teeter instead of roll.” Zerith’s eyes looked to his orbs, and then he nodded, looking around for a bowl.


At last, two and half weeks later, Zerith presented four spheres to Ta’gaz. The night was fast approaching and Zerith looked exhausted, his eyes tired from the constant hunching over. His spirit wasn’t damaged, however, as that eagerness to learn was surfacing in his face as he looked at Ta’gaz.

“They all weigh exactly seven and a half pounds, and they are all perfect in shape. Congratulations, Zerith.” The halberdier smiled in triumph, a sigh of relief escaping his lips. Ta’gaz looked to him, and Zerith looked back with respect before nodding and heading out of the dojo. “Tomorrow, I will chain these spheres to your hands and feet. Their weight will become a constant companion as you train. Each one must be lovingly tended to, because if they break you must sand them smooth again. And it the rocks ever weigh less than seven pounds, you must make a new rock.” Zerith looked back to Ta’gaz, and then nodded.

When the Ixian General was gone he turned to Stephanie and Jensen. With a smile. Jensen’s arm was wrapped tightly around her shoulders as he kissed her on the cheek.

“I thank you, Stephanie,” Ta’gaz said. Jensen looked to Ta’gaz and then he spoke at long last.

“I don’t get it,” Jensen asked. “Why did he have to do that? Why were you so hell bent on making him do it perfectly. The art of doing it nice, the right time?” Ta’gaz shook his head.

“Because he was too stubborn to accept me as his master. He viewed me as an equal, whether consciously, or subconsciously I do not know, but either way he would not learn from my teachings. Like with William I had to break them down and temper their humors so that they could see me not as an equal, but as the teacher they wish to learn from. Now Zerith is ready.” Ta’gaz said plainly.

“Couldn’t you just have, I dunno…ask him to tone it down?” Ta’gaz shrugged.

“Probably, but this way was far more fun.”

10-24-10, 11:38 PM
The last two and a half weeks were such a challenge that Zerith couldn’t believe the sense of relief he felt when he left the dojo. His patience had been tested and pushed far beyond its breaking point, but in the end he finally managed to succeed. He couldn’t help but feel excited as he imagine how Jasmine would react when she heard the good news, her patience and support had been a strong pillar the halberdier had leaned on at the end of every day.

When he finally entered the living quarters they shared with Jensen and Kyla, he found Jasmine sitting on the sofa. Dressed in her familiar blue dress and with her hair worn down and not tied up in any way, her head spun around immediately when she heard the door. As her blue eyes met his, a bright smile covered her face, “there you are. I was beginning to wonder when you’d get home.” Zerith began to wonder if she had purposely stayed awake to see him, but then as Jasmine rose to her feet and approached him he noticed she was holding Siela. The little girl’s eyes were nearly closed as she was probably trying to fight the urge to fall asleep. “She’s almost asleep,” Jasmine added.

Smiling warmly, Zerith didn’t waste a second before he quickly reached over and took his baby into his arms. “Oh, I’ve wanted to hold her all day,” he admitted. “You probably wouldn’t understand how much I’ve been missing the two of you these past few weeks.”

Pleased to her those words, the princess stretched up to onto her toes and lighting pressed her lips on her husband’s cheek. “Not nearly as much as we’ve missed you,” she said as she looked down at their daughter and smiled warmly. “Look, she’s already passed out now that you’re holding her.”

While at first he didn’t believe her, when Zerith looked down at Siela he realized that the young mother was telling the truth. Lying quiet and content in his arms the infant slept peacefully, safe and secure in her father’s arms. As a parent, the knowing that his baby felt so safe with him that she could fall asleep so quickly made him feel proud of himself. Yet, he was a little disappointed at the same time. “So much for spending some time to play with her,” he confessed to his wife as he walked further into the room. “Sanding rocks can get rather boring really fast, not to mention a pain in the neck as well.”

Jasmine rubbed her own neck ruefully as she walked beside him, “I know. I fixed you something light. I figured that since it’s already this late, you probably wouldn’t want a big meal.”

Even when he was getting beaten up by Ta’gaz or doing something that seems ridiculous like sanding rocks, Jasmine was still thoughtful enough to go out of her way to prepare some food for him even when she had to deal with watching Siela. It was a trait of hers that he truly admired. “Thank you, love. You really didn’t have to go through all the trouble of doing that for me.” He walked away from his wife as she stepped into the kitchen and headed into his daughters nursery. Once in there, he gently placed the baby in her crib and snuck back out of the room as quietly as he could, though not before he planted a quick kiss on Siela’s forehead. When he finally returned to the kitchen a few minutes later, he quickly took a seat at the table. “At least I can come home with some good news tonight,” he said before inviting Jasmine to sit beside him.

“Oh? And what would that be?” the princess asked as she took a seat beside him and placed a plate of food in front of the halberdier. When he noticed that she didn’t have a plate of her own he merely assumed she had already eaten earlier.

The warder had to wait a minute to answer in order to ensure his mouth wasn’t full of food when he spoke. Though when he did talk, he grinned from ear to ear. “I finally managed to pass Ta’gaz’s test today. I know it took me about two and a half weeks, but now he says he will train me.”

Jasmine was beaming when she heard the news, apparently understanding just the weight the words carried with them. “Oh good!” she exclaimed. “That’s great news, Zerith! I’m sure you’ll do fine, love.”

It was only natural for her to say such a thing, she didn’t have the luxury of trying to go a round against the legendary warrior. “I don’t know, Jasmine.” Zerith admitted as he knew she was the one person he could trust the most. “He’s a very hard teacher. I can’t begin to describe the severe beating he gave me on the first day. I’m just glad you weren’t there to see me at my worst”

The young woman chucked, “No, but I sure felt it. This may be a very interesting time for the both of us.”

Did she not think he was being serious? Ta’gaz didn’t just give him a beating, the man crushed the warder with near effortless skill. Here Zerith was confessing that he wasn’t so sure of himself now and she was just laughing and trying to crack a joke? It was rather confusing. “What do you mean? As I’m sitting here I’m beginning to wonder of this was a good idea in the first place. Maybe I should just quit and save us the time. I’ll probably just end up failing anyways.” His head lowered as he confessed his doubts and absentmindedly began to play with his food.

Her delicate hand gently touched his shoulder while the other reached for Zerith’s chin and pulled his face up so his eyes met hers. “Don’t say that,” her melodious voice said softly, “You’ll do fine. It may take a bit, but even Jensen and Stephanie come home beaten and they’ve been training with him for a while now.” Jasmine stopped for a moment, lifting her one hand off her husband’s shoulder only to brush some of his curly hair away from his face and press against the skin of his cheek. The warmth his brought was comforting, even soothing in its own way. “No quitting, sweetheart. I will be tough, but you already know that. Just watch, you’ll get through this and be much better for it.”

Pulling his face away, Zerith shook his head, “You just don’t get it, Jasmine. He want to chain these rocks to my limbs and have me train like that now. My arms and legs will feel like paste! Can you imagine how you will feel when you try to carry Siela?”

“I only get a portion of what you get,” she replied. It was a good point, noting that this unique bond they shared only meant they shared a small amount of pain the other felt. Recently it had been a big deal concern to Zerith. Knowing that he was causing some pain and discomfort to Jasmine by doing this new training only made the warder feel bad for it. Yet apparently that didn’t faze the princess one bit. “We’ll get though this,” she reassured him. “Even if it means I have to get help to do things. I will not let you quit, Zerith.”

Once again Jasmine made another good point, one that the halberdier should have known. If only he had a much confidence in himself as Jasmine seemed for have in him. At least he could take some comfort in the fact that she wouldn’t let him give up, and he knew she meant those words. Sighing deeply, he gave in to his wife’s opinion. “Fine, I guess I’ll try to push work through it.” Suddenly he found himself smiling when his mind quickly came up with an idea. “After I pass his last test, I want you to dress nice. Okay?”

The princess responded with a huff and stuck her nose up in the air. Yet the slight hint of a smile suggested that she was only pretending to be offended. “What do you mean “nice”? Am I not dressed nice now?”

The attempt at cheering the halberdier up worked, as the smile that quickly appeared on his face proved that it did. He still rolled his eyes at Jasmine little act and decided to explain the reasoning behind his sudden request. “I mean that assuming I’ll still be able to use my legs when Ta’gaz is done with me and that Kyla or Stephanie can watch Siela for us. I am going to take you out to celebrate. I want to have one night for the two of us to just relax and unwind.”

The idea made Jasmine laugh with excitement. “Oh, I rather like this idea. I like it quite a bit actually.” The last sentence was spoken much quieter then the first and small touch of desire was added, hinting at something the princess was thinking of.

“Good, I hoped you would like the sound of it,” Zerith admitted, pleased to see the reaction of his wife. “Besides, maybe this will give me a little incentive to stick with the training.”

“Oh yes, I think I’ll go shopping and buy a new dress…but I won’t wear it until that night. Until then it will hang on the closet door to remind you of what I’m planning on wearing.” Jasmine plotted, she even stuck her tongue out at the prince, taunting him.

Zerith laughed at her behavior, “Now you’re just starting to be a tease.”

“That’s the idea,” Jasmine confessed and winked at the noble. Zerith was finding himself becoming more and more attracted to his princess, especially with all the not so subtle hints she was giving him. He was quickly wondering how far she planned on taking it, and the fact that she continued didn’t help either. “Can’t I tease my husband?” she asked while she played with the neck of his shirt.

He was really beginning to enjoy this little game she was decided to play with him. It was quickly growing to the point where he was eagerly looking forward to seeing how far she wanted to take things. So he decided to play along, “Yeah, I suppose you can. I’d just be careful if I were you.” He quickly rose from his chair and walked behind the beautiful woman. Placing one hand each of her shoulders, he lowered his head and whispered into her ear. “You know this training will probably increase my stamina, right?”

Jasmine laughed at the comment, delighted to see that her husband had quickly picked up on what she was suggesting. “That could be good in a number of ways.” Reaching over the table, she collected the empty dishes Zerith had left, got up off her chair and placed them in the empty sink. Once she did that, she quickly walked back over to the warder and stood in front of him before she affectionately wrapped her arms around him.

Unable to resist from grinning ear to ear, Zerith loved this sudden attention he was receiving. “Alright then, I would definitely call this incentive. Ta’gaz should be quite surprised to see just how well his new student pays attention and listens to him.” He began to absentmindedly trace a finger or two down Jasmine’s back. “This should be fun.”

“You’d better. ‘Cause if he has to repeat a lesson…” she threatened, even going as far as to wave a single finger at the halberdier. Yet the smile that remained and the tone in her voice clearly showed she was only joking.

“Oh, now you’re just scared I’ll fly through the other lessons,” Zerith teased.

“Oh I doubt you’ll be permitted to fly through any lessons,” Jasmine replied with a laugh, “but I’m sure you can try.” She slid one of her hands across her prince’s chest, admiring all the muscle that was hidden behind the thin fabric of his clothes. “In the meantime, I have missed you while you’ve been so busy with those rocks…” Her eyes locked on his as she spoke, her voice rich with desire and the promise of pleasure in his near future.

“I heard,” Zerith responded. He smiled mischievously as he thought about what ideas could have possibly going through his wife’s mind. “So what are you implying, love?”

As soon as the words escaped his mouth, Jasmine quickly captured his lips with her and gave him a long, deep kiss. It was enticing, suggesting exactly where she was planning on taking things with her spouse. When she finally broke the embrace, she rose up onto her toes so that Zerith could practically feel her breathe on his neck before she whispered in his ear, “What do you think?” She looked at her husband with the seductive gaze of a succubus, and quickly pressed her body up against his before slipping out from his arms with ease and begin heading toward their bedroom.

When Zerith’s eyes saw what she where she was going, he grinned from ear to ear. “What can I say? I guess I probably could use a good workout.”

Yet a small part of him hesitated when he remembered that he had wanted to wait for Jensen and Stephanie to come home in case they also wanted to celebrate Zerith’s achievement in the dojo. However, that part of him was quickly seduced as well when Jasmine looked back one final time. She had opened the door to their room, and slowly slipped one of the straps that held her dress in place off her shoulder. Her other hand ran along her hip and up even higher, causing Zerith to already visualize those naked curves of hers and the soft skin she possessed. “You coming?” she asked. One final question for him to answer and the right answer would promise him a long night full of untold pleasures and satisfaction. Only the Thaynes could have known what was in store for the halberdier.

“Of course, I’d be crazy not to be,” Zerith answered and followed Jasmine into their room in a heartbeat. Jensen and Stephanie were quickly forgotten. Yet the warder was sure that should the roles of the couples be reversed, Jensen would have done the exact same thing. Even if the immortal couldn’t resist the urge to say something tomorrow or even if Ta’gaz decided beat the warder until he was covered in welts and bruises. Zerith knew that Jasmine would make it all worthwhile. She always did.

Enigmatic Immortal
10-29-10, 02:51 AM
Ta’gaz watched as Zerith and Jensen made their way into the chamber of his dojo. Stephanie quickly followed in behind them, waving goodbye to Tobias Greenleaf as the elf darted away to begin her instruction on the matters of agility in a war scenario. Ta’gaz had only been in two wars, and both of them had tested his skills greatly, but this coming one was a matter that would define men like himself, Jensen, and Zerith. It was one thing to fight one on one, but in mass?

Still, the basics had to come first, and Zerith had taken the time to temper his emotions and begin learning in earnest. It was now up to Ta’gaz to mould the general into a warrior the people could respect in all aspects of war. The halberdier looked to his rocks, finding them modified from the previous night to have a hole in the middle which was filled with a rope to tie to his body.

“Today, I will teach you some fundamentals, but first,” Ta’gaz said pointing to them. “Wear your new battle gloves and greaves.” Zerith smiled as he lifted them up, and placed the rope into his hand and began to tie it off. He did the same with the rest of his set of rocks, and when he was ready he tested his reach, and his arms strength out. He found that it was significantly shortened and he had trouble keeping his arms up.

“Lift your hands up, and hold them out for an hour everyday during your stretching exercises.” Ta’gaz ordered as he pointed to Jensen and then to a spot near Ta‘gaz. The immortal dashed over quickly and twirled to stop before Ta’gaz in a childish bow. “Jensen will be sparring partner today. Then it will be Stephanie, then Jensen again as the days go on. You will find that while both have studied under me, they are vastly different in the arts of combat. You will take this opportunity to learn how to defend yourself first. Before that can begin, I must see how you defend.”

“First, punch at Jensen with all your might.” Ta’gaz turned to Jensen and whispered something in his heavy dialect. The immortal nodded and prepared. Zerith looked to the man, smiled, and charged up a punch and tossed his arm out. Jensen’s fist flew upwards, knuckles striking under Zerith’s palm on the flat flesh of his closed fist and pushed it way off course.

“The art of misdirection is not lost to you, Master Dracosius,” Ta’gaz said evenly. “You simply attack and push your opponent’s attack aside to wherever you wish it to do so. Now, Zerith, I want you to kick Jensen.” Zerith bounced on his feet a bit before tossing his foot out, and Jensen quickly balled up and let the kick hit his upraised leg.

“Heh, simple blocks huh?” Ta’gaz nodded. “Okay, I suppose you want me to strike him again?” Ta’gaz nodded as Zerith took a moment to decide how to strike, and with quick movements he began to run at Jensen, arms swinging. Jensen’s body fluidly began to flow around each swing and kick, his dance style of fighting clearly showing that in the current state the halberdier was in, he would never strike the immortal even once.

Zerith pulled his arm back tiredly, feeling his muscles already protesting to the rocks. Ta’gaz chuckled as the man cradled them on his body, half leaning over. “I take that as simple avoidance.”

“You would be correct. Notice however, that Jensen never gave up his ground to you, but kept you moving around him. It seemed like you were in control, but the way he moved decided how you would follow up.”

“Can’t touch me!” Jensen taunted as he grinned widely. Ta’gaz’s closed fist slammed into Jensen’s neck, and the immortal crumbled on the spot. “Ow…” He whined. Zerith took in a few heavy breaths, and then lifted himself up again.

“Looks like you can,” Zerith replied back getting into a fighting position. Ta’gaz barked to Jensen and the immortal nipped up and stood ready. When the legendary warrior nodded Zerith charged inwards again, but as his foot made contact with the blue mat, Jensen’s fist hit him square in the nose knocking the man flat. Zerith rubbed his face and groaned as he looked to Jensen, who shrugged and let out a exaggerated chuckle.

“To defend yourself, sometimes you need to anticipate the actions and counter in kind. A sharp feint can be exploited by just attacking them before they can finish their maneuver. I want you to learn these defensive styles, picking the ones that suit you best. Strike at Jensen all day if you want, but you will not rest until I say so.”

Jensen lifted his hand out to Zerith to help the general up, but Zerith did a sweep kick quickly to trip the immortal. With a grunt of exerition Jensen stomped his foot down, planting it as the leg hit his full force, but didn’t knock him flat. Jensen’s fist came down with blinding speed, stopping inches before Zerith’s left eye. Instead of hitting him back, he patted the man on the head lovingly.

“You ain’t got the moves to catch me, Zerith.” Jensen smiled to him as he lifted the man up. Zerith looked to Jensen with determined eyes.

“Oh, but I will one day. Just you wait.” Ta’gaz smiled to Zerith, nodding politely as he took his steps back.

“Tomorrow you will defend yourself against Stephanie, then the next day against Jensen. When you feel ready, you may move forwards in your training to fight one of them for five minutes. Good luck, you will need it.”

((However you wish to progress your training is up to you, montage, talking with Jensen, Saturday fight night, I don’t mind.))