View Full Version : Irony of Chaste

10-23-10, 06:52 PM

It had been roughly a month since Aislinn had moved from the caves of the Tomb into Ixian Castle. The transition had been rough, but her team had managed to store things away properly, and they settled into their normal routine fairly quickly. With only the occasional injury due to the repairs the castle needed, and the sprucing up to make it hospitable, her field medics received plenty of practice in treating minor wounds, with only the occasional broken bone from a rather foolish mistake. Aislinn herself had found she could no longer have her quarters adjacent to the area reserved for the infirmary, and was moved into the sleeping areas with the other residents.

That had served to create much ire in the Mystic.

Things had finally returned to a semblance of their former calm when she felt it. At first it was a nagging feeling in the back of her mind. The kind that often follows a mistake that is too late to take back. The Witch however frowned looking upon everything, and seeing the perfect order her medics had instilled in the castle's infirmary. Much larger than the previous room they had used, this place could easily accommodate hundreds, if not a thousand people. The beds had been set in perfect order to allow for the maximum distribution of infirmed. Still the nagging feeling crept through her mind, causing a bit of irritation as she moved down an aisle of beds, looking to make sure each was properly maintained.

It wasn't until Aqshy came at her, unbidden that she realized something was terribly wrong. The wind screamed into her mind, causing her to stumble a step, and causing the other medics in the room to ask her if she was alright. She quickly pushed them away, more than certain they would only do so to their detriment as she hissed, "Stay back!"

Managing to find her footing, she felt Gyrhan flood into the room, and hurtle straight at her. Her clothing moved in the dead air in reaction to the powerful force of the wind tearing at her, and one of the medics screamed as a gash opened upon her leg. Still, the witch held a firm resolve as she began to manipulate her connection to the winds. While she had no control over them, and what they did, much like any good wind, she could shut the window and let it pass harmlessly by her. The process was difficult and only made more so, by the fact the winds themselves were screaming in rage at the Witch. Her hair fell loosely about her shoulders, even as she moved quickly to cut herself off from the winds retaliation.

Uglu the midnight wind came next, tearing at her, with such ferocity that bruises appeared across her skin. Uglu attacked any weakness it could find, tearing at her throat and chest. The welts and bruises adding up as Ghyran came in for another attack, this time around an arm. Aislinn ignored it as she clenched her hands into fists, trying desperately to ignore the winds in her bid for freedom. The winds continued to scream, even as she noticed the flame of the torches rising in intensity, preparing for a deadly assault. Her students moved towards her before she snapped, "Do you wish to be killed too? Stay back, and if you must do something, go get Sei!"

Two rushed out of the room screaming for Sei at the top of their lungs. It would possibly not take the Mystic long to find her distraught students begging him to help their teacher. Still she focused on closing the barriers, before she hopped back a step, avoiding one of the torches flames that sprung right at the spot she was. Shaking her head she dropped concentration and shouted, "Get out of the room now! I'll remain in here, let no one else in unless it is Sei!"

Jumping backward, she felt herself hit a wall and let out the rarest of curses as she spun to find the winds had blocked her escape, and were trying to close her in. She closed her eyes as she focused, on shutting herself off from the winds once more. Sweat poured from her brow as she ignored the wind's anger and screeches that she had betrayed them from her mind. She could tell that the others had joined the initial four in their onslaught as more cuts scrapes and bruises joined her body.

Beds were tossed about carelessly as they continued to assault the witch, being deposited in front of the doorways, and eliminating any chance of help. She fell to her knees as the pain started overwhelming her, and finally with one final push she felt her connection to the winds shut off. The torches returned to the dimmest light. She panted softly looking about her infirmary, even as she remembered the words the winds had thrown at her;





She saw the thin streams of blue blood running down her arm and leg and shook her head slowly. Aislinn had no clue as to why she would be targeted by the winds in such a matter, but she knew that they were furious over what had occurred. To go so far as to attack a Witch meant that what had occurred was something of the largest of mistakes. Her mind raced with what could have possibly done such a thing when a stack of beds went flying across the room, giving access to the form of her worried uncle.

10-23-10, 07:28 PM
What happened? The words of her uncle filtered into her mind, even as she gathered enough composure to be moved to a bed. Two had managed to flip one of them and place a mattress upon it again. While many of the others were in the process of repositioning and fixing the infirmary, two hovered about her making sure their teacher was okay. Her mind raced with thoughts and possible solutions to the inquiry before she shook her head and answered truthfully;

“I do not know, the winds were angry and they attacked me. I have no clue why.”

Did they attack anyone else? Sei asked. The straightforward questioning was helpful in sorting Aislinn’s mind. She hissed softly as they moved to clean her wounds and looked at her student’s for a moment. Shaking her head Sei pressed more, Are you alright?

“I am fine, they did not get to attack for long. I will not be able to do any witchcraft for awhile, but I am okay. It could have been much worse. I’m glad Shyish did not get a chance at me before I cut myself off,” Aislinn said firmly. Bandages moved over her arm and leg while she thought fully before Sei asked the next question;

What of Felicity?

Aislinn was off the bed and running to the hallways screaming her sister’s name. Her eyes scanned over the area, looking desperately for a sign of the small cat. She was soon rewarded with her efforts when she felt a mass of black fur crash into her chest. Instinctively her arms wrapped about the small creature before she checked upon the cat. A clawed paw pushed against her lips before the first question was asked as she felt her sister in her mind, Are you alright sis?

“I could say the same to you sister!” Aislinn replied, looking her sister over. Because of their bond forged in witchcraft she had no reason to disbelieve that the winds would not attack her as well. The eyes of her sister were still the deep blue they had always been. Something seemed off however, and Aislinn carried the cat into the infirmary, checking her sister over and finding nothing blatantly wrong.

I felt the winds, but they just washed over me, they didn’t attack me like they did you. Are you alright sister?

“Shyish didn’t reach me before I cut myself off, but they passed over you? Did they say anything?” Aislinn asked her sister. The cat looked down for a moment in thought before it shook it’s head and looked up at her sister. The cat then nuzzled into her sister’s chest lovingly and said firmly;

I’m glad you’re safe sister.

As am I. Sei said firmly. He then looked to Aislinn before he pressed, Does this have anything to do with your practices in Witchcraft?

“It shouldn’t. I have done nothing to anger the winds, and even though they attacked me, I’ll be singing with the dusk tonight. I have no reason to believe they would attack me without reason though. If I knew any other Witch, I could check with them, but the one who taught me, left a long time ago, and we both agreed it best never to meet again,” Aislinn explained.

She looked down at her sister before she frowned and lifted her up, looking deeply into her sisters eyes. Finally she asked, “Felicity, do you feel any different?”

Felicity soon settled into her sister’s lap, even as her students once again hovered about her. The cat soon shook it’s head before she spoke, I feel no different, I mean my connection with you is still there, though it’s feeling emptier than usual, possibly because of you cutting it off. The only thing is the spot of my mind for mystic protection feels a little funny.

“What do you mean?” Aislinn asked frowning. Sei crossed his arms and looked over the cat before he furrowed its brow and looked up at Aislinn.

Try to flick my nose Sis, like you used to when we were kids and Dad would yell at us. Aislinn casually flicked her finger forward and hit the cat on it’s nose, causing it to howl out in surprise before she looked up at Aislinn, It’s gone sis! It’s not there anymore!

“What do you mean “it’s” gone?” Aislinn asked.

Mystic Protection, it’s gone!

Aislinn frowned before she looked up at Sei, “My protection is still there, but Felicity’s is not. I’ll have to conduct a few tests, and I will see if I can not figure out what is going on. Do not worry, I have a feeling the winds were just feeling a bit spiteful, and I can convince them to undo what has been done.”

10-28-10, 02:54 PM
First Week of Thaw

I begin a new journal entry in the hopes of figuring out the latest malady. My research upon my sister provided much information and going through my previous journals I have come to rediscover avenues previously pursued. While I still do not know the reason the Winds of Magic attacked me, I felt it prudent to check my sister and in doing so came to the realization her Mystic Protection, the most basic spell any Mystic can learn given time and opportunity, was missing. At first I perceived this as mischief upon the Winds of Magic part. However, as I began a thorough examination of my sister I found her aura had changed considerably.

It was not until the papers came out with an explanation three days alter, that the truth became known to me. The Mystic race had suffered near extinction. The slight that had to have been given to the winds of magic, must surely be large, given the nature of the malady. Nearly a third of the Mystics that had been attacked by the winds of magic, had become human. Many had miscarried, to the point that no new mystic would be seen for at least nine months. Even more curious was the fact that the Mystic’s ability to procreate rapidly had been dulled for the moment. It seemed as if the Winds of Magic were punishing the race that had given them some of the greatest devotions.

I smell the scent of Ulgu and Hysh upon this, though my interaction with the wind of light has been nearly non-existent. The wind of Shadows, Ulgu was however one of my favored winds, for it taught me to make the trinket that even now keeps me safe from the minions of the Realm of Shadows. What this could mean I do not know, only that my research upon my sister brought for the most disturbing of facts. Felicity has reverted to a normal cat in every regard, except for the fact she retains her telepathic powers, while simultaneously holding onto her mind. She has mentioned it is not any more difficult to think as a human, though she was never one to shy from her animalistic nature either.

Perhaps that will allow her to retain her mind, if not her connection to me born through witchcraft.

Since this malady seems almost entirely based around the Mystics I have kept my connection to the winds of magic closed. The problem with this has become when I cannot use the winds to further my aims by asking of them questions. I may have to open up to the winds soon, if I wish to understand why they have rallied for the cause of causing the Mystic’s extinction. Even now I am more than certain they sought to kill me because of my more intimate relation with them. I will give them time to cool off, even as I continue my devotions of Azyr, hoping that in doing so it will tell the other winds not to attack once I do open up again.

This is troubling for me to bear witness to such sad times. My thoughts turned to my father and brother for the first time ever. Never one to reminisce about family it had opened me up to a whirlwind of emotions I had long since closed myself off to. I am more than certain my students are wondering why I seem out of my element currently, and I can only hope they never find out. My personal life is not to be paraded about like some whining orphan seeking attention. What has happened the last seventeen years is my own story, and one I shall tell only when the time is appropriate. Until then, I shall only have to hope that my family is safe, as much as writing these words irks me.

It is odd what the bonds of blood do to the heart.

10-28-10, 04:31 PM
Are you sure you wish to do this?

“Please dear Uncle, I already question the sanity in performing this task. Do not tempt me back from the brink any further,” Aislinn replied firmly. Her eyes closed as she steeled her will towards retouching the winds of magic. It had been a week since she had been attacked in the infirmary, and the cuts had gotten noticeably slighter thanks to her student’s attentions. She knew better than to try and treat it herself, for all the good she had done to herself on the road, she had also pushed herself on the road as well. She had no right to heal herself, and only commented to catch the occasional slip.

She now stood in the courtyard of Ixian Castle, the open area suited to fighting should she need to. The open area also gave the winds little to toss about, and would hopefully not distress the other Knights greatly. Other than the torches on the wall, AIslinn could see nothing the winds could use as a potential threat, but then again she was assuming what was present, was all they had. Sei himself stood at the ready, his weaponry in hand, but even that seemed more a concession to his mind. Allowing it to prepare for battle, even as they both knew his weapons would do nothing against the forces of magic itself.

I will understand if you don’t want to go through with this. It is almost assuredly suicide. Unlike last time, they’ll be waiting for you, Sei counseled. Aislinn stiffened before she looked back at her uncle with a baleful eye.

“I did not get this far by taking the easy path. Do not insult me by assuming I would now,” Her voice held a bit of the regal tone that she had once had. Being a member of the Orlouge family was a boon that few people could say they enjoyed. Though each was ludicrously crazy in their own way. Each was also courageous in the fields which they sought to grow. Aislinn was more than certain there wasn’t a malady she couldn’t cure given time and patience. Though she was generally not a warrior, the malady thrust upon her race was something that had kindled the motherly instinct within her. Her eyes had hardened considerably with Sei’s encouragement that he would think no different of her, and had committed her to action.

Fair enough, The younger mystic offered. She detected a hint of amusement in his “voice” as he replied in kind. Knowing that was probably the reaction he was hoping to get with his first question Aislinn merely snorted softly in disgust at the blatant mind game. Still, this was no time for a debate on the effectiveness of the heavy handed tactic. Her eyes focused on the wall in front of her before she loosely held her staff at the ready. Though no tool of war, she had used it once before in such a manner, only to be violently reminded that she was no warrior. She was a Witch, and as such was better suited to subtly dismantling her foes. She had learned her lesson when she had fought a particularly haughty drow, and though those scars remained, she also knew that she had learned the winds were her only ally.

It was time to talk to her dear friend.

She reached through the veil she had hidden herself behind, to look upon the winds of magic. Immediately they pounced, moving about her furiously. The courtyard had only moments ago dead, the wind barely registering with the thick walls to protect those within. Now, the wind blew in a furious hurricane, even as it whipped about at Aislinn’s clothing, ranting and railing. Closing her eyes she softly began to sing, ignoring their words as she continued to seek Azyr’s hand to stay its brothers. She did not have to wait long, before the winds died down, though still very much hostile. Her witchcraft it seemed would not be usable, until she had won them back over.


The song was halted immediately, even as Aislinn spoke to the open air. To anyone listening ti would seem like madness, but everyone knew that Aislinn was far from crazy. Her eyes looked upon the spirits that were being used to represent the various winds. Each a carbon copy of her, looking back upon her with anger in their eyes. Perhaps this was a reflection of her face, when she had first joined the knights. Though now, she could see why she had put off such a hostile mood in the infirmary the first few days. She closed her eyes and spoke candidly, letting her uncle listen in on the conversation, or at least her side, “We have much to discuss, for now, why?”

The Witch asks us why? Curious, has your own soothsaying revealed nothing?

“Very funny, I have no eyes you do not grant me, other than those I was blessed with at birth. I have no ears you do not grant me, other than those I was blessed with at birth. I cannot find anything out, other than what you grant me, as this was entirely your doing. I know this to be true,” Her tone was neither accusatory, nor was it sarcastic. It seemed a measured tone between respect and disinterest. The winds whipped about her furiously, though no new wounds appeared upon her skin.

Perhaps you should ask your cousin. Perhaps your Uncle could enlighten you, he should know far more than us…

“I assure you, if my Uncle had any inkling he would have told me. As it is we are already looking for Kylanna, but even that is slow in moving-“

Do not speak that HERETICS name!

“I cannot fix what she did if you do not tell me!” Aislinn yelled back. Her hand gestured to the side even as the winds howled at her defiance. They finally died down as they came to a halt. No new wounds were upon her flesh, but Aislinn was obviously wounded by the harsh treatment. She softened her stance before she brought a hand to her forehead, feeling the beginnings of a headache. “Please, we have been through so much together, can you not let me help you? I have in the past, why now do you distrust me?”

Mystic Magic has corrupted us with the most foulest of rituals. It will not be easy to correct such a slight. You are a mystic are you not? You carry the heresy in your veins, do you not? Do you wish us to remove that heresy, and in doing so remove you from our ire?

“I do not bear traditional Mystic Magic other than the protection spell every mystic knows. Even that could not have angered you. What happened?”

Someone most foolish combined Hysh and Ulgu, further, they accomplished nothing than fulfilling a selfish desire!

“And they have not healed?” Aislinn asked incredulously. The winds whipped about her slower, much more akin to a friend than the conversation had started as. Finally they whispered conspiratorially;

We have taken our vengeance Witch. Though your death was meant to occur, you were wise in shutting yourself off until the rage had passed. We will not harm you, though we are leery of the aid you wish to give us. We will not attack you, but know that you may be given restrictions on your power. We will discuss, continue as you must, and know your witchcraft for now will go unimpeded. In the future, you will find out our ire if at all.

Aislinn closed her eyes softly, almost sorrowfully, “As you wish.”

11-05-10, 03:06 PM
The war room that was in Ixian Castle was a far more regal place. The space it occupied was far greater than ever before. On one side of the room was a map of Corone, waiting for a general to come forth and begin campaign plans. The room itself spacious enough to seat many times more than the nine generals who sat about when a meeting was called. For now however, only Sei, Anita, and her students were present. Even thent he students were at Sei’s insistence, to show them nothing bad had occurred when she had reopened to her magic. Aislinn merely stood at the table, a hand idly tracing over the wood even as she collected her thoughts.

“What’s wrong Cousin?” Anita ventured. Aislinn and Anita had a sordid history of sorts. When the witch had first come under Sei’s employ she had strived to make Aislinn “part of the family”. The Mystic had responded in kind with heated words measured in both their damage dealing potential, and the level of irritation such invitations had given birth to. Because of this Aislinn knew they would never be friends, but never enemies either. Such was the ties of blood, even if that blood was borrowed. Aislinn merely gave the girl a wistful smile before she spoke, “Something happened with Kylana, and we all suffer for it.”

Her students stiffened at the words, they knew Aislinn was not one to mince words. She could rarely be found dancing about a subject, and if that was the case it was more her trying to figure out how to voice the opinion, rather than trying to play around another person’s feelings on the subject. Sei looked as worried as ever, especially at the mention of the missing Orlouge, but remained silent.

It was Anita who spoke up, “What do you mean?”

“Magic is more than a tool, most people see it as the means to an end, and plumb its depths without a second thought. When one casts their spells, they are actually goading the winds of magic into act. It is part of an agreement with the winds, that when the right words, and offerings are given, certain effects occur like clockwork. This is the path of the Hermetics, and the reason they draw my ire, they care only about the words and the components necessary to cast spells. Occasionally a Hermetic will mix magicks, and it is here that Magic will become its most dangerous. When one mixes sympathetic winds, winds that often converse and move freely about, no danger is posed. Ghyran, the Breath of Life and Ghur the Wind of Beasts mix, the outcomes will be favorable, often bolstering life. When one mixes opposing winds, they will react violently and often in ways unexpected. Mix Ghyran with Shyish, the wind from the tomb, and the outcome may be catastrophic,” Aislinn explained firmly. Sei nodded thoughtfully even as the students seemed to frown. Some she knew had understood what she was saying, but more than a few could be confused. Then again the explanation was not meant for them, only for Sei and possibly Anita, with her newfound entry into the Mystic Race.

Anita nodded softly before Sei spoke up, I noticed you mentioned something about helping the winds when you were conversing with them, what happened?

“Kylana, through some means, mixed Ulgu the midnight wind with Hysh, the wind of Light. My notes on Ulgu though extensive cannot even begin to scratch the surface of how temperamental he gets about Hysh. I cannot even talk to Ulgu normally, unless it is past the dusk. Hysh is even more a mystery to me, as I have not made much if any progress with it. Light and Darkness were mixed through some means with her, I am assuming because-“

“She possesses both types of mystic magic!” Anita spoke up excitedly.

A soft smirk lit up Aislinn’s face before she nodded firmly, “Yes that was my thought exactly. Somehow she mixed the warring magicks within her, the result of which was the attempt on my life last week and the news you have been hearing about the Mystic Race. The Winds may be dangerous as you have warned me once Uncle, but even I cannot begin to fathom the depths of their ire at being forced to mix. Further, they claim the reason for this was purely selfish and achieved no end. Had something large occurred in direct proportion to the mixture, they would have shrugged it off as a dire circumstance. Whatever happened, affected Kylana solely, and for that the winds sought retribution. The Mystic Race was decimated, and for the first time ever, we are on the brink of extinction.”

It was at that time one of the students spoke up, “So what do we do from here?”

Aislinn looked over at Sei before she spoke, her voice formal and as regal as an Ourlouge’s should be. Her training from an early age manifesting for the first time in years as Aislinn took upon her the mantle of her family for once, “Sei, I do not make this recommendation lightly, nor in haste. This is a perilous time, and even you can understand the Mystics have made no friends in recent years. We need to act swiftly, and with certainty. The Villages need to be checked over, to make sure the situation has no aftereffects. The only punishment I have seen is that the winds have physically transformed members of the Mystic Race back to their base race attributes, namely, Humans. Any Mystic punished in this manner will bear red blood and have no access to Mystic Protection. That does not mean that there will be no other effects of the change.”

I think I shall assemble a small group to go with us. There is no need to bring the full might of the Ixian Knights on this matter. You should obviously come with us, this is as much your discovery as anyone else’s. Anita shall come with me and as soon as we find Kylana, she too shall be with us while we figure out if we can reverse what has occurred. Is there anyone else you wish to bring with us?

Aislinn looked over the assembled students slowly, measuring each one in turn before she closed her eyes and spoke her voice soft, “Ryos, you are with me, Eldani, you are in charge of the clinic while I am away. I trust you will not burn it down in the interim?”

“Yes ma’am, I will limit myself to no fires in the infirmary,” The man who retorted was a younger man with brown hair. The clothes he wore were dirty from cleaning the room of the castle for patients, and he had a wearied nature to his face, but the soft smile that slashed it made it worthwhile. The man seemed pleased to be trusted with the sanctity of the Infirmary. Ryos on the other hand, a woman of a bit older berth nodded firmly, her serious attitude seeming to mirror Aislinn’s own on the matter as she carefully pulled her blond hair back into a pony tail, preparing herself for work. While not the buxom beauty that some of the other members of the knights were, she was beautiful in a plain way.

Aislinn only smiled at the retort before she looked at her other students pointedly, “Do you not have tasks I gave to you?” The students immediately moved to fulfill the orders they were given. Aislinn then looked upon his cousin and Uncle before she said softly, “I fear that our enemies are mobilizing even now to take advantage of the dwindling numbers. We should leave soon, if not now.”

11-05-10, 03:26 PM
Second Week of Thaw

This journal entry is written with utmost haste. I only use this space now to make notes on what I have discovered which was not much to begin with. I can only hope that these notes might be necessary in the coming days. Felicity has not seemed to drop at all in functionality even as she has come to grips with the fact that other than the magic I am capable of, she has none of her own. She has moments of wistful jealously, and I can only attribute this to the fact she wishes she was still a mystic, even as the winds cruelly have removed her membership of a race.

I find it odd how something as basic as a race is the object of the cruelest of actions. All the time I see hatred because someone’s an Elf, or the ignorance of someone on even the most basic traits of a dwarf. The insistence that the former is a promiscuous tart and the latter merely greedy seems to hinder any sense of humanity in those that make such broad claims. Still, it seems even the winds are not immune to racism. The acts of one Mystic have forever damaged the Mystic Race in the eyes of the winds, to the point that perhaps we may never recover. The long lividness of the race certainly helps, but in the end, we may die out, especially to something more sinister as war or disease.

33% of all Mystics have reverted to Human.
No half-blooded mystics were affected by this.
All Mystics that were with child miscarried, not one child survived the premature birth.
Since then, no new Mystics have conceived.

When a race that devoted itself wholly to the winds of magic, is punished by their deities, there is not much one can do to stop it. I can only hope that sometime soon there will be a peace for my people, unnecessarily roused to fight back against a force it cannot hope to win against. The coming days will be the most trying of times for my people, and with every day, I cannot help but feel worried about Rhetul, Father, and Mother. I haven’t seen Mother in many years, and I’m more than certain she is worried sick about me. I have no doubt Sei has not kept with my wishes in keeping my stay with him a secret, and even now I cannot help but feel a profound sadness upon my heart as I head back to the people who threw me out.

Perhaps this is why I avoided family all those years. I felt like I was never good enough to truly stand among their numbers. I had failed the shadow trial, and I had refused to even attempt the light. According to my people I am a failure, even though I still seek the creatures of shadow that attacked my sister. How long has it been since I have even seen the Dranaks? I do not know, but I can only hope that someday I will be able to stay amongst them without the feelings of inadequacy that even now seem to perpetuate through my mind. I know I have endured far worse at the hands of others, but the betrayal of family stung me perhaps the worst.

I shudder to think what would have happened, had Pierce not taken me on as an apprentice.

Even now I pack the last of my things to meet with Anastasia Ryos, the sole companion on my journey through my past. She has the ability to keep things confidential, which shall be important, as well as being one of the best healers on the squad. While not proficient in minor maladies, she is of great help when dealing with major ones, such as fractured bones and putting a man back together after coming in on the wrong end of a broadsword. I almost shudder to think if these skills will not be put to use in some manner.

11-12-10, 01:34 AM
"Grab the willow bark, and any other simple remedies you can think of off the top of your head," The instructions rang through the store room. Aislinn herself was already creating a similar package, hoping that the majority of this would not be necessary. The other students were hard at work, following Eldani's instruction. The group was moving about, checking on patients that remained for awhile, while others were dealing with the minor emergencies that plagued the rebuilding of the castle. No matter how much one tried, the urge to say "hey look at this" was far too much for some of the more foolish members of the Ixian Knights.

Anastasia looked over at Aislinn and gave a brief nod, even as they continued to collect. Once they were done they moved out of the room, amazed at the difference in air quality. Where the store room was filled with the scents of many differing herbs, the clinic was almost meticulous in how clean it smelled. One of the first things that Aislinn had explained to her students, was that since they now had floors, they had to be kept clean, so as to help sterilize the environment.

Even now, one of her students was hard at work, trying diligently working at getting the stones clean. The sounds of the brush scraping stone could be heard through the area as she turned to Eldani, his first name was Victor, but the man insisted on being known by his last name. None of the students had ever ventured why, but it was probably in response to the first compliment Aislinn had given the student. She often referred to the students by their last names, for the ease of differentiating.

Eldani however, was ready for the next order, "What do you need Ms. Orlouge?"

Aislinn smirked at the formal title. She knew it was his way of poking fun at her, for she was an old soul in a still youthful body. Her eyes gleamed with a bit of mirth before she spoke calmly, "There will undoubtedly be casualties from the knights. I wish you to keep up the record keeping, and not to use this as an excuse to skip over small things. If something more dire happens, I'd like to be able to create a timeline, so no matter how minor the injury or how mundane the treatment, do not overlook a single report."

"Yes Ms. Orlouge, is there anything else, perhaps you would like me to send the reports to you out at the villages you will be passing through?" Eldani replied, a sarcastic tone in his voice.

"If I thought you could, I would certainly prefer it that way. Unfortunately I will be unable to appraise you to my whereabouts in the fields. I dare say I am wading into a war of sorts," Aislinn responded firmly. Eldani's defiant smirk was immediately erased from his face as he looked at her incredulously. The other students let a soft bout of laughter pass between them before Aislinn continued, "You are all my precious students, never forget this. You are still here because I want you here. Your place is always at my side. No matter what happens in the Concordia Forest, remember this. I chose you over my solitary life. Even if I tried to fool myself into thinking I am in a cage, I chose this life."

"With all due respect Ms. Orlouge, you sound like you're on your death bed here," Anastasia replied. Aislinn let off a soft shrug before she looked at each student.

"I do not expect things to progress that far, but I am far too pragmatic about the recent events. I know that for the first time in decades, the Mystic Race is on the verge of extinction. I do not know what caused the last attempt at their eradication, but many good people died. I will not be the optimist in a losing situation. The enemies of the Mystics know all too well that they need only one more blow, and they will have finally gained the vengeance they once demanded," The witch explained. She then looked pointedly at Ryos, "I am trusting you will be able to keep the secrets of my race, and you will most definitely hear many of my personal ones. I trust you will be discerning with who you divulge that information."

"Understood Ma'am. I'll go start packing so I can be ready to go at the drop of a hat," Anastasia replied. She moved out of the infirmary before Aislinn gave her students a rare smile. Her eyes gazing upon each and every one of her students.

"I will be sure to say good bye before I leave, but if that is not possible know I will be carrying your good intentions with me," Aislinn explained, before she too walked between rows of beds and moves to her quarters, preparing to leave at a moment's notice.

11-12-10, 02:44 AM
Two Days Later...

The boisterous sounds of commerce filled the small pub, even as jokes and laughter rang through the air. Wenches moved between tables with a dexterity that seemed unmatchable on the battlefield, even as they dodged between patrons and the occasional lecherous hand. Life was continuing unashamedly, with many a person enjoying a good night at the bar with their friends.

Though for two, it was a night at the bar with their partner.

The relationship had begun oddly enough, brought together by circumstance and a bar brawl, Aislinn had become the partner in crime of the Enigmatic Immortal Jensen Ambrose. They had set up a set appointment each week at their favorite pub, to enjoy drinks and a meal, while discussing the gossip of the week, and to share interesting tidbits they had gotten. While Aislinn was no social butterfly, she invariably had one or two stories that the Enigmatic Immortal was riveted by.

Today, was a different story...

Having been plagued by the thoughts of family for the better half of a month, Aislinn found herself confused by the influx of emotions. Unable to handle dealing with them by herself, she finally turned to her friend, and began perhaps the last conversation she had come tonight expecting to have, "Jensen, have you ever suddenly felt the urge to check up on how your parents are doing?"

Jensen stared at Aislinn, almost in utter shock, before he tilted his head this way and that. Finally he found his voice, "Is my little ice bitch growing up? Is she finally blossoming into the beautiful bimbo that just uses their looks to fuck over their partner?"

"No, I just, have been thinking a lot about the family I left behind, My father, mother, the brother I did not even know I had till recently," Aislinn replied, "With the recent acts by the winds of magic to the Mystics, I can't help but worry about them."

"Lemme tell you something. Give you a bit of a pretext to what I'm going to tell you," Jensen said as he carefully moved his chair. His hands formed into parallel slits, almost as if he was sectioning off this part of the conversation for himself, gauging just what was necessary to get his point across, "My father was an asshole. He killed me multiple times, even as an infant. He blamed me for my mom's death, and he hated me for it. He made my life a living hell, because he couldn't stand me. So no, not my real father. Hell, I didn't know how badly he hated me, until I fought that bitch Cassandra, and she pulled the damn thought out of my head."

Aislinn looked upon the immortal before she shook her head, "My father kicked me out of the villages when I was twelve. I had to fight through the Concordia Forest with only my sister, because I stood up for her. Yet, despite this, I still worry about him, you mean to tell me you have no feelings at all for your father?"

"Are you even listening to me lady? Head through a fucking wall here! He abandoned me! Listen, I don't care about my family tree. Not at all, zip, nada, zilch," Jensen took a deep draught of his ale, hoping to wash away his anger in a tide of alcohol, "Okay, maybe I do a little, but it pisses me off to think about it! I don't want to know if he's safe! I sure as hell don't want to know if how he's feeling! I just want to know why the fuck he hated me so much, as to kill me when all I was guilty of, was being born not a month ago! There, ya happy? Cave woman glad to get inside my head?!"

"I don't understand my fascination either. I just..." She gestured with a hand, as if trying to grasp the words from the air before her, "No matter how hard I try, these thoughts invade my head. I am trying to figure out why of all times it is now that I am so focused on family. Were this any other day, I would not be giving this a second thought, but the fact is, they keep resurfacing, and they refuse to go away. It is driving me insane!"

"That's probably gas," Jensen replied smarmily, "That or the fact your race is going belly up. I wouldn't want my dad to die, well..." He stroked his chin as if thinking over his last words, "Not until I punched him in the face. You get what I'm saying here though?"

"Perhaps," Aislinn mused before sipping her juice. She never drank alcohol at these meetings. Jensen usually ordered an Ale, and would get rowdier as the night went on, but today seemed a more somber meeting. They were after all talking of things that were usually avoided by both parties, unless the family in question was as her erstwhile companion put it, "the faggot fairy king."

Another deep chug of the intoxicating beverage later he slammed the stein down definitively, "This is Althanas. Everyone has a sob story. You got the psycho who keeps thinking if he pussies out through life, he'll get everyone to forget he brutally murdered his own parents for power. You got the Woodsman who got bound to a demon who thinks if he keeps killing the right things, he might one day be happy with himself. You got the Queen Bitch of Althanas, who thinks that by killing people her joygasms at their pain will let her spend the rest of her life with some psychotic invisible friend-"

"Who is real by the way," Aislinn interrupted.

"Shut up Ice Witch, I'm on a rant!" Jensen replied sticking his middle finger up, before lifting it defiantly in her face, "Everyone has a gods be damned sob story, and we can all claim ours is bad. Yours is pretty tame, hell even-" He stopped, as if catching himself before he looked at his glass for the longest time. Aislinn frowned hearing the words before he began to drink deeply from the tankard. When he was done he slammed the glass on the table, sloshing the liquid within before he spoke firmly, "Lets just say, as far as stories go, you need to get a bit more tragic before I start thinking about tearing up."

Aislinn nodded softly before she looked outside, "We should be heading back." She moved to her satchel before Jensen dumped a small bag of gold on the table. Frowning she looked upon the bag before she looked at the Enigmatic Immortal. He never paid for these gatherings, not since the date that Felicity had forced upon the two of them, and even then that had been done reluctantly.

"What? I felt like paying tonight. Take advantage of it while you can, because I sure as hell won't feel so generous next week," Jensen replied.

11-12-10, 02:34 PM
Third Week of Thaw

Things progress as they always do. I find it remarkable how people can continue in spite of such great tragedies. Perhaps the pain is made easier by not being in the storm, being able to stay within it’s eye and view the destruction about you with a jaded expression. Regardless of the truth, the final answer to these problems lies within the Mystic Race, and their borders. I cannot continue to watch as a callous observer, and even now I prepare to leave the sanctum of the Ixian Knights, and return to the people I once called family. The end result of my endeavors is only that I grow more concerned with each passing day for my family, as even Felicity has not escaped unscathed in the ensuing maelstrom.

My talks with Jensen at the local pub did nothing to assuage the doubt I felt as I checked over my things one last time. Eldani is still hard at work making sure that when I return, I will not have a mountain of reports to sift through. Though they insist I do not need to check over them anymore, I still like to, it helps me keep abreast of the situation. Even the most minor of injuries or illnesses can be the key to something…grander I suppose I should say. While I do not fancy myself as a hero of the people, for I leave that bold title to my rather flashy Uncle, I do wish to help as much as possible. I have long since gained my freedom, yet with each day I find myself hard pressed to find reason to leave.

The irony of this situation, is that the people of the Mystic race were perhaps the most chaste of followers of the winds. They had edicts and rules structured to prevent what has occurred, and all because of my cousin Kylana. I do not know why she mixed Hysh and Ulgu, but I do know that she was at the center of the events that transpired. Perhaps one day we will discover just what has happened. Until then, I only am left the irony that in having done nothing wrong, I have committed the greatest blasphemy against my patron. This is perhaps the most chilling part of this tale, for even now I can feel the winds, watching my words, judging my heart and actions. I cannot hide from them anything, anymore than a patient could hide anything from me.

Moving onward and forwards, I have realized I am on the cusp of a drastic change. Things will not be the same, and I cannot help but feel Azyr whispering in my ear, warning me of the decisions I would make. The wind of the heavens does not impart its knowledge without reason, but no matter how hard I strain to hear it’s voice, it is drowned out by the voices of the other seven winds, pressing for my attention. Even Hysh has begun to demand my attention, while offering nothing in return. It is a delicate balance I weave, and should even one stitch fall out of place, I will have failed utterly in my greatest time of need.

I cannot, and I will not dwell on the irony of my situation. This Irony of Chaste will not plague me anymore than it has plagued the others. While I am of course more in the know of this situation, I refuse to not act on the information I have been given. I will discover the depths of what happened, and I will reconstruct them in such a way as to gain the understanding of what Kylana has done. I cannot falter in my step, and my word is my bond to the winds. To fail in this, perhaps my greatest of challenges, would irreversibly harm my standing with the winds. At that point, without a patron to call upon, I would be nothing more than a frightened child with a stick and a cat.

I cannot fail, not for Felicity, or the rest of my family.

11-12-10, 03:06 PM
Aislinn watched the sun rise from the parapets of the castle her eyes set forward in a determined fashion. Guards patrolled behind her, more than a few warning her of the danger she would be in. Still, Aislinn waved off their concerns continuing to watch as the night sky began to glow an amber gold. The wind seemed to pick up at that very moment, even while she continued to watch the sun rise from the east. Her voice was soft, yet she spoke, without any fear of the others listening in, “I am here, please, speak to me Hysh, let me know what she did to you.”

It was not long in responding, How funny, that a servant of Ulgu suddenly sparks curiosity when I am harmed. Have you no tact healer? Have you no mercy Witch?

“I cannot claim to be the most social of people. At the very best I can make due in a social situation. I am afraid my father was more concerned with my discipline rather than my skills with others,” Aislinn said softly. A guard passed by with a derisive snort, eliciting a soft smirk from Aislinn as she watched him continue down the wall.

Your point is well phrased. At the very least you aren’t as foolish as some of Ulgu’s followers. I can smell his detestable stench about you witch.

“I seek to find out which of his followers assaulted my sister long ago. The relationship is more of a partnership than any true service. I have also faithfully served Ghyran and Azyr, as you must certainly know,” Aislinn offered. The wind whipped about her, eliciting a small laugh from her as she could feel it searching for the truth in her heart. When finally it spoke, its tone was less harsh;

So you have, to the point of indenturing yourself to Azyr, and almost doing the same to Ghyran. I suppose I should be appreciative that you do not bind yourself to others casually. Some witches by your age have the geas of the Hag Queen, but not a solitary one has even a tenth her power.

Aislinn nodded sagely before she spoke, “I fear she may find interest in me as well. If she should find displeasure with me…”

Do not fret child, you are ours, not hers. While her servants mentored you, the bond with a patron is a personal one. Even if the Hag Queen wished it, she could not convince us to forsake you. Speak, make your questions heard, and be direct, as I know you are.

“What did she have you do?” Aislinn asked firmly.

The wind stilled, even as the guards seemed pleased at the change of weather. All of the world seemed to hold its breath at the direct asking of the question. Soon everything continued upon its course, the birds beginning their incessant chirping as they awoke from the dreadful cold of night. The sun slowly rising to prominence in the sky, even as the guards continued their watch. The wind began softly to flow about her as it began to weave itself through Azyr. The wind of the heavens reacted favorably to the lesser wind, as it surged into the Witch with full force. Blown over by the gale she fell back upon the parapet’s walls as she gasped, being filled with the vision of what Hysh had seen in the moments leading up to the decimation of the Mystic Race.

Kylana was standing in a barren room. People were with her, huddled behind a wall, but listening intently, almost questioning themselves. Hysh moved about the room with ease, flowing about Kylana as she gripped a small string in her hand. She seemed to steel her will, jaw gripped and set, before with a tug, a small anklet about her foot was sent to the floor. Hysh immediately sensed the conduit of power and seized the opportunity to act, as did Ulgu, both warring over the right to claim the girl as their own.

Then she screamed the words of power.

Aislinn could not make out exactly what was said, but it was enough. The winds stopped their battle within her, and acted according to the words they were given. Such blind obedience had forced the decimation of her people, as she watched horrified. The winds mixed, and prepared to accept a second command, only Kylana had passed out. Enraged at being mixed, and not being told to act, they had forced their way out of the building through every exit, screaming towards the sky.

Then, and only then had they noticed the mystic villages, and acted. Aislinn shuddered at the coldness she felt at their joining, and prayed never to experience them that enraged again.

As the vision faded, Aislinn looked up to see the guards huddled over her. She waved off their concerns, looking about the Area before she shook her head, “Kylana, please, tell me you did not…”

She wanted to hang her head and cry at what she had seen, instead she shook her head, regaining her resolve and cold stoicism, before she rose up, once more declaring to the guard she was okay. Looking upon the guards she spoke firmly, “I need to see Sei immediately, someone go wake him, this cannot wait.”

Silence Sei
12-03-10, 10:19 PM

Continuity (6/10) ~ There was a decent enough background here. Explained what Aislinn was doing, and it wound up leading into the Mystic War, so good job here.

Setting (7/10) ~ This high setting score doesn’t come from the rather normal environments of Sei’s Tomb, or Ixian Castle, but how Aislinn interacted with the winds (Who, while magical beings, I am counting as setting). The fact that she seemed to express some of the most emotion I have ever seen out of her helped here. I would have like to think that magic wind not only feels different from regular wind, but each elemental spirit has a smell, a taste to them as they whirl through your body, that’s why your score is not higher here..

Pacing (5/10) ~ The pacing was perfect, that’s the good news, and while you’re getting a decent score for technique in how you did this thread, the constant transitioning from journal entries to third person threw me off from time to time. Like I said, it helps your technique score, but your pacing gets hurt because of it, if there’s a way you could incorporate both styles and make it work (Say, having the journal entry in a quote box during a third person scene), that might help.

Story score: 18/30

Dialogue (9/10) ~ Dialogue was quite believable, and totally in character. Sei’s concern for Aislinn, Aislinn’s skepticism, and Felicity’s panic were all covered quite well in this thread. We saw more of Aislinn being a girl concerned for her race rather than the typical stick in the mud we know her as. Ways to improve- just keep developing that character!

Action (8/10) ~A decent amount of action in this thread. Aislinn had some studying, some wind-talking, and even what looked like the makings of a showdown with her witchcraft spirits. I was very impressed here.

Persona (9/10) ~ Persona seemed to cover most of the characters pretty well. I think Sei could have been a tad more uneasy about Aislinn and the magic thing, and Jensen’s sagely advice seemed sort of off. Granted, he was drunk, and Sei’s wasn’t a biggie, but I felt that they were big enough put together to miss you out on that perfect score.

Character Score: 26/30

Mechanics (5/10) ~ There were a few grammatical and spelling errors here and there that made this score average out. One such example was misspelling the name Orlouge to Ourlouge in post 5. Though Orlouge isn’t a word according to Microsoft Word, you can use the ‘add to dictionary’ option to make it such, that way if you make a mistake such as saying ‘Orulouge’, MSW will catch it and ask you about it.

Technique (8/10) ~ I’m not going to lie. I loved the technique for this thread. Shifting between third person and Aislinn’s own personal feelings made me feel for the character as an outsider, and as if I was in her shoes myself. The foreshadowing leading up to the Mystoic War was good, and the hints at Kyla’s return as well. Great job..

Clarity (6/10) ~ Sometimes, the names of the winds threw me for a loop, and I had to try and remember which wind was which element saying what to who. It’s usually not a big deal, but as important ‘characters’ as they were in this thread, it made it pretty jumbled up and hard to understand sometimes. Not sure how you can improve here without being quite redundant, but I’m sure you and I could figure something out over AIM.
• Wild Card (10/10) ~ Simply put,. I loved really everything about this thread. If I could have, I would have given it a 100 on Sei’s personal judgement. Because there are actual ‘policy’ categories though, that have their strict rules, I had to be realistic about it. I love Aislinn as a character, and hope she sticks around with the Orlouges for a good long time.

Total WS score: 29/40

Total: 73/100

TwinCast gets 1515 exp. 150 GP. No spoils.

I think I’m starting to like Aislinn more than I like Seth…

....And I love Seth Dahlios.

Silence Sei
12-03-10, 10:21 PM
GP-Exp added.