View Full Version : Lily Rune

10-25-10, 09:15 AM
Name: Lily Rune
Age: 125
Race: Elven with traces of fey blood
Hair Color: Blond
Eye Color: Green
Height: 5'2"
Weight: 110 lbs
*Occupation: Alchemy

*Personality: Haughty in some regards, tempered with common sense and practicality. While learning magic is always a lofty goal, she's rather down to earth. She generally has a calm and happy demeanor.

Appearance: Her long hair and eyes change to slight purple and gold respectively when she uses a lot of magic. Soft cheek, slightly pointed chin, a slight tint of rose in her lips, and slim.

History: She grew up in the city near the wizard's academy. Her father and mother are both professors of such and still teach there today. Because of this, there was extra attention associated with her to do well and to excel. Unlike most children who would be pressured and stress, Lily was rather gifted in scholarly activities and was even in her top 5 in her class for several years. She enjoyed reading and needed very few friends. She had a childhood friend a long time ago, a gnome named Martha Wywry, (why-wry) who used to coax her to come and play outside more than read. They were separated when she was forced to school and Martha forced to return to her family's home in the mines. To this day, Lily hopes to be reunited.

She opened an alchemist's shop in town to support herself and gain extra money so that she doesn't feel overly dependent on her parents to get university grants for her research. She's an exceptional alchemist and looks forward to graduating and reaching professorship in a couple more years. She has done much studies in alchemy and illusions though she keeps some evocation spells handy to protect her shop from robbers. If she were to adventure, it would be with the sole interest to further the archives of the university or herself, or to gain wealth necessary for her research in alchemical substances.

Skills: She knows alchemy, illusions, and some evocation. Alchemy ranges from antidotes, poisons, potions to increase physical and mental capabilities, legal drugs, explosives, and other strange concoctions. In the realm of illusions, she affects the peripheral world more so than the person's mind; she can create copies of herself to an extent (like Mirror Images) create false floorboards and ground, fake noises, and if given time, very well crafted images of complex things like soldiers fighting each other. As for evocation, a fireball here, a cold spell here, and a touch of acid is all she does here. These spells are not as strong as to rain down death, but no one can really take too many fire balls to the face now can they?

Equipment: Aside from everyday miscellaneous things, she carries alchemical tools (mortar/pestle, measuring devices, mixing devices, etc). She also carries her spell book, magical components, some gold on hand just in case, a few potions (an explosive and a healing potion usually though she could go to her store for more...she carries antidotes on adventures). She is looking to collect magic items.
*Familiars: She has a familiar of a pixie that can detect magic

10-25-10, 10:39 AM
The effects of her magic and alchemy should be relatively minor at present. Meaning, potions should only heal light wounds, poisons should be relatively weak, the illusions easy to recognize as such by perceptive folk and so on. If you play your skills as such, you'll be fine.

10-25-10, 02:15 PM
Alright, thank you.

10-25-10, 02:24 PM
You're welcome. And approved. Welcome to Althanas.