View Full Version : The Beginning in the End

Akiv Orlouge
10-26-10, 06:26 PM
Warmth engulfed every inch of him, his belly was full, and a soft lullaby filled his ears. Akiv Orlouge slowly drifted off to sleep as the carriage made its way through the city streets. He dreamed of nothing, only feeling the comfort of his mother’s arms. The carriage carried the family without incident to the docks to begin their journey home.

The people who surrounded him spoke though Akiv found no meaning in their words. The familiar voices soothed the newborn as he slumbered. Suddenly Akiv felt a small jolt as his mother stood. The unexpected action frightened the boy and he jumped. He stretched his arms outside of the blanket and the unwanted cold air made him terribly uncomfortable. He let out a small cry, hoping his mother would make the cold go away again. He was beginning to realize that his mother was always there, and would make whatever made him feel bad go away if he only cried enough that she could figure out what he needed.

Kyla quickly re-wrapped the infant and held him tight against her chest as she stepped out of the carriage. She made her way across the docks eager to get her son out of the cool morning air. She made her way across the deck and into what would be the families living courters on the way back to Radasanth. Akiv was set in a bassinet that had been constructed quickly once he had made his surprise appearance, and he looked up as his mother brought her face down close to his. She touched his nose with her own and whispered in his ear.

“We’re going home now, Akiv. I can’t wait to show you the amazing nursery your grandfather has made for you.” Akiv looked deep into his mother’s eyes, before returning to his peaceful slumber.

Silence Sei
11-06-10, 09:43 PM
There was a war firthcoming. His people had all but been eradicated. The grandmother who disapproved of everything he did was now living with him. There were people who wanted him dead.

Yet all of those thoughts had faded away the second Sei Orlouge's arms held the little Akiv Orlouge.

He was the first baby Sei could actually remember holding. Anita had been found around the age of nine, and Succed's children were so close to his own age that he wouldn't have been old enough to hold him. Feeling the small breaths on his arms, feeling those tiny hands grip his finger. Everything about this little person filled Sei with a joy he rarely experienced in his life. He had cried that day he first held Akiv, and he had not been afraid to show it.

Now, the group was on their way back from Moriah, where Kyla had gone into labor just days ago. The mute had been more careful than ever watching the girl. She did, after all, hold his grand child in her arms. Though Sei had the utmost faith of Kyla being a good mother, he still could not help checking in on her every few minutes. Eventually, Sei gave up on trying to fight the impulses, and instead jsimply approached Kyla on the ship.

"Is everything going well?" Sei asked his 'daughter, which apparently caused the little Akiv to turn towards Sei. Was that a subconscious decision, or did the baby actually 'hear' Sei's 'voice'? The mute looked back up to Kyla, who simply smiled and nodded to her father. It appeared that all was well with the Orlouges.

Sei nodded to the girl and turned around, still worried about Akiv's safety on this boat. "I think I'm going to check the map," Sei stated to the now slightly giggling Kyla.

"That's the twelfth time you've went to check the map after seeing me," the girl said, "If you want to hold Akiv so badly, all you had to do was ask."

Sei turned, smiling at his foolishness as he approached Kyla. The girl smiled and handed him her child. Akiv's little limbs struggled from a bit of shock, but setteled back in once he realized Grandpa was holding him.

And once again, all seemed okay in Sei's world.

Amber Eyes
11-30-10, 01:15 PM
As Kyla entered the tomb she was greeted by dozens of friendly faces. She smiled graciously as each person told her how beautiful Akiv was. It could not be denied that he was in fact a beautiful baby. All arms and legs and a perfectly shaped head, he was safe from the typical newborn cone-top. He lay there with eyes open, taking in new faces and opening and closing his little mouth as though about to speak.

Kyla was amazed at the newborn's calm at such a rambunctious greeting until she looked at Sei. Sei’s eyes never left his grandson the entire time, and Kyla wondered silently if Sei were speaking to her son. She reminded herself to ask him later weather he could understand any of Akiv's thoughts in return.

She gave out a few more hugs and then used Akiv's wet diaper as an excuse to end the festivities. As she approached her room Sei cleared his throat. Kyla turned and smiled at her 'father'. "I really hate when you do that, it's not like you actually have to clear your throat to speak, and you can't actually do so mentally anyways."

"I was unaware it bothered you so much Kylana, it's just something I've picked up from other people. I was trying to let you know that during our time in Moriah I had us moved into the Castle."

Kyla's eyes widened, "I liked my old room though, who moved all my stuff?"

"This room is still yours, but most of your personal items are upstairs now."

"Okay...I can deal with this. Which floor?"


Okay Kyla, calm down. It's only eleven flights up each and every time you want to take a nap. Not a big deal. "Who else is on the eleventh floor?"


Okay, that's good.. "Who else?"


Expected... "Didn't you say there where four suites per floor?"

"Yes, Kylana

"So who is the fourth?"

Sei's eyes sort of shifted to the left.

"No! You didn't!"

"He's my personal bodyguard, Kylana. It only make sense."

Kyla took off without another word, taking each step carefully once she realized Akiv had fallen asleep in her arms.

It's still no big deal Kyla, you just have to go up five flights of steps each and every time you want a nap, and with Jensen seeing you red-faced in all of your baby fat glory! It's really no big deal at all!

When she finally reached her landing Kyla looked at the common room. Sei had organized it to look homey, and four doors led off of the main room. She was trying to figure out which one was hers when a familiar voice reached her ears.

"That's Anita's room."

Kyla refused to look at the immortal and instead walked towards another.

"And that's Sei's."

Kyla took a deep breath before she turned around. "Then which one exactly would be mine?"

"This one." Jensen pointed to a doorway, still unaware of the edge in Kyla's voice.

"Right next to yours huh?" Kyla stared at the doorway.


"Lovely." Kyla brushed past him and through her new door as Sei reached the landing.

"What's wrong with her?" Jensen looked to Sei quizzically.

"Uh, apparently she doesn't like it when I clear my throat."

"Well, that is kinda creepy."

Jensen re-entered his own room and left Sei standing in the common area, confused.

Akiv Orlouge
12-09-10, 02:32 AM
Akive stretched his arms as he laid in bed. She was sitting nearby with her head bent over a book. He stared up at the lights shining down from the ceiling and he watched with interest as the curtains created shadows on the walls.

He lazily let his eyes begin to droop before the voice appeared in his head again. "Good morning sunshine. Akive began to kick his legs and flail his arms with excitement. She would notice him soon and he would get to eat. In the short time in the new place Akiv had adjusted to the schedule quickly.

When she noticed his activity she lifted him. The cool air was a strange sensation for the boy, and he began to fuss quietly. She whispered soothing words into his ears until he calmed, and then changed him before he ate. She spoke quietly to him the entire time, before the two began to get ready to go out. She dressed him warmly and he fell asleep in her arms on the way down the stairs.