View Full Version : The First Ever Ixian Open!

Silence Sei
10-26-10, 07:39 PM
Sei sat at the table before the line. Several of the notable Ixian Trainers stood at the head of the line. The mute smiled at the reception his idea was getting. Of course, it was not entirely his idea.

William Arcus and his challenge to the other Ixian Captains had set forth an open challenge to prove which team was the best. After reviewing some of the fights, Sei had come to the conclusion that the battles were stregnthening the comraderie amongst his men.

As such, Sei decided to start a tournament. Thus the first ever Ixian Knights Open was born. Sei shifted his eyes down, jotting down his own name at the top of the list. He then looked up, ready to receive all the entries.


Okay, here's the deal. This will be a tournament with a twist. You register your PC, and they fight, yadda yadda, but here's where it gets interesting.

You can also register NPCs.

That means EI can use Adolph, Zerith could try out Zevernus, and Amber Eyes can throw in Niche/Anita. As such, myultiple entries are allowed. The prize for the tournament is simple, Sei will take the winner to the bazaar to buy whatever they wish, no questions asked. There's just a few simple rules.

(1) No more than 3 NPCs along with your PC.

(2) You can not create a PC simply for this tourney, you must have used the NPC in a thread, and also link to one of the threads in which you used him/her upon registration.

(3) Using someone elses NPC is fine, provided that they still obey rule number 2, and they have the permissions of the original owner. Meaning Rev could use EI's character of Ta'Gaz, provided EI grants him permission to.

(4) Upon registration, you must list the level to go along with your NPC. No higher than 20, however (Otherwise, everyone would just get slaughtered IC wise). Now, I expect some people to use abilities not seen out of these NPCs before, but they are restricted to one 'hidden move' per battle. Naturally, the hidden move rule does NOT apply to your PCs.

(5) Non Ixian Knights are more than welcome to join in, though I would expect them to have a good reason for joining the fight.

Now, questions?


(1) Silence Sei
(2) Tobias Greenleaf (Level 13) (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=21038&highlight=hans)

Enigmatic Immortal
10-26-10, 08:22 PM
"First i'll kick Willie's ass!" Jensen said excitedly. "Then I'll kill Cassandra, though that's assuming she'd enter," Jensen thought about it as Stephanie smiled to him, patting his hand as he excitedly spoke about the open invitational. "Then I'll repay that faggot fairy king for that defeat a year or so ago. Oh, and any other of those mystic asses!"

"Even Kyla?" Stephanie mused. Jensen thought about it.

"Well, no...not Kyla. She's not a mystic ass." Stephanie nodded sarcastically.

"But then I'll take on Zerith, cut him down, beat the shit out of Duffy! Talen's got no chance! OUUUUUU!" Jensen began to grow giddy as he jumped on his toes. "I wonder if Seth Dahlios is gonna enter? I heard rumors he's a hit man for Sei." Stephanie sighed as she shook her head.

"Did you even sign up?" Stephanie at last blurted. Jensen looked to her, and then shook his head. "No, I probably should get on that, huh?" Jensen lifted himself from the mess hall table and ran past Tobias who was holding three bowls of soup. Jensen grabbed one, kissed her cheek, and ran to the board, punting a hopeful soldier out of the way. "AND I'LL KICK YOU FUCKING LEAF LICKERS IN THE ASS TOO!" Jensen shouted to the klepto elf.

"Wait for it, Toby," Stephanie said with a grin. The elf grinned dropping off the soup and turning to Jensen.

"WAIT, WHAT THE FUCK STEPHANIE?" Jensen shouted. "I gotta kick your ass too?" Stephanie stood so all could hear her.

"Jensen, your battle record against me is 12-26. Seven of those matches was when I had a cold! I don't think you'll be kicking my ass anytime soon!" She joked.The mess hall laughed at the immortal as he angrily wrote his name in.

"Just you wait, Ixian Knights, Jensen's going to the top!"


I'm in on this, for sure, and I'll bring Stephanie along with me. (Stephanie, like her love, is a level 8)

Though in all honesty Sei, let's make a new thread and designate it NPC's of the Ixian Knights and get them written out ability wise. We can always edit in the history and stuff, but it would be nice to have appearances and skills at hand. I'll start it tomorrow after work.

Oh and Rev, if you see this, I give you permission to indeed use Ta'gaz (LVL 15).

Requiem of Insanity
10-26-10, 08:27 PM
Cassandra looked to the note underneath the hood of her mask. While this was in no way or shape meant for her or her daughter, she could think of someone who may as well benefit from the experience. Turning softly away she retreated down a set of stone stairs, looking at a map of the Castle that she was still getting used to. When she found the building in question she headed for the training barracks and smiled under her hood to passing members of the army.

Her boots led her towards the Chapel, where she had found the resplendent stained glass images of mighty Radasanthian warriors rather interesting, a pile of corpses at their feet. A small shrine to the horsemen of war was located at the central alter, and dozens of head were bowed in silent prayer. The man she was seeking stood from a pew, talking with his comrades about the coming war.

When he caught a glimpse of her robes he knew who she was and quickly made way to greet her. With a firm handshake, a polite hello, and a friendly nod the stoic knight Adolph began to ask her questions. She let him get his wind out of his system before answering, and then when he remained silent she spoke.

"There is to be a tournament, Adolph, and I have need of my champion..."


Reclusiarch Adolph Gretzle reporting for duty. Level 4 (Cause why in the hell does everyone have to be so high?)

10-26-10, 10:31 PM
Does that mean then Sei, that I could join, since technically, I am apart of the Knights, due to the promise you made to a certain Dark God, and as such, finally get my wish, to control The Deadly Sin of Wrath, and write out the subsequently epic battle that would take place between you and the aforementioned Sin?

Silence Sei
10-26-10, 10:40 PM
If Wrath could make it past other contestants, or lucks out and gets me in round 1, then yes, but we will shortly be making a NPC page for abilities and such, as EI suggested.

Requiem of Insanity
10-27-10, 02:36 AM
I have created the thread to post your NPC profiles only! If we really need to discuss them, let's use this thread to do so.

Please remember I made a new rule!

To reiderate it here, I will not allow people to make NPC's of characters that are more than 2 levels above their highest profile on this website. So for myself, my highest character (EI) is 8, so I can only go up to 10. (Yes, I am aware I have to tone down Ta'gaz's level.) This is to make it so we don't all power up NPC's to level 20 with no grasp of how to gauge that.

Sei, if you feel this isn't necessary, than I do want SOME kind of restriction so that we don't get five or six level 15+ NPC's in this little tourny. I want good reasons dammit, not just cuz we feel like it.

10-27-10, 03:59 AM
Given I've worked to make most of the NPC's that were alongside Duffy in the beginning, and Lisa & Minelli and Pete are the only named NPC's of the Tantalum remaining (two lesbian seamstresses and a 9 year old boy) could I NPC status Blank, Ruby and Lillith perchance?

Silence Sei
10-28-10, 12:19 PM
EI, I like that rule, I'll edit it in in a lil bit.

Duffy, that's fine, though given the Tantalums alliance with the IK, I don't see why you wouldn't just PC them for the exp (Unless you just want Duffy to be an exp hog)

10-28-10, 02:04 PM
Actually, I might make it a feminist sisterhood bitchslap to your face, using Ruby as main, with Lillith, Lisa & Minelli as NPC's...

Sei won't know where to put his eyes or his eyes :)

Silence Sei
10-28-10, 02:17 PM
Sei doesn't swing for either team. He's pretty Asexual :P

10-28-10, 02:28 PM
Actually, I might make it a feminist sisterhood bitchslap to your face, using Ruby as main, with Lillith, Lisa & Minelli as NPC's...

Sei won't know where to put his eyes or his eyes :)

I see I have my first targets.

10-28-10, 02:53 PM
Contrary to popular belief, Ruby La Roux is not a necrophiliac!

10-28-10, 02:59 PM
Contrary to popular belief, Ruby La Roux is not a necrophiliac!

Contrary to popular belief, I'm NOT an undead Ghoul anymore...

Can you dig it....SUUUUUUUUUKAAAAAAAAAAAH! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yGvpArXeu4k)

Lord Anglekos
11-03-10, 06:28 AM
A tourney, huh? Nothin' new, he thought to himself, as he looked over the shoulder of another young soldier signing up with an eager smile upon his face. Eric's visage, however, was one of plain indifference. What did it matter if he fought or not? He would lose anyways. He wasn't nearly strong enough to be competing with the monsters that he would encounter in the tourney; he had little control over what power he did have, and he could only use it limitedly. Shaking his head, he started to turn away, out of the line, when suddenly, a wisp of hair caught his eye.

Bright, crimson hair.

The swordsman's bright blue eyes narrowed, then widened as someone moved, revealing his suspicions, and his heart caught in his chest. It couldn't be, but it was there, plain to see. Walking forward, his enchanted greaves rendering his movement utterly silent, he snuck up upon the draconian woman in ebony armor from the side, before he murmured quietly. "Eros? Eros, is that you?"

The flaming haired woman turned her head slightly, before bright green eyes enveloped in obsidian black widened in shock. "...Eric?" Her own voice whispered from the draconic throat, and even now he could catch a glimpse of those sharp fangs that marked her inhumanity. "What in Eadhocas's name are you doing here?"

He felt like laughing; a feeling he hadn't felt for a long time. In that moment, he forgot all about Amalia, all about the tourney and his worries, about everything, as he lost himself in the euphoria of finding his long-lost ally. "I'm a Ixian Knight, these days." He grinned, and some of that old charisma came back to his face. "But I suppose I should be askin' you your own question, y'know?"

Eros, or Rose as she also called herself, leaned upon the great glaive that she used in combat, her armor shifting and scraping against one another with the movement as she raised a crimson eyebrow in obvious humor. "I was passing through Radasanth, on my way to the Citadel, when I heard about this tournament your..." She paused, searching for the right word. "....organization is having." She flicked gauntleted fingers into the air slightly, and he could've sworn he felt a brush of heat emit from the red scales across her body. "Figured I may as well try it out. I could use the extra gold."

Anglekos shook his head with a small smile. "Bounty hunting not looking good?"

"Not at all. Ever since you left, I've been stuck with adarast." She almost literally spat the word, and with a few steps moved as the line did. He guessed that it was some sort of draconian curse, but didn't feel the need to elaborate upon that as she moved on. "Not that I blame you, though. My homeland's seen better days."

He nodded with a thin smile, before gesturing to the paper. "Well, I hate to break that fiery spirit of yours, Rose, but there are some real monsters entering. You and I wouldn't stand a chance."

He expected almost anger from her; she despised humans, almost, and last time she met him, she was just warming up to him. Instead, however, she surprised him with a toothy grin, and again he swore that he felt a flicker of heat from her body. "Oh, I don't know. You'd be surprised at just how strong I am."

Still, he had his doubts, and it was obvious upon his face. He was about to voice them when her metal-clad hand laid itself upon his shoulder, and he looked up in surprise to see something strange in her normally fierce visage; compassion. "You don't look so okay, y'know. Did...something happen?"

He shook his head with a smile, before turning on his heel and starting to walk away. "Nah, just...nothing. It's nothing. Good luck in the tournament." However, he took no more than two steps before her hand clenched upon his shoulder, and almost literally dragged him back to face her fierce expression, mutilated with confusion.

"Wait. You're not entering?" She almost snarled at him, and he flinched back from the flames he could now see flickering between her teeth. Scary.

"Yeah..." He almost mumbled, looking away. "I'm not strong enough for it."

"Bull. Shit." She cursed, and his eyes widened as she uttered the very human swear before slamming him up against the wall, one hand clutching her glaive. Several others gave surprised shouts, but a quick wave from Anglekos quieted them down, even as others gave the draconian dubious glances.

"I saw you when you stood atop that bullete, Eric." She growled softly to him, holding him up by his collar now against the wall. "I saw the way the lightning illuminated your eyes. I remember the intensity, the power there." She shoved slightly harder, and he winced. "Where is it now? Where has that passion gone? Is the man who fought side by side with me, the one that rescued me when I was in trouble, gone forever?" She snarled one last time before letting him go, and he dropped to his feet with an audible thud. Her face softened slightly, before almost becoming one of contempt. "You're right. The man I see before me is not Eric. It's a weakling."

Staring, dumbfounded at her words, he slowly narrowed his blue eyes as they glowed quietly with his inner magic, and turning silently, he approached the table, cutting across several people in front of him. They gave him sharp glances, but he silenced them with his own, before bending over the table and signing his name with a couple deft strokes. A presence over shadowed his momentarily, and he glanced up to see the bulky, armored form of his draconian friend smiling grimly before signing her name too; right next to his.

Signing up Anglekos, and a former character of mine turned NPC: Eros dar Decarabia. She'll be considered a level 3 NPC, and I'll probably make a miniature profile for her pretty soon.

Amber Eyes
11-03-10, 08:44 PM
"Puuulllllllleaaaaaaaaasseeeee!" Kyla grabbed at her father's hand. "I've never asked you for anything! I need help!"

"Kylana, it's a silly competition and I'm not about to take part in it. It's not fair to use my power against that of some of the younger guys out there and lets face it, I'm not going to be able to restrain myself if someone is hurting you."

"It's not fair! What's the point of having a super strong dad if he won't even help me! Your so impossible!" Kyla stormed off and joined Anita in a chair on the edge of the room.

Kyla's uncle Steppenwolf Orlouge leaned in and began to speak with the girl's father, the two argued back and forth for a few minutes before Steppenwolf pulled out two matching bracelets. Kyla sat up, now interested in the conversation.

"Your sure it will limit it that much?" Niche was asking.

"Have I ever steered ya wrong?" Steppenwolf grinned. "These bracelets will make us only a bit stronger than young Kyla there."

"An even playing field?" Niche grinned, "I'm in."

"Yes!" Kyla shouted before running with all her might towards the sign-up sheet.

Kyla Orlouge- Level 3
Anita Orlouge- Level 2
Niche Orlouge- Level 5*
Steppenwolf Orlouge- Level 5*

*The brothers are wearing bracelets that will reduce their actual levels down to that of a level 5.

11-19-10, 06:12 AM
"Dude," Pell Duyo exclaimed, marching up to his Ixian associate and hetero-life mate Jaime Greuge. Jaime looked over to his stubby companion for just a moment before dropping his head back into his hands with a groan.

"What do you want?" he whined, obviously in pain.

"How much did you have to drink last night?" Pell barely restrained himself from screaming, instead resorting to waving his arms around wildly.

"All I remember was the eating the worm," Jaime responded, wincing at the sound of his own voice. "Why?"

"Because while you were hammered out of your gourd you thought it was a good idea to sign us up for the Ixian Open."

"I did what?" Jaime screamed, bolting upright out of his chair only to grab his head and crumple backwards.

"You heard me," Pell said, thrusting an accusing finger at his hungover comrade-in-arms. "You signed us up in slots twenty-one and twenty-four."

"Why twenty-one and twenty-four," Jaime asked, his bewilderment momentarily overcoming his pounding temples.

"Because Kyla and Anita were in positions twenty-two and twenty-three and you were saying something about mystic sandwich."

"Oh fuck me," Jaime exclaimed, once again grabbing his head and dropping to the floor.

"No," Pell grumbled quietly, slumping his overweight frame into Jaime's now vacant chair, "fuck us, dude. Fuck us."


Jaime Greuge and Pell Duyo (Level 0) entered into the competition.