View Full Version : NPC's of the Ixian Knights

Requiem of Insanity
10-27-10, 02:32 AM
((I don't know what forum this really belongs in, but these are going to be everybody's NPCs for the Ixian Knights if they have a battle profile.))

The Template should be as follows.




THREAD THEY DEBUTED IN: [You'll need to link it, please.]

SKILLS: [Just like registering a character, you'll need to do the same here. While these characters won't be able to be used outside player permission, let's not go f'ing ape shit on abilities. If someone feels an ability is just to powerful, please Pm myself, Rev, or Sei and we will review it and either ask it to change or leave it.]

HISTORY: [don't worry about getting history out yet. you can always edit it in later. :D ]

I AM MAKING A RULE THAT YOU CANNOT MAKE A CHARACTER MORE THAN 2 LEVELS ABOVE YOUR HIGHEST CHARACTER ON THE SITE! (Yes, that mean's I have to tone down Ta'gaz from 15 to 10, as an example.)

Note this doesn't have to be a character involved in the Ixian Knights. Please leave OOC comments and what not out of this thread, as it's explicitly for the NPC creation only. If you have comments or questions PM the person, or Sei or myself.

Thanks all!

Silence Sei
10-28-10, 01:49 PM
NAME: Tobias Greenleaf

AGE: A lady never reveals her age.

APPEARANCE: Tobias is an elf, one who typically stuffs the tips of her ears underneath her red bandanna. She has green hair falling out of said bandanna, and she has emerald green eyes. She stands about 5'9'', weighs in under 150 lbs, and has pasty white skin. Her lips seems to have a natural red fullness to them.

THREAD THEY DEBUTED IN: Weapon of Choice (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=21038&highlight=hans)

Greenleaf Speed: Tobias is well known for her uncanny speed. She is 7 x faster than a normal person of her stature.

Thousand Blows: Capitalizing on her speed, Tobias lets out a flurry of punches similar to a Dragon Ball Z character. Unfortunately, the power level of the hits are -also- comprabale to a DBZ character (As in, they may leave a bruise here and there, but nothing serious).

Greenleaf Protection: Inspired by the Mystic Race, once per battle Tobias can replace herself with an after-image. Usually follows up with a blow to the back of the head, but this is not always done.

Tae Kwon Do: Tobias is a master in the art of Tae Kwon Do, being able to deliver kicks that can shatter cinderblocks without flinching. Also, if she is grounded, she can block minor blows (for the most part) by using one of her legs.

Snatch: Tobias reaches for one item on a character, and if caught doing so, she steals a -different- item on the character. If not caught, then the original item is stolen. This has a 60% succsess rate, and it is up to the player what the second item stolen is.

HISTORY: To be made at a later date.

Lord Anglekos
11-04-10, 01:41 AM

Given Name: Eros dar Decarabia

Pseudonym(s)/Alias(es): "Rose".

Level: 3 (9990 EXP.)

Age: She prefers not to tell, but from her thoughts she is older than she looks.

Race: Draconian.

Personality: Cold and withdrawn to anyone she does not know, Eros is the epitome of the term "femme fatale". With a harsh tone, she turns on those she feels are beneath her; which include all humans save Eric Anglekos, whom proved his worth to her. Quiet, she tends to speak in short, clipped sentences, and only when necessary; again, however, Eric is the sole human exception to this. Despite her near-silence, she is quick to anger, and her emotions can often overpower her sense of reason. When not angered, however, she holds a surprisingly cunning mind and vicious soul that will do near anything to get what she wants.
Despite her merciless attitude, she holds what comrades she does gain close and has utter loyalty towards them. Considering the truth to be of the utmost importance, she would rather crush someone's emotions than tell a lie. The only time she would do so would be to protect her comrades, and even then she does it with regret; she would much rather battle her way through conflict.

Appearance: Naturally, Eros is an intimidating sight, even to hardened warriors and knights. Standing at five foot ten, she is tall for most women, and she uses every inch to her advantage concerning intimidation. Naturally, she weighs about 120 pounds, due to her muscle mass, but she also wears custom-fit ebony iron-wrought armor all over parts of her body, making her an even more terrible sight to her prey. The areas that are exposed include her cleavage region and neck, but most of the rest of her body is exposed only when she moves a certain way, thus protecting her from physical harm. While wearing this armor, she weighs a good one hundred and sixty pounds. Her hair is a flaming, bloody crimson that goes down to the middle of her back, and is untouched by frizz or curl, whereas her eyes suffer a mild birth defect; while most humanoids have white pupils, hers are black, with a bright, glowing green in the middle as her iris. Her canines are filed to a natural point, like fangs, and across patches of her skin are red dragon's scales, indicating her draconic heritage. These patches mostly center around the more feminine parts of her body, including the back of her neck and inner cleavage.


Draconic Heritage - As she grows, so does her bloodline of the dragons; specifically, red dragons. As she is now, she is 4x stronger than the normal woman, able to lift up to two hundred and fifty pounds with one hand and push up to a weight of half a ton. This supernatural strength also allows her to wear her heavy armor as if it were barely there, and she can now move at twice the speed of the normal woman despite having her armor on. Without it, she can move 2.5x faster. Also, she has a natural 75 percent resistance against magical flame attacks, and is utterly immune against normal flame.

Vulgarian Noise - Eros also has the ability to emit a shockwave of sound from her mouth in the form of a dragon's roar. Those within a fifty foot diameter of her who do not priorly protect their ears beforehand lose the ability to hear anything for five minutes and are physically disorientated for an extended period of time, as well as suffering internal damage from the great amount of sound hitting their body at one time. Those within a diameter of sixty feet to a hundred suffer the same effects, but to a lesser extent; they lose the ability to hear, but only for up to a minute, and the physical disorientation they suffer only lasts for a couple seconds, as well as no internal damage. Due to the strain upon her vocal cords this power performs, she can only use it up to twice per day.

Jump - As a former Dragoon, she has the ability to leap great heights at one time, by pushing all her strength into leg power and pushing off into the air. At this time, she can leap up to fifty feet into the air, and as she comes down, her striking power is increased by 1x for every ten feet she falls; thus, 5x maximum. However, this is a double-edged technique, for every ten feet she falls she also deals additional damage to herself, as she must suffer the effects of the fall.

Flamethrower - By consuming the heat in the air in a vacuum-like suction to her mouth, Eros can combust that heat internally, and spew it out into flames before her. At first, she could only spew out a small stream, but she has practiced this ability so that her range has increased to twenty feet and about ten feet wide destruction area. She, herself, is unaffected by these flames, and can actually consume them for physical strength as well; as which will be stated next. The range she can "throw" her flames and the power of them can be affected if Eros decides to "eat" fire first, and instead of applying them towards her regenerative properties, apply them towards Flamethrower.

Flame Eater - By consuming natural flame, Eros can heal damage done to herself in small amounts and increase her regenerative properties by small increments, depending on the amount of flame. However, she can only do this for normal fire, as magical flame will actually hurt her, if only a small amount. This ability can also be applied to Flamethrower, as stated above.

Martial Proficiency - Eros is an excellent fighter with all types of polearms, and an adept fighter with all types of swords.


Ceannairc - A six foot titanium glaive, it is extremely heavy, and only someone with Eros's strength would be able to wield it effectively. It's fire-resistant nature is taken into account with the enchantment upon it; a small one, where, upon the user's command, it bursts into flame itself, causing fire damage to anything it touches, and three times a day, it can cause a miniature explosion that deals medium to heavy fire damage at close range. It's name means "Rebellion" in her native language.

- Her iron suit of armor, that covers near her entire body. It has been re-crafted to masterwork quality.

Threads She's Been In: Agrigon (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=18574)

Enigmatic Immortal
11-04-10, 03:28 AM
NAME: Stephanie Odara

AGE: 27

APPEARANCE: Blue eyes with pale skin that is soft to the touch. She has an athletic build to her of one who trains constantly. Stephanie has long red hair that goes past her shoulder blades and is usually dressing in her workout fatigues or otherwise wearing her shirt and capris chasing Jensen around.

THREAD DEBUTED IN: It was the performance of a life time! (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=20810)

STATS: As if compared to the Average Human Soldier
STR: 1.25
AGI: 3.0
END: 1.25
SPD: 2.75

SKILLS: Stephanie is a level 8!

Water Stance: Stephanie lifts one leg loosely above her knee cap of the other leg, and hovers her hands close to her chest. When she moves around the field of battle it’s more akin to a snake darting from one area to the next in quick bounds. She never runs or walks, she always dashes when in this stance. She can strike like water, her blows coming in a never ending tide of attacks from every angle. She’ll have 3.5x the AGI when defending against attacks, and 4x the AGI when striking.
^-Lethal Kicks: Stephanie’s legs are made of sterner stuff, so strict is Ta’gaz’s training regimen. Now her blows when attacking with her feet have 3x the strength of an average soldier.
^- Pinwheel Kick: Stephanie does a ferris wheel like motion with her feet, spinning three times and landing blow after blow with her feet upon the opponent’s face. This attack is sudden and can strike from anywhere.
^-Water Slide: Stephanie dives forward in a low sliding attack, placing all her weight in a low center of gravity. This is a trip attempt with a high success rate.

Weapons Combat Training: Her training with the Knights of Apocalypse has given her an excellent grip on how to use her weapons in battle situations. She is considered an Expert in the following fields of weapons:
-Punch Dagger
-Throwing Dagger (X5)

Jester Assassin: Stephanie is considered a Jester Assassin of the Knights of Apocalypse, and when using this stance she moves with a creepy calmness and her attacks seem random, but suddenly she can strike and kill her foe in short swift moves. While in this stance Stephanie lowers her AGI for defense to .75, but increases her AGI to attack to 4.
^- Hidden Knife Throw: Stephanie’s movements are so entrancing that the opponent’s focus is on her strange behavior, but this is all a ruse to throw her knives at the foe. When she throws a knife the enemy should take note they would have half the chance they did before in avoiding it.

Combat Bonuses: These abilities do not stack with each other, but will with any of the above mentioned ones. The highest is always applied when multiple effects are in play.

As Idiotic as it Seems, I Love Him: When Jensen Ambrose is rooting for or fighting against Stephanie, she gains +1 to all her stats.

The Big Lug Ain’t So Bad…: When fighting against William Arcus Stephanie gains +1 to her Endurance.

I Hate That Creepy Bitch!: When in battle against Cassandra Remi she gains +1 to her STR, but she has -.5 to ALL her stats when Cassandra is observing her and not fighting with her, representing Stephanie’s concentration on her during a battle. This negative penalty DOES stack with the positive ones and negative ones.

My Brother, My Best Friend: When fighting with Adolph Gretzel Stephanie has -1 to ALL her stats, such is her reluctance to hurt someone she cares so much about.

HISTORY: Later please!

((Edit: I am assuming once everyone has put up their NPC's they will make small tweaks and modifications, which I'm cool with. I plan to do the same for Stephanie since she has done so much and I know I forgot something, same as any of you.))

11-19-10, 06:01 AM
NAME(s): Jaime Greuge and Pell Duyo

AGE(s): 24 and 26

Jaime Grundge - A tall skinny individual who always seems tanned despite the fact that he's rarely seen outdoors. He sports a wistful look and a lazy eye, eager to do anything he can to get out of work. He, along with Pell Duyo, are stationed together as the night watchmen keeping guard over the Unknown Territory leading into Sei's Tomb. Constantly spends on shift and off shift comparing woman's assets within the knights to Pell.

Pell Duyo - Fairly short and fat, Pell seems to be more at home in the dining hall than standing watch at his guard post. He, along with Jaime Grundge, is stationed as a night watchman keeping guard over the Unknown Territory leading into Sei's Tomb. Constantly spends on shift and off shift comparing woman's assets within the knights with Jaimie.

THREAD THEY DEBUTED IN: Way of the Warrior - Hotouri (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=21309)


Gossip - Jaime and Pell hear a lot of gossip around the Ixian HQ, and they make up a lot more of it while bored on watch. At will they can delve into their repository of facts and blurt out something about your character, whether it be true or not.

Hotness - Jaime and Pell have the uncanny ability to rate any woman's attractiveness on a scale of their choosing. This skill has been honed through countless hours of long, boring night watches and should be considered LEGENDARY.

A Certain Amount of Charm - Most of the time people ignore Jaime and Pell because they are either a) sticking to the back of the room, or b) are too nerdy to associate with. However, when push comes to shove it seems that just about everyone (even that douchebag Jensen who hates everyone) kinda likes the two knuckleheads.

Survival - Jaime and Pell have been known to survive some of the bloodiest, most awful things to ever to befall the Ixian Knights, from the time that the ridiculously over-levelled Swedish brute Shrock Branson crashed into the Ixian HQ riding his magically autonomous wagon to the time when Sei was arrested and the two of them sprung him from jail and then totally helped him rebuild the Ixian Knights from the ground up. This may be due to the fact that they tend to hide in the wagons when the going gets tough, or that might just be a rumor passed along by Jaime and Pell themselves using their Gossip ability. Either way, no matter what happens to them, Jaime and Pell will never truly die and will always come back the next thread. Unless, of course, Jaime ends up in the exploding wagon that one time. Then Pell gets to become insta-badass. But I digress.

HISTORY: Jaime and Pell met each other at Ixian freshman camp and totally hit it off right away. Realizing that they had found their hetro-life mates, Jaime and Pell quickly rose to the top of the ranks of slackers and do-nothings in the Ixian Knights and remain there to this day.