View Full Version : 75 Books Every Writer Should Read

10-27-10, 07:17 PM
Found this link (http://www.onlineuniversities.com/blog/2010/01/75-books-every-writer-should-read/) about some books that are helpful or inspirational to writers. I have a few of these, plus some others. How many of you have referred to these books or others like them? Any suggestions to add to this? One of my faves that isn't on the list is When Good People Write Bad Sentences: 12 Steps to Better Writing Habits, by Robert W. Harris.

10-28-10, 02:22 AM
The only book about writing I ever read was Stephen King's "On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft", and only because I like SK and his work. It was pretty good. And short. And over half of it is pretty much King's biography, so it was fun to read. But I generally steer clear of these kinds of books. They are usually boring to read, and while you can certainly pick up some useful advice from them, I feel that they do little to help you develop your own writing style. I find writing to be a very personal exploration of one's own inspiration, and as such I feel that you should follow your own path of trial and error instead of following someone else. But then again, I'm not that good of a writer and they're making the big bucks, so take it as you will.