View Full Version : The beast of many bloods

11-01-10, 10:25 AM
Deep within the citadel, in the innermost chambers lay a stairwell, unused for many years. Down those steps lay dormant chambers of the ancient building, rooms and halls that had not seen a monks 'step since the current Elder took power.

Down those steps, lurked a monster, a creature that the monks could niether tame, nor destroy only contain. They called it the beast of many bloods, for it was born of all the blood shed in the citadel and each fight, each new death, only fed it more power. It was a secret never told to the outside world, one intended to be kept for all time.

That is, until the day it escaped into Radasanth...


I'm looking for two to three other posters to join me in taking down this nightmare creation, born of all the citadel threads to have ever been made, and completed.

When the thread starts, its already loose in the city, and wrecking untold amounts of havoc. It will have the powers of those who have fought in the citadel according to what powers have actually been used in a completed citadel thread, and the additional ability to temporarily alter the surrounding area, based on arenas described in those same threads.

What say you, will you join me?

Lord Anglekos
11-01-10, 10:55 AM
Ah, a blood beast. I'm familiar with such creatures; they are far more 'known' than one might think. Once I get Anglekos's new profile approved, I may join in with him. Or, perhaps with my skinwalker, Relampago; depends on what fits.

Seeing as it is a beast OF the Citadel, do the Citadel's rule still apply to the battle? Or is this considered a real-time battle, where death is permanent? Because this creation really IS a nightmare, seeing as it will have abilities born from Letho, Dan Lag'ratham, Storm Veritas, and so on and so forth. This is, potentially, the strongest monster in existence, so killing it will be somewhat of a pain. The blood beasts that I know of were created for specifics in mind; almost like assassins, deadly in their invulnerability.

But, in any case, like I said I am willing to join in.

Enigmatic Immortal
11-01-10, 01:53 PM
i'd be in if you'll have me.

11-01-10, 02:20 PM
I see we've started a trend, Ei ;)

I'm in!

Lord Anglekos
11-01-10, 03:48 PM
Depending on how you want the creature to act and be formed from, Ail, you may need more people. Just sayin'.

11-01-10, 07:08 PM
Well, yes, the citadel's rules apply, but only because it came from the citadel, and so the monks have decided, just this once, to extend their rules to the outside world. Their reason being, is that they are responsible for it.

This blood beasts sole purpose is death, and destruction, and will act accordingly, always seeking to cause the greatest amount of damage, never holding back.

And, since yes, it is made of the strongest PCs in Althanian history, it will be hard to defeat, which is why I've decided to open it to more than just the 2-3 I asked for earlier.

BTW, you three, all accepted.

Lord Anglekos
11-01-10, 07:16 PM
One other question. What other traits will the blood beast be carrying? Will it simply be one-formed, with the ability to use all the abilities of blah blah blah and whatnot but with the intelligence of a beast? Or will it possess the cunning and actual physical dexterity and strength of those it is made up of, but simply with the pure desire to wreak utter havok? Depending on which, it could be easier or harder than imagined.

On another hand, one or a few of us should start gathering intel on what it CAN do, and go through the list of characters who have battled in the Citadel and what abilities they have used while we can. The more we, as the players, know about it, the shorter the thread will be and easier it will be complete.

Otherwise, this battle could go for at least a year, and none of us want that.

11-01-10, 08:37 PM
One other question. What other traits will the blood beast be carrying? Will it simply be one-formed, with the ability to use all the abilities of blah blah blah and whatnot but with the intelligence of a beast? Or will it possess the cunning and actual physical dexterity and strength of those it is made up of, but simply with the pure desire to wreak utter havok? Depending on which, it could be easier or harder than imagined.

On another hand, one or a few of us should start gathering intel on what it CAN do, and go through the list of characters who have battled in the Citadel and what abilities they have used while we can. The more we, as the players, know about it, the shorter the thread will be and easier it will be complete.

Otherwise, this battle could go for at least a year, and none of us want that.

I should have thought of answering those questions, and I apologize for not doing so.

The beast, as I'll shorten its name to, will take the form of whomever's abilities it is using, exactly mirroring them in all ways. So, Letho's dexterity will be its dexterity while in Letho's form. Godhands impressive physical attributes will be its attributes while in Godhand's form.

Our advantage, is its lack of intelligence. It knows what to do, but not why. It doesn't know why Bloodrose swings his blade when he does, only that he does. Granted, it'll still be a hard fight, but that factor will help us tremendously. Just as it lacks intelligence, it lacks wisdom. It is pure instinct that drives it.

For clarification:

If, say, it was using Bloodrose's fighting skills with a longsword, then the beast will form a longsword out of its blood. It will match Plynt in all things, regardless of what the real sword did.

To continue, if, say, its using Lorenor's Endless, which forms his armor, then The Beast will mimic the design of the Endless, and the Armor, again matching Plynt in all things.

Lord Anglekos
11-01-10, 08:55 PM
No problem whatsoever. I'm probably overanalyzing it anyways, but hell, gives me something to do. It's shapeshifting is definitely both a benefit and a curse...as is it's pure, destructive instinct.
Say, for example, another shapeshifter took a piece of the blood beast while it was in Letho's state. Is the beast considered then a level 13 creature, or it's original level (whatever it may be)?

Enigmatic Immortal
11-01-10, 09:04 PM
I would't put a level on the beast, honestly. It's just a really hard npc with skills that are godly, but the flaw of revealing who it mimics gives us an advantage, as well as the lack of training. A dangerous man swinging a blade can be predictable, just don't get hit.

11-01-10, 09:05 PM
I, I don't know. I'll have to think about that while I'm away at work. Suggustions?

Enigmatic Immortal
11-01-10, 09:12 PM
Sure, I got a few.

First off, to weed out the many, many mirade of warriors who would qualify, let's limit how many shapes the beast can take to nor more than eight. Then, we can find the top eight people who posted in the citadel , or go by which top X number of people had the highest level. These are the shapes most dominate to the beast.

Off the top of my head, that would be:
Silence Sei
Mutant Lorenor
Enigmatic Immortal
Slayer of the Rot
And others

If we were to say these are the main forms it takes, as the blood subsumed the weaker blood of fallen warriors, ensuring only the strongest blood survived. That would be those people.

Let's say the beast needs to shift into the form of the person he's mimicking. When he does so, all attributes of that character are given to them, as well as looks at the time the blood was shed. Since it doesn't have training or anything, I'll assume that it can't use anyone's magical abilities or endurance abilities, (IE anything that gives boost for short periods of time) However, it still retains the rudimentary echoes of the battle the blood was shed in.

Now we can go with the assumption that the blood shed during that battle will be the blood of the mimicked soul. So if in Letho mode, we beat it up, shed it's blood until there isn't enough Letho blood to mimic, so it reverts to Dissinger. As we weaken it down and make it shed more of its blood, we take away the beasts power.

Make sense?

Lord Anglekos
11-01-10, 09:13 PM
Reason why I was asking is because one of my newest characters also has a limited shapeshifting ability. He can shapeshift into other creatures that he consumes, for a momentary amount of time. I was considering using him, but not if his shapeshift ability would be nulled; which it would be if the creature's level was considered higher than his own.
Hmm. I'd probably have to talk to Letho then about the beast, and Rel's limitations considering that. Anyways, nevermind. I'll just consider it for now as Enima said. A godly NPC.
EDIT: Dammit, ninja'd!

11-02-10, 08:34 AM
Godly NPC makes sense, as far as the magic goes...

It'd probably make sense to not use it, as you've suggested, more so to prevent Luc Kraus from popping up and swamping us in tsunami's of mud, and blood.

As far as this goes:

Let's say the beast needs to shift into the form of the person he's mimicking. When he does so, all attributes of that character are given to them, as well as looks at the time the blood was shed. Since it doesn't have training or anything, I'll assume that it can't use anyone's magical abilities or endurance abilities, (IE anything that gives boost for short periods of time) However, it still retains the rudimentary echoes of the battle the blood was shed in.

That's a near exact mind read of what I thought.

Edit: To keep from making a monster that keeps going like the energizer bunny, these will be its six forms:

Silence Sei
Mutant Lorenor
Enigmatic Immortal
Slayer of the Rot

It will start with Letho, and whoever finished off Letho will decide what the next form is, and so on and so forth, until we finish this monster off.

Silence Sei
11-02-10, 08:46 AM
Let me just put my two cents in here.

Roy, you said that the beast won't have the intelligence of the person it is copying, right?

Then I would suggest that you play Sei's form as a relative weakling. Most of his skills come from overthinking a situation, and coming up with a good strategy for it. IF the beast can't think like that, he would just be an arsenal of weapons with good skill in using them.

Well, and Mystic Protection.

But anotherquestion, what if one was to gain abilities that could be suited for the citadel, but gained them after any recent citadel battles? For example, Sei's 'Sound of Madness' would be a pretty decent ability to use, but Sei hasn't visited the citadel since getting it. Should the beast have said ability, or not?

11-02-10, 09:50 AM
Only those abilities you have used in a completed Citadel thread, can be used, and only before the day I post the thread. If you gained an ability afterwards, well, too bad, they can't be used. My goal is something different, but not unfair. Hence the idiocy and the forms requirements, coupled with a lack of magic. (save for Mystic Protection, provided it meets the below requirements.

Is Mystic Protection innate, I mean, I know you say its a birthrite ability, so does that mean its as natural as breathing, and about as taxing?

Silence Sei
11-02-10, 10:19 AM
That is correct. All Mystic Protection takes to be active is the Mystic in question to simply will it so. No trouble at all.

IF you have any questions about any of my abilities, feel free to ask, as I am more than willing to give you my full permission to use 'Sei' however you need.

11-02-10, 11:11 AM
Alright, oh, about that sneaking into the citadel...

May I advise not going into the basement? There's, "something", down there, responsible for this beast. "something" that will be taken care of in a follow up thread to this one.

I will post the OP to this grand battle, tonight.

One question to ponder.

Should I make it in the citadel, or in Radasanth?

Lord Anglekos
11-02-10, 01:26 PM
Make it inside Radasanth. It should be much more interesting for people to be screaming and running, watching a makeshift Letho blowing up buildings and whatnot; it might even provide a new storyline. "What? Letho was destroying Radasanth? What the hell?" You get what I mean. The monks will be running around, trying to "heal" the damage done, while us "brave adventurers try and distract/finish off the beast.

11-02-10, 01:36 PM
I'd like to point out I'm entering as Cydnar, if that's okay?

Lord Anglekos
11-02-10, 02:03 PM
Oh, one other question I had, regarding the tangibility of the creature, since it is made of "blood". Will normal weaponry affect it as if they were affecting a normal body?

11-02-10, 09:21 PM
This.... is... EPIC!

Words can not describe how much I want to be involved! I can see it now, the beast explodes out of the citidel doors and starts rampaging through the city. The Monks go crazy and call a halt to all the current battles and tell everyone to attack the beast. All the warriors that were going to fight in the citidel that day come spilling out of the building with all manner of weapons as the beast goes nuts and starts destroying buildings. Warriors/Mages/Thieves/Rouges of all shapes and sizes launch attacks only to be foiled by the creature's blood version of mystic protection.

While the fighting is going on and people are getting smashed and chopped into little diced pieces the monks are running around healing as many people as they can, making fresh waves of warriors to attack the beast.

I think the way EI has suggested so far would work well, it shifts between people to launch their attacks and when one is exhaused it changes again. The only thing I might add is that the monks are running aroudn healing people, so if someone is killed or seriously injured, they are their to fix them (much like a citidel thread).

So yeah... if you need someone else Talen is up for it :)

11-02-10, 10:07 PM
Alright hyst, your in.

Also, that's about how I was going to start it off.

11-02-10, 11:24 PM
Houston, we have a problem!

I can't find a citadel thread for Letho!

Lord Anglekos
11-02-10, 11:42 PM
Look up "Fight the Horde"; Letho challenged EVERYONE in that thread. It's huge.

11-03-10, 10:07 AM
The first post is up!


Please, ignore the fact that its in the wrong account.

I saw Letho with a prevalida tipped spear. I didn't need any further explanation, so that's what I started with.

11-03-10, 10:59 AM
Cydnar will appear in Radasanth in the next post he maketh :).

Silence Sei
11-03-10, 11:26 AM
A bit off topic, but Roy, you know you're up in Green Grass and High Tides, right?

Lord Anglekos
11-03-10, 01:37 PM
I'll post next. I'll begin the actual fight with it.
EDIT: Posted. Hope it's satisfactory.

Enigmatic Immortal
11-03-10, 05:29 PM
get my post in tonight.

11-04-10, 05:52 AM
Just waiting on Duffy then, I see.

11-04-10, 07:24 AM
I already posted?

11-04-10, 10:32 AM
I already posted?

Shoot, it's too late, the Time Warp already has him! Quick, someone fetch a Theoretical Physicist! I'll get Dr. Who on the phone, this man doesn't realize the awful truth of his predicament. Don't worry Duffy, we'll save you.

...alright I'll post later.

11-04-10, 10:38 AM
I did say I was posting as Cydnar :p.

11-05-10, 12:09 AM
Whats our plan of attack neighbourinos? Talen and Jensen are close combat fighters mostly, but I dare say we could all stand back and hurl spells? We could also use Duffy as a diversion and attack blood letho from behind. Talen would be down with that.

A thought came to me just now, spell limits are going to be a real bitch during this fight....

Lord Anglekos
11-05-10, 12:23 AM
I'm taking down the thing's "Letho" form, since Anglekos is the closest. He's gonna get in close, then use two lightning arrows to blow two huge holes in two places; the head, and chest. I'm gonna take advantage of the fact that it doesn't think, just act, which my swordsman will see. This should give enoughr time for everybody to get in place when it switches forms once again.

I know that sounds too simple, but please take into account that Anglekos's lightning arrows strike at 3x times, normally, the power of a normal arrow from his bow; plus, since the creature is a pure liquidated form, it also does an extra 2x damage. So that's 6x the norm.

11-05-10, 10:38 AM
Cydnar is an anti-mage warrior, he's best when in combat (he gets a boost to his swordplay when fighting single armed enemies) so he can be a vanguard to hold the creature up if you like. When he switches form to something with a blunt weapon he'll have to withdraw, but can then start taking pot shots with quartz shards/missiles.

I'm game for whatever really.

Lord Anglekos
11-05-10, 02:17 PM
That's funny, seeing as Anglekos was originally an anti-mage warrior, back in Saleria; I guess we're more common than we thought. That would be great if you could distract Letho while Anglekos sneaks up on him/it; I have enchanted armor that allows me to move utterly silent. So then, step behind, boom, done. Letho's finished. Then, I'm thinking it'll switch over to something like Dissinger or Mutant Lorenor.

Enigmatic Immortal
11-05-10, 02:18 PM
ya all do know that Jensen is engaging with the beast, right?

11-05-10, 06:40 PM
I do. My plan of strategy is to use her in conjunction with the rest of the order to seal the beasts higher unspoken of powers to keep it to what was described here originally. Also, to run around trying to heal whomever needs it.

It has a seventh form, of course, but that one's all Ailnea's, considering it is Ailnea herself that the monster becomes.

Regardless, it is time I posted.

Lord Anglekos
11-10-10, 03:05 PM
I just took care of it's Letho form, like I said. Someone else can decide what it transforms next. Thanks, Cydnar, for distracting it for me.

11-10-10, 07:26 PM
Cydnar has white hair and purple eyes (not purple hair) :)

And its my turn! Wooooot

Lord Anglekos
11-10-10, 07:32 PM
Cydnar has white hair and purple eyes (not purple hair) :)

And its my turn! Wooooot
Oops. Anyways, I fixed and edited it; so yes, it's your turn.

11-10-10, 08:40 PM

Lorenor is the next up. He isn't that hard to beat in the current setting. Sunlight halves his inate abilities (the spell I made him cast was from his ring) and he is weak against earth attacks (Cydnar?) and lighting. He is still twice as strong, fast and tough, but *shrug*.

Lord Anglekos
11-11-10, 12:48 AM
How strong exactly is that blast of darkness? Like, could it be blocked by a light-enchanted mythril shield, for example?

11-11-10, 07:14 PM
I've been, out of action, these past few days. (swears vengence on the ISP).

Who's turn is it to post?

Lord Anglekos
11-11-10, 07:28 PM
EI's. You're up after him.

11-12-10, 12:04 AM
How strong exactly is that blast of darkness? Like, could it be blocked by a light-enchanted mythril shield, for example?

Duno really. It reads as pretty strong. I imagine that the light enchantment would be far less powerfull than the shadow spell, so then its whether or not the mythril would stand up to it. If it was an equivalent fire spell you'd be in trouble, maybe go off that?

You always have the option of being badly injured and healed by a monk later. :)

Lord Anglekos
11-12-10, 12:13 AM
Duno really. It reads as pretty strong. I imagine that the light enchantment would be far less powerfull than the shadow spell, so then its whether or not the mythril would stand up to it. If it was an equivalent fire spell you'd be in trouble, maybe go off that?

You always have the option of being badly injured and healed by a monk later. :)

That is true, but seeing as Eric already drew his blade and shield in preparation for whatever would happen next, I'm hoping that it's plausible enough for him to at least dodge it. True, it's a fast spell...perhaps Eric could try to dodge it, and the spell hits the wall behind him and it erupts, sending chunks of debris everywhere, and Eric gets hit by a piece of debris. This way, he still sustains damage, and it's believable.

Seeing as you know Lorenor better than I do, obviously, I'm leaving up to you to judge whether or not this is plausible.

11-12-10, 08:59 AM
You could, ask the man himself.

Lord Anglekos
11-12-10, 12:23 PM
You could, ask the man himself.
I would, but he's barely on; on Althanas, or on instant messaging.

Silence Sei
11-12-10, 02:59 PM
You tal;king about the same Lorenor we're talking about?

If so, he's always on, or around.

Lord Anglekos
11-12-10, 03:00 PM
You tal;king about the same Lorenor we're talking about?

If so, he's always on, or around.

...I must either have the wrong IM address, then, or I don't know who his alts are, because I never see him on. Odd.

EDIT: So I talked to Lore, and if you guys can distract the thing again, I can rush in and one-hit KO the creature due to his fatal lightning weakness, he said. Also, the burst of darkness, although strong, can also be cut through by magic, so I'll just take advantage of that. After that, though, I'll probably be fatally wounded myself, so I'll be out for the next "form" at the very least.

11-12-10, 06:55 PM
...I must either have the wrong IM address, then, or I don't know who his alts are, because I never see him on. Odd.

EDIT: So I talked to Lore, and if you guys can distract the thing again, I can rush in and one-hit KO the creature due to his fatal lightning weakness, he said. Also, the burst of darkness, although strong, can also be cut through by magic, so I'll just take advantage of that. After that, though, I'll probably be fatally wounded myself, so I'll be out for the next "form" at the very least.

Don't worry, I'll drag you away and get you healed.

11-14-10, 06:33 AM
Ooow, epic death Aiko.

11-14-10, 07:45 AM
Oh, I'll be back.

Lord Anglekos
11-14-10, 01:23 PM
Ailnea, where in your profile does it say you can transform into this "Eldritch Horror" that can supposedly survive a punch to the face that could break concrete? I saw that you had this "First Evolution" mode, but it even states in your profile that it's built more for speed than endurance or strength. If you can clarify this for me, then fine; I'll not bring it up again. But quite honestly, I don't want people to forget the limits of their own characters in being caught up within the "epicness" of the fight, and that's what it looks like is being done within your post.
A second thing I'd like to mention, in general, is that this is a teamed battle. Yet, we're not acting like a team. My character's attacks work on the basis of surprise; sneak up, boom, thing is dead. He should be more of an assassin type than a warrior type. I'm not the only one who has seen this; it was brought up to me by someone else as well. So, Ailnea, if you could in your next post at least acknowledge that our characters are there? Perhaps provide some sort of interaction, if even it's the nod of the head? Not only does it make US feel more included, it would provide points towards the scoring, and realism of the entire thread.
That's all for now.

11-14-10, 06:34 PM
First, yes she can transform as indicated by the real profile here: http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=21686

Secondly, there were no concrete breaking punches used against her, and even Onox's attack was more of a general wave type attack than a focused one.

Lord Anglekos
11-14-10, 06:48 PM
First, yes she can transform as indicated by the real profile here: http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=21686

Secondly, there were no concrete breaking punches used against her, and even Onox's attack was more of a general wave type attack than a focused one.

For the first, just so you know, your character profile link links to the wrong one. Thus, that is why I assumed such. I apologize.
Secondly, Mutant Lorenor's base strength is enough to break concrete, I said. And certainly enough to crush flesh. Since you were punched, at full force, by said man, or at least his doppleganger, in said face, that is why I called you out.

11-14-10, 06:50 PM
I have posted, good sirs. Cydnar's bite drains the creatures magical output when directed at Cydnar, but it should allow him to combat Lorenor and any subsequent form's abilities in close quarters as without it, he is dangerously exposed.

Heed his rally or not, the choice is yours, give him a few minutes to deal with the cracked ribs and he'll be right with you I'm sure!

11-14-10, 07:29 PM
A second thing I'd like to mention, in general, is that this is a teamed battle. Yet, we're not acting like a team. My character's attacks work on the basis of surprise; sneak up, boom, thing is dead. He should be more of an assassin type than a warrior type. I'm not the only one who has seen this; it was brought up to me by someone else as well. So, Ailnea, if you could in your next post at least acknowledge that our characters are there? Perhaps provide some sort of interaction, if even it's the nod of the head? Not only does it make US feel more included, it would provide points towards the scoring, and realism of the entire thread.
That's all for now.

Thats a big issue with so many people. Remember that there should be other warriors, body parts, monks, towns people, local law, etc running around too. Its hard to bring on that sort of enviroment with five people involved.

That said, its still pretty fun ^.^

Lord Anglekos
11-14-10, 07:44 PM
I just dealt with the Lorenor form. Subsequently, Anglekos is now dead; a hole through his chest now.

11-14-10, 07:52 PM
Don't worry, a team of monks will drag you away and heal you.

Slayer of the Rot
11-14-10, 08:43 PM
Good luck when that fucker takes my form.

Lord Anglekos
11-14-10, 09:05 PM
Good luck when that fucker takes my form.
Anybody have any wood?

11-14-10, 09:24 PM
But you'd have to trick him into eating it, and even then it needs to be high quality wood...

Anyway, my post is up, so apparently I get to again decide who we fight ;)

Silence Sei
11-14-10, 09:42 PM
Make him eat a popsicle.

Just make sure the stick is high quality.

Slayer of the Rot
11-14-10, 10:20 PM
Grape with a liviol stick is your best choice.

11-15-10, 10:28 AM
Just my two cents, but, I think we should save Dan's form for last, since if my understanding is correct, his strength is 100% natural, and thus we're all gonna suffer.

Heck, I might have to dogpile him with monks just to give everyone else a chance to heal and recover.

11-15-10, 08:00 PM
So far we have:

Silence Sei
Mutant Lorenor
Enigmatic Immortal
Slayer of the Rot

If Slayer is last, then who's next? Dissinger can created massive magical attacks with easy, he's probably harder than Sei.

Enigmatic Immortal
11-15-10, 08:09 PM
next up is seth

Silence Sei
11-15-10, 08:19 PM
If Slayer is last, then who's next? Dissinger can created massive magical attacks with easy, he's probably harder than Sei.

Yes, as I've said before, Sei should be the weakest of the characters, as the beast has his weapons, but not his intelligence to use them effectively.

Slayer of the Rot
11-15-10, 08:43 PM
Just my two cents, but, I think we should save Dan's form for last, since if my understanding is correct, his strength is 100% natural, and thus we're all gonna suffer.

Yep, it's all natural baby. And so's the regeneration.

EDIT: Another thing, if anyone has any spells or enchantments or abilities that can weaken natural strength, you can fuck up his terramancy too. Dan can only manipulate as much stone/sand/dirt/whatever as he can lift.

Lord Anglekos
11-15-10, 08:59 PM
Yep, it's all natural baby. And so's the regeneration.

EDIT: Another thing, if anyone has any spells or enchantments or abilities that can weaken natural strength, you can fuck up his terramancy too. Dan can only manipulate as much stone/sand/dirt/whatever as he can lift.
You know what? Fuck you. Yeah.
But seriously, I don't know how to beat you. Popsicle idea still around.

11-16-10, 07:06 AM
We all launch attacks at him at the same time... and hope we don't get set alight by napalm... It should be alright. I don't think any one person could do it, but together if we all launch ranged attacks. Talen has a pretty epic series of spells that he could start preparing now.

On another note, are all the hurt people going to come back in their next post, or be out for a while...?

11-16-10, 08:31 AM
EI said he was out for the thread. I'm out for Seth Dahlios, but I still have the NPC order, hence the whole scene where their containment of the powers the beast stole from them broke, and Cydnar got fire shot at him, and Anglekos got crystal shot at him.

If at all possible, I'd like to be the one who writes the beast's transformation into Dan. Story wise, it's actually kind of neccessary, so as to tie in the background of the first post in with whats going on.

11-16-10, 11:21 AM
I will post this evening or tomorrow.

I think that, given Cydnar's drained the beast, he should survive a single magic attack using his counter ability to get in close, then combine attacks with every one else.

A single, co-ordinated Alpha Strike should do it!

Lord Anglekos
11-16-10, 11:22 AM
...Anglekos got crystal shot at him.

Y'know, that's kind of hard, seeing he's back inside the Citadel being healed. Or at least, I was going to write him like that. If you really want to play it that way, then fine, but...honestly, it doesn't make sense to me, and I'm not even the judge.
But whatever. I'll roll.

11-16-10, 07:52 PM
I edited it to Talen, I had read the part where you died, but forgot about that part when I needed a second target.


If you think I'm confusing now, try doing a thread in which we explore the elemental realm of Chaos!

11-16-10, 08:52 PM
Awwww, i thought i'd escape.

Lord Anglekos
11-20-10, 02:05 PM
It's Duffy/Cydnar's turn next. Let's keep the ball rolling people.

11-20-10, 03:29 PM
I'm on it soon as I can, it's a busy week with teaching and lectures; tonight if I'm lucky, tomorrow if it's normative.

Lord Anglekos
11-20-10, 05:28 PM
I'm on it soon as I can, it's a busy week with teaching and lectures; tonight if I'm lucky, tomorrow if it's normative.
No problem. We all understand busy weeks.

Lord Anglekos
11-25-10, 11:04 PM
Double posting. In case you forgot, Roy, now that EI's not in it anymore, it's your turn again.

11-26-10, 08:57 AM
Actually, I had forgotten and was waiting on EI to post. Thanks for the reminder. While it is too late this morning for a post, I'll certainly get one done tonight.

Lord Anglekos
11-26-10, 01:03 PM
No problem, I had assumed as much.
Who do we have left to kill? Let's try and take Seth Dahlios out quickly in some way; perhaps, Roy, you could have one of the monks slam a building onto it or something. I know we still need to fight Sei, but as he said his 'blood' form is going to be relatively weak compared to the others. After that, well, it's Dan.

11-28-10, 08:20 PM
Just a quick note in regards to "dropping a building on it or something".

I chose "or something". However, it is taking a few days to write up properly. What with getting to satisfy one of my desires and demonstrate The Elder's abilities to their fullest, I don't want to mess this up by just slapping it onto the page.

So to sum it up, this is just a note to indicate I am indeed working on my post, and I'm trying to make it a really good one.

Lord Anglekos
11-28-10, 08:31 PM
Take your time.

11-29-10, 03:29 AM
Are we unable to take out Seth ourselves? I think its realistic that we struggle against these people, but not sure we need to shift to letting NPCs take them out.

11-29-10, 08:39 AM
Well, no, we don't have to shift to NPC's. Well, except for maybe Dan, but I say that only because his strength terrifies me.

I can easily alter my post to simply hold off/wear seth down.

11-29-10, 08:44 AM
I would like to, if possible, take Seth out in my next (and concluding post).

Unless anyone has any objections?

11-29-10, 09:30 AM

11-29-10, 10:22 AM
Ooow are you going to use that baddass Dissapearing spell? Then you wouldn't be able to be healed...

I was going to use Talen's super sexy signiture move on Dan, though I don't think I'll have enough posts to get it done. It involved Talen casting two more of those flowers and then waiting for them to bloom enough he can release all the attacks at a target.

11-29-10, 11:23 AM
I have a lot of work and other threads, it feels like the right time to bow out of this one, either in the next or the one after.

Lord Anglekos
11-29-10, 01:28 PM
Then, I suggest we go straight from Seth to Dan, and bring this thread under wraps.

11-29-10, 01:34 PM
I will get to it this evening :).

Silence Sei
11-29-10, 03:19 PM
Or, you could have Sei appear after Dan so you're all beaten and bruised and have an easy last boss.

Like Sephiroth

11-29-10, 06:47 PM
Actually, Sei, I have a third alternative.

There is a clear second thread to follow. I keep making references to a "Dark Energy beneath the citadel". I mentioned in the first post via Observer's neutral viewpoint, of a dark spirit entering The Citadel. This won't be resolved in the first thread.

Put forth for your consideration: Desiring that the first warriors who helped them should rest, the monks call forth for a new batch to help them investigate what lays beneath. Down there we find the dark spirit, older, wiser, and very powerful. It saved some blood for itself. The blood of a single warrior.

This thread would be even better if you were in it, because that blood, could, and would be yours, Sei. Imagine, facing yourself, exactly as you are now. Except diametrically opposed. Whereas you are for all intents and purposes "Good", this dark spirit is clear Evil. It would have your power, and watched how you used your abilities, thus it would not be some weakling. It would be you, in all your glory, fighting for evil.

Except, it wouldn't be just you. Once we got rid of its body, there's still its spirit, which is far deadlier. No living person can ever defeat the spirit of Death itself...

11-29-10, 06:48 PM
I will get to it this evening :).

Its still my post, I'm just trying to figure out what direction I should post in.

11-29-10, 06:50 PM
The more I think about it the less easy I think Sei would be. At the very least he'd use his Gemini blades and gain a clone. Then if we attacked he has four mystic protections to use.

Silence Sei
11-29-10, 07:09 PM
The more I think about it the less easy I think Sei would be. At the very least he'd use his Gemini blades and gain a clone. Then if we attacked he has four mystic protections to use.

You forgot the doppelganger can do that too, you'd be facing 8 MPs total.

So yeah, maybe Sei's not such a wuss after all.

And Roy, the whole 'fighting with ones evil self' has been done by Sei once before, I really don't wanna don that liche again, thanks for the offer though.

Lord Anglekos
11-29-10, 07:17 PM
And Roy, the whole 'fighting with ones evil self' has been done by Sei once before, I really don't wanna don that liche again, thanks for the offer though.

It's been done by more than just Sei, as well.

11-29-10, 07:41 PM
Then we forget the part where it has Sei's blood. There's still the fact that it has become the equivalent of The Grim Reaper from RL mythology.

Lord Anglekos
12-08-10, 02:12 AM
It's been almost two weeks. Is this dead, or...?

12-08-10, 04:43 AM
I'll make a post, and we'll hope for the best. I guess, based on above conversation, I'll instead have The Elder simply blind the beast. This will only last for Seth's form.

12-08-10, 04:49 AM
After someone else posts, I'm game for the Cydnar finale.

Lord Anglekos
12-12-10, 02:08 PM
Roy, you have yet to post. I'm normally not one to push, but it's been more than two weeks without even a whisper. If you have any intention left to post, say so now, or we're moving on without you.

12-12-10, 06:47 PM
I do intend to post, I just, can't. I want to post, I sincerely do, but every time I try to write up a post, I hit this vast chasim of nothingness and can't produce anything.

12-13-10, 08:28 AM
Just skip this round, or just write about a monk painstakingly putting your character back together, and let someone else continue fighting Seth.

12-13-10, 10:22 AM
I'll skip this round, please, continue on. I'll return at the next form.

Lord Anglekos
12-14-10, 12:27 PM
Who's turn is it then?

12-14-10, 12:39 PM
Now isn't that the hundred pound question (having said that, I think it's possibly mine).

I have been cut off from the internet at home due a false accusation of unsolicited e-mail spamming (which I believe is due to the torrenting software I use, but that's an unrelated note :P).

When I return, and if I return (I'm kicking up an epic fuss) I will post.

12-15-10, 10:08 AM
Dare I say that maybe we should skip you this round too?

12-30-10, 11:13 PM
I really want to get this finished, maybe Anglekos, you should post? You could return with Eric, then we might be able to continue?

12-31-10, 05:56 AM
There you have my concluding, exit post gentlemen.

His next form is all yours, have fun!

12-31-10, 08:09 AM
Perhaps I should switch to Ailnea later and do her ressurection post while simultaineously having the beast give loads of trouble in whatever form the rest of you decide should come up?

01-04-11, 08:50 AM
Its just you and me now...

Did you want to next to post to do something? bring in the next incarnation, or end it?

01-04-11, 10:05 AM
Let us end this, in truly grand style, an incarnation that will require the Elder and Onox to assist us in beating it.


Think about it.

If not, then I'll simply wind it down with Silence Sei. The onus of this choice, I leave entirely upon you.

01-12-11, 07:51 PM
I don't mind really. If it was slayer then we would need to rely on the npcs to defeat it. If we make it sei, it'll be hard, but not impossible.

01-27-11, 09:05 AM
So I figured we should wrap this up. I posted and had Talen and the monks (mostly the monks) finish off the last form. Let me know if you wanted something else instead and I can edit. :)