View Full Version : Venessian the Betrayer

11-01-10, 08:51 PM
Venessian the Betrayer

Age: 32
Gender: Male
Race: Ibixian (Long-horned Goatfolk)

Fur Color: White
Eye Color: Black and without pupils
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 131 lbs

Profession: Necromancer

Personality -

Venessian watched the fall of his people with a blank expression. Elders claimed that a soul never found the shell of Ven's body when he was a "kid", but those elders are dead now. At any rate, he feels at home only when surrounded by the stench of carrion and decay. He had no use for friends, only servants and slaves. He is efficient and methodical, his genius and cunning only outshadowed by his cruelty. When faced with physically powerful warriors, Ven acts the part of the weak and frail coward, pitiful and decrepid to inspire pity in his enemies, luring them closer...

Appearance -

The Ibixian are an almost extinct off-shoot of the goatfolk; a mountain dwelling race of herbivores that lives in temperate to arctic mountain climes. His body is covered in long, shaggy white fur, although brown and black are the norm of his people. The long, spiralling ebony horns are a trademark of the Ibixian, reaching 5 - 7 feet in length if measured from base to tip. Ven's are an average five feet, although much shorter if one takes into account the twisting and bending that takes place closest to the head before straightening down the length of the back.

His feet are cloven hooves, and his hands are musclar and large in porportion to the rest of his body. His goatlike face is elongated, with a row of flat teeth, yellowish in shade. Long tattered strips of vibrant yellow cloth bind the creature's joints and preserve his modesty when travelling through civilized lands. He carries a plain white staff made of ash, and an iron-bound tome of arcane lore hangs from his hip from leather chords.

History -

The unremarkable wooden huts built directly into the cliff's face, burned brightly in the autumn night, the inhuman screams of the ibixian people dying throughout the village. The western face of Mt. Karnak was a scene of massacre, both the bodies of goatmen and stone giants strewn about the wreckage.

For nearly a century, the two races were allies, the Ibixian serving as long range scouts and ranchers, keeping the ever hungry giants fed, in exchange for protection from the other monsters that dwelled on Karnak.

Manoth and his five remaining children gazed at the battle in progress, dwarfing the small creature standing beside him. Manoth was unhappy with how the events were progressing. The giants had been unable to prevent the Ibixian from fleeing, and they would no doubt regroup, or rekindle their numbers over the winter.

"You, white betrayer. You sure it here?" Manoth turned his baleful glare to the white furred creature that barely reached his own kneecaps in height.

"Yesss... They took it in the night. Would they challenge you so if their guilt was naught?" the beastman chose his words carefully, knowing that Manoth the mighty giant leader could crush him if he so chose. "Venessian would never challenge the mighty giants of stone, oh no, he would not dare. Loyal, he is, yesss..."

"What you want for help Manoth and him's giants? Shinies? Goats never want shinies before!" Manoth looked accusingly at his companion.

"Nooo..." Ven dropped to his knees, quivering in mock fear. "This one wouldn't take treasure from Manoth. Manoth is powerful! Venessian want's only to serve the mighty giants!" he spoke with the same frevor as an evangelist.

"If you want to help giants, you go look!" the giant-lord commanded, no longer desiring to be in the presence of the sniveling creature.

The battle raged long into the evening with heavy casualties on both sides. The last of the Ibixian defenders died, their delyn greataxes falling heavily upon the stone as they fell the sheer might of the giants, only a quarter of the villiage making it to the safety of the open plains miles to the south. The dawn was heralded by the howls of the giants, betrayed by the necromancer, as he had betrayed his people in turn.

Venessian escaped unnoticed into the night, heading far north towards the elven lands and the city of Radasanth, with the scepter of Joril Gravelhand tucked safely away in his pack.

Skills -

Herbalism - Ven can identify useful herbs common in alchemy and has a basic knowledge of how to harvest them.
Intellect - Ven has a genius level of intelligence, the equivilant of a scholarly human wizard spending their youth in some dank arcane tower.

Racial Skills -

Headbutt - Ven can deliver a powerful butt with his horns if given enough room to build momentum. His subpar physical strength prevents this attack from being as potent as the other members of his race.
Darkvision - Ven can see in the dark in shades of white, grey, and black up to a maximum range of fifty feet.
Beastly Appetite - Ibixians require twice the ammount of vegitable matter to sustain their bodies as the average human. Typically, they consume their body weight in grass, plants, and other natural growth per week.

Spellbook -

Venessian's spellbook is a twenty-five paged iron-clad tome which contains the few magical an alchemical recipies he aquired over the years as well as a single dark ritual. It is somewhat stunted, with little arcane knowledge available high in the mountains.

Chilling Fog - With a pinch of grave-dirt, and a breath from his black lungs, Venessian calls forth a bank of fog which saps the physical strength of all within. Friend or foe find themselves fatigued the thick mist which lasts for a minute. All creatures are affected, but the potency of the mist is relative to the strength of its victims. Once summoned, the necromantic energy present in the area is absorbed, thus Chilling Fog can only be cast once per dungeon, area, etc.
Grave Frost - A concentrated blast of the "Chilling Fog" spell is Ven's primary mode of attack. The blast arcs forward, dealing cold damage to his opponent and sapping a bit of his opponent's physical power. The strength sap is barely noticable at first, but the spell can be used at will, and its effects are cumulative.


Animate Dead - As a one day long ritual, Ven can focus necromantic power bound deep in the earth to create a lesser form of undead from a freshly slain corpse. Corpses containing powerful spirit energy, common in adventurers and leaders, repel the necromancy (thus the bodies of slain players can not be used in this way). Only skeletons may be created in this manner, having clumbsy combat ability, but suprising durability and resistance to blows from edged or piercing weapons.

Only one such undead can remain under the necromancer's control at a time, but as many can be made as Ven has spell components to cast the ritual. Newly created undead are placed under control, and former undead servants are left to their own devices. It would not be uncommon for a goodly aligned knight to have to slug through a few cadavorous monsters before finding the necromancer and his body guard, hidden safely in his lair.

Material Component: A black onyx gem worth 50 gold. The gem is used up in the casting of the spell.

Equipment -

White Ash Staff - This plain walking stick doubles as a melee weapon for the spellcaster when his horns will not suffice.

The Scepter of Joril Gravelhand - This greatclub made from an unworked stone stalactite is heavy and awkward. It was stolen from the stone giants by Ven, which ultimately brought about the crippling of Venessian's people. It is rumored to have great power, but the necromancer has yet to unlock its secrets.

Spellbook - See above.

Oxyx Gems - Venn has one of these gems in his possession. They are the spell component for dark, necromantic rituals.

11-02-10, 02:29 PM
Sounds good. You are approved. Welcome to Althanas.