View Full Version : Halloween Vignette Voting

Max Dirks
11-01-10, 10:13 PM
Please vote for your favorite vignette. Feel free to add why you liked it in this thread.

Oops, looks like I'm limited to 10 options without editing settings. Silence Sei will be a write in vote.

11-05-10, 01:42 PM
Had to go with Christoph-

-but if we were going for ghost stories, try this video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JYsHk0E_4IM), go to 2:19... That's a spooky story

Max Dirks
11-08-10, 11:19 AM
Let's see. I'll keep voting open for a couple more hours then I'm going to grade these vignettes tonight. As a forewarning though, I will probably ignore "multi-voters", i.e. people who vote for themselves with every account they own, when I give out favorite awards.

11-08-10, 01:37 PM
I voted for myself once out of pure curiosity to see if it were possible, feel free to discount it :).

Max Dirks
11-08-10, 11:04 PM
With all due respect to Enigmatic Immortal, he voted for himself too many times. That leaves Christoph as the victor. Christoph, please PM me with your choice of custom user titles and I will add it for you. In the spirit of giving, because Silence Sei came in DEAD LAST and Enigmatic Immortal came in second, I will allow him to give Silence Sei a custom username, within reason, that can only be removed upon the completion of a battle between the two of you. PM me what you'd like to give him, Enigmatic.

Don't cheat either, if the battle starts but never finishes the title will go away.

Enigmatic Immortal
11-08-10, 11:13 PM
No, I cheated dirks

There is absolutely no reason to reward that behavior. While I do appreciate the gesture, i will not accept something that was won foolhardily. I just wanted to beat Cristoph, that's all. :D

No offense to you, Cristoph, just our rivalry continuing on. In all honesty i didn't even put ghosts in the story so could I really have won anything by technicality?

Rev had four votes, give him my prize as someone who actually FOLLOWED the prompt. (though i still want my EXp.)

11-09-10, 12:49 AM
Your story reminded me of the family guy viewer mail eppisode where they had the story with everyone as kids and went into the 'haunted' house. I would have voted for you if I hadn't of thought you were going to win anyway :p

Lord Anglekos
11-09-10, 12:52 AM
Voted for Revenant.

11-10-10, 06:19 AM
I just realised something, 5% of the exp needed to reach the next level... I had assumed that meant 5% of the gap between levels (as I think it was done in the workshop threads). Isnt that a better way of rewarding people than 5% of the remaining exp before they level up?

Then it just starts at 100exp for lvl 0s and increases by 50 each level. Everyone gets the same increase and bonus (5% closer to the next level) rather than in my case 0.25% or 1.5% with the dirks bonus.

11-02-12, 10:49 AM
Where is me Max? I was in that contest too.

Silence Sei
11-02-12, 11:44 AM
Ghost..... please please PLEASE look at the dates of the posts in this thread...