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Caysim Winters
11-03-10, 05:05 AM
Name: Caysim Winters
Age: 23
Race: Human
Hair Color: Light Brown
Eye Color: Light Blue
Height: 6’1”
Weight: 165 lbs.
Occupation: Mercenary
Languages: Fallien, Tradespeak, Esseki, Vanian


Being born in the deserts of Fallien, Caysim automatically has a distaste for anyone who does not belong to his own nomadic tribe. He’s rough and stern with anyone he encounters, and his trust doesn’t reach out half the distance that he can spit. There are two flaws that he possesses that anyone can see upon first meeting him. The first, is his love for money, which is why he dove into being a mercenary. He will not hesitate to change his morals for the right coin, whether it be noble or less. The second, is his lack of caring in the laws established outside his tribe. Caysim will do what he wants, when he wants.


Caysim is tall amongst most men. His body is naturally a light tan due to his origins from the Fallien Desert. His body is both toned and scarred from his chosen lifestyle. Only one has any direct meaning to it, though, and that’s the one that starts from his right eyebrow, across the bridge of his nose, and right below his left eye. The tint of the scar remains darker than the rest of his skin and his ice blue eyes don’t help any with it not standing out. His hair his kept short, almost buzzed, except for the top. His facial hair doesn’t share the same attention, however, as it is always rough, but never grown long.

The attire that Caysim wears is breast plat that covers the mid to top portion of his body. It is rarely removed unless he is asleep. His right arm is covered and protected with a sleeve of plate that is strapped over the coarse fabric of his shirt. His left arm is left barren, but for a sleeve of his dirty tunic that is rolled up. His legs are covered by loose fitting baggy pants that are held in place above his common boots that are covered with a layer of the same plate that the armor covering his torso is made of.

The shield that Caysim carries is large and round, except for the top, which has been forged into a crescent. The design of this shield is so that it protects him well, but also gives him a perfect place for sighting in on his opponents while even in a guard. The crescent is often used for a slide for his spear, so that attacks may be made while in the guard. The front of the shield bears the emblem of an engraved Wyvern.


Caysim Winters was born in the deserts of Fallien. His parents were Thy Winters and Dashgi Djeer. His mother had been a forager all of her life, where as his father was once a warrior, but after an injury, he had been handicapped and had found his trade as smith. His surname comes from his mother, like all Falliens. They all belonged to the Vani Tribe, a smaller sister tribe of the large Esseker Tribe.

Being born of a nomadic tribe that existed in the deserts, and not the larger cities in Fallien, he did not fall under the normal laws of the matriarch. They had their own laws within the tribe, but did not go outside of the belief in Suravani, in which the latter part of the word was used for the tribes name. Much like the Fallien tradition, however, Caysim was to become a warrior at a young age, simply because his father was once one. It was not to belong to any sort of grand military that stood in Irrakam, but as a protector of his tribe. It was part of his life that would chisel Caysim into what he was at the present.

Until his training was to start, Caysim was to be given to his mother to lead him in the various trades that the females of the tribe did. A little after the young age of three, he was out in the desert scouring through the sands as a forager. It was a skill that every desert dweller needed to know. He learned from the women what was edible, what was poisonous, what could be used for this and that wound. To those who were considered from the ‘outlands’, the desert was bare and empty, but to his people, it was a basket of life.

Upon the age of seven, Caysim would be given his first trial at becoming a man. From the knowledge that he gained during the previous years, he would be cast out into the desert alone for three days and two nights. During those days he would need to survive on his own from what he had learned. If he returned, he would fail his trial and not become a warrior.

Caysim had returned from the desert and had defeated his natural enemy, surviving the blistering heat and chilling nights. Upon his return, there was a dramatic change in him. The boys eyes had went from dark brown to a very bright blue. The change was noticed instantly and the he was brought before the tribal shaman, S’moorn, because it was believed amongst the people that the coloring in his eyes was meant that he had been blessed by the goddess, Suravani.

S’moorn took an overwhelming curiosity in Caysim. She dove into the magic’s that surrounded her existence. For an entire week, S’moorn held Caysim within her tent. All that could heard from the outside was a constant chanting that did not end from a few hours after he entered and a few hours before he left. Inside had been a complete opposite happening, though.

Caysim had been induced into a sleeping state by the smoke that had been produced by certain spices and herbs that had been burned within the confines of the shaman’s hut. S’moorn had taken that smoke and forced it to all be inhaled by the boy. It was an explosive high as Caysim was forced into a realm that he could never describe with words. There he was opened to various different things that the people of Fallien had underwent; The love of Suravani, the Vadhya, the wars that ripped the lands apart. Oddly, his mind ventured from Suravani and into the idea of Mitra. It was a surprise and an interest all at once, but all of it had imploded into nothing more than sand once an image of a Wyvern came into visualization.

Disturbed by the visions to a point, S’moorn could not go any further and decided that nothing more could be brought form it. Oddly, though, she found it strange a such confusion was found between Suravani and Mitra. In disbelief, she determined that nothing was special of the child and sent him back out amongst the clan, but continued to watch him as he grew.

It was no surprise to most of the people that Caysim was naturally good at his training to be a warrior, when he became the age of eight to sixteen. They believed it to be that he was blessed by Suravani. It could have been their own established illusion that sweetened their vision on him, but Caysim, as he grew could not shake the visions, and faltered his way from the belief in his peoples goddess. He saw her wrath. He saw as she stood by after years of clans killing clans. He could not believe in this belief in something that had only caused suffering and nothing more.

At the age of sixteen, Caysim became the warrior that he was destined to be. He filed into the ranks of his people as a protector. Years passed of this as his tribe moved about the desert from place to place. There were few threats amongst his clans with others, for they were never quite near any others in the desert. The wild life there was more than enough to turn him into a hardened veteran, however.

At the age of nineteen, the Vani Tribe had found itself threatened at one of its temporary homesteads, in the spice lands, on the northern tip of Fallien. It was outlanders who had landed there by ship. These men were there with every intention on a fight and prepared for one. They saw nothing, however, except for the best warrior amongst them slain with one stabbing movement performed by Caysim in a duel. The horse bandits had complied with the deal and had returned to Scara Brae with nothing.

That was the first real feat that had been noticed across Fallien that had been done by Caysim. From tribe to tribe, the story ran. It didn’t take long before the legend of the Vani warrior who had turned away an entire outlander invasion on Fallien had reached the ears of the entire country. Men who had believed such a tale journeyed the treacherous deserts in search of this warrior. Most to challenge him to see for themselves, and others to pledge an allegiance.

Three important things developed over that small duel. The first was another legend, that no one had defeated Caysim in a one on one bout, which held some truth. He did stand undefeated, but in actuality, only a handful of arrogant warriors had found him. It was nothing like the story of how hundreds of men had met their defeat. The second was Caysim had gained his reputation as a warrior and that brought the business of mercenary to his feet. People from all over Fallien searched for him to come fight for them, and Fallien was torn with wars amongst tribes, outlanders, bandits, and the beasts that roamed the desert. It was a profitable business. The third was the men who came to be apart of this so called legend. They pledged themselves to Caysim as his soldiers. It was an idea that the Vani hated at first, but later used it to create his own mercenary militia, the Wyvern.

Once established, Caysim traveled Fallien with his small band of twenty. There was no more and no less. As they died in their battles for money and fame, the ranks were replenished with more. He made his mark in the Fallien sands with the blood that he used as ink. There was no Jya, goddess, or even people that fueled them. There was only the money and story.

It was this adventurous mindset and greed that led Caysim away from his clan and into the world. He felt smothered by just remaining there. His heart, however, still rests on his people somewhat, however. His exploits paid well, and even though he was not there in person, a sum was given to his people from every contract for a better life.

Caysim and his Wyvern now travel Fallien, but foreign lands also cross their minds…


Esseker Blessing: Though, the Vani Tribe stood on its own, it still belonged heavily to the larger, Esseker Tribe. It was from them that many of the tribes own teachings had originated from. Along with that was the ability to give off the illusion of a great beast, the Griffin. Caysim, being a Vani warrior, learned this trick to an extent. With exhaling a breath on a feather from one of these majestic creatures, the explosive image of the bird become visual, which often frightens opponents. Some say that some powerful Shaman have learned to even take physical form of this creature, but Caysim has yet to learn, or even witness that, for himself.

Winged Jump: Caysim has the ability to use the Griffin feather to propel himself higher than most men in a jump. When he performs the task, the faint image of a Griffin wing on each side of his knees flap downward right before he jumps. He normally uses to extra height to come crashing down upon an opponent.

Wyvern Trained: Caysim is skilled in the art of war. He was first trained as a Vani, but picked up his own adaptations with every encounter he came across. It was this versatility that he believed gave him an edge. From just learning to battle with a curved blade, he moved on after watching different clans and opponents. The shield and spear was added into the arsenal when he discovered that his militia needed to work as a team. The armor was even made so that he could move swift, but protected, by guarding vitals, but leaving his feet and arms unburdened. Through this he has acquired a natural knack for combat with the gear he uses.


Vani Steel Scimitar: This sword was given to Caysim by his father, who was a smith for the Vani tribe. From the curved blade to the hilt, this weapon is the main choice for all Vani warrior.

Me’sheteri Hornbeam Spear: This spear was picked up from battling some Me’sheteri rebels. After noticing how well it could fend off cavalry units, Caysim instantly took a liking to it, as a horse was a popular tool, not only in Fallien, but in typical warfare as well. The hornbeam wooden stave is tipped with a transparent shard of glass that is crafted to pierce and slash.

Fallien Steel Shield: Traditionally a shield used by one of the duelists who had hunted Caysim to make a name. After defeating the man, Caysim had his father make it to his own specifications by adding that crescent dip on the top of it. An additional sheathe for both his sword and spear are strapped to the inside of his shield for carriage. The Wyvern emblem that brands the outside was added in memory of his hallucination.

Wyvern Steel Armor: This armor is unique. It is not like that of most soldiers. Fighting the Giant Scorpions of Zaileya, Caysim found that conventional armor was too bulky and left him slow. He did away with the armored leg guards and plate that hung around his thighs. The typical mail of chain that was worn underneath the armor to cover the spaces that the armor could not cover, such as joints, was replaced with just a traditional garment worn on the desert floor to provide mobility, some protection, but mostly to not burn him up during the day, but also to not allow him to freeze at night. The sleeve of armor that covered his left arm was removed, so that he could have more movement with his shield, which was carried with that arm. The right remained, however, as he discovered it best to have some sort of protection with his sword arm, in case he failed to deflect or parry.

Fallien Flask: The looks and design of this canteen looks normal. It is a leather sack that is tied off on the bottom and around the neck by a thin leather rope. Enchanted by a rogue magi named, Avanti Russo, the container has the ability turn any water added to it almost ice cold. It has been an item that Caysim has relied on more than once while traveling the Fallien desert.

Vani Charm: Given by the Vani shaman, S’moorn, this is an actual feather from a mythical creature known as a, Griffin. This is the item that Caysim uses to bring forth the illusion of the mystical creature for a brief moment to frighten enemies or even give his allies morale. Some say that this was plucked from S’moorn herself while maintaining such a form, but that has never been proven.

Familiars: None.

11-03-10, 12:03 PM
I need to know the material of your equipment. Steel is the strongest metal you can get and any type of real life wood for the wooden stuff.

Caysim Winters
11-03-10, 12:59 PM

11-03-10, 05:24 PM
You are approved. Thank you for your cooperation and welcome to Althanas.