View Full Version : Evil Characters?

11-05-10, 03:37 PM
Are there any devoutly evil creatures on Althanas? As in, anyone hellbent on bringing about the destruction of humanity?

Neutral people with a violent streak need not apply. Black hearts and tainted souls only.

11-05-10, 03:59 PM
Are there any devoutly evil creatures on Althanas? As in, anyone hellbent on bringing about the destruction of humanity?

Neutral people with a violent streak need not apply. Black hearts and tainted souls only.

Using the D&D alignments as a guide, I'd say Wynken is neutral evil. If there's money; power; or even a bit of entertainment to gain, he'd perform any deed to any person(s).

11-05-10, 05:33 PM
Fatina was meant to be a purely evil character. But the more and more I write with her the harder it becomes to keep it up.

But to be honest its more interesting to write as a morally-tainted person than an evil one.

Silence Sei
11-05-10, 05:43 PM
I've written evil characters before. Most of them turn out to become good guys though, with the exception of Ciato.

Now I have to ask Ven, are you asking because your own character is a true baddy?

Mage Hunter
11-05-10, 05:47 PM
I've written purely evil characters before, the only one I have currently registered is Marduk the Black (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=18180&highlight=Marduk+Black).

11-05-10, 05:49 PM
Yeah, I'm straight up evil. I'm going to gain a few levels and start sieging your beloved cities and hotspots, so keep an eye open for me and/or join me now if you dont want to spend eternity as the walking dead <3

11-05-10, 06:43 PM
Are there any devoutly evil creatures on Althanas? As in, anyone hellbent on bringing about the destruction of humanity?

Neutral people with a violent streak need not apply. Black hearts and tainted souls only.

I am pleased to know I am not the only active evil creature on Althanas. I thought I was alone in my endeavors to bring about the downfall of civilization as we know it.

Slayer of the Rot
11-05-10, 06:58 PM
I don't know if you'd call Dan purely evil. He loves his daughter and is still obsessively searching for her, but if you get in his way he'll slaughter and eat you. Or if you cut in line in front of him. Or if you try to cheat him. Or if you don't let me him have a cigarette. Or if...okay, basically he's just a dick, I guess.

11-05-10, 08:30 PM
Or if you don't let me him have a cigarette. Or if...okay, basically he's just a dick, I guess.

Both as a character and a player, I do not consider smoking evil ;)

Come on, seriously, doesn't anyone want to watch Radasanth burn to the ground? Speak up.

Slayer of the Rot
11-05-10, 08:34 PM
Hey, I didn't say he wouldn't burn a city to the ground. It's just that he's lazy and will really only kill out of spite/revenge.

Silence Sei
11-05-10, 08:36 PM
See, the problem stopping that is the Ixian Knights are there to stop that exact thing from happening.

That and villians know if they actually get captured by the knights, they'll be foced to do good guy stuff.

You're more than welcome to join up with our villain when he attempts to destroy Radasanth.

Aeraul Smythe
11-05-10, 09:22 PM
Savas Tigh.

Eventual goal for that character is to literally have an army of zombies and monsters from beyond, possibly including an undead dragon or three.

He's also a cannibal, spiritual slavemaker, and eater of the souls of the dead. :)

11-06-10, 03:29 PM
Yay. This will be like the.. what? 27th time Radasanth gets destroyed.

And then they wonder why they are so darn socialist.

Lord Anglekos
11-06-10, 03:34 PM
I have a character who is a murderer, cannibal, rapist, and child molester. He has absolutely no morals or conscience whatsoever. Problem is, he's dead; he was killed by Yari, the thief, for his sword. I planned on getting him "revived" as an undead during the war, but now that it's over, well...Don't feel the need to.
I'll leave the killing and slaughtering to Dan and whatnot.

11-06-10, 04:10 PM
Lorenor is a High Priest of N'Jal. The most hardcore of villains on the site. If you want to rp with me at any point, just hit me up and I will start a thread with you!!! And we can plot and scheme to our black heart's content.

11-07-10, 01:05 PM
Blank slate. But I have a feeling that Liam is going to be doing a lot of bad things under the name of good intentions.

Like everybody else. Not good, or evil, but sometimes caught up on the bad side of a situation.

Lord Anglekos
11-07-10, 01:40 PM
Savas Tigh.

Eventual goal for that character is to literally have an army of zombies and monsters from beyond, possibly including an undead dragon or three.

He's also a cannibal, spiritual slavemaker, and eater of the souls of the dead. :)

To be honest, when I first read this, I casually dismissed it. "Just another necromancer," I told myself. "No big deal. Just as Vincent was just another maneater."
After reading your little "solo" however, I have a newfound appreciation for the hedgemage. I would personally love to see you more active with him and Caden again, and perhaps that Skinwalker. If you ever need another naagloshii around (see: skinwalker), I have a character who is a budding one, and would be happy to oblige.

11-07-10, 05:36 PM
Lorenor is a High Priest of N'Jal. The most hardcore of villains on the site. If you want to rp with me at any point, just hit me up and I will start a thread with you!!! And we can plot and scheme to our black heart's content.

Lorenor was the first person to jump to mind when I saw this thread.

Unfortunatly my own character Talen is a Neutral Neutral in ye olde character alignment D&D style.

Rayse Valentino
11-09-10, 11:41 AM
Possibly one of the only Lawful Evils checking in. I want to take over the world and look like a hero for doing it. Underhanded means, tricks, traps, lies, coercion, and general skulduggery.