View Full Version : Drawing a card...

11-07-10, 02:31 AM
General Information

True Given Name: Faye. She has no surname.

Pseudonym(s) Known: None.

Actual Age: 17 years old.

Race/Species: Ebudan. Due to their physical appearance, legends often associate them with angels, although this is untrue. Originally they were beings that oversaw the connection between the spirit world and the material world. However, the Shajads, demi-gods associated with the darkness of Gaia, cast them down from the heavens and stripped them of most of their natural abilities, due to their intervention in the demi-gods' goals. Since then, each Ebudan is bestowed their "Sue' Aman", or their destiny, through a series of tattoos upon their skin called the Marduk, which grow with the Ebudan until that destiny is fulfilled. When it is, they recover their lost abilities and are given two choices; to return to the heavens above or to stay upon the material plane, fully developed and immortal.

Gender: Female

Pathway Taken In Life: Clerical peacemaker. She seeks to end conflict wherever she can.

Current Occupation: None officially. Faye merely enjoys practicing the art of reading Tarot cards while she seeks to learn of her true destiny. Because of her hobby, she is sometimes able to make a profit off the curiousness of those she encounters.

Religious Standing: Devout Follower Of The Beryl, Gabriel: The Lady Of Feelings

Martial Status: Single.

General Appearance

Age Assumed By Appearance: A youthful girl.

Natural Height & Weight: 5'3" / 110lbs

Natural Hair Details: Soft black, down to her mid-back.

Natural Skin Details: Pale (White)

Natural Eye Details: Astonishingly blue eyes.

General Base Appearance: Faye has a youthful charm about her; despite her age, she exudes the same childlike energy as one years younger than she. This is in part due to her positive personality, which manifests itself in a charismatic aura around her person. Faye's build is rather petite, being small and slender, but still remains curvaceous and feminine. Her hair retains a thickness that is nie-invisible to the naked eye, a soft black that flows from the tip of her head to the mid of her back in one flowing wave, with her bangs in one straight line across her forehead and down to her eyebrows. Almond-shaped, narrow eyes shine with pure, ocean blue, and they are often expressive when she would rather hide her emotions, betraying her in such times. Underneath her eyes, her Marduk begins to form, two black lines like thick shadows forming and running down her cheek like ebony tears. Across her chest and down her arms, it takes the form of black dots, each evenly spaced across from one another, while from her cleavage four lines run up and across her chest and underneath, along her ribs. Down her stomach, the dots continue, all the way down to her vaginal area. Around her ankles, three lines decorate each like anklets, and from the bottom 'anklet' five lines run down her toes and stop at the nail. Finally, on her lower back three crescent moon symbols decorate her flesh; one facing downwards, while the other two connect at it's side and face outwards opposite each other. The last notable part of Faye is her wings; thick, black, and feathery, she tends to keep them small as they lay upon her head, sprouting from just above the points of her ears, extending past the head and into the air. She can adjust the size and location of these wings at will, up to her own size to use for flight, but she can never make them disappear entirely.


General Personality: Overall, Faye is a fairly positive being, tending to look on the "brighter" side of life. Although she would never be referenced as hyperactive or energetic, she possesses a quiet enthusiasm and charisma that subconsciously influences others to also see things in a positive light. As a follower of Gabriel, the Beryl of Feelings, she instinctively despises conflict and will only take part in it when her life is in danger, believing that if she spreads her kindness around then others will too give up arms and promote peace. Her nature is very forgiving, to the point of naievity, as her nature also refuses the notion of betrayal; no matter what, she believes that the offender can change for the better, even if, say, that person attempted to kill her.

The Likes: Artistry, socialization, the concept of "fate", forgiveness, nature.

The Dislikes: Conflict, selfishness, being alone, wastefulness, negative influences, corruption.

True Pleasures: Tarot cards, helping others.

Utter Fears: Death (in both the sense of herself and witnessing such), failure in herself, spiders.

Martial Abilities

Steel Wings/Weapon Proficiency: As a promoter of peace, Faye hasn't bothered to educate herself in the ways of the warrior, and thus has no proficiency with manmade weapons. However, her wings are as strong and as sharp as average quality steel, so when she has to she prefers to use them to protect herself. At this moment, she has average proficiency in using them, more because they are a part of her than any real training or experience with them. She can also extend the size of her wings at will, from being as small as her hands to being as large as herself; however, the movement is not instantaneous, as it requires her concentration to shrink or grow them to suit her fancy.

Flight: Faye also possesses the ability to fly at decent speeds using her pair of wings. They can carry her for up to five miles nonstop before needing to rest, at a speed of up to twenty miles per hour. Her maneuverability and skill in flight is at above-average, as she prefers whenever possible to flee when faced with conflict, rather than stand and face it.
((During Battle threads, this flight time is reduced down to two minutes maximum due to the stress of conflict.))

Divine Abilities

Savior: As a follower of Gabriel, Faye seeks to repair the damages of conflict wherever she may go, and has thus learned clerical healing abilities to assist in her efforts. As this point, she is above average in healing ability, and can repair small wounds in minutes, medium ones in hours, and major wounds within days to weeks. For example, a sword through the stomach would give her slight trouble, but as long as nothing was dismembered she would be able to completely heal the damage within a few days, given that the patient did not alter or change their condition in any way. At this point, however, she cannot regenerate dismembered limbs, only seal the wounds and help the natural regenerative process a little. She can also apply this healing to herself, although for herself it takes twice the normal amount of time to do so.

Positive Empathy: Despite her own natural charisma, sometimes Faye needs a little help in her quest for peace. This is an active ability, but Faye does not realize it yet; simply, whenever she feels that she needs some help in desperate times, she will send out a silent plea to her Beryl, who will then bestow upon her positive energy that effects everyone that is in physical, emotional, or psychological contact with the Ebudan; in other words, her allies. This postive energy brings out "the best" in people, allowing them to overcome psychological burdens and dark influences momentarily, intensifying their own positive feelings within them. This feeling lasts for about ten minutes before it runs dry, and can be only be used once per day.

Peace Maker: A passive divine ability, Faye has an unconcious aura that can pacify small quarrels and bickering around her. While this aura cannot stop wars or large scale conflicts, it can however reduce the consequences of those conflicts to a manageable degree as long as Faye is in the area. It is perhaps her most important, and most powerful, ability.


Faye carries no weaponry upon her beyond her wings.


Faye carries no armory upon her beyond her wings.

Items Owned

Tarot Deck: An old, weathered deck of tarot cards, the drawings upon them obviously tell of a world beyond Althanas. They are handmade and of high quality; however, due to their lack of origination in Althanas, they cannot be sold. Also, the language they are written in is one specific for the Ebudan themselves, and is therefore unreadable by any eye beyond that of her race.


Yun: A Luminary (minor light elemental) sent along with Faye to protect her, it takes the form of a great hawk made entirely out of light, with matching eye color to the priestess. Even though it understands Faye's words, it cannot communicate back, other than with motions and limited animalistic speech. As a being made entirely out of Light, it usually cannot be harmed by normal weaponry; however, when it touches or attacks something of the material world, it assumes a more physical form and thus can be slain or hurt in that form. If it is hurt, it will disappear until it reforms completely; if slain Yun will reappear by Faye's side in a few months, restored to it's former form by Gabriel herself. It's Claws of Light deal small damage to humanoid-sized creatures, and medium damage to creatures of the darkness and undead. Magic, and magic imbued weaponry, can touch and hurt it even when intangible to the material plane.


Created in the world of Gaia, she was raised in a small village under the watchful eye of the Beryl of Feelings, Gabriel. Raised with the teachings she holds sacred to this day, she left the village as all of her race were expected to at the age of sixteen, seeking to spread her teaching throughout the world. However, during her travels, she found she was mostly unsuccesful; Gaia was in the middle of several great wars that were tearing the continent apart. Broken and dishearted, Gabriel came to her servant in the form of an Ebudan like herself, and told her of a realm beyond Gaia; a realm that still had hope for those like she. It too was torn apart by the atrocities of war, but the land was trying to heal, and needed someone just like her to help move it along. Eager to please Gabriel and fulfill her Sue' Aman, she agreed to be transported to this new world, and after a year found herself upon Althanas, where she now seeks to spread Gabriel's teachings and heal the world.

11-07-10, 04:17 AM
I would like you to limit her flight in battles to one or two minutes. This is just so it doesn't give you an unfair advantage over other combatants by staying out of reach for the entire battle and bombarding them from a distance. You can keep the five miles limit for quests, though.

11-07-10, 02:20 PM
Edited. I won't be using her for anything other than quests, so it's not a problem whatsoever.

11-07-10, 05:29 PM
Alright then. You are approved. Thank you for your cooperation and welcome to Althanas.