View Full Version : Yeah, ugh, Underwood Stuff

11-08-10, 07:38 AM
Big Trouble in Little Underwood
The Events That Came After

Basic plot points, I guess:
-A cult, devoted to the followings of N'Jal, wants to cast a thick, shadow-like fog throughout Concordia forest.
-They intend to block out the sun using a gigantic spell-circle, a tower as a beacon to absorb some sort of raw energy source, and a bunch of henchmen to make sure their plan works.
-They will be working out of an ancient watch tower/shrine area in Northwestern Concordia.

In part one my character will receive orders from his Order to go to Corone and inquire about this cult. He figured that Underwood being a crossroads or travels, and the Peaceful Promonade being a popular source of entertainment, he would begin his search there. While in Underwood he decides that he might need to hire some "muscle," and ends up hiring (your character) for Far-Below Minimum Wage; because "he ain't got no moneyyy!" The following act would likely be a series, of hopefully humorous, detective style investigation posts; where the two go around inquiring about the cults mark (which is an Eclipsed Sun). It's to late by the time they start gathering information on the group, however, because it seems they have already begun to cast a thick black fog over Underwood. This thread would likely end with Archibald and (your character) playing a role in protecting Underwood from masses of NPC enemies; Think of any type of dark-dwelling creature (undead, vampires, spider magi, etc.).

Part two would pick up several days? (weeks?) after the first left off. The town of Underwood is finally in a state of security, as they have taken back the city, and managed to hold back the hell that has broken loose throughout Concordia. Archibald and (your character), on the dawn of Radasanth intervention, have managed to capture another member of the cult. From what they can muster the cult is operating out of some ancient watch tower northeast of Underwood. They, accompanied by some NPC's, take a journey to the cults headquarters to stop the madness at ground-zero (stealing all the glory for themselves).

Any Takers?
I know there might be questions about how active I have been in the past, but I can assure anyone I owe a post to, or anyone who picks me up for something, I'll be active. If I owe anyone posts shoot me a PM, please.

Sabatykos Maelstrom
11-09-10, 06:18 AM
Hey bro is the particular quest that you and I are about to start? I am free all day today and I can get a thread going A.S.A.P. The one we been discussing. Just let me know, through AIM or through here what do you want to do. If you want to work on -this- project with me I am all for it. I just wanna like finish stuff.

11-09-10, 12:18 PM
Yeah Paval, I'll have a post up shortly bro

We Despise The Wretched
11-10-10, 05:41 PM
I may be interested. Might be a good opportunity for a stepping stone, seeing as how my character's story begins in Concordia.