View Full Version : Moria t'Deinn

11-09-10, 02:58 AM
Name: Moria t'Deinn
Age: 32
Race: Human
Hair Color: Pale brown
Eye Color: Hazel
Height: 155cm
Weight: 61kg
Occupation: Doctor

Personality: Moria is thoughtful, observant and analytical. While coming across as calm and gentle, she's quite businesslike, especially when it comes to her job. She dislikes conflict and prefers to solve her problems with diplomacy or, if necessary, trickery and manipulation.

Appearance: Moria has the appearance of somebody who used to be well-muscled many years ago. Although clearly not weak, a generous layer of fat softens her once tight muscles, and she walks with the ambling pace of one much older than she. She wears a leather tunic and a long cape, the inside of which is lined with many pockets to carry her various salves and tools. Usually she travels barefoot, but she will wrap her feet in leather for cold or long journeys. She leans on a tall staff for support as she walks.

Moria's pale skin is masked with a slight tan. Her light brown hair forms a single matted dreadlock down her back, where it was braided long ago and never let down. Her arms and legs are covered in twisting snake tattoos in a variety of designs, sizes and ink types that curl around her limbs and each other.

History: Moria was born to an obscure forest tribe some distance away. An impulsive and inquisitive child, she loved to learn from the traders who they would sometimes make contact with and quickly became one of the few tribespeople to learn Tradespeak.

She was apprenticed to the tribe's healer and took the healer's trademark, the serpent, as her totem. Over time, she learned the art of making medicines and poisons, and repairing the human body. Although talented, Moria had a streak of wanderlust ill-suited to forest life, and when she was nineteen, she and the healer's other apprentice were out foraging far from home for medicinal ingredients when they were caught in a flood. Although both managed to survive, Moria's hip was badly injured, and never fully recovered.

Because of her mastery of their language, Moria was often the tribal negotiator with traders, especially when it came to trading medicines, and more than once she would find herself treating the injuries of traders who had been unlucky on the road. When some such traders asked her to join their caravan, she accepted, and over time she took longer and longer journeys away from the forest, seeing more of the world outside.

For the past couple of years, her tribe has no longer felt like home. Exposure to the wider world has left her with different priorities and opinions to the majority of her people. Moria is on a mission to explore the world, selling her skills along the way, and try to find her place in it.

Healing abilities
Moria knows the anatomy of humans and most other common races very well. She can set bones, sterilise and close wounds, and perform most basic healing functions. None of her abilities in this area are magical.

Knowledge of medicines/poisons
Moria has collected an encyclopaedic knowledge of various poisons and medicines, and how to make them, over time. She also has strategies for testing unknown plants for possible medical properties. As such, she can usually ensure herself a steady supply of ingredients while on the road.

Self-healing (magical)
Moria's tribe tattoo themselves with their totems for magical benefits. When Moria is injured, the snake tattoos on her skin can come alive, crawl over the wound, and heal it instantly. Depending on how far from the wound the tattoo is, this can take anything from seconds to a minute. This only heals about 2cm worth of damage; deep damage, such as broken bones, damaged organs or nicked arteries, will stay injured. She can choose to suppress this ability and keep a wound open, but it will automatically activate if she passes out.

Staff fighting
Moria can use her walking stick as a staff. She is moderately skilled, demonstrating clear training but no real talent. She's good at blocking attacks but it makes a poor striking weapon.

Resistance to poisons
Part of Moria's training was the development of resistance to many poisons common to the forest where she grew up. While few of these are present outside the forest, she carries some of them with her (as noted in Equipment).

Moria, as a trained healer, flinches at the thought of causing harm or killing another intelligent creature. While she will fight if she has to, she is hesitant and not skilled at it; when she does fight, she tries to disable her opponent, and can't bear the thought of deliberately killing someone.

Injured hip
Moria bears an old injury in her right hip that has never fully recovered. This makes her right leg weak and makes it difficult to run.

Moria can read her native language, but not Tradespeak. She knows only the numbers.

Basic food and travelling supplies, a metal utility knife, a long wooden staff, basic healing materials (cotton, bandages, etc.) Moria also carries, secreted in her various pockets, salves and potions to sterilise wounds, numb the flesh, slow the heart, and induce sleep or wakefulness. She also carries some general painkillers, solutions to cause paralysis, and two doses of a drink that can put an average-sized adult in a coma for 3 days.

Moria carries a small vial of Kobi's venom at all times. If forced to fight and given the time to prepare, she will put this on her knife, staff and fingernails. Without Kobi's fangs to deliver it, it's not as effective at getting into the blood, numbing and weakening the limb struck within 2 minutes and wearing off after 6 more minutes.

Familiar: A small snake, about the length of her forearm, named Kobi. Kobi has venom that weakens and numbs a person quite quickly; within 30 seconds of being bitten, the limb bitten is usually greatly weakened, and the whole body is weakened after 3 minutes. It wears off after 10 more minutes.

11-09-10, 04:53 PM
I'd like you to remove the full-body immobilization that Kobi has. It's a bit too strong for now. You can have him weaken the whole body of the enemy, but no immobilization just yet.

11-10-10, 04:13 AM

11-10-10, 10:47 AM
You are approved. Thank you for your cooperation and welcome to Althanas.