View Full Version : Mighty and Dreadful

11-09-10, 11:59 AM
Name: Malaikat Maut
Age: Zero, though previously infinite
Race: Fallen Angel
Hair Color: Dark
Eye Color: Abyssal
Height: 6' 3"
Weight: 220 lbs


Feeling tired and seeking a moment's rest, you sit alone with your thoughts when your subconscious alerts you to another presence. Turning swiftly, you find the sobbing spirit of a female child. As she looks at you with forlorn sadness, fear and confusion contort her once innocent features and tears well behind her incorporeal eyes. As she begins to weep, you hear the pleading cries of not one but one-million such lost souls and share in their suffering as the burden of their untimely deaths lay upon your heart. You avert your eyes, hardening your conscience against the tragedies of this world, until once again...all is silent.

You reopen your eyes to discover that the ghostly girl has
vanished to be replaced by an angelic man.

At once you are struck by the stark contrast between the pale of his skin, the white of his eyes, and his deep black irises. Pupil and iris mingle producing pristine pools, which you imagine recind into the dark reaches of his innermost being or perhaps, unsettlingly, your own. Although he exudes a quiet confidence, you sense that brimming just beneath those black spheres there exists in him a profound anguish and lamentation such that it nearly pains you to stand in his presence. As you focus on those lightless orbs, you feel momentarily lost and they envelop your perception. Like singularities they seemingly consume all surrounding sights and sounds, and you are gripped by an uncanny fear of isolation. It is as if all that now remains in this universe is your consciousness, spinning silently amidst an infinate expanse of starless space.

And as quickly as it had faded...

...reality returns.


Through the millennia of my existence, I have been called by many names, Michael, Samael, and Azrael among them, though they share but one meaning. I have wrought more bloodshed than the most ruthless and most powerful of warriors, because each of their kills I number among my own. Since the dawn of time, I have waged war on every mortal soul. Each life was my battlefield, every death my conquest, and only once have I been denied victory. I have wrought destruction on a scale and with an efficiency unmatched by mortal hands. For six thousand years I have experienced war, now I would like to know Peace.

I Chronicles 21
So the Lord sent a plague
upon Israel,
and 70,000
people died
as a result.
And God
sent an angel
to destroy
But just as
the angel was
preparing to destroy it, the Lord relented
and said to the death angel,
“Stop! That is enough!”
۞At that moment, David looked up and saw the angel of the Lord۞
standing between heaven and earth with his
sword drawn,
reaching out
over Jerusalem
So David and
the leaders of
Israel put on
burlap to show
their deep distress
and fell face
down on the
ground. And
David said to
God, “I am
the one who
has sinned and
done wrong!
But these people
are as innocent
as sheep what
have they done?
Then the Lord
spoke to the
angel, who
put the


She was my final memory of immortal existence, and the first I had of these realms. I awoke as if from a dream and there, standing amidst the din of Suravani's Oasis, her quiet spirit looked upon the people with solemnity. I recognized her immediately. Such radiant beauty is not soon forgotten, but, being drawn to her in this life as well as my last, I knew that the pull I felt transcended such physical manifestations. Emboldened by this, I confidently approached and offered a genuine smile. Even as she grieved her mighty presence was daunting, and I was pleased that, though she had not known me, her tearful eyes showed a glimmer of recognition. Noting her troubled expression, I spoke with sincerity offering whatever aid I could to such a wounded soul. She spoke in generalities at first, unsure or perhaps unaware of my intentions, but each moment that passed strengthened the bond between our souls. She smiled, likening me to her Father and soon she trusted and confided fully in me.


Eirene was her name, though she preferred to be called by its meaning, and, though I had seen them transpire, she spoke to me of the previous day's events. The season had been particularly harsh, and a quarrel had been started between her small tribe and another. After several weeks of attrition and sabotage, her father, the tribe's elder, was called upon to resolve the conflict as his band of breeders could suffer no more loss. Risking his life for those of others, Khal rode to the enemy camp in the hopes of reaching a diplomatic end. He rode with confidence upon his people's greatest steed, and he was surprisingly well received by his violent aggressors.

"We too have sustained great loss, and this in the wake of drought", the opposing leader reasoned. "There is no longer resource enough to sustain us all."

Khal interjected, "allow us to move on, and we will both know peace and prosperity once more".

The other elder sat across a small fire and stroked his beard between puffs from a pipe of datura. "We would take what is yours and claim it as our own."

"No", plead Khal. "There has to be another way."

The old leader set his pipe aside and grinned. "Leave your daughter to me, and your people will be permitted to leave in peace."

The next morning, Khal shared the results of the meeting with Eirene. Such was their relationship and he valued the ageless wisdom of the young woman.

"Father", she said, taking the man by the face. Khal tried to look away but she held him tight and looked into his eyes. "Allow me to go for the good of our tribe".

He admired the courage he saw in her face, and the fire of passionate life which burned in her eyes. Already a dozen times had they shared the same conversation, and each time he was dissatisfied with the result. Khal finally pulled from his daughter's hands and looked away, no longer able to combat her determination.

"Very well". He sighed more than spoke the words as he hunched in defeat. "But take this with you", he offered as he made his way across the spacious tent. Briefly rummaging through a small wooden chest, Khal produced a leather pouch and handed it to his daughter.

That evening, Eirene kissed her father's cheek for the last time before she silently rode into the desert. For two days she endured the advances of her captors as her kin swiftly made their way across the sand. Then, when she felt that the time was right, Eilene lay on the ground of her private quarters, she took a handful of earth and allowed the granules to run slowly through her fingers, and she ingested the contents of the pouch provided by her father. As the atropa belladonna worked within her, Eilene closed her eyes and took a final breath of desert air.


Twice we had sought solitude in the desert outskirts of the oasis. Two times had we so met in the privacy of that place, and there Eilene recounted memories of her past and lamented visions of her ghostly future. She spoke of her unyielding love for these lands and the people herein, a love unrequited by those with fickle hearts and a land with no longer a place for her. I met her plea for reasons to remain at first with comforting words and at last with a promise to sacrifice my mortality on her behest. Twice she had relied on me and two times had I failed, and yet she remained.

As time wore on, I made my loyalty to her known through attentiveness and, silent vows of servitude and adoration. However, I came to feel that she deserved to know the reason for the connectedness we shared. We met again in the desert, this time upon my bidding. She nodded to me and we shared a smile before I took a calming breath.

Nervous, I spoke saying, “From the moment that I first saw you, I had felt that we were kismet - two souls existing as one, woven together by the fates.” I paused to judge her reaction before tentatively asking if she had felt the same. Again she nodded, timid and uncertain of my motives. “Then there is something that I must tell you, though I fear how it will be accepted”, I said, looking into her eyes with sadness behind my own. “I was there that fateful desert morning, and your final deed as a living creature was my last task as an immortal. It was the last time that I answered the calling of my namesake…” My voice trailed off, as I focused on the memories. “I saw us in ironic juxtaposition and watched as you eagerly followed your Father while I reluctantly resisted my own, and our wills clashed as you sought death and I desired to unbecome it. As I stood near to you, concealed from those of this dimension, I peered deep into your eyes, and I was awed to find such fire and conviction in the freedom of one so frail. As you writhed in pain upon the desert floor I grieved, not for your plight, but for my own as I yearned to know such emotion and dedication for myself. Then, as I wrestled with myself in your tent, I saw the juxtaposition complete, for when you returned to this realm, loosed from the bonds of mortality, I fell from my heavenly station ready to accept them.” I sighed a mixture of relief and regret as I awaited your response. She nodded a final time, and smiled softly in acceptance and understanding. “So it is that we are here, and I have viewed you as a father does a daughter ever since.”


Malaikat's powers and abilities were greatly diminished as a result of his fall and some were lost entirely along with his immortality.

Entropy/Syntropy - Usable once per day, slightly slows or advances the degenerative affects of our passage through time. Currently entities can be affected by up to 6 hours of decay or regeneration. For example, preexisting wounds can be slightly worsened or improved; fresh produce can be caused to spoil; flowers can be made to wilt, etc.

The affects of this ability are not to be confused with aging. It is not a power of time manipulation, but only of the decay or regeneration facilitated by time.

Séance - The ability to view and commune with the recently deceased. Requires an item which previously belonged to the individual.

Duplicity - This severely hampered form of omnipresence allows Malaikat to, through great effort and concentration, project himself to a single alternate location. As a result, his physical body is left entirely exposed for the duration of his "journey", as the astral projection demands the entirety of his perception and conscious efforts. He also must be able to visualize the individual or location he wishes to visit, meaning he must have been there or seen them once before.

My Quarter Share -

Revelation 6:8 I looked, and there before me was a pale horse! Its rider was named Death, and Hades was following close behind him. They were given power over a fourth of the earth to kill by sword, famine and plague, and by the wild beasts of the earth.

At his current level, Malaikat can cause minor discomfort by inflicting hunger or disease, and wields a sword with average ability.


A broadsword with a gleaming blade and a guard in the shape of angel wings.
A kite shield bearing the inscription, 'Quis ut Deus?'.
A breastplate, heavily engraved with depictions of battle and suffering.

All items are currently tempered with the strength of steel.

11-09-10, 05:02 PM
Looks good. The word sword is pretty cool.

You are approved. Welcome to Althanas.