View Full Version : Marcus Ner'Tak

11-09-10, 09:50 PM
Name: Marcus Ner'Tak
Age: 19
Race: Human
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Silver (Suravani Blessed)
Height: 6'
Weight: 175 lbs
Languages Spoken: Tradespeak/Common; Most Languages Used in Fallien
Religion: Worship of Suravani
Profession: Swindler/Con-Artist


-Side Note: While in Fallien, outside of Irrakam, Marcus is often mistaken for an outlander. NPC's and other PC's with strong Fallien ties will likely be hostile towards him until finding out his strong bloodlines (ties to the original Jya, Kasira E'dranilas, and also the current Jya.)

At first glance Marcus Ner'Tak could be mistaken as a cowboy, as he is garnished in similar attire. Over his core he wears a dull, brown trench-coat that drapes just below knee-level. Under his coat he wears a pair of withered denim pants and a tucked-in, button-up tunic. He tucks the end of his pants into a pair of rough, brown boots of average quality. Since his arrival to Fallien he has also acquired a red bandanna that he wears around his neck or, during sandstorms, covers his mouth with.

Marcus is ruggedly handsome facially. His jaw is squared withe well trimmed stubble poking up from prime locations. Due to his mother's blood line he has near-perfect skin, with the exception of a few wrinkles, and he also tans very well.

Idealistic young Misha Ner'Tak had a lot going for her. She was beautiful beyond reason, very wealthy, and well educated. The only thing going against her was that she had managed to fall in love with an outlander, which in Fallien is not taken lightly. Her parents, wealthy descendants of the Hatazista, begged her not to see the outlander. They referred to it as a bad omen. A curse.

Despite her parents pleas, Misha ran off with the middle-aged Salvarian Parliament member and eventually they got hitched. They also bore a child, Marcus Ner'Tak.

Misha and her husband, William Kanabrin, found themselves spoiling Marcus through his earlier years. Anything he wanted, he received. Anything he didn't like at the Kanabrin Estate, was changed. Both of Marcus' parents forged their lives around him, making him a priority. It didn't look so well for his father's public image, during a time of war between Church and state, that he put his trouble-making son higher on his agenda than his political obligations.

As a boy Marcus was mischievous, like any other growing child, but due to his parental pampering he never grew out of his childish mentality. As he grew older, Marcus developed the ideal that the world was his play-thing. Progressing into his teens the only thing that made him happy was causing problems for his father.

Eventually, and under risk of suspension from the Parliament, William decided it would be best to send Marcus away to Fallien. Misha's mother being long deceased, Marcus would be in charge of overlooking the Ner'Tak family estates and businesses.

Information Regarding the Ner'Tak Estates:

Ner'Tak Ranch: Suravani's Oasis, Fallien; A ranch owned by Marcus' mother on the western edge of Suravani's Oasis. It will serve as Marcus' home whenever he is not in Irrakam. This ranch is notheing elegant, but it houses seven Esseker workers who breed mares and stallions on the property.

The Drunken Deklan: Irrakam, Fallien; The Drunken Deklan is a bar located in the Outlander's Post of Irrakam. It is also where Misha Ner'Tak and William Kanabrin first met, so it holds sentimental value to Marcus' parents. Marcus officially hates the place for the aforementioned reason. Lately however, a lot sketchy outlanders have been frequenting the bar making it a beacon for underground activity, peaking Marcus' appeal in the place.

Oasis Inn: Irrakam, Fallien; A low-budget Inn in the slums of Outlander's Post. This inn serves as Marcus' base of operations while in Irrakam.


Suravani's Blessing: As his birth gift the Mother Suravani gave Marcus silver eyes. That being his blessing, while in Fallien his reflexes and speed are heightened to 2x that of a normal humanoid.

Fighting Discipline: Fencing; Raised among the wealthy children of Salvar, Marcus started fencing at a young age. Throughout his teens he became very competitive, managing to even obtain several Salvarian fencing titles. This skill directly effects Marcus' aptitude with sabres. He is currently at an above average level withe sabres and light (slashing/thrusting) weapons.


Fallien Calvary Sabre: Normally a symbol of power amongst Fallien militia, this sabre was passed from Marcus' uncle to him on his 19the birthday. It is curved, light-weight, and average in quality. The hilt is open and takes a copper tone and the blade is made of steel. It rests in a black sheathe at Marcus' hip, hidden by his trench coat.

Black Cowboy Hat: Bought from a street vendor in Irrakam's Bazaar upon Marcus' arrival to the city. The hat is enchanted to never leave his head, unless he wills it.

11-10-10, 10:54 AM
I'll allow the 2x speed/reflexes only because it works just in Fallien, but not the expert level swordsmanship. Sorry, you have to drop that to above average. I assume you decided to go for expert because you don't have that many skills, but we simply don't allow expert skill at registration.

Also, I need to know the material of the sabre.

11-10-10, 03:52 PM
Fixed Letho. Sorry I thought at some point there was a big arguement about allowing things at level 0, and what was allowable (in which expert was allowing if there were hardly any other spells). Changed it though, thanks.

11-10-10, 05:50 PM
If there was some change to the rules, I didn't get the memo. :P We usually allow non-combat skills to be at a higher level should the player choose it, but as far as I know, combat skills are limited to above average.

Anyways, you are approved. Thank you for your cooperation and welcome to Althanas.