View Full Version : Jett

11-13-10, 10:33 AM
WIP WIP WIP WIP WIP Will finish in 1-2 Days!

Name: Jett
Age: 24
Race: Demi-God
Hair Color: Pitch Black
Eye Color: Black with a red pupil, get very white when he is serious
Height: 8'2"
Weight: 271

Jett Head (http://www.monsterup.com/upload/1204058892.gif)
Jett Body (He is the big dude in the back with long black hair and white eyes) (http://img3.ak.crunchyroll.com/i/spire2/08062008/7/b/4/1/7b4119b180b750_full.jpg) Jett's usual appearance is a dark green muscle shirt or no shirt at all, he usually wears a pitch black pants and has a dragon tatto on his lower back.

History: Jett never had a parent, to his extent. Jett was the son of Hercules and his mom Saphire. Jett's mom abandoned him on the streets and he lived with his foster parents ever since. Yet still Jett doesn't know he is a Demi-God and that his father was Hercules. Jett's foster parents soon left him in an orphanage and he was forced to stay there until he was 18. Jett started traveling around the places waiting for his father. Jett hears strange deep voices in times of need, and he doesn't know why but he is contempt to find his father. Jett just thinks he is a regular person, a rather big, and strong but just regular. HE is far from that.

Hand-To-Hand is Above Average
God Skin- Jett is the son of Hercules so he inherited power and strength from him. Jett's skin is extremely hard to break through, he will almost never feel the damage and when he does he won't show it, part of his adrenaline tactics to wear down the enemy. Jett's skin can take most all damage done by almost anything. He has a weak spot, a tiny 3 cm circle on his back spine closer to the bottom of his back where his dragon tattoo is.
Divine Strength- Jett has also increased damage with each punch that he makes and has a side affect nonetheless. When he attacks his defense is broken, but the exact moment after his presence comes in the view of his enemy his defense will come back.
Bullets- Jett has a fear utensil known as Bullets in his arsenal. Jett can redden his eyes and he will immediately inflict fear into his enemies body. The fear will affect his thinking, sight, and movement which will all start wavering and crackling, it will not do immediate damage, but it will make attacking easier. Fear will crowd his mind and sight at Jett, the enemies worst nightmare will become Jett to him and he will become reluctant to attack. People with full I mean devilishly full control of their emotions will be excluded from this.
Mystics- Jett's unique magic where he can create dual swords with any element he wants. The swords will be made entirely of their corresponding element and do the regular damage with the elements extra. Jett must have a source of the element nearby to make them though. For fire he needs fire, for earth he needs earth nearby, for lightning he needs lightning nearby.

Please clearly define and list every skill your character has, such as swordplay or marksmanship. If he or she uses magic, list it here and tell us how it works. Describe your spells, but feel free to leave them 'open' so they can be used in several different ways (for example, having a spell that creates light, rather than a spell that can create an orb of light specifically used to brighten a dark area - this would leave room for the 'light making' to be used in any way you could think of). Skills like these often will not need to have restrictions on how often they can be used, but keep in mind that doing the same thing often in a battle will often hurt your writing.

Equipment: If you do not list it here, do not expect to pull it out of your pack. We must know everything you have on your character of importance. It is not necessary to list all traveling necessities, but if you have a broadsword that does nifty things, it would fall under this category.

Familiars: Jett has a small glass dragon with him (think Eragon's Dragon smaller and see through with a light blue outline, it's a he though) which is about the size of his large hand, it usually rests on his shoulder and gets information for him. Jett calls him Gurra and he can talk back too Jett.

01-14-11, 08:59 AM
Hi there! We'll need to make some changes to this profile before I can approve you for RP in the rest of the forums. Please edit in the following:

To make your profile easier to understand, please put hand-to-hand under the heading "Skills" and the others under "Abilities"
God skin is too strong. Jett may have 1.5x normal resistance to physical damage.
Divine strength - Jett may be 1.5x as strong as a normal human.
Bullets - This ability is too powerful under its present description. I'll leave it up to you to modify it, but if you need suggestions on how to tone it down feel free to ask.
Mystics - I'm afraid this ability is far too broad for level 0. I'm gonna ask that you take it out and bring it back at your first level update, as your character is already strong for a level 0.
Keep in mind that your familiar may not be used in battles against other Player Characters.

Phew. Well, those are the changes this profile requires before it can be approved. Once you have edited them in, please post here letting me know.

I also have a couple of optional suggestions that may help with character development. The recommendations below are not mandatory but will without a doubt improve your overall Althanas experience.

Flesh out the description of the dragon a bit. Right now I have very little idea what it looks like because I have never seen Eragon's Dragon
While saying that Hercules is his father is not technically plagiarism, it will limit your creativity in-game because Hercules does not exist on Althanas. My recommendation is to leave it at Jett's father being an unknown god, or pick a god from our considerable Canon.
Your character's height and weight currently describe him as being severely dehydrated, missing several organs, or suffering from the worst eating disorder I've ever seen.

The tallest man in recorded history on earth (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Wadlow) was only 9 inches taller than your character, but weighed almost 200 lbs more! Most men who are healthy/fit and walk around at 270 pounds are between 6'6" and 7'.

05-31-11, 01:50 PM
This thread has been sitting, unchanged, for months. I will be closing it and moving it, Jett if you wish to resume with the approval process please PM me, but until then you are not approved.