View Full Version : Bellator Magnus - Incomplete

Bellator Magus
11-14-10, 11:44 PM
Name: Bellator Magus

Nickname: Bell ((I’m quite aware this section was made by myself, as quite a few others are if you scroll down, but I think it would be easier if they referred to him by the name of his youth, rather than the formal Bellator, which was to label him as a warrior, something he’d rather not associate himself with directly. A tad subconscious in make, but I think it adds a bit of flavor to him, considering his history is such a cliché with his dad having been killed and all. :p))

Age: 17 Years Old

Race: Full Human

Hair Color: Sepia Brown

Eye Color: Hazel Swirl

Height: 1.9 Meters

Weight: 65 Kilograms

Occupation: Diplomat/Spy

Personality: I reserve my right to post this up. You will know my personality if you deal with me in the chat; this is generally how my roleplay characters are set up, and it makes it much easier to work with, as those kinds of characters are too widely varied to be placed upon a small snipped of text and expected to be completely unraveled.

Appearance: Bell’s eyes. They’re soft, warm, easy to stare at and get lost in. They’re also filled with an immeasurable darkness that can’t be understood, but yet still fills you with an intense emotion that’s something like regret, and yet something like excitement and passion; they are clearly his most defining point, but there are other, more prominent features about him that you notice over time. For instance, he always seems to wear some form of swimwear on him, no matter what. Also, his hands are rough and calloused, slightly larger than average. Glancing up at Bell’s locks of swirling, twisting locks that he passes off as hair is something like staring out at the deserts of Fallien: always shifting.

Bell’s always a little bit twitchy, not that he ever notices. He has short, thin legs that can be stretched a bit longer than most normal people’s which lets him run about average, just good enough for his height. His general skin tone isn’t just pale, but almost pasty, as if he hadn’t seen the light of sun in years. Which he had, but not often. His carefree way of talking in layman’s terms gives people the feeling that his aura depicts that of pure sunlight personified, though he himself acts as though he were a villain, with shoulders always hunched over slightly, and a completely humble demeanor on the outward perspective.

A slight bit of three day old stubble always seems to twitch at Bell’s face, but he never seems to have any sign of a moustache on his person. He always carries a small, dark blue satchel on his back, but will usually feign deafness if you ask about it until the subject is changed. Finally, if you ever get close enough, you will see that on his neck is an unfamiliar Rune. It is that of an Eye, but a closed one, with a Serpent wrapped around it, baring its fangs and sinking them into the eye’s pupil. It is the Rune of Loss of Memory; he doesn’t know it’s there.

Anything else is most likely of inconsequential notice upon your meeting him for the first time. Perhaps at the next glance you’ll spot more…

History: I honestly do have a history planned, and will post much of it up ASAP. A lot of it, however, I won't mention; after all, Bell's history is what he knows, not what happened. Once he discovers the truth about his past, the history will be altered and the truth filled in.

It was a crowded street in perfect sunlight; the clouds lightly layered up in the skies above, making the bright rays peep through the shifting puffs of the vaporous masses and making everything appear brighter, shinier, cleaner, and more colorful than ever before.

Nothing could go wrong on this day.

Or so they thought.

A single note sang through the air, beautiful; crisp; sweet. It broke the silence, but before the echoing tune even finished fading to the blackness, the people in the area had long since decided that it was the least of their worries.

A dull thud was heard, breaking the tranquility once and for all.

Later on, some people would swear that they’d actually heard the peace and serenity of the day break.

Bell knew better.

He spun around, and saw what he knew, deep in his gut, that he would see: his father was dead, lying on the cement floor with a serene look still plastered upon his features.

His cracked skull now did nothing to stop the seeping lifeblood pouring across the previously unspoiled virgin sidewalk.

Oddly, despite their general location, which made the sight that much more dramatic – or perhaps because of it – a large arrow shot from a crossbow lay buried deep in his chest. It was doubtful if the man had ever even known what had happened before he hit the ground.

There would be no rest for me, he instantly realized. This wasn’t accidental. They’d found us.

“My life has almost always been an endless spiral, long, terrible, and seemingly unbreakable – as far as I can remember, for sure. But I still know this dark, spinning maw can be escaped from. I’ve seen things said and done that no other person on the face of the Earth can claim homage to.

“And I myself have seen and done unbelievably great and terrible things. Things that no man alive will ever repeat. Not anymore anyway.”

These thoughts, above all, plague Bell’s ravaged mind and spirit. He remembered attacking the man who’d killed his father, destroying him, eliminating him by using Runic Magic he hadn’t known existed until they burst forth from the depths of his imagination.

Under great torture, the killer admitted to having been paid to eliminate Magic-Wielding Humans, as it was considered a taint by those pompous, superstitious bastards of his old tribe. In a rage, Bell sliced downward with a wickedly sharp dagger, cutting him in dozens of locations of the body, but making sure none of those slices hit vital organs or blood vessels.

Then Bell knocked him unconscious. And sat, waiting for the man to die aq slow and painful death. He stood vigil for days, waiting for the death of the only man he could truly say he hated. The ruthlessness of doing this shocked the teen, but he pushed these thoughts away; he would have been killed far more brutally if someone more experienced had taken out this deed. Or so he convinced himself..

And finally the assassin lay dead at his feet, clutching nothing but the crossbow he’d used to kill Bell’s only relative. It was a cruel cosmic joke, and so Bell snatched it from the hands of its old Master, swearing to put it to better, use, and create peace, and harmony, throughout the provinces of Althenas.

The first place he would go, Bell decided after a short time, was to Fallien. There was said to be a Temple there, from a little known city called ******. Bell had learned, from that experience, that him writing symbols on certain objects held power. He’d tried it, but to his dismay many symbols didn’t work. But for those who would hear him out, all said that the best place to learn Runic was on Fallien.

So there he went; he bought a small boat with the bounty from killing an assassin, and some provisions for the trip. Also, he took the crossbow, which he found out shrank into a size small enough to fit in just about anything, well out of sight.

With that, he bought one other essential – a fishing pole – and went on his way


Mental/Psychological Skills:

Rune Scrying – Using runes from a book he found in a dark temple where he’d lived for a good portion of his life, and even inventing a few of his own to try and test it out, this is his main form of magic. His scar on his hand came from testing out a Rune of his own creation, not that he would ever admit it. It allows him to write said Rune, or any other he creates, onto an item, and by saying the True Name of that Rune, he invokes its magic and allows it to work in whatever way he wishes it to. Such as the Water Rune could be used to make a flood, or a pool of water, depending on his thoughts at the time.

Currently, he can only use the Rune of Healing, which allows him to heal any sort of minor injury or illness that would pass in a few days in the space of two minutes, and the Rune of Energy Transference, which allows him to transfer a small amount of his energy to the person whose body he marks the Rune on. Each is only allowed to be used twice per thread currently. ABOVE AVERAGE

Poker Face – Bellator’s eyes can become completely dim and devoid of all emotion, leaving his face blank and untouchable by any master of reading facial expressions, due mostly to his past… Mostly for roleplay fodder.

Physical Skills:

Marksmanship – His ability to use the crossbow. Since it was the only weapon he ever used, it was something he was much better at that usual and can see to great lengths away. His skill with it isn't the best, but it's kept him alive in many a situation, and there's endless time for him to practice further upon it. ABOVE AVERAGE

Leap of Faith – Bellator can jump to extremely unearthly heights, having been recorded at jumping as high as twenty feet in some situations. Deadly if he lands on you, and can sometimes cause you to be slightly unbalanced and fall or even break your legs when he lands depending on proximity to him. AVERAGE

Time Slow: Locked – Not really anything literal, but if Bellator manages to get in enough time, he can focus his mind and watch things happen in a much slower manner than most people, allowing him to react quicker, and with much more clarity, than most in situations of dire speed and importance. The people themselves don't slow, but Bellator's mind watches it at a much faster rate of speed, almost like overdosing on adrenaline. ABOVE AVERAGE

Magical Skills:

Shadow Deception – Only to be used when shadows are in close proximity. The more shadows present increases the skill more than the magic, though the elaborateness of the “deception” itself will rely heavily upon magical skill. Using shadows, he figuratively or literally wraps himself up in a glamour that will hide him to others he would rather not know of his presence. This could be seen in a disguise, a shimmer that would allow him to be invisible, perhaps melting into shadows themselves, or making himself so anonymous that people forget him after he left, etc.

Gift of a Thousand Tongues – Not the power to speak another language, he is given, but the power to perfectly coordinate and understand any language. This includes both verbal and nonverbal. He only speaks Common, and this lets him be much more able to listen in on conversations most will assume he is unaware of.

Healing Rays – Using the light of the Sunlight or any other natural light, Bellator is able to cure his own diseases and, using the same light, can cure others, but with a Rune of Healing and a Rune of Energy Transference. It only works as well as the light is, and as effectively as there is time. For instance, a cut could be healed in a minute, but a severed limb could take perhaps 12 hours in desert sunlight.

Healing Hand: Locked. NOTE - Prerequisite to Warm Gaze. – There is a small, almost indecipherable scar on Bellator’s hand, with which he can spot a “sickness” in the near vicinity and, if he has Tabasheer on hand, can heal the “sickness” to an almost unbelievable degree. This doesn’t limit itself to the physical realm, however, as Tabasheer alone can do that. His scar allows him to delve much, much further.

Warm Gaze: Locked. NOTE - Must be unlocked after Healing Hand. – A strand of the Healing Hand but developed in the eyesight. It can be used to spew warmth, comfort, and heat through the area. Obviously, only works on a person if he makes eye contact and can be used to distill any qualms of fear or distrust. But it can also used as passionate heat that can be used directed at other living things besides the natural races.

Terrabreathing: Locked – Bellator can burrow into the earth for protection from foes, and for chasing after them as well. It allows him a slightly slower speed he normally has while on land, but with the ability to follow without notice; however, his ability to keep himself down there isn't indefinite due to breathing. He’s doing something similar to growing gills of the earthen type, so he will always need to come up for air on the surface, but less frequently over time.


Crossbow of The Elements – A magical oak crossbow with a set of arrows with steel tips inscribed with runes he placed upon himself from looking in his Book. Each that is sent forth will be utilized with the powers of the elementals as he calls them by their true name: Light, Dark, Fire, Ice, Earth, and Air. Runes currently unlocked.

Apprentice Robes – A small cloak made of unknown material that can be hidden underneath his clothes; formfitting and skintight, it allows him small protection from weapons; it’s about as powerful as chain mail, but is a personal kind. Nobody else could wear these robes without suffering in indescribable ways.

Book of the Runic – Self explanatory if you read anything above this. He also keeps several scraps of blank paper in it, however, to practice creating new runes, and even calligraphy sometimes, to make sure his writing doesn’t deteriorate. He was and still is a diplomat at heart; he couldn’t bear having sloppy handwriting.

Name: Roon [Nickname – Rooney]
Appearance: Avatar shows the most common appearance. Any other seen will be described in RP.
Personality: Again, not 4 nao kidz. But he’ll be a foil of Bellator.
Items: A single tooth pendant around his neck[seen in the avatar but on the wrong neck, lol] that allows him the gift of Common and a faint ability over shape shifting. He can transform into most any animal around that size, but he prefers the dog image the most.

Bellator Magus
11-15-10, 04:23 PM
Done guise. Come give it a look-see and tell me how the newb did pl0x.

11-15-10, 05:30 PM
Ok, first off, you have too many skills. You can have four abilities at the most. Choose four between Rune Scrying, Leap of Faith, Time Slow, Healing Hand, Shadow Deception, Warm Gaze, Healing Rays and Terrabreathing.

Some of these skills are also too powerful.

Rune Scrying description is vague. It doesn't say which runes he can use and what are their effects. At this point I'd allow one or two, and their effects should be minor.

Leap of Faith - take out the mini-earthquake.

Time Slow - this has way too much potential for abuse, so right now I want it's effects to be minor and allow him to "watch" those around him at a slightly slower pace for a short amount of time.

Healing hand - I'm not sure why you wrote "sickness" instead of just sickness, but at this time he should be able to heal weaker sicknesses. Whatever those are.

Healing rays - shallow cuts can be healed in minutes, deeper in hours, severed limb up to a day.

Terrabreathing - I'm not even going to go into the physics of something like that. But his speed cannot be twice that what he can achieve on land. If anything, he should be slower.

The Crossbow of the Elements cannot be enchanted with the elements at this point. You can lock these abilities for now and unlock them gradually at later levels.

And finally, regarding your familiar, you say that he can transform to any animal "around that side" but never clearly state what size that is. If it's the size of a dog, then it's fine.

Bellator Magus
11-15-10, 06:33 PM
Ok, first off, you have too many skills. You can have four abilities at the most. Choose four between Rune Scrying, Leap of Faith, Time Slow, Healing Hand, Shadow Deception, Warm Gaze, Healing Rays and Terrabreathing.

I kept five of them, if that's okay with you, since Time Slow isn't a power at all in my opinion, but a meditative state.

Some of these skills are also too powerful.

:| Not at a level 0 it isn't. But sure. I suppose they could be USED that way.

Rune Scrying description is vague. It doesn't say which runes he can use and what are their effects. At this point I'd allow one or two, and their effects should be minor.

Of course. I suppose you could see this as being abused. I don't really plan on using it actively any time soon, but for the purposes of this, I'll fix that and make it clearer that I can't write an invincibility rune on me. I'll pick two for now.

Leap of Faith - take out the mini-earthquake.


Time Slow - this has way too much potential for abuse, so right now I want it's effects to be minor and allow him to "watch" those around him at a slightly slower pace for a short amount of time.

...What effects? He isn't Chronus. He just sees them move slower... I could roleplay myself doing that anyway, you know. I just like the idea of him doing it because of a power. Think of it more as an explanation for him doing this rather than a power. It doesn't affect anyone but me.

Healing hand - I'm not sure why you wrote "sickness" instead of just sickness, but at this time he should be able to heal weaker sicknesses. Whatever those are.

He's a diplomat. By sickness, he didn't mean disease. He meant more like being able to sense a liar or a fraud. Such as at the beginning, he'd have a small sense of unease if an army is coming his way, but as it hones, he might could immediately spot a liar. If that made any sense.

Healing rays - shallow cuts can be healed in minutes, deeper in hours, severed limb up to a day.

Didn't I already write that? lol

Terrabreathing - I'm not even going to go into the physics of something like that. But his speed cannot be twice that what he can achieve on land. If anything, he should be slower.

Not sure what I was thinking there, you're right. No way I could go faster underground. I took it out anyway, though, unless you let me keep it as a locked power, in which case, I'll edit and make it sufficient.

The Crossbow of the Elements cannot be enchanted with the elements at this point. You can lock these abilities for now and unlock them gradually at later levels.

Wasn't sure how to put that without making it sound completely idiotic, so I hope my edit looks better.

And finally, regarding your familiar, you say that he can transform to any animal "around that side" but never clearly state what size that is. If it's the size of a dog, then it's fine.


Thanks for that. Hurts a bit that all my hard work went to waste because you think I'll metagame, but okay. I suppose you have to expect me to.

EDIT: Actually, thinking about it, could I just keep them up, but have them as locked powers?

11-16-10, 04:49 AM
A bit more work and we're done.

Time Slow sounds a whole lot like an ability, allowing you to "react quicker, and with much more clarity, than most in situations of dire speed and importance." So while it directly doesn't affect others, it does give you an advantage over them. So I'm afraid I have to qualify it as an ability.

I also need additional information regarding what exactly the two runes you listed do and how many times per thread can you use them. No more than a couple uses per thread for now.

Healing Rays - actually, you wrote that you can heal smaller cut in moments, not minutes. A "moment" is relative, though generally very short amount of time. Like: "It only took me a moment to unsheathe my sword.". A minute, however, can be a long time in a battle. So change it to a minute please.

And regarding your last question, though we don't generally practice it, you can have locked abilities listed. Just make it clear that they are in fact locked and keep in mind that you'll be able to unlock them just like any other ability, via level up.

Bellator Magus
11-16-10, 04:54 PM
Alright I think this is fixed. And sorry for my attitude before. I should have been nicer. But your response stunned me. Meh.

Anyway, is it good now?

11-16-10, 06:06 PM
Don't worry about it. It's all good.

You are approved. Thank you for your cooperation and welcome to Althanas.