View Full Version : Adventurer's Board #4

08-06-06, 09:14 PM
Discussion for those involved in the "I Hate Tests" thread in Scara Brae.

Since it seems that our posting level has kind of leveled off, I'm opening this thread so that we can discuss our plans without having to use up all our inbox space. I'd really like if this quest was up and running before school starts.:(

Osato had what I consider to be a pretty good suggestion for a way to go through with this thang. Add your thoughts! Said he:

Maybe we should each have a small turn with our past experiences coming to bear. Like... you had your dream, so we all play along with you in your dream and defeat whatever you decide to throw at us. Next could be Chidori.

These don't have to be big, just detailed and well thought out. It could be something from your past, something from the present, or just something you character fears or whatever...

I mean, since we all still have to post we can work this out. Meet up with Chioptera first and go through her's, then mine or Chidori's... whatever. Since we were given a rough scene with the dream sequence then we could build off that... or it could be used as a prelude to that section.

It may be a little bit long, depending on each person... what do you think?

Chidori Draconid
08-07-06, 12:04 PM
That sounds like a great idea to me. I'm just having a hard time figuring out what to make for Chidori's challenge. I had a couple of puzzles for us, but they aren't exaclty matching the developing theme of the thread. It seems like Kyle wants us to beat our personal demons. While my character has flaws and problems he doesn't have anything too taxing on the heart at the moment. I'm going to have to look into him a little more to find one.

08-07-06, 12:40 PM
It's more than we ourselves having to beat our demons, I think. It's that he's using our personal fears and reservations and unspoken terrors to provide the most effective test possible for all of us. So, say I'm terrified of snakes. Even though others don't have that same problem, my part of the realm would use that fear to make a maze through a tunnel filled with poisonous vipers that everyone would have to get through, not just me the snake-phobic person.

08-07-06, 04:01 PM
Chidori: You could also just build off the chess game if you wanted. Since you already opened the quest with that you could easily just have the next round be us each taking a place on an already active chess game. You could be the "King" or "Queen" and the other's your pieces to move. Overhead could be your dad and you playing... or whatever.

Anything really.

Chidori Draconid
08-07-06, 05:13 PM
You know I was thinking about doing that, but then it would seem Harry Potter-ish, and I don't want us to lose points for unoriginality.

08-07-06, 06:34 PM
Why not have it reflect some inner fear Chidori has of not making his father proud? Like an illusion of his father, telling he's unimpressed with his son that that Chidori that he can do more. The challenge would be for Chidori to see through the illusion and realize not only is his father not real. But that he doesn't have to go out of his way to try and be like someone else.

It's just a suggestion though.

08-07-06, 07:05 PM
-shrug- I've never seen, nor intend to see, any of the Harry Potter Movies... nor read the books. So I didn't even think of that, lol.

08-07-06, 08:08 PM
Wow, Osato, no Harry Potter? That's quite impressive, considering how commercialized he's become.

Would our role as chess pieces be like that of soldiers in an army, being led by our general Chidori? I think that would be a pretty sweet set-up. :D
It'd be cool if all of us had different "themes" for our parts of the challenge. Eltarri's portion would probably be a more straight-forward series of challenges that test our ability to resist wicked temptations and such like that. Her biggest inner struggle is the conflicting nature of her true self and the inescapable evil inside of her, so that would be reflected by making us find out which aspect of ourselves was stronger, our will or our instinct . . .
Something to that affect. :rolleyes:

Chidori Draconid
08-09-06, 03:00 PM
How about we incorporate all the emotional stuff into an economic simulation for my part of the challenge? I was thinking about how a new nation on the Tular Plains would be faced with the challenges of being economically successful. So Kyle could create a simulation of us being the new rulers of the Tular Plains, and challenge us with bringing that nation to the level of Corone, Raiaera, Alerar, Salvar, and Haidia. That way we'd have a challenge, and Chidori could attemt something to make his father proud. (btw after several inquiries I know that there probably wont be a formal nation for the Tular Plains, but that's all the more reason to do this.)

PS I have a feeling that Chidori's situation is going to be the least emotional of the four, so why don't we get it over with first. I think we should order our challenges as follows. Least emotional first, most emotional last. That way we can retain some impact for the reader, and the rising action/climax will be smooth and well placed.

08-09-06, 04:50 PM
Would that take too long? Or could we do that easily?

08-09-06, 09:04 PM
Maybe it could be sort of game-like, where time is progressing really quickly and we can . . . I don't know . . . slow it down to make changes or start things that we hope will make a difference? I'm thinking that it might get a bit technical and textbook sounding to document the growth of a nation.

I like the idea of the order, unless the challenges start to get sappier as we progress. Chid's theme is Economics/Communication/Diplomacy, which could be long and possibly lacking in excitement (depending on our ability to carry it through), mine is the Inner Struggle of Good vs. Evil, which can easily get maudlin or tiresomely morose . . .
Do you (Osato and Zerith) have any idea of what kind of them you would want to do?

Chidori Draconid
08-09-06, 10:59 PM
Sinc it may be good to go on ahead and start, and I'm an anxious little rp whore I'm going to go ahead and proceed to bring us into my challenge. You'll see once I get it up what I mean. If it's not appropriate to the progression of the story just let me know and I'll alter it accordingly.

08-10-06, 07:05 AM
I have no clue what I'm going to do yet. But I'll think of something... and I think it'll work, we'll see. I'm sure it'll be interesting in the least.

08-10-06, 11:06 AM
Way to take the initiative, Chidori!
If you need me to change what I posted or anything, just PM me and I'll make it work.

08-16-06, 08:15 PM
Sorry for the double post, but if Osato is really gone for good, we're going to have to decide what to do for this quest.

I would like to continue it, and we're not actually far enough into the story that writing him out would change anything, if we even had to write him out at all.

Any thoughts, guys?

Chidori Draconid
08-16-06, 10:05 PM
Let's just figure out some way to write him out.

08-16-06, 10:53 PM
All we really have to do is ignore his last post, in which he calls out from across the river, and then we'll just knock the challenges down to three themes instead of four. I suppose we can add a note so that the judge doesn't penalize us, but I'm sure they'll understand.

You still in, Zerith?

08-17-06, 09:32 AM
Ya, still in.

The summer is hectic for me. Yesterday was my mother's birthday.

08-26-06, 09:06 PM
Okay . . . my turn to really apologize. I've been uber-busy, which really isn't an excuse . . . but anyway, I posted.

I wasn't sure if Osato was still planning to participate, but if he's not, I can just edit him out.

Once again, sorry for the delay.