View Full Version : Calli

11-16-10, 10:48 PM
Name: Calli (This is the only name she goes by)

Age: 21

Race: Human

Hair Color: Brown

Eye Color: Silver

Height: 5'2"

Weight: 105 lbs

Occupation: Loading and Unloading ships as they port.

Personality: Calli is a mess. She was raised traditionally and yet she yearns to break free of her traditional expectations. She is typically in trouble for one thing or another. She is fiercely independent and yet loyal to the core.

Appearance: Calli, like most people from Fallien is exceptionally small. To those not from her area she appears fragile and weak. Spend ten minutes with her and you will realize she's anything but. Her arms are slightly defined due to her heavy work loads. Her brown hair and tanned skin highlight her strange silver eyes. She typically wears only the lightest of tunics, usually silver.

History: Calli was raised by her mother alongside her three brothers. Her mother did well for herself but still insisted her children learn to fend for themselves early in life. Calli has met her glass-farming father on a few occasions but has no real connection to him. Calli found a job at twelve helping a merchant sell his wares in the city streets. At fourteen she began to help unload the ships as they came in and by eighteen she was making the voyages to unload and reload them on the other side. Calli wants to explore the lands beyond the beaches, but her religious upbringing holds her in place. She works long hours for little pay, but she knows better than to complain. Her three brothers also work aboard the ships, and typically squash anything that gets the girl riled up. She is devoted to her family but sees that the Fallien government is taking advantage of it's people. She, like most of the workers is torn between her religious beliefs in the governing forces and her own will to survive.


Extensive knowledge of the trade systems between Fallien and other nations.

Basic pole-arm knowledge.

Basic knowledge of glass forming.


Speed- Calli is 1.5 times as fast as an average person due to her small size.

Strength- Calli is 1.5 times stronger than an average person because she has spent so many years loading heavy crates.

Equipment: Calli carries only the clothes on her back, a map of Althanas and her halberd. The halberd is made of steel.

Familiars: While Calli has never made contact with it, she typically notices a phoenix overhead if she is stressed out or angry.

11-17-10, 03:39 AM
I just need to know a bit more about her familiar. Can it help her in battle? Or do you plan to contact/elaborate/acquire it via quests or future updates? Everything else is fine.

11-17-10, 06:01 PM
As of right now it's more of a security blanket type thing. Eventually I hope to have her be able to communicate with it but right now it just soothes her when she's upset.

11-17-10, 06:02 PM
Good enough in my book.

You are approved. Welcome to Althanas.