View Full Version : Keya Whitefang

Keya Whitefang
11-17-10, 12:08 AM
Name: Keya Whitefang

Age: 22

Race: Wolf Demon

Hair Color: White

Eye Color: Yellow/golden

Height: 5'2"

Weight: 110 lbs

Personality: Keya is a hot-tempered young wolf demon with many things to still learn about herself and the world around her. She is extremely loyal, as well as protective, to those that she is close to. However, if her trust is ever betrayed, she finds it hard to allow her self to forgive others easily.

Keya has voluminous white/silver hair that most of the time the bulk of it is kept up in a high pony tail. Her bangs slightly cover her large golden eyes. She has wolf like ears that are positioned on either side of her head. Her body could be described as being athletic, with a certain upper region that happened to be well endowed. Her fingernails are much more pointed and claw like then normal human nails. Another physical distinction that she has from humans is her fluffy wolf like white tail.


Due to her demon heritage Keya has 1.5 times the speed and strength of any normal being. Although she has much room to improve her abilities, being such a young demon.

Also has the ability to shape-shift into a wolf. In her wolf form she appears to be a average sized pure white wolf with golden eyes.

Keya often carries a pack with her with many essentials for her travels. As well a small sword made of average-quality steel that she carries for protection.

Keya was born of two wolf demon parents both members of a large tribe. Her mother was killed in battle while trying to protect her when she was younger, leaving her with her father as her only support. Unfortunately, her father took little interest in Keya’s well being. He viewed Keya as a disgrace to the family childishly blaming her for her mother’s death. Her father’s abandonment left Keya with a distrust and anger towards others leaving her isolated and alone within the tribe. One of the tribe’s elders Raina took pity on Keya and raised her even though Raina had already raised her own children and was way past the age to be raising another. Raina attempted to teach Keya the value of patience and discipline but at that time in her life Keya was not receptive to the wiser woman’s teachings. While Raina is visiting a neighboring tribe, Keya finds herself in a situation in which her inability to control her temper results in a disastrous event in which Keya was forced to leave the tribe forever. Filled with mixed emotions Keya obeyed the order and left her tribe, thus beginning her travels.

11-17-10, 03:42 AM
Drop the strength/speed to 1.5x and you'll be set to go.

Keya Whitefang
11-17-10, 10:48 AM
Okay. Fixed that. :)

11-17-10, 05:09 PM
Awesome. You are approved. Thank you for your cooperation and welcome to Althanas.