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11-17-10, 05:37 PM

Aislinn moved through the halls of Ixian Castle, her boots clicking over the flagstones of the floor in quick order. At her side a small black cat moved with grace and certainty keeping up with her erstwhile owner. Looking over at the cat she spoke with a calmness that belied the normality of the action, "You are certain he called me into this meeting?"

The cat looked up briefly at the woman before she replied, Yes, he said he needed and expert on spirits and magic for this mission. We couldn't think of anyone more suited other than Sei of Seth, and with what happened recently with Seth, I doubt he'll sending that madman out anytime soon.

She frowned hearing those words as they stopped outside the door to the war room. She looked down at the cat before she spoke, "Sister, this is not the time for jokes. We both know Seth Dahlios will not do anything around here. He is too caught up in his petty plans to actually fulfill his end of the deal with our Uncle."

A lot happened while you were gone for two weeks sister. How is Pierce doing of course? The cat replied looking up at her sister.

"Pierce is doing as well as always, being an alchemist helps with that. He does send his regards but regrets to inform you he does not have a fish for you this time," Aislinn replied. The cat nodded before with a paw it scratched at the door. It soon opened showing the face of Adolph Gretzel the leader of the Ixian Knights Chaplains. Aislinn nodded with familiarity, bringing about another nod from the man who moved from the door and gestured Aislinn through. Adolph was a grizzled warrior of the Knights of Apocalypse, and further was one of her Uncles myriad of bodyguards. Being an Orlouge had its benefits, and at times Aislinn had met with the man, but never more than the formal occasion. Of course this meant she didn't have to introduce herself when she showed up, and stepping into the room she looked slowly about it, taking in the view of the war room, as well as who was in it.

The Ronin Taka was the first fixture she noticed, being drawn to him as a moth to the flame. The caress Ulgu made his presence stand out more to the witch who was intimate with its workings. He was sitting resolutely and looking at the sprawl of maps before him with a keen eye. Those eyes flashed over to Aislinn before he narrowed them briefly and nodded, "Aislinn-Sama."

She returned the nod before she muttered, "Taka." She then moved to the next sitting about the table, her cousin Kylana. After the incident a few weeks ago, she had made sure to visit her friend and the closest thing she had to a father nowadays. The next in the group was Kylana Marie Orlouge, her cousin and the source of the problems the Mystic's even now faced. She nodded courteously before she said simply, "Cousin."

Her eyes then came upon the last figure at the table, Sei Orlouge. She could almost sense a small bit of tension in his body, though from what, it could not be said. So, rather than guess she carefully pulled back her chair, before sitting in it lightly, crossing her legs for modesty as she said simply, "Dear Uncle, why did you see fit to summon me today?"

I'm glad you could come so quickly. I understand you only recently got back and would prefer to be with your students, however an opportunity has presented itself, and I will not let it pass by idly. Have you ever heard of the Titans of Dheathain? He said gesturing to the maps. Aislinn frowned firmly in thought before she shook her head;

"I cannot say I am familiar with that tale."

Kyla seemed to perk up a bit, perhaps excited before she began to talk, "The Titans of Dheathain are the holy protectors of the land. They are spirits that animate statues to fight in war, and their fury is said to be a terrible thing. Most people think they are just ghost stories and legends, but we recently found some maps, and notes that seemed to suggest that they exist and are real."

Aislinn looked over at Sei before she spoke, "You mean to send me into the field, do you not?"

I need someone who can serve as a emissary to the spirits. I know that the winds of magic can be a rather temperamental lot, what with their recent attempt on your life, so I ask that you not overextend yourself. Further, I will not be sending you alone, Taka and the Mercenary Company will be joining you on this endeavor, Sei replied.

"All four of them?" The question was asked so quickly that all eyes in the room shifted to Taka, who remained passive as usual. If he was furious at the words, he hid it well. Even more he seemed to ignore it, even as he shifted only subtly, the most outward sign he was in fact still alive.

While they have been nearly destroyed, the mercenaries that are left, are more than a match for the forces you will be encountering, Sei replied firmly, seeming to underline to Aislinn just how rude her last statement was. She merely shook her head softly before she spoke once more;

"I want a bodyguard if I am to be going to Dheathain. I wish to be sure that when I end up in a fight, that at least one person is concerned with me, rather than worrying about the few men he has left. It will allow General Taka freedom to maneuver through the area without regards to my safety."

Out of the-

"Aislinn-sama, if you wish it, then get yourself a yojimbo. I do not begrudge you that, but you will return to Radasanth safely," Taka replied, cutting off Sei. All eyes darted to the Ronin, who's eyes were locked with the Witch's ice blue. It seemed Taka had found his voice, and was trying very hard not to insult the others, while calling her out.

Aislinn let it drop, having won the freedom she requested. Looking at Sei, she spoke curtly, "Jensen Ambrose."

Kyla inhaled sharply, Adolph even visibly tensed at those words. Sei merely looked deeply into Aislinn's eyes before he looked to Taka and back to Aislinn. Finally a heavy sigh filtered through the room before Sei spoke sternly, Jensen Ambrose has been evicted from the Ixian Knights, pending an apology to Anita for his crass behavior. You will get Adolph as your bodyguard on this mission. That is the final word on this matter.

Aislinn's cool facade broke when she heard those words, her hands slamming down on the table causing Kyla to jump slightly. She lifted herself quickly from the chair with such force that it shifted back a good foot. Never before had anyone seen the witch lose her cool, even during Jensen's constant jabs, "You what? Uncle, tell me you did not throw my friend out for making fun of Anita, again. I thought you had thicker skin than that-"

Jensen Ambrose is a detriment to the Ixian Knights, he serves no purpose nor does he help the troops. He is a drain of resources and the delicate situations I have been put into due to his loud mouth and dare I say barbaric actions have finally come to a head. I have endured enough torture at his hands, or need I remind you of the noodle incident?

Aislinn saw a visible shudder cross Sei before he narrowed his eyes, almost begging Aislinn to contradict him. She was tempted to argue this out, but with the others in the room, and the fact Taka seemed to be growing more intent on her as she spoke, made Aislinn dreadfully uncomfortable. Her eyes lingered on Kyla before she shook her head, finding no allies in her crusade to protect her friend. Being alone amidst so much hostility had a rather intimidating effect, and Aislinn vowed to pursue this later with Sei, alone.

"Very well, I shall make do with what I have. Mr. Gretzel shall accompany me? And when he dies who shall protect me then?" Aislinn returned to sitting pulling the chair closer to the table.

"That is simple Ms. Orlouge, I shall not die," The words oozed with wounded pride, though Aislinn did look over her shoulder to look upon him.

"While I can keep you alive, one solid blow will incapacitate you for the rest of a mission. I certainly hope Taka's men are strong enough to carry you should you fall in battle," Aislinn retorted. She then looked to Sei, "At least one more should do."

Aislinn Orlouge, I know your father raised you to be far more of a lady than that! Being defiant over the loss of your friend is one thing, but to malign and slander your fellow Knights for the loss of that friend will not be tolerated! Sei stood up from his chair and leaned across the table to look upon Aislinn. She crossed her arms curtly before she spoke, looking at him firmly.

"Had I not shown up at Valdta, Adolph Gretzel would not be here. I am the sole reason he continues to serve you. Further, I helped tend the wounded of Valdta. While he did his best to minimize the casualties, they were still enough to decimate that village. One in every ten people of that village faced the cold reality of war Sei Orlouge. While you may be my uncle you are a year my younger, perhaps you should start acting like it rather than act like a hopeless optimist and pray everything will come out perfectly. When will you give up your foolish dreams and realize you need to accept the bad with the good!?"

You are crossing many lines today, and I am blaming the fact that you have lost your friend, have you any tact left I would suggest you use it to let the situation drop. I will never give my dreams for the Ixian Knights. This world needs dreamers to give it a soul, to allow it to grow and flourish, rather than wither and die to harsh realities, Sei replied firmly.

"And it needs brutal realists like me to keep it alive. While you go gallivanting about and sending men on recruitment missions, I am constantly dealing with people who dreamed and lost sight of the true goals. Who failed to understand what was going on around them and were hurt because of this. I will not back down simply because you feel I am lashing out irrationally for the loss of one of my only vents!"

Both continued to stare across the table, the room deadly silent before Sei said firmly, You may have Guardsman Pell. You have your two, I suggest you prepare. One last suggestion my niece.

"And that would be?"

I would suggest you never, ever question me in front of my men again.

"If you wished for that, perhaps you should not threaten everyone who disagrees with you," Aislinn retorted.

Tainted Bushido
11-17-10, 06:38 PM
The meeting swiftly adjourned following the fight. Aislinn moving from the room with a practiced grace that belied her anger at the situation. Though she hid her emotions as well as Taka, he could see the tensed muscles of her shoulders, bearing the burden of the shock and anger she felt even now at the loss of Jensen Ambrose. While he himself had his pride wounded, he did not begrudge her the anger she felt at the loss of a friend. Taka merely stood up, before Sei looked to Taka and spoke, I apologiz-

"It is alright Sei-sama, while her tactics were rather crude, they were not off the mark. There is a lot I must atone for, and I shall begin by leading what's left of my company into Dheathain. Perhaps when she sees the strides I have put forth to overcome my shortcomings, she will soften up," Taka put forth.

Anita seemed to appear out of nowhere, but it was apparent she had heard everything as she spoke up, "No, Aislinn will only find another reason to yell at you. She's a rather cold person-"

That is enough Anita, there has been enough talking about people behind their backs for one day, and in front of them as well. Taka, go gather your men and prepare, you leave tomorrow morning.

"Yes my lord."


Taka stood outside the gates of Ixian Castle waiting resolutely. Brigs and Erikson were nearby him waiting for the rest of the group to show up. Though they chatted for a bit, they could all feel the formal atmosphere in the air. This was a chance to prove themselves, all they needed was for their delicate cargo, as Sei had put it, to finally show up. The sun was slowly rising in the sky, the sky a amber gold as the dawn finally hit the castle, beginning to warm the world. Taka nodded seeing the men carefully rub their hands together in order to keep warm. Soon such a practice would be unnecessary and Taka himself could feel the chill.

He heard the crunch of boots upon the ground, and turned to see Adolph approaching. The maul he was given, called the Crozius, was strapped firmly to his back, and he was already in his armor, much as Taka was. Taka nodded respectfully to the fellow warrior who nodded in turn. The warrior Adolph merely looked around and sighed before he spoke, "I take it Ms. Orlouge has not shown herself yet?"

"I fear she might be trying to reign in her anger at the situation," Taka replied firmly.

"Never thought I'd find a red head that fit the stereotype," Adolph replied. Taka frowned looking at Adolph questioningly before he shrugged and said, "Crazy and demand their way. I mean, is there any other way to describe yesterday?"

"I do not wish to comment of Aislinn-sama's behavior yesterday than to comment and say I can see why she is not present at the general meetings very often."

"I don't blame you, it's hard to talk about the boss' family," Adolph confided. Soon they heard boots crunching over the ground, even as a thin nasally voice spoke;

"Oh my! I never expected to see you joining us!" Both men turned to see Pell Duyo, one of the myriad of guards running. His rolls of fat bounced as his chest heaved heavily. Finally reaching the group he leaned over, breathing harder, his lungs sucking in desperate gulps of air. He had a sword at his hip, though it was anyone's guess as to whether he could actually use it. Further the chain mail shirt seemed a bit too tight on him, as he carefully adjusted his helmet to allow him to see and breathe.

Adolph narrowed his eyes before he spoke harshly, "Don't lean over soldier, it'll make it harder to catch your breath."

Pell immediatly stood straight up and saluted Adolph before shouting, "Sir yes sir!"

"At least he has the discipline," Taka said dryly. Adolph raised an eyebrow as he fought to hide the beginnings of a smirk. It wasn't hard to see both Taka and Adolph considered the man unfit for battle. Why Sei would suggest this particular guard was beyond them, but they would have to make do with what they had. It was at that time they both heard Aislinn's voice;

"I am sorry for my tardiness, I had to give parting instructions to my students incase I should be gone for an extended period of time," Aislinn's eyes then looked over the group before they fell upon Pell, and her eyes shut. Both men could tell she was trying not to go back into the keep to yell at Sei for giving her perhaps the most useless guard in the Ixian Knights. Still she forced a smile to plaster on her face as she opened her eyes and looked to the small band of mercenaries, "Shall we?"

"Oh my! Are you an angel!?" Pell asked. Immediately everyone stopped to look at Pell, who was looking at Aislinn. The witch looked upon the man with a barely restrained fury as she spoke coolly;

"I am sorry, I must have misheard, what was that?"

"You look divine! You are pretty! I'd say you're a perfect ten!" The guard piped up.

Aislinn looked pleadingly to the others. She muttered something about Jensen, and Taka could feel the complaints already beginning to crop up. It was obvious that this was going to be a long trip, and for the briefest of moments, Taka almost wished he didn't have to bring Aislinn. Adolph was a good addition to his team, but Aislinn was not combat ready, nor was the other bodyguard she brought to the group. Being too soft meant she wouldn't be able to look past the comforts she had surrounded herself with, and that would mean she would incessantly be bugging him to rectify the situation.

It was then he noticed a red tinge hit her eye, ever so briefly before she spoke, her voice strained, but still maintaining the cool she presented, "I would appreciate it, if you could go the rest of this trip, without saying another word. Not. One. More. Word."

Adolph chuckled under his breath, before it was silenced by a harsh glare from the Witch. Pell gulped before he fidgeted and said, "Jensen said you have to be forward with the ladies and be confident, otherwise you won't get laid!"

More than one person in the group groaned before Aislinn carefully placed her face in the palm of her hand. She closed her eyes and spoke up, "I cannot believe I am saying this, but I wish he was someone else, anyone else. Even my father would be preferable to this farce! Taka, is there anyway we can just, tell him to stay here and go?"

Eyes turned to the general before he said plainly, "He has his orders from Sei-sama, I cannot countermand those orders. It is up to Duyo-san to decide when he wishes to leave his post. Though I will assure you, he will face consequences for doing so." He felt her eyes bored into him while he faced Adolph before he continued, "Gretzel-san and Pell-san, you will accompany Aislinn-sama on this trip, while I will manage the Mercenaries. I will be giving them orders, and leave her safety in your capable-" He had to fight to keep a smirk of his own from his face before continuing, "hands. Feel free to tell me if something occurs that requires assistance, but I will be focusing on the more martial aspect of the mission."

When he finally met Aislinn's gaze she had a look of fury upon her face before Taka said firmly, "You demanded Yojimbos, I cannot deny your request. I can however insist that you be in your yojimbos company for the entirety of the journey. Had you trusted in me, you would not be in this situation Aislinn-sama. Perhaps in the future you will learn to trust your fellow knights, rather than belittle them out of hand."

Adolph whistled lowly at the comment before he gestured to the road, "Shall we Ms. Orlouge?"

Aislinn looked to the two men venomously before she spoke curtly, "I suppose we must. Very well, do keep up Mr. Duyo."

Enigmatic Immortal
11-19-10, 01:36 AM
Adolph marched three steps ahead of his charge as Pell continued to talk about how Jensen taught him this and that. It was like the immortal had become a father figure to the idiot guardsman and he had rolled his eyes several times in frustration to even be related to the same army this man was in. Sei’s actions of late had brought an almost dead panned schism to the Ixian Knights. Those who supported Jensen, and those who supported Sei. Adolph couldn’t believe that Sei would allow such insurrection to build within his own ranks, but the mute assured his Chaplain to merely keep his chapel open at all times, and let the people vent their frustrations.

He had spoken to several people in the past few days, all asking what Sei Orlouge was thinking by firing Jensen. Adolph had to maintain his temper and humors while listening to the people bitch and whine about their beloved friend Jensen, secretly wishing to run them down with his maul. In the Knights of Apocalypse, such foolish behavior was not tolerated at all. But this wasn’t his order, this was Sei’s. How the Mystic chose to run it was not his place to comment. A good soldier obeyed. He trusted Sei, and thus he obeyed. Though looking back to Aislinn he began to wonder if he was the only one.

“So, if I said your milkshakes bring all the boys to the yard, would you jiggle them for me?” Pell asked, his voice whiney and nasal at the same time. Aislinn slapped her face again as she looked back to Pell, debating on just how swift a death the man was asking for.

“Not Jensen,” Adolph muttered. “Your timing is off, your tone sounds like a teenager going through puberty, and your delivery of the words is so off.” Adolph sighed as he swatted at a branch with his maul lazily. A few leaves poured down to the ground and the fat knights feet crunched them under his boots, looking to Adolph with a face of contemplation.

“Your mother’s a whore,” Pell said plainly.

“No, no, no,” Aislinn said at last. “You are trying WAY to hard to act like Jensen. First off, starting off with a your mom joke is left for the Elven race. Jensen’s tact is more sublime in that regard. For Adolph, he would mention how he is a sycophant dog to Sei’s lap,” Aislinn said curtly. Adolph turned back and smiled to her.

“Licking away at his peanut buttery balls would also be a good way to end that statement.” The Chaplain muttered. Pell looked to them both and cursed to himself.

“I’m so far away from his level,” He looked back to Adolph. “Should have been studying instead of sleeping with your mom, Adolph!” Pell tried once again to be crass and funny, but even Taka’s face shifted behind his Ronin mask to eye down Pell.

“Pell-San,” Taka said lightly with a bit of muffle.

“Shut the hell up!” Eric said at last, speaking the mind of everyone in the mercenary group. Pell looked red in the face before muttering something under his breath. The Chaplain looked to the mercenary, seeing his face scowl in irritation and with a friendly nod the mercenary sighed and looked back to his men. Pell looked back to Adolph.

“Are we there yet?” Pell asked. “Jaime said it wasn’t far!” Pell was referring to his partner in crime, Jaime Grundge, who was the only member of the Ixian Knights who made it a habit to actually spend time with Pell. The two had a rather nasty habit of spreading gossip, and were noted for their past time of commenting upon woman’s asses and comparing them to Cassandra Remi’s. More than once her stern gaze made them literally wet themselves, but it never deterred them from their ritual. It was generally accepted that Jaime was just as stupid as Pell.

“It’s on another continent,” Taka said evenly. “It will take a few weeks to sail there.”

“But I get sick on boats!” Pell whined. Eric looked back at Pell with a death glare.

“Why in the Thayne’s holy name does that not surprise me,” He muttered.

“Well, your mom and I, uh…” Pell thought about his insult. “Your ugly.”

“Still lacks that Jensen charm,” Adolph mused as Aislinn nodded in agreement. Eric made a motion to attack Pell, causing the man to flinch horribly. “And that’s two for flinching, as Jensen would have wanted it,” Adolph said lifting up Crozius. Pell actually squealed in terror and hid behind Aislinn.

“Very courageous, Pell-san,” Taka laughed behind his mask as did the other mercenaries. Pools started forming about just how long the man would last. Pell looked back to Aislinn, and sheepishly he attempted one last thing.

“If I said you had a hot body, would you hold it against me?” Aislinn’s elbow knocked Pell in the nose as he retreated, and Aislinn looked back to the fat knight.

“Seriously, just stop it! Stop it!” Aislinn shrieked. “You are driving the last vestiges of sanity I have left with your constant attempts to harass me! I don’t know if I should feel disgusted your attempting to socialize with me, or shamed you call yourself a man!” Pell looked hurt by those words, but when he attempted to speak Aislinn lifted a hand to interrupt him. “Please do not defile the language of humanity with your filth encrusted mind any longer! You are not Jensen, you will never be Jensen, for that man is of a caliber so high you can only dream of a dream to be that skilled in the craft of debauchery!”

“She’s got a point,” Adolph added. “You don’t have the flare,”

“The charm!” Eric added.

“The insulting charisma to really burn under ones skin,” Taka said off handedly.

“Or the desire to see those cast before you broken!” Aislinn finished. “You are simply put not Jensen. Dear me, I wish, wish to all the winds of magic that He was here. I cannot fathom why my estranged Uncle sacrificed such an asset to his cause, and put his faith in useless gits like yourself!” The fat knight shuffled his feet awkwardly.

“Words hurt you know,” Pell said with a sniffle.

“I want the real thing,” Aislinn admitted. “I want the real Jensen Amrbose. I want to have his company. I never thought I would utter those words, but I miss the immortal brute, and now I am in a situation that will slowly drive me insane.”

“Then sounds like you need a miracle cure, mam,” A voice spoke from all angles. Adolph and the mercenaries all halted as Taka titled his head. “Life got you down? Is the carbon copy not quite cutting it? Then sounds to me like your are in desperate need,” There was a woosh of noise as a branch shifted above head, a shape falling with a large coat fluttering like a set of bird wings.

“OF THIS GUY!” A casual chuckle accompanied the melodious tone as the figure stood slowly, medium length brown hair falling over one eye and a cocky Cheshire grin covering the lips. The trench coat was cut in such a manner to offer no warmth, and a plethora of weapons were stalked all over the man as he patted his hip. Aislinn, who’s back was to the man, smiled.

“If there are any gods who love me, then when I turn around I will pray I see Jensen,” She said to Adolph. The Chaplain looked to her, then with a causal smile he looked up to see.

“If you turn around and open your eyes, you will get a great big surprise!” Jensen hollered lifting up one vulgar finger to his comrades.

12-03-10, 05:53 PM
Aislinn didn’t even stop before she turned around and had immediately grabbed the immortal. Before the man could say a word he was brought into a tight embrace before she breathed, “Yes, you are real!”

“Hey lady! If you want to sleep with me you gotta pay extra, I don’t do fairy faggots!” Jensen hollered before he pushed Aislinn off him but both grinned.

Finally Aislinn spoke up firmly, “So what in the name of the Thayne in the heavens, are you doing here Jensen?”

“That is something I am wondering as well,” Taka replied firmly, his hand hovering over the hilt of his katana, Rengoku.

“Well actually funny story. Since I was told to stay out of Ixian Castle, I decided to do some research,” Jensen said laughing.

“You didn’t,” Adolph asked.

“You betcha I did,” Jensen replied cackling hysterically. Both looked upon each other before Adolph shook his head in disgust. Finally it was Aislinn who spoke up;

“You figured out the boundaries didn’t you?”

“Damn skippy. See I stand here, I’m part of Corone! I’m standing here, and I’m part of the Silence Sei Orlouge Circle Jerk!” Jensen replied. Katana left sheath as Jensen froze seeing Taka’s deadly intent down the delicate curve of his blade. “Whoa there Taka-sama-llama-ding-dong! I’m just making a point!”

“It would be for the best if you did not push boundries around me, Jensen-san” Taka replied firmly.

“Oh man, I’m so out of his league!” Pell exclaimed before he went on, “He hasn’t even been here five minutes and he’s already pissed off three of you!”

“I wouldn’t recommend you start, he has immortality for when he pushed the envelope too far,” Adolph chastised.

“Oh come off it Adolph, I’m sure if you’re a good boy Aislinn will get Sei to throw you a bone,” Jensen replied.

“Oh man four for four!” Pell exclaimed, “Are you going to do me next?”

“Sorry man, I have standards, and I don’t drop so low on the totem pole. You’re kinda an easy mark,” Jensen replied, “It would be like stealing candy form a baby, and I really don’t go for small time crime!”

Aislinn sighed before she looked from Pell to Jensen and back again. Finally she spoke, “So why did you not go back to the Knights of Apocalypse, surely the return of a Jester would be seen favorably.”

“That’s what I’m wondering too,” Adolph replied caustically.

“Well see, it’s simple. I don’t have any orders from the higher ups to return until I feel like it. So that means..” He twirled with great fanfare and leaned against Taka before he breathed dreamily, “I’m all yours big boy!”

The Ronin immediately shoved the immortal away when the shock of Jensen touching him had worn off. He pointed the Katana at the Immortal before he hissed, “Continue this course of action, and I will not hesitate to kill you!”

“Oh please Taka, like it would stick!” Jensen replied. A finger flew up in defiance before he continued, “So I figure I’ll just do some independent work, get it out of my system, and then go back when I get bored of making fun of Sei and his gay train of pain.”

“So you are a mercenary?” Aislinn inquired. Taka immediately looked to Aislinn before she pushed forward and grabbed Jensen firmly, “What is your fee?”

Taka immediately shook his head before he slashed the air with his hand, “No! Out of the question!”

Tainted Bushido
12-03-10, 06:25 PM
It had seemed as if life would continue to plague him with many problems, chief and foremost amongst them, Jensen Ambrose. No matter how hard he tried, the Immortal seemed determined to make his appearance, and further, to involve himself in the Ronin’s works. Still he supposed the man was a better fighter than Pell Duyo, who seemed only good at annoying the group, in a manner that certainly suggested that the man was not cut out for military work. Still, the man was a member of the Ixian Knights, and Jensen had blown his chance, becoming the only member of the organization that had been effectively fired.

Taka, was not about to let the man get his hands involved in Knight business.

“I am in need of a bodyguard who can actually preform the duties of his position. Pell Duyo is incompetent, and incapable of doing more than harassing me, while dreaming of a chance to molest me!” Aislinn countered.

The two were only inches from each others face both looking heatedly at each other. The twitch and Ronin looked back and forth at each other before Jensen offered a hand up, “Can I say something on this?”

“No,” Taka breathed as he held up a finger, “I have taken your insults long enough Tsukai, I will not tolerate another insult to my men, or my name. You were brought along as an important asset of the mission-”

“Oh yeah, she has real good assets!” Pell exclaimed.

Aislinn gestured to the man before she spoke up, “Do you really want to argue that Pell is a capable member of this squad, or would you like to have Adolph essentially baby sit two people instead of one?”

“That is not what is under discussion here, what is under discussion-”

“Is you interfering with my personal business. How I spend my private funds is none of your concern!”

“When it involves my men and the mission we are performing, it matters very much to me!”

Jensen laughed before he spoke up, “You two get a room, or I’ll tell Anita you’re cheating on her with Aislinn.”

Taka glared at the Immortal before he looked at her, “I will not allow another person to be brought on this mission. We only have enough money to pay the fare for six people, Me, Brigs, Erikson, You, Adolph, and Pell. That is six, are you going to pay for him as well?”

“I don’t need to, Pell, you are dismissed as my bodyguard. Return to your post.”

“Belay that order!” Taka bellowed.

“You can’t.”

“I believe I just did Tsukai!”

“Actually, Pell has a health condition that makes him susceptible to disease. It is why he is placed on guard duty so much, he cannot risk infection by traveling abroad. His immune system is deficient in that manner. Pell Duyo cannot perform his duty and as the reigning physician of the Ixian Knights, you cannot countermand any order I give with sufficient medical backing.”

Taka’s hand clenched tightly before he shook his head slowly. Looking upon the witch he finally moved to Pell before he spoke, “Is that true?”

Pell nodded timidly. Finally Taka looked to Aislinn and back again before he sagged, defeated, “I will not have Lord Orlouge pay for the man. It comes entirely out of your pockets, his food as well.”

“Accepted. Jensen, what is your rates?”

“Five gold a day,” The immortal finally said a smirk crossing his face.

Aislinn looked in her bag before she nodded, “Fair deal. I shall employ you until such time as we return to Radasanth. Is that acceptable?”

“Oh, one stipulation, you have to put it in Azza’s piggybank. If you fill it up, you need to get her a new one and fill that one as well,” Jensen relied. Aislinn gave him a look of incredulity before he shrugged, “Kid needs a fund for when she grows up. You want my help or not?”

Aislinn looked once more in her pouch before she closed her eyes and nodded, “That is a fair arrangement. Shall we?”

“I thought you’d never ask!”

Enigmatic Immortal
03-08-11, 06:04 PM
The trip to the docks was rather pleasant as Taka and Adolph both talked about battles of old in great depth, strategies and tactics that had won the day from ancient civilizations. The mercenaries mostly kept to themselves, all joking or looking out for signs of trouble. Jensen just stuck next to Aislinn and they both talked about the events that caused Jensen to be removed from the Ixian Knights.

The boat ride itself was another matter altogether. Jensen and Adolph on the fourth day came to blows in a fist fight that saw the immortal killed by a deadly hit to his skull by the maul the Chaplain used. Taka and Aislinn in public both shouted to the other about who was in charge of what and several mercenaries managed to get put under house arrest for harassing the female workers on the boat.

And now, to top it all off, when they reached the jungle there was a fight that would have ended the world if not for the professionalism of everyone in the group. But that was only to be seen how much longer it would remain. There was one very fatal flaw that the entire group had forgotten about, and now it caused what Jensen could only coin as a shit storm.

“What do you mean you don’t have the map!” Jensen shouted to Taka. The ronin merely shrugged his shoulders pointing to Aislinn.

“Tsuki-san was supposed to bring the map,”

“With all do respect, Sir,” Adolph said in the one rare instance where he supported the immortal. “You were in charge of supplies.”

“Briggs-san,” Taka called to his men. The man showed up, face covered in a scowl as the group turned to him. “The map, where is it?” Briggs looked to Taka, before throwing a nod Aislinn’s way and speaking in a forced calm.

“Like I told ass hat and angry Mc. Angerson of the angry priests, I gave the fucking map to Aislinn!”

“And I told you NOT to give me the map, for I was unused to this area and terrible at map reading!” Aislinn retorted gripping her staff tightly.

“I find that highly unlikely considering your status and training,” Briggs replied.

“Regardless, soldier,” Adolph said stepping up to the man. Briggs merely smiled before getting into Adolph’s face with a challenging stare. Before Adolph continued he narrowed his eyes. “Get out of my face, or I’ll force you,” Adolph said with barely contained anger. Briggs didn’t respond to the order, merely smiling.

“Who the fuck said you’re in charge?” Briggs replied. “All you do is shout. Why don’t you let the real leaders-” Briggs retreated back four steps as Jensen’s fist crossed over his mouth. Adolph pushed the immortal back.

“I had that under control, Jensen,” Adolph snarled.

“Like a fucking rat on a sinking ship you did!” Jensen turned to find three men holding Briggs back. Taka began to shout in Akashiman to his soldiers, before Briggs settled himself and flexed his body turning and walking away.

“Tsuki-san, if you do not have the map, who does?” Aislinn glared to Taka.

“I never took the map! I told that brutal Neanderthal that I would not be responsible for it,” Aislinn looked ready to snap at any moment, for that was the fourth time she repeated that information.

“Look, somebody has to know where the map went! Who took it?” Adolph asked the group. Taka turned to his men with expectant eyes.

Aislinn sighed as she pointed to a man in the crowd. “You! I gave the map to you after I explained to return it to Taka!” The mercenary looked to Aislinn before nodding his head and then pointing to her.

“And I said back to you that General Taka didn’t want the map in his unit. You just blew me off and walked away.” There was more arguing while Jensen looked around before he angrily let out a frustrated sigh lifting both his hands up in the air to catch everyone’s attention.

“LISTEN!” He shouted. “If fucking Aislinn didn’t take the fucking map, and Taka’s fucking unit get the fucking map, then the fucking map had to fucking go somewhere! You were the last fucking person with the fucking map, so where in the fucking Thayne’s fucking domain did you fucking put the fucking map!”

There was a bit of chuckling as the mood elevated a bit, the tension slowly dwindling before the man rubbed his head in deep thought before he let out a small sigh of shock.

“I uh…shit,” He whispered. “I gave the map to,”

“Don’t say it,” Adolph warned under his breath. Jensen began to laugh in pained mirth as Aislinn rolled her eyes. Taka actually removed his mask as he pinched his nose, cursing in Akashima starting softly before rising to a crescendo, his foot stamping the ground as the mercenaries started to throw what they had at the warrior with the news.

“I’m so god damn sorry,” He muttered loudly before he said it. “I gave the map to Pell…” And just like that, the entire island came alive with one violent scream from the throats of every man on the sandy beach.