View Full Version : Balgar "Grimeye"

Balgar Grimeye
11-18-10, 08:14 AM
Name: Balgar "Grimeye"
Age: 55
Race: Dwarf
Hair Color: Dark Brown/reddish tint
Eye Color: Gray
Height: 5.1 feet
Weight: 200 lbs
Occupation: Sell-sword


- Has a bad habit of spitting, cursing, and swearing. Not the most courteous of dwarves.

- Boasts of a "short-fuse" temper. Though he can as easily shift from being aggressive to be merry - often giving an unpredictable nature.

- Besides a deep craving for gold, he actively searches for tasks to earn glory and reknown on. This is not of a chivalric wish to make the world a better place, rather a way for him to proove himself.

- Can tell many a tale, if anyone bothers to listen to him. Often exaggerates his own past deeds to epic tales of impossible feats.

Quotes: "Stand still so I can gut ye!", "By all tha hells."


- Balgar is a stout and dirty dwarf, his beard a tangly mess only held together by a few bronze brooches.

- Has a nauseating breath and sweaty armsockets that will reveal him yards away.

- His teeth are yellow or blackened, those missing replaced with a few golden ones.

- A scar runs down all the way from the right side of his forehead to the cheek, splitting his bushy eyebrow and seems to have caused some damage to his right eye. The eye is rendered pupiless by this, seeming to be just a white iris.


Balgar was raised in a proud dwarven family boasting some of the best armorsmiths in the Northlands. His family was named Anvilfist, telling both of their crafting skills and warrior individuals. Balgar himself had a fierce rivalry with his brother, Baldek, who was only 1 year older than himself. Favorism was evident for the older brother, who both mastered the fine courts and excellent crafting skills with the hammer.

When that mutual hatred was allowed into a training fight, their battle became so intense that Balgar ended up killing his own brother. A deed he would forever regret. He gained a scar from the brother's steel axe damaging his eye - which would have almost cleaved his skull. In fury, this caused him to launch an attack that cut the steel deep into his brother's throat.

Balgar was exiled for this, allowed to take some equipment with him. But he was never to show his face again before the Clan. And so, Balgar journeyed out into the alien world to reclaim his lost honor - and mayhaps one day, he will be able to return home glorious in the hope of forgiveness.

Skills and traits:

Combat training: Due to training in the halls of his past family, and the fighting experiance he has gained in the outside world, Balgar has a decent amount of fighting skill and good strength. He is able to cleave wooden shields with his battleaxe and block strong-swinged attacks with his round shield.

Pain-resistant: Balgar is able to take a good amount of punishment and endure torments to the body. This allows him to quell some of the pain inflicted from a prolonged fight.

Heavy Weight: It requires much ale to intoxciate this dwarf. Gives him an extra edge in drinking contests.

Armor-repairing: Knows the basics of armorsmithing, and is able to repair and stitch together his own armor. It is apparant on his rugged armor that he frequently makes use of this.

Illiterate: Balgar can read dwarven runes - but he has never bothered learning the human tongue in written words. He can only read sparse and few words from a written text.

Murky-eyed: Due to the damage in his eye, he is highly affected by bright light. Anything that sheds a sudden light, or clear daylight will hamper his vision - in the worst case scenario completely blinding him temporarily.

Repulsive: Many will find this dwarf disgusting and smelly, preferably keeping him at atleast an arm's distance.

Slow: Short legs cover short distances, especially when you are weighing 200 stones.


- A round steel shield, with the symbol of a black anvil engulfed in orange and golden flames and a large steel battleaxe. Sometimes he lets the shield rest on his back and uses the axe with two hands, although he is able to wield it in one hand when he makes use of the shield.

- Wears an iron chainmail with padded leather and fur.

- Keeps a steel smithing hammer in his belt, sometimes used as a sidearm.

- Chainlinks (to repair the chainmail) and his precious family pipe passed down to him before his exile.

11-18-10, 08:30 AM
Dwarves are awesome. There should be more dwarves on Althanas. But onto the profile.

I trust you to be reasonable with the pain resistance. He shouldn't be able to shrug off a great number of wounds just yet, so just be careful not to overdo it.

Also, would you please add the material for the axe, chainmail and the smithing hammer. Either the axe or the chainmail must be iron, the rest can be steel.

Balgar Grimeye
11-18-10, 08:46 AM
Done. :)

How will I know if my character is approved of and ready for use?

11-18-10, 08:50 AM
You'll know in a couple of seconds. You forgot to edit in the material of the smithing hammer, but I edited it for you and made it steel. Hope you don't mind.

So now you are approved. Thank you for your cooperation and welcome to Althanas. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact me or any other moderator. We're here to help.