View Full Version : Emma Rose

11-18-10, 11:57 AM
Emma Rose

Young adult

Humanoid, (human with 6 fingers and telepathic abilities).

Hair Color:
Sandrée (mix of light brown/ dark blonde)

Fur color (when transformation):

Eye Color:
Light blue, though yellow when transformed.

A bit short, about 150 cm. 23 cm when transformed.

Lenght (when transformed):
45 cm plus 30 cm tail.

Average, about 50 kg. 4 kg when transformed.

Healer, medic or such. Sometimes works as messenger.

Sociable, caring and a bit on the sorrowful side. She's the 'lady in distress', so to speak.

As human: Most would call her cute, but she's not exactly the cutest girl around either. She looks frail, and usually activates other's protective sides towards her.
As cat: Looks like a normal tabby colored cat.

Lived a safe and secure life with her family, and when her parents died from age, she continued living with her four sisters. When using a spell to try to improve her, she and her sisters were somehow teleported from their home and planet, and ended up on Althanas. She has since been searching for her sisters.

Magic Skills:
She has magic, though it only one aspect of it seems to be working since the spell that brought her to Althanas; curing and healing. Using her magic here also seems to affect her negatively, curing others hurts her, though not terribly. She can also transform, though must transform back to use her other magics. (Explained more lower down)

Weapon Skills:
She knows which end to hold on weapons, but that's pretty much it. She's trying to learn to use a small shield and a dagger, though she's not very successful. When transformed, she can only use her claws and fangs as weapons.

Only into a cat. When she transforms she drops all equipment, clothes and such she'd carried on her person. She's therefor more vulnerable, and would most likely not use her cat form in battle, except to flee. Unable to talk normally, but can thought-talk in this form. Unable to use magic, but can transform back, when in this this form.

Leather armor ontop of her normal cloth clothes. Several leather pieces and cloth pieces in a backpack of leather. Sewing kit. A small iron dagger and a small oak shield. All equipment is marked with a green rose.

11-19-10, 01:11 AM
This seems to be in order. Just don't go too crazy with her healing.

You are approved. Welcome to Althanas.