View Full Version : Althanas: The Villains Project

11-18-10, 02:52 PM
Okay gang here is the deal: I just posted up this ~thread~ (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?p=175451#post175451) in Corone. It takes place in Concordia Forest. It basically has to do with Lorenor, now Grand Primus (King/Emperor) of The Undead, looking for an Artifact having to do -something- with N'Jal. It is located in a small fictional settlement that won't affect the cannon of Althanas. Instead, it will be a chance for Althanas' villains to do what we do best: kick ass and take names. I need two willing villainous candidates to work alongside Lorenor in Lorenor's small battle squadron. We will basically attempt to lay siege to this town in a Gisella style battle.

Furthermore: I propose another project. Me and Roy have been talking about a unison of ALL the major/minor villains of Althanas. If you want in on this idea, contact me IMMEDIATELY through this thread, or through IM. I am always around. If you want a rare opportunity to get some interesting things done, hit me up. I'm game to start as many threads as necessary to help YOU level up. Now the time for Althanas' Heroes has long since passed. It is time to show the world what we, Althanas' Villains, can do!!!

Game on!!!

Notes: The first project has been taken by Jack Frost.

The next few projects, in order are Seed Vicious, Kurai Kaosu, Fatina Reviinok and lastly (So far anyway) Roy. I will add links as I put threads up.

Rayse Valentino
11-18-10, 03:58 PM
Well, you know me. I kinda limit myself though since I don't do chaotic stuff, just generally motivated by power and money.

11-18-10, 04:05 PM
The Ixian Knights have rivals?

Lulz. Bring it ;).

Jack Frost
11-18-10, 05:05 PM
I could see Jack doing evil for money if need be, depends on how lucrative the job is....

11-18-10, 05:15 PM
Yeah gang. And don't worry Mr. Frost, for the time being I'm willing to offer you 500 Gold for participation in the thread. I have about 1K to work with. Rayse, IM me if you can. I'm willing to set aside our differences to work with you. Anyway guys, let me know what's good. Jack, Rayse, hit me up on IM and we'll start something.

Silence Sei
11-18-10, 05:17 PM
The Ixian Knights have rivals?

Lulz. Bring it ;).

^ This.

Jack Frost
11-18-10, 05:21 PM
I don't have IM, I'll send you a message instead...
Mostly I'm wondering if this could help me establish a story for Jack...

11-18-10, 06:03 PM
I responded to you sir. (Jack) You're clear to post in the linked thread at any time. There will be a chance to accomplish a great many things during The Raid. So just let me know what strikes your fancy.

Lord Anglekos
11-18-10, 06:50 PM
The Ixian Knights have rivals?

Lulz. Bring it ;).

Oh, we have more than just rivals (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?p=175475#post175475).

The Soulforged
11-18-10, 07:22 PM
I will happily throw my hat into the ring (or at least I think that's how the saying goes). You don't even have to pay me!

Cause, you know, heroes are boring.

11-18-10, 07:40 PM
Welcome aboard Seed. I will start a new thread for you shortly. Hit me up with an IM as soon as possible. (Soulforged) I would appreciate that. Let's keep the ball rolling!!!

11-18-10, 07:57 PM
I'd be happy to join your cause. Is it too late for me to join in on your quest?

11-18-10, 08:00 PM
I am so on board this train I'll help shovel coal into the engine. But then you already knew that.

11-18-10, 08:22 PM
The Ixian Knights have rivals?

Lulz. Bring it ;).

So I can't join both? :(

11-18-10, 08:42 PM
Yeah Roy. I'll start another thread for you as well. I will be posting more later tonight as we go. Let's do this dude. I wanna do a series of Raids that take place after a set of events that will happen really soon. It will likely place the Villains of Althanas on a collision course against The Ixian Knights. Which will be fun to explore.

Silence Sei
11-18-10, 08:59 PM
So I can't join both? :(

You could always not realize that Talen's, you know, doing evil.

11-18-10, 09:19 PM
Dang, people post fast. Let me know if you have some space left.

Jack Frost
11-18-10, 09:32 PM
We can work you in. There room for everyone!

Rayse Valentino
11-18-10, 10:43 PM
Rayse is more of a shadowy manipulator. He wouldn't be personally participating on any raids or anything. But I've love to use The Salvaran Syndicate resources to prop your organization up, other behind-the-scenes stuff, etc.

11-18-10, 10:56 PM
Thanks for the head's up Rayse. That would actually be a welcome idea, since Lorenor will be launching a key series of Raids against certain locations all over Althanas. The main ones will be in Corone in preparation for a potential war against The Ixian Knights. A series of events will occur that will put Lorenor at odds with just about every Hero on Althanas lol. So he will be hunted once word gets out that he's The Grand Primus. After all, nobody wants to see another Xem'Zund? Right? Right?

Fatina, you are in. I am going to start another thread for you and Kurai tomorrow. Roy, contact me ASAP so we can start a separate but related project together.

11-18-10, 11:28 PM
*Observes as the Ixian people hiding behind the bushes run back to their HQ startled*

11-18-10, 11:52 PM
Right on Fatina. Please send an IM my way as soon as you possibly can. That way we can scheme properly.

11-19-10, 12:19 AM
I'm not hiding... I uh.. dropped my zodiac weapon back here and are looking for it.

11-19-10, 12:40 AM
Lulz, the Ixian Knights have rivals...

11-19-10, 12:48 AM
lol @ Pat. Yeah it will be funny as heck.

11-19-10, 01:24 AM
Reporting for du-dee, boss

11-19-10, 01:31 AM
Glad to have you aboard sir. I will have a thread up for you at some point tonight or tomorrow as per your request.

Rayse Valentino
11-19-10, 02:27 AM
The Don of The Salvaran Syndicate anonymously contributes his support to this group.

We will provide weaponry, lodging, information, hired help, and such. You are required to keep quiet about our involvement except to other core members of your group, and supply adequate spoils for your illicit activities toward our coffers.

Anybody explicitly making use of our services will receive 200 gold per completed thread from TSM's coffers (This means you have to make it clear in your RP that TSM is involved).

Cyrus the virus
11-19-10, 03:33 AM
So wish I'd burned you Ixians down before I committed to killing Luc off. Your arrogance... it needs burning!

11-19-10, 03:40 AM
Liquid time, join the cause

Rayse Valentino
11-19-10, 03:44 AM
Why not kill two birds with one stone? Take some of them down with you.

Hell, there's millions of ways to work that out... tell me when you're gonna start using AIM again.

Cyrus the virus
11-19-10, 04:04 AM
Motherfucka I download AIM NOW. This is probably a better idea than the one we originally came up with. Ixians to kill Luc! Stuff! Things!

11-19-10, 04:14 AM
Now all we need is Slayer so you can grow him to epic-proportions and we've got ourselves a dreamteam

Silence Sei
11-19-10, 06:02 AM
So wish I'd burned you Ixians down before I committed to killing Luc off. Your arrogance... it needs burning!

Says the guy who's alt is joining us :P

Jack Frost
11-19-10, 07:44 AM
Well we've got the host of a dark god, a slumbering god of winter, an uber awesome mage, and a mob boss....
I think we already have a dream team, Jack just needs a little work.....

11-19-10, 07:49 AM
Well we've got the host of a dark god, a slumbering god of winter, an uber awesome mage, and a mob boss....

I find the underlined portion lol'worthy

11-19-10, 07:56 AM
@ Lorenor

I Pm'd you yesterday but then had to log. Let me know where an assassin may work into your plans/threads.

11-19-10, 09:06 AM
Well we've got the host of a dark god, a slumbering god of winter, an uber awesome mage, and a mob boss....
I think we already have a dream team, Jack just needs a little work.....

Oh, we've got far more than that. Far more...

I would say what, but, someone might see it, and form an opinion about it.

Edit: We need a name for our forming group. Every great villain group has one. To that end, I advance the name "Dissonance". It would seem to fit us perfectly, if you stop and think about it.

11-19-10, 10:30 AM
I just found it funny that he included himself among the vets (level 5+), and ignored the rest of us... You, Me, Fatina, Soulforged (who is a damn funny writer, and good at that), and Kurai...

I'm pretty sure Roy's character, Aiko, is a demoness with a horde of demons right behind her back. That's pretty evil if you ask me, Jack

11-19-10, 12:16 PM
All right gang, let's try to keep this thread on subject here. Wynken, contact me as soon as you can. I hit you up with another IM explaining things. If anybody else is interested in doing up a Villains thread, I'm good to go. These are fun for me to do and I can crunch out a couple of threads in one day. Anyhow, let's get this show on the road!! If this project is successful, I may make a PG out of this.

Lord Anglekos
11-19-10, 12:18 PM
Hey, Lorenor. Since Anglekos is also kind of working for Lorenor at this point, whatcha' wanna do when the Knights finally do come into contact with this assortment of villains? It could be interesting.

11-19-10, 12:34 PM
Well we've been talking about potentially starting a PG. If enough interest is shown I will handle it like that. If not we can do a War Quest between the Ixian Knights and anybody who is involved. Anglekos, if you want to do a Quest to contribute to this project let me know and I will start a thread for you.

Jack Frost
11-19-10, 01:15 PM
I included the ones I was aware of for sure at the time....

11-19-10, 01:43 PM
Ooo, now this looks interesting. I'm looking forward to reading everyone's threads. Eventually this character is going to absorb a demon which drives her into cannibalism, but that's in the future yet to come.

The Soulforged
11-19-10, 04:19 PM
Soulforged (who is a damn funny writer, and good at that)

Well, thank you kindly for the compliment. And since I'm here...

Onward Lorenor's forces! Onward Dissonance! Onward til we crush those stupid Ixian Knights!

Onward, ever onward!

Jack Frost
11-19-10, 04:55 PM
I'm waiting on you Lord Lorenor....

11-19-10, 11:06 PM
Go Dissonance!

Edit: Oh snap...wrong account.

*Slinks back over to the Ixian Knights*

11-19-10, 11:07 PM

Let's crush the Knights!

Jack Frost
11-19-10, 11:19 PM
Go Dissonance!

Edit: Oh snap...wrong account.

*Slinks back over to the Ixian Knights*

Chase the knight!

11-20-10, 10:00 AM
Go Dissonance!

Edit: Oh snap...wrong account.

*Slinks back over to the Ixian Knights*

*Sends The Deadly Sins of Wrath, Sloth, and Gluttony after Arai*

Lord Anglekos
11-20-10, 10:18 AM
In a blur of metal and cloth, a flash of mythril and a flicker of lightning, the stranger stepped forth and thus cut down the three demons with terrible efficiency, epic power of epicness emitting from his being. Ichigo Kurosaki at his side in his bankai form, Anglekos drew back the hood to his cloak as he simultaneous decapitated Sloth with one flick of his blade, and split Wrath in two with another. Gluttony trembled in fear, but she had little cause for worry; after all, she was a girl, and since this was done all anime-style, the shonen-hero would not cut her down.

"Go!" He pointed in the opposite direction with his blade, and Gluttony fled back to Calbrena, sobbing. Ichigo Kurosaki nodded at his pupil's efficiency, and then disappeared. Voice booming, Anglekos took his sword in two hands, and lightning/reiatsu emitted from it's edge as he spoke to Arai, who was long gone by now. "Flee! I'll cover you!"

And along the edge of his mystical sword, in burning blue letters, was written this;


Just a little parody. :p

11-20-10, 10:27 AM
In a blur of metal and cloth, a flash of mythril and a flicker of lightning, the stranger stepped forth and thus cut down the three demons with terrible efficiency, epic power of epicness emitting from his being. Ichigo Kurosaki at his side in his bankai form, Anglekos drew back the hood to his cloak as he simultaneous decapitated Sloth with one flick of his blade, and split Wrath in two with another. Gluttony trembled in fear, but she had little cause for worry; after all, she was a girl, and since this was done all anime-style, the shonen-hero would not cut her down.

"Go!" He pointed in the opposite direction with his blade, and Gluttony fled back to Calbrena, sobbing. Ichigo Kurosaki nodded at his pupil's efficiency, and then disappeared. Voice booming, Anglekos took his sword in two hands, and lightning/reiatsu emitted from it's edge as he spoke to Arai, who was long gone by now. "Flee! I'll cover you!"

And along the edge of his mystical sword, in burning blue letters, was written this;


Just a little parody. :p

Awesome. Ichigo Kurosaki must be a holy weapon then.

Lord Anglekos
11-20-10, 10:29 AM
Awesome. Ichigo Kurosaki must be a holy weapon then.
But of course.