View Full Version : A Time of Darkness...(Closed)

11-19-10, 01:56 AM
The Forsaken's town had grown into a city almost over night. Lorenor sat in his personal chambers in a house that overlooked The Eye of Fate. Done with his sermons for the day, Lorenor was quietly resting in his bed chamber. Two female Undead slept in the bed quietly with him. One was a High Priestess and the other was not. However, women in Forsaken society were actually revered considering that N'Jal was a Female Thayne. Lorenor was skyclad, sex was in the air. As he sat in the bed, his purple glowing eyes pulsed like lanterns. He was in silent communion with N'Jal. He had sat in that position for hours now after the sex had finished. The two women slept peacefully, Lorenor had worn them both out in their escapades.

It was what he did. Lorenor sat in a lotus position atop the bed. He stared at the darkness of the chamber as it maneuvered about his person, attracting and being repelled at the same time. Lorenor was like a living conduit of the elemental darkness. As Lorenor sat there, he was listening to the words of N'Jal speaking in the native tongue of The Spider Magi. The mutant was receiving instruction from N'Jal. Instruction which he would obey to the best of his capacity. His capacity was considerable by then. The Grand Primus wore no crown, he needed none. His banner was the banner of N'Jal. His people, her servants. Lorenor's chest rose up and down as he breathed in the controlled fashion, instructions were being burned in his mind.

By then, he'd gotten used to communing with N'Jal. At some point, soooner or later, all Forsaken communed with N'Jal. Lorenor did not talk back when N'Jal instructed, he only listened and obeyed. It was how he had grown in power. A rare genetic marker within Lorenor's body had allowed him to bond with N'Jal in such a way that was never again replicated throughout history. Lorenor was simply one in a trillion. Lorenor carried N'Jal within. And now, she was instructing him on the next step in his vital mission. All things needed preparation for the eventual war against The Ixian Knights. Like a giant chessboard, Althanas had moved in an irreversible fashion forward.

Lorenor had constructed events, with his own two hands, that would see to it that justice prevailed. Lorenor was no longer motivated by simplistic desires and goals, now his scheme was that of N'Jal's scheme. Lorenor's eyes popped open after he understood what N'Jal had decreed. He had a new mission now. He had to go to a city named Bridgeport. There, a potential ally was suffering. Lorenor climbed out of the bed and dressed himself after kissing the two women gently on the head. Then, he was ready to gather some able-bodied individuals and go to that town in his mind. His target awaited, and it was a monster named Gorax. Lorenor knew because N'Jal knew. So after he'd gathered four individuals, two Magi, and two Warriors, Lorenor prepared a gate to Phantaria and teleported himself to Bridgeport...

11-21-10, 05:27 AM
Bridgeport, a small trade post that sat on Raiaera's southeastern coast, had once been a beautiful place. A small village where elven song and merry making were more common than a change of clothes. Despite the remainder of Raiaera being under siege by a necromantic blight, Bridgeport somehow remained free from danger. The high-elves that called Bridgeport their home felt secure within their minute town. Most of them had never even heard of Xem'Zund or the plague that he spread across Raiaera.

Bridgeport neighbored the Red Forest, and as horrific as that as that sounds, it rarely got it's taste of anything terrible. In fact, rumor had it that Pode the Forgotten One had even blessed the small town, making it immune to the terrors of the Red Forest and the clutches of the foul necromancer Xem'Zund. It provided the elves that resided within the town security, but in the end that same security would also be their downfall. Not long after the fall of Xem'Zund, and the return of peace throughout the rest of Raiaera, Bridgeport's doom was sealed in the form of a robed stranger.

That stranger was a foreign beast called Gorax, of more simply, the Western Wyrm. At first Bridgeport's simple people welcomed the stranger, for he seemed weak and feeble. He came to town, alone, aboard a small boat that had etched on it strange symbols foreign to anyone that resided within Raiaera. He spoke of the Western World and deceived the people into believing he was a hero in his homeland of Quarun. For a few months the stranger lived in the confines of the village, peacefully, and without alarm. That was until the day an elf by the name of Finras Deon went missing. An event that would be forever remembered by the people who fled Bridgeport as "the day of endless sorrow," because Finras' disappearance marked the end of the high-elves of the village.


"Food! I needs meat. I craves meat." A howl echoed from within one of the ghost towns many vacant hovels. The only response heard was the cries of lone dogs that had been left masterless long ago. "Meatttttt!"

The monster screamed at no one in particular. He had long since killed the small villages inhabitants and picked their bones clean of flesh and anything resembling meat. Still the creature cried to the empty town, his voice panicked and enraged. He craved a meal, he had for days. Possibly weeks.

"No more elves. They left's me to die? Yes they did." The voice drifted out of the vacant hovel and into the bone scattered streets that surrounded. "I hates elves. I kill all elves, yes I will."

The barks of dogs resounded again, this time louder than before, as the creature known as Gorax exited the small house. The elves of Bridgeport were smart, even in death. They trapped the beast in the city with hopes that his reign of tyranny would come to a stop. Even as Gorax was ripping apart their family members the elves fought to trap him there, setting the only exit of the city, it's port, on fire. The elves might have robbed of hope, but they hadn't lost their minds, knowing that the creature wouldn't dare take the dangerous route through the Red Forest.

"MEATTT!" The creature screamed as his feet hit the dirt trail that ran through the city, this time his insane howls were not answered by the barking of dogs but instead an unexpainable silence.

11-22-10, 12:22 PM
Drifting through the air was the scent of death and destruction. Lorenor had expected to find resistance at their arrival, but instead, he found a basically empty ghost-town. The signs of a terrible battle were present, but the locals were nowhere to be found. Someone or something has beaten me to the act. Lorenor thought to himself. His Magi, both Sisters, were already analyzing various elements of the situation before them.

"It is here. I am certain of that." The oldest one spoke. "There are powerful Wards here meant to keep it inside. We shall have to disarm those..." The handsome undead woman said.

"Remove them all." Lorenor commanded. "All that you can find. The nearest ones are causing pain to me..." Lorenor had already developed a slightly throbbing headache from being before The Wards. They were everywhere, Lorenor's senses had grown powerful and he could detect them by now. Lorenor drew his weapon, an old habit, just in case he would need it. As he walked towards the center of the town, his Warriors were busy with their own duties. They went to kicking open house-doors one by one. Searching for anybody that could be added to the undead's forces.

Lorenor smelled the death in the air and it made him smile. No lives pulsed through the air. There were no heartbeats except for the animals and livestock that remained to torment whatever had done this. Lorenor's boots crunched against the marble floor as he walked towards an elegant fountain in the town square. His eyes were narrowed by then. Not a single thing stirred, all was quiet. When Lorenor spotted a nearby smith-shop, an idea dawned on him. Perhaps, it was possible that valuables remained behind.

A pull touched his heart that was quite familiar to him. It was the pull of greed. However, there would be a time to satiate the greed. He was there on a mission of N'Jal. An important one. Lorenor used his powerful senses to attempt to locate the creature he sought. So far, he detected nothing. As he walked over towards the water fountain, he noticed that there was blood in the fountains, a lot of blood. Such a waste. The one who has done this is little more than a child. I shall train him myself... And as Lorenor walked he could not help but feel like he was being watched.