View Full Version : I want mothafuking Ice Dragons

Jack Frost
11-19-10, 10:13 PM
Who's in for helping me accomplishing the task of getting dragon familiars? I plan on going to the out-lands and raiding dragon nests for eggs or young dragons. Spoils would include a dragon familiar, and several other neat toys one would expect to find in a dragons lair. Any takers?

So far I have the following interesting in coming with me:

11-19-10, 10:49 PM
Lol I tried doing something like that a long time ago, I think the most someone would approve was a dragon egg for a spoil. But there was someone with a full-blow dragon familiar.

Jack Frost
11-19-10, 10:57 PM
I know I won't get a full blown dragon, and egg or a baby would serve my purposes, I could raise it to full size, and own...

11-19-10, 11:15 PM
I'll go with you. I've always wanted a silver ice dragon to terrorize the infidels with. :P

Jack Frost
11-19-10, 11:18 PM

11-19-10, 11:20 PM
I'm in!

Though I won't be very active for a few days till i finish exams.

EDIT: I might try and turn it into a Shadow Ice Dragon. I don't know what that is, but we'll find out.

Jack Frost
11-19-10, 11:22 PM
They don't have to be ice dragons...
I just stated that specifically as an example. You could find pedo dragons if we really wanted to...They'd be bears of course, and we'd have to keep them away from Azza....

11-19-10, 11:31 PM
We would probably have to go to a mountainous area, one far far away from civilization and shrouded in mist or something.

Jack Frost
11-19-10, 11:32 PM
Like I said, Outlands.

11-19-10, 11:36 PM
Outlands could be any sort of setting, I'm just pointing out what the most likely setting for us to find dragons would be.

Jack Frost
11-19-10, 11:41 PM
I'll make a note of that.

11-19-10, 11:46 PM
I know it doesnt have to be a Shadow Ice Dragon... but the idea popped into my head and now I think it would be cool. The abilities would be a mixture of darkness and ice.

I am actually tempted to change Talen's direction to add ice now. You know when in movies something bad is going to happen and the girl is in the dark and shivers and pulls the blanket tighter around her before she is set upon by the evil entitiy? Thats what he'd become.

Jack Frost
11-19-10, 11:50 PM
Nice Idea, but the problem with dual elements is you don't get to focus on one completely, meaning you are kinda split and a pure elemental would own you easily.

11-20-10, 12:10 AM
If you want more people I could come along. I'm not really interested in a familiar, but a couple dragon scales would be nice for a small piece of armor.

Would we be actually fighting said dragons, or just running and grabbing an egg? Because I don't think my weapon can even technically pierce dragon scale :P

Jack Frost
11-20-10, 12:17 AM
that's something we need to figure out...

Silence Sei
11-20-10, 12:24 AM
*Raises hand*

Jack Frost
11-20-10, 12:25 AM
Yes sei?

Silence Sei
11-20-10, 12:31 AM
Sei go too?

Jack Frost
11-20-10, 12:32 AM
Sure, Sei can come as well, as long as he doesn't hurt Jack if lorenor loses.

Lord Anglekos
11-20-10, 12:36 AM
If you want more people I could come along. I'm not really interested in a familiar, but a couple dragon scales would be nice for a small piece of armor.

Would we be actually fighting said dragons, or just running and grabbing an egg? Because I don't think my weapon can even technically pierce dragon scale :P
Not stepping in, just suggesting something to Caellach here.
Even if you have to fight these ice dragons, you yourself are a wielder of ice, are you not? Go on the defensive, and have some creative fun. That's all I'm saying. G'day.

11-20-10, 12:42 AM
Would we be actually fighting said dragons, or just running and grabbing an egg? Because I don't think my weapon can even technically pierce dragon scale :P

Maybe if we work together and attack its weakspots we could do it.

that's something we need to figure out...

Kill it. It'll be funner ^.^

Nice Idea, but the problem with dual elements is you don't get to focus on one completely, meaning you are kinda split and a pure elemental would own you easily.

Maybe in a normal game, but the actual 'element' here tends to be little more than the precipitating cause for the spells effects. Nearly any element can be used to reach the same effect. (ie stick you to the ground with shadows, ice, earth, lighting, water or whatnot)

The only issue would about opposing elements, where someone tries to undo your spell with an opposing element (or even the same element). Thats where two elements would get a boost because you can shift spells so your weakness isn't exploited. Unless someone was fire-light in which case i'd be more fucked than Lindsay Lohan.

Anyway, looks like we have five people volunteering ^.^

Jack Frost
11-20-10, 07:48 AM
Maybe if we work together and attack its weakspots we could do it.

Kill it. It'll be funner ^.^

Maybe in a normal game, but the actual 'element' here tends to be little more than the precipitating cause for the spells effects. Nearly any element can be used to reach the same effect. (ie stick you to the ground with shadows, ice, earth, lighting, water or whatnot)

The only issue would about opposing elements, where someone tries to undo your spell with an opposing element (or even the same element). Thats where two elements would get a boost because you can shift spells so your weakness isn't exploited. Unless someone was fire-light in which case i'd be more fucked than Lindsay Lohan.

Anyway, looks like we have five people volunteering ^.^

I see what you did there...

11-21-10, 12:34 AM
<3 Hysteria's pop culture reference. Good to see GUA peeps, makes me feel less left out.

Anyways, Anglekos, that would be cool and all, except for the part that it's a dragon. I'd make an ice shield and he'd go RAWWAWRAWRAWRARWAR IMMA FIRIN MY ICE DRAG'N LAZOR BWAAAAAAAAAAHHHH and I'd die. :(

If Sei is coming along then I think we definitely have more of a chance, lol.

Anyways I'm still up for anything. Lemme know :)

11-21-10, 01:53 AM
Not throwing my hat into the ring, here, but I'm fairly certain Witchblade had a dragon familiar. She'd had it since Tanthanas, from a dragon egg in a thread we did together a loooooong time ago. Just figured I'd say that it has been done.

Jack Frost
11-21-10, 10:42 AM
Well I'll give this thread two more days, then start writing up an opening post and set a posting order here.

Amber Eyes
11-21-10, 11:43 AM
Any more spots available? I think Akiv would have fun with a baby dragon...

Jack Frost
11-21-10, 11:59 AM
Thers as much room as needed, and I can break it into two threads if we have to. I'll GM both after I figure out the basic plot.

11-21-10, 11:41 PM
Not throwing my hat into the ring, here, but I'm fairly certain Witchblade had a dragon familiar. She'd had it since Tanthanas, from a dragon egg in a thread we did together a loooooong time ago. Just figured I'd say that it has been done.

I, too, have a dragon familiar. Although their relationship is more of friends than anything.

Jack Frost
11-21-10, 11:46 PM
I'm not after originality, I want a dragon whom with time will become an epic flying mount. The practicality is painfully obvious.

Lord Anglekos
11-21-10, 11:58 PM
Somewhat, Jack. But dragons, like all familiars of worthwhile value, have two things that you'll need to keep in mind; a stomach and a mind of it's own. Just sayin'.
You can achieve that same kind of practicality with something less...animate. Even undead will do.
Another two cents in the bucket.

Jack Frost
11-22-10, 12:44 AM
Horay I'm rich!
I was gonna get the baby so I can train it...
and if that doesn't work I'm sure I could get Lorenor to wipe its mind...

11-25-10, 01:54 AM
What's the status of this thing?

Jack Frost
11-25-10, 12:14 PM
I'm working on it,
expect to see it by the end of the week.

Jack Frost
12-08-10, 07:30 PM
Idea dropped, sorry guys, I lost my inspiration.

12-09-10, 07:39 AM
Is anyone else willing to take up lead point and run this?

Jack Frost
12-09-10, 09:57 AM
I'll participate, I just couldn't get any ideas for why we could all be together.

12-09-10, 12:20 PM
If you'd like to do it, Hysteria, I wouldn't mind. If no one else wants to I might just - seeing as how Sylvan is a cryomancer he'd be interested in frost beasts.

EDIT: I have time right now, I'll type something up.

EDIT: Alright, I have a post up, Its not done yet, but when it is I'll open another discussion thread were I'll put the general plot and those who are still on board can still sign in.

Silence Sei
12-09-10, 03:39 PM
I love how EVERYBODY decided to jump in and take over thos quest.

Amber Eyes and I were planning on opening up a quest for it as well. XD

12-10-10, 03:33 AM
I love how EVERYBODY decided to jump in and take over thos quest.

Amber Eyes and I were planning on opening up a quest for it as well. XD


By all means don't feel like you cannot go forth with your plans. I just took and ran with it because I had some time to kill but it is only one post so we can certainly discuss the plot.

Here is the new discussion thread: http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?p=177091#post177091

Amber Eyes
12-10-10, 01:44 PM
Its no big deal, just didn't want the idea to go waste. I'm glad someone else took enough interest to jump on it.

12-12-10, 07:23 AM
Amber, Sei and Jack, you three post in the new one?