View Full Version : The Family Secret

Amber Eyes
11-20-10, 09:18 AM
Kyla awoke to a still dark room. She wiped the sleepy from her eyes before she realized it was much too early for her to be up. A few grumbling voices could be heard from the stairwell, a sure sign that Taka was beginning his training early this morning.

The young mystic lifted herself from her bed and tiptoed across the room to look in the bassinet. Akiv was not there and for a mere moment the young mother panicked. Relief struck her when she remembered that Gran Gran had offered to babysit to give the girl some much needed rest.

Kyla dressed slowly, still debating crawling back into bed. She finally decided to go ahead and begin the day and left her room for the kitchens. As always Sei was up bright and early cooking for his men. These were Kyla's favorite times to speak to the mute. As always when she was having trouble sleeping or her son woke up and would not settle back down, Kyla sat herself on a barstool near the kitchen door and smiled at her uncle.

The mute looked up as she moved the stool across the ground. ”Good morning Kylana, did you not sleep well?”

“Not so much really. Sophia’s mane is always filling my mind with so many things.”

”No one could blame you if you separated yourself from that glove for a bit.”

“I could. Besides, I think what it shows me is important. Someone is coming to see me. We should probably make up a spare room.”

”Do you know this person?”

“Nope. He’s a mystic though, so it’s probably about the decimation. I think he’ll be here about noon.”

”Well then, we’ll make sure to make plenty of lunch.”

11-29-10, 12:14 AM
The paper shook as he read the headline and the young man was forced to place it on the table. He could no longer stand to look at that name, the girl who did it. Even though he had seen with his own eyes several mystics with no power, Axel had a hard time wrapping his mind around the fact that this was actually happening.

His mind glossed over memories of lying in bed next to his brothers, with the eldest telling them of the great things he would achieve once he wielded dual magics and of his anger towards those who doubted he could accomplish such a thing. "I'll show them," He would say, sticking his chest out. "I'm going to be the strongest mystic there ever was." Axel had himself doubted Jamel's abilities, but he had come through the light trials in nearly record time.

After that, Jamel began to isolate himself from the family. He could be found each night scribbling madly on pieces of parchment which he then locked in a chest. One night while Jamel was out, Axel had snuck the key and opened the lock. Jamel's research was brilliant, though terrifying to the young teen. On the back page lay a spell, and Axel repeated the words over and over again to no avail. When he turned the page over and read what it would accomplish he quickly placed the papers where they were and went to bed. That night Jamel became irate when he realized the papers had been found. Axel shivered as he remembered the family argument.

The young mystic had nearly forgotten those days, but now this article had shown itself and he couldn't look away. He had heard of the Ixian Knights, and more recently of Kyla Orlouge. He packed his bags and headed for the outskirts of Radasanth.