View Full Version : Challenge: Lord Angelkos

11-22-10, 03:22 PM
Truthfully, I just don't like you. At all for that matter. Mostly for the fact that I can't even post something in an OOC forum without having you breathing your hot breathe down the back of my neck, forcing my hairs to stand erect in discomfort.

With that said, I hereby challenge you to a duel...

You have something to prove? Let's see you prove it, ICly. Bring the heat pal, bring the heat...

If you accept, post here, and I'll throw a thread up for you tonight...

Edit: Sorry for the mispelled name, but you get the point..

Lord Anglekos
11-22-10, 04:38 PM
I don't really care if you dislike me or not. Hell, I don't really like you either. I didn't come to Althanas to make friends or stroke your ego for you; I came to write.
You could have simply PMed me with your "challenge", but instead you decided to make this public. This says to me one thing, Scrotus; obviously, I'm not the one with something to prove. I don't want to "bring the heat" as you so put it. In fact, I have no desire to roleplay with you in any shape or form, to be honest, now that you have shown this side of yourself.
So again, I do not accept your challenge. In the future, if you have something to say to me, PM me. The OOC forums are for actual, viable ideas and threads, not personal grudges.

11-22-10, 04:41 PM
*woof* Someone just got served! Jusy kidding. I'm with L,A on this, it was a little immature how you handled this scrotus. But remember, Don;t feed the troll LA.

11-22-10, 05:00 PM
Hey Fenrir, or should I say Jack Front, don't hide behind your 500 aka's. If you're going to OOC address something, do it with your main. You have no room to talk about maturity either, you're what? 14? No, no, my ten year old brother has a better grasp of the english language than you, so you must be a pre-teen.

L.A., in regards to your post, I'd like to point out that every other OOC post I put up you follow it with something spiteful. You want to talk about holding a grudge? You're holding a grudge because I spoke to your "fiance" OOCly, talk about insecurity. If you really wanted nothing to do with me, than shut up and stop addressing me.

In the future, if you have something to say to me, PM me. The OOC forums are for actual, viable ideas and threads, not personal grudges.
Sidenote, L.A.: I don't need to PM you with this request. It's in it's proper place, "The Recruitment Forum." I tried to recruit you for a battle, and you chumped out, cool. I think I've been pretty mellow with your insecure little remarks that proceed most of my OOC posts, so if you don't want anything to do with me, please back your spiteful ass off of me.



11-22-10, 05:11 PM
-She merely shakes her head and laughs lightly.-

11-22-10, 05:17 PM
Can someone please just go ahead and close this? Before this escalates or anyone else posts something useless? It's clear Anglekos is not going to accept the challenge, therefore this thread is now pointless.

11-22-10, 05:19 PM
Agreed. Challenge was issued and it was rejected. I see no reason for this thread to remain open, so I'm closing it, lest it degenerates into bickering and name calling.