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Taviri Ambria
03-30-06, 05:06 AM
Name: Taviri Ambria
Race: Human
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Height: 5’9”
Weight: 190 Lbs. (No armor/equipment)
Occupation: Hunter

Personality: Taviri is cold and calculating person. While relatively calm and collected, there have been many reports of him losing his temper when something stops him from Hunting. His abilities are only honed to help him in combat, and nothing further. While most would call him obsessive, he simply maintains that he is doing his job.

Appearance: Taviri is most of the time found in his hunting gear, comprising of a short sleeve shirt and denim pants. His boots go around his pants and allow for nothing to slip in there uninvited. On his forearms he wears bracers made out of leather, so as to protect himself from Vampiric or Lycanthrope bites. In the right bracer is a hidden dart launcher that holds a single dart, with a hollow vein to contain something for use against his targets. Over all this he ears a long hunter coat, that clips over the chest, and has a high collar that stops just below his nose. On top of this assemble he wears a wide brimmed leather hat to protect his head from the cold and rain. Not one to care about his body, a few scars can be seen on his body, indicating the various wounds that have been caused by the weapons of the demons and undead. However he can be happy to say he has yet to join their ungodly ranks. Upon his nose is a set of glasses, of thin lense.

History: Years ago, before there was a Lavinian Demon, before the demons marched on Salvar. Before the Thief’s guild knew a Seth Dahlios, before there was a Black Hand, and back when the Red Hand was first gaining power, there was a small village. Dedicated to eking out a living they farmed in the bitter lands of Berevar, and had built a prosperous community. This community was home of the Ambrias, one family, who seemed to despite everything always shower their young son, and newly adopted daughter, with love.

This community prospered and grew, eventually opening trade with the local monastery of the Seraphs of Sintyre. Life seemed to be going well, until one fateful summer night, when a storm brewed. Thunder rumbled in the distance, yet unlike any storm before, the townsfolk could see no signs of rain, simply rumbling of thunder and peels of lightning. It continued through most of the night, until is dissipated early the next morning, with no sign it had ever occurred.

Sending out a few scouting parties most people found nothing, until one group found a fallen form of a beautiful woman. Her crimson locks and green eyes were exotic to the simple town folk, and all assumed she had to be a noble’s daughter. As they tried to nurse her back to health the children rushed to help their newfound friend. Little did they know, it was a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

For a week the woman laid unconscious, seeming to grow more fragile with each passing day. It seemed she would die without them ever finding her family. As the townsfolk began to worry they began to grow desperate, eventually pleading to the gods themselves for help with their mysterious victim. The answer they got however, was not from the gods they had known and loved, but from the dark god Uriel, who awoke his servant.

Taviri, the only one at the time who could see her true form knew what the red haired lass was. A human so corrupt that they had become a demon, and one that with each day was readying to feast. While no one was looking she seemed to grow stronger, until they checked upon her. The wretched form Taviri saw was one of a woman, who was not red haired, nor was she green eyed. She was a horrible hag, her hair falling out, her eyes sunken. She was truly the stuff of nightmares, and despite his desperate pleas, no one listened to him.

When the woman awoke they asked her her name. Her reply haunts Taviri’s dreams to this day, for she was a woman of power. Great and terrible power, she was Amiya, the chosen Avatar of Uriel, corrupted god of Power. When she awoke she began the feast of souls. Siphoning the life essence of every villager over the age of maturity, she began to once more regain her lost power. Leaving every child in the village to die from starvation, she laughed on the way out.

Taviri meanwhile had not been idle, though he was young and weak, he knew one thing and had grabbed a torch. Rushing the hag of his nightmares he swung it hard only to hit a mysterious black barrier. The woman stopped and turned gracing him with her horrifying visage once more before she said simply, “One day you can hunt me, until then resign yourself to nipping at my heels dog.”

From that day forward Taviri has committed himself to the destruction of Amiya the Corrupted, Soul Drinker and Avatar of the Fallen god Uriel.

Skills (Innate)

True Vision – Taviri was gifted from birth with the gift of true sight. Unlike others who may only see what illusions the demons and undead throw up, Taviri can see past them in order to see what lies underneath. It is this gift that allowed him to see Amiya’s true visage, and this gift that plagues the hunter. Unless he is wearing his glasses, he will see the ugliness that people hide within them. He will see the true form of everything, including shape shifters and illusionists.

Skills (Combat Innate)

Quarterstaff Proficiency – Taviri is of above average skill with the Quarter Staff. He is able to hold his own, however a better skilled opponent will quickly find faults with his form, and devise counter strategies.

Skills (Combat Gifted)

Word of Banishing – Upon invoking the word of Banishing Taviri can attempt to unsummon a demonic minion, or destroy outright and undead one. At his current level he is fairly weak, and unable to garner much command over the Demonic or Undead, but it can also be a useful tool for dissuading such creatures from attacking, or even temporarily stunning them. The progression of this skill is based on the users level as such;

2 Levels below – Kills undead, Banishes Demon’s to Sintyre.

1 Level below – Causes Serious Wounds to the Demon, can cause undead to be stunned for 2 posts.

Same Level – A push the strength of a strong man against a Kender.

1 Level above – A normal Shove

2 Levels Above – A weak push

3 Levels above – No effect.

The word of Banishing is draining and therefore Taviri can only use it once a page. This means if used the first post of a quest, Taviri cannot use it until the first post of the next page, as he has exhausted its use until then.

Healing Hands - Taviri can chant the words "Kal Mani" and lay his hands upon a person healing light to moderate wounds. Deep cuts provided they do not cut veins or arteries and minor scratches can be healed over time so long as his hands remain in contact with the person. This skill cannot be used on himself, as it is to be used for others not himself. May be used 3 times a thread.


Gauntlet fitted Dart Launcher – A small dart launcher that fires simple darts. It has five pound draw, and therefore unless fired at point blank range cannot penetrate anything thicker than cotton. If fired at point blank range the needle can push through leather armor at best.

5 steel darts - The darts needle is hollow and there is a small vein in the dart to insert various agents. These darts are steel design and specifically made for the dart launcher.

Oak Staff named “Fury” – An oaken staff given to Taviri. It is a solid oak quarterstaff that has a few runes carved in it. At this time only one rune is known to Taviri. Perhaps over the course of his travels he can unravel the other runes. Here is a list of the runes he has unlocked:

Rune of the Mouse – This rune allows Taviri to shrink Fury to the size of a pencil, and re-grow it when needed. Upon using this ability it has a cool down of five posts. (In the case of multi person quests yes, their posts count towards the cool down time.) Each use of it whether resizing to the normal size or shrinking requires the aforementioned cool down time, activated with a thought.

Leather Gauntlets

Traveling Pack filled with waterskin, matches, tinder box, and a change of clothes.

Tome of Demons – A book given to him by the Seraphs of Sintyre that is a Liber Daemonica, or more accurately a book that contains the true names of every encountered Sintyre Demon. The book only tells him knowledge that the Seraphs have divined about said demons, and may list one weakness. It also gives a detailed account of the Demon Wars that founded the Seraphs of Sintyre, and therefore is a holy relic. Each is hand copied and given to a hunter employed by the Seraphs.

(Taviri was Level one with 2999 exp.)

Sighter Tnailog
03-30-06, 02:05 PM
Before I approve, is this the same character as your previous Taviri Ambria account? If so, then you won't need to halve your EXP.

Taviri Ambria
03-30-06, 11:35 PM
The reason I put that line in there was because it was the way of reminding me how much EXP I had. The character was changed radically from the original Taviri Ambria on the site, and so needed to be reincarnated. I had reincarnated him before the site went down, but he had failed to complete any quests. Think of that tag as me declaring my exp.

Also I don't know if you want to be nice and award 2 exp to make it an even 1500 or not, that is at your discretion.

Sighter Tnailog
03-31-06, 12:12 AM
I don't see any reason to prevent you from having level 1 already, at 2999 EXP. If you would like to edit this profile to reflect this level, do the edits and let me know. If you would like to stay at level 0, let me know that too. It's your choice.

Taviri Ambria
03-31-06, 12:42 AM
Level 1 was at 2000 points not 1500. So unless you are giving me 500 exp I would be loathe to take you up on your offer.

To clarify while I kept the character name I did a total overhaul, changing abilities along with other things. So if you wish to keep me as level 1 then I'll take you up on the offer, but as the character has changed drastically from its first incarnation, I would like you to know why I reincarnated him before you give it to me.

Sighter Tnailog
03-31-06, 12:54 AM
(This is a reincarnation of the Taviri Ambria Account. I was at 2999 EXP so half of that would be 1498.)

Let me put it like this: I'm giving you a chance. It's a free chance. I don't think the same character, differences or not, should be reduced in EXP UNLESS the player wants it to happen. I want to know if you're SURE that you want just 1498 EXP, because if you would like your original 2999 EXP I'm willing to let you keep it. It's your decision, I want to make sure you're making it with all the information in front of you.

Taviri Ambria
04-01-06, 05:27 PM
I'm going to take you up on your offer.


Cyrus the virus
04-04-06, 01:24 PM
Since Sighter's been busy, I'll approve this for him. It seems everything's been taken care of. PM Thoracis to tell him what your EXP total should be, and he should be able to edit it for you.