View Full Version : The mystery of The Dark Forest (Semi-Open)

11-23-10, 11:54 PM
If you would like to join this quest you are more than welcome to, HOWEVER, pm me first and ask permission BEFORE you post. It would be most appreciated, thank you.


Sara didn’t know what to think, a shocked look was on her face as she launched across the trail 100’s of feet as she smashed through bushes and then into the river.


Sara floated down the shallow river face up towards the sky unconscious for several miles. After a long time, her body finally clung onto a rocky like surface. Waking up several hours later and back into consciousness, she looked around to view her surroundings. She was by a small village that seemed abandoned, for there were only a lot of trees all over the place. Sara managed to get up as she saw a cabin in the distance located near the strange forest. The trees in the forest had an odd aura to them, and wasn't pleasant to look at. They seemed to make odd and scary noises within the middle of the forest. The dark forest by the cabin was very mysterious, it even seemed alive. You couldn't see very far through the forest, it was almost pitch black. She noticed that the trees swayed back and forth making awkward movements that has never been seen before.

With the forest out of her mind for now, Sara decided to inspect the cabin. She could see a window on the right hand side of the cabin, which was under it's big red chimney. The cabin was made out of bricks, and there wasn't much of anything inside except for a chair, a small bed, a fireplace, and a rug. Nothing else could be seen, at least through the window, she figured more might be inside. Sara walked to the door and tried to open it, oddly enough, the door simply opened making a little creaking noise as if the cabin had been there for a very long time. There were several cobwebs in the corners of the walls near the roof of the cabin. No one was inside, it was completely empty. There was a book open and face down on the ground that seemed pretty old. The pages were all crumpled being in the position it was in. Sara picked up the book, curious what the title of the book was. The books title read something in a different language, it was nothing but symbols that Sara could not read or understand. She flipped through the old pages, but all of the pages had different symbols of the same type. The book looked almost 1,000 years old or more by how it looked. As she tilted the book, the front cover gleamed of a beautiful golden light. Something on the roof made a slight ringing sound when she pointed the book in a certain direction where the beam of light was going.

Sara tilted the book again, until she heard that ringing noise again as she looked at the ceiling. It was a picture of the spooky forest near the cabin and noticed more symbols underneath it in a bold red color.

A warning of some kind?

...The thought kept in her mind. She decided to hang on to the book and keep it in case she could find someone or something to interpret what it read for her.

Sara decided to call it a night and sleep on the small cabin bed, it was a little comfortable yet it was to small. As she awoke in the morning, she noticed something weird. The cabin was closer to the forest, it was about 10 feet closer. Sara decided it best to get out of the cabin as quickly as she could.

The cabin began to shake like crazy as she exited, for the forest was pulling the cabin into it. Foot by foot, it got sucked deeper and deeper into the forest, and in a few short minutes, it was nowhere to be seen or found. The forest made a shrilling loud noise when the cabin disappeared. Sara watched in terror as the trees began to stir. They made a shrieking noise as if it were a bat trying to find it's way to it's food. The noise was so loud, she had to cover her ears. The forest started to move, as the trees in front of Sara spread open unveiling a black dirt path, that glimmered silver and gold. All of a sudden, much to Sara's surprise she heard a voice in the distance. It wasn't a person talking, it was something else; in fact it was the forest itself. The forest began to say in a ghostly like voice,

"Sara, you shall enter the forest and face your worst nightmares. If you do not enter, you shall be consumed by us for all eternity."

Sara could feel as if something was tugging her, or pushing her to the path leading to the dark forest. With a big gulp and a deep breath, Sara entered the forest, and as she did the forest enclosed behind her and all Sara could see was the path in front of her that lead somewhere far in the distance. It looked like it stretched for miles, yet she could barely see where it supposedly ended, perhaps she would find answers there. Without further hesitation, Sara started making her way on the path, and as she did, the silver and gold rocks glowed one by one as she stepped on them, and then turned off when she stepped off of them. Sara couldn't go back now, she had no choice but to go on, but she wasn't afraid. Sara relaxed up a little, and had great courage in her heart as she continued up the path, with nothing but blackness behind her and ahead of her, just the path in front is what she could see.


The path seemed to last forever, it seemed like it took days to follow, but in reality Sara had been only following the path for about an hour. Every few minutes she could hear the trees laughing at her and trying to grab her every once in awhile as she continued down the path. All of a sudden, the path began to shake as if a massive earthquake was underneath her. The force of the shaking was so strong, Sara fell on her stomach as she saw the path in front of her sink into the ground making a staircase downwards into the ground. When the shaking stopped, Sara got back on her feet and started heading down the glimmering stairs that the path made. As she got to the bottom, she was in what seemed like some sort of cave with nothing but solid brownish colored dirt around her which was supporting the cave.

She could see something in front of her that looked like it was about ten feet tall! It was a giant double door made out of a beautiful blue stone with tiny red stones in the center of the door leading towards the handles. The handles themselves gleamed a nice shiny brass like color. There was a symbol at the very top of the door, Sara had to strain his neck as she looked up towards it. The symbol was similar to the ones in the book that was in the cabin, the same one she saw several times now within it's pages. All of a sudden the massive doors opened with a loud noise as they started to very slowly open. When the doors were open all the way, there was a noise behind her. The stairs that the path made were shaking once again forcing Sara on the ground. The stairs went back up to where they originally were making her trapped down in the cave. She could hear the trees above the ground start making slight laughing noises saying to Sara,

"Whoever enters this forest must overcome six tasks and survive in order to exit this place. Your first task is the Underground temple that lay ahead of you. We will watch your every move and enjoy your painful slow and agonizing death!"

... Sara got back up on her feet and took a deep breath and entered the Underground temple, as the massive double doors of the temple slammed shut and locked her inside.


"Now what?"

Just then she noticed that the forest threw another unlucky person in this mess. She was glad she wasn't alone after all.

"So.... what's your story?"

Here is my plan for the six tasks during this quest in order:

1.).: The Underground temple (where we are now)

2.).: The Frost Temple

3.).: The Volcanic Temple

4.).: The Wind Temple

5.).: The Palace Of Waterfalls

6.).: The Palace Of Mirrors