View Full Version : Nalitz

11-24-10, 05:29 AM
Name: Nalitz
Age: 71
Race: Human
Hair Color: Faded green
Eye Color: Colorless
Height: Average
Weight: Below average
*Occupation: Shaman

Appearance: Apart from the face, Nalitz is mostly concealed by heavily tattered dark lavender robes that flow along the ground. To most they would appear very uncomfortable to wear during hot weather, and difficult to walk with but Nalitz appears to be perfectly natural in them.
Despite being 71, he appears merely in his early 40's. He has a snide look on his sickly complexion, short, somewhat edgy hair and a sinister goaty on his chin. Having long, arched eyebrows, when he is not smiling he appears to be brooding and naturally displeased. His hair bears an unusual color, being a green and taking on a deathly shade.

Nalitz was once an apprentice to a sage of some power. Among his fellow apprentices, Nalitz was the most intelligent and earned the most respect. This respect brewed rivalry between him and his other fellow students, which quickly boiled to an unpleasant bitterness. Always one to oust all opposition, Nalitz's brilliance made the magical knowledge of his classmates pale in comparison, ten-fold even when he began venturing into the darker side of magics which was seldom learned, and difficult to master.
As the years went by, Nalitz was more or less unconcerned with the lives of others as he always had been until his powers had gone noticed by powerful extra-dimensional beings. He gave in to their whispers, as they have been driving him mad to a point. Their coaxing motivated him more into the deeper avenues of dark magic until he ventured upon sorceries capable of converting life into energy that may be used. He experimented first on small creatures, discovering that life force was able to be transformed from one being to another. Eventually he began transferring the life force of woodland creatures into himself, and soon found that the life force could be turned to power.
Heeding the dark commands of the extra-planar beings who had haunted him, he finally moves on to taking the life force or "quintessence" out of humans. He massacres the entire school of magic and grew beyond human ability. Eventually he began harvesting entire villages and ruled over many as his slaves and servants to the dark beings from beyond.
It wasn't long before Nalitz had become feared tyranny over the countryside, with a dreaded army of foot-soldiers and unspeakable beings that came from his experimentation.
It wasn't until one day a band of heroes and soldiers from the land would stop his ascent to power. Many battles raged, but one leader after another under Nalitz's banner fell, until even his own children, wildly feared for their mastery of magic and blade fell as well. Eventually his enemies stormed his island stronghold, and Nalitz was defeated. Upon being cut near death, the gathered quintessence he had gathered began to leak out of his form with his blood, and he became weak once more. Dying and appearing dead, his enemies sealed him in a frozen pond and so he remained. Still carrying the residual life force of so many lives, he survived frozen within the pond until many years later the small glacier that became of the pond melted.

Awakening, he feels a deep lust for quintessence, his soul trembling with hatred and vengeance as he looks over the pale shadow of his former self. Yearning to become powerful one day yet again, he hunts for more quintessence, well aware that only the life force of powerful heroes and untold wells of energy could bring him closer to his long lost glory.


Though completely weakened and lacking of any true power after his defeat, Nalitz has managed to retain intermediate skill in the usage of the darker energies. He may cast and maintain unstable dark magics that ignores the armor of his foes ((if they have no magic resistance enchantments)) with surprising precision.The damage this magic does is a combination of crushing force and a corruptive burning that strikes at the outside of the body and also directly exerts high amounts of force and pain internally ((damage does not spread out over period of time, its immediate)). The overall damage usually scales to one of a slighter stronger fireball, but it travels more slowly as it is heavier matter, about the speed of an object thrown with medium force. How dark magic is usually cast is that it must first be projected into the world which may take a few moments depending on the strength of the spell. One projected, the magic may be melded, distorted, and bent at will. Dark magic has the uncanny ability to pass through solid objects and may remain dormant for long periods of time provided that the caster continues to mentally contain the magic and of course could only focus on one spell at a time. In conventional combat, he appears to hold the skills of a talented, greater than average mage and is able to cast about ten or so dark magic spells before his body reaches a point where it requires a pause through meditation or reverie, as his brand of dark magic is heavier than most. The amount of rest he needs will vary on the urgency of the situation and if he has taken any damage.

Though he had lost huge amounts of utility and power with his dark magic, he still holds the ability to drain the life force off fallen enemies to create quintessence he may hold within his body. With this quintessence he may heal his own wounds, or even strengthen his spells if enough has been gathered. However, healing wounds requires a very high amount of life force, akin to the draining of many scores of wildlife or fifty people to cure a moderate wound. However, some living things could possibly have huge amount more quintessence than others. These people include those with considerably high will power, powerful warriors, heroes and accomplished spellcasters. Though these people of course, are few and far between.

Nalitz also has somewhat heightened senses due to a large part to his dark magic. If he sees and expects an attack, there is a chance he will successfully perform a quick flash-step driven by unstable dark magic to avoid the blow. ((Flash-step can be done every five posts per battle)).

A final skill he has, are his soundless footsteps. Nalitz does not need to walk, but slowly float to where he wishes to go. His dark magic allows him to blend perfectly with the darkness of night, should no one expect him coming. This way, he is a capable infiltrator.

He carries a tome of dark magic that is required for lengthier spells and is sometimes necessary for extra accuracy in casting.

His sole weapon apart from his magic is a steel dagger. He is not skilled with it by any means, but if driven by fanatical rage he could potentially deal serious damage with it.

Lastly, he carries a cache of dark crystals. They are simply looking crystals, with a dull black-violet sheen that have a simple,
bewitching beauty to them. They carry corruptible properties that may have different effects on a persons mind, depending on who they are. Some could be driven to lusts for power with a dark crystal, as the crystal itself is a conduit to greater power fueled by hate. The hate turns to death magic within the crystal and it is rare that any person could create a crystal of huge power. Nalitz himself however, has no personal use for the crystals, as he is immune to their properties, though he may use some on occasion in his experiments. Others however, may become tainted if they allow themselves to. Strangely enough, these crystals have an awareness of their own and will be forcefully bound to the owner if he or she attempts to sell it. The crystals however, may be freely given to others or destroyed if the owner desires it no more.

11-24-10, 07:47 AM
Alright, this generally looks good. Just needs some clarification and a bit of tweaking and you'll be set to go.

You say that he can "cast and maintain dark magics that ignores the armor..." I need to know what are the effects of these magics, are they cast in a manner one casts a fireball and how many can he cast before he becomes drained.

Also, with the drain life force aspect of your magic, I would like you to make it so he has to drain a considerable amount of life force to heal more serious wounds.

And finally, I need some kind of a limit on the flash-step. Let's say once every five posts in a battle?

Oh, and as far as the equipment goes, the dagger can be steel at best and the crystals can never be sold.

11-24-10, 03:25 PM
I have made the changes.

11-24-10, 04:00 PM
Just one more thing. Dark Magic has some potential for abuse as it ignores armor and you can take cheap shots at your opponents. So please make it so the magic you launch at your opponents can be launched at the same speed as if it was thrown by hand.

11-24-10, 04:10 PM
"The overall damage usually scales to one of a slighter stronger fireball, but it travels more slowly as it is heavier matter, about the speed of an object thrown with medium force."

Will that suffice?

11-24-10, 04:17 PM
That's awesome.

You are approved. Thank you for your cooperation and welcome to Althanas.