View Full Version : Want to battle?

Terror's Thrall
11-26-10, 07:28 PM
Ok, so I'm just looking for a couple of fairly quick battles to get back into the swing of things. Hit me up if you're interested, I'm interested to see how this guy does in combat...

Either this guy or Ackthrice Malevos (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?p=176234#post176234) are open to be challenged...

Between these battles and a couple of quests, I have enough going on now, look out for future oppurtunities to play :P

Links for battles against Rahegalhoff and Silence Sei are below.
Battle against Sabatykos coming soon...

11-26-10, 07:41 PM
*removes a leather glove*

I challenge thee to a duel good sir.

*Slaps Terror's Thrall with the glove.*

Silence Sei
11-26-10, 07:53 PM
Bring it. Should be fun. Just need you to start up the thread, tis my only thing.

Terror's Thrall
11-26-10, 09:22 PM
Rahegalhoff, challenge accepted!

Silence, I shall post one for you tomorrow and edit it in but its late now and I have to sleep.
Ok, I took longer to get to it than I hoped but there we go:
Silence Sei; Bring It indeed.

Sabatykos Maelstrom
11-27-10, 02:51 PM
Sei old man, that's bad form accepting a challenge from a level 0. LOL. Anyway Mr. Thrall, consider you challenged. (I can accept the challenge with this guy or my alt, Alberdyne)

Ackthrice Malevos
11-27-10, 05:04 PM
Sabatykos, I'll battle you with this character if that's not a problem?
As you have some sort of vendetta against other religions, and this guy is more religious than Thios, a motivation is easier to determine.