View Full Version : The Pact

11-28-10, 01:57 AM
The township of Underwood was, if anything at all, peaceful. It had managed to sustain it's tranquility despite the blights that plagued the rest of Corone. In Radasanth there were whispers of a coming war, one that the mighty Sei Orlongue, hero and general do-gooder, had carelessly caused by making a mockery of N'Jal. In the south, Serenti for that matter, there were dark forces known as "The Blackhand" at work trying to spread their corruption. But Underwood, unlike the rest, had managed to retain it's reputation as a small, pacifistic town. Part of the reason for the forest village's harmonious nature was the hunter, Tyler Burnett, who had kept the darkness at bay.

Tyler was the last of a dying breed, a group known as "The Righteous," and until recently he had found it rather easy to combat the blight that inched closer to the village. Unlike most heroes, the grey-haired man didn't seek fame or fortune. He only cared for the preservation of innocence and to avenge the comrades and loved ones he had helplessly watched die. He was the true voice of justice in an age smeared over by corruption and greed. The people of Underwood had always needed heroes, whether they acknowledged the fact or not, and Tyler was exactly that. A real hero.

The hunter had experienced so much in his life. From the gruesome murder of his wife and infant son at the hands of a vampire, to watching his friends being slaughtered like livestock by the same blood-thirsty creatures. He had to bear on, however, despite all the nights he wished he could end it. End his own life and all of his suffering in the process. The only thing that kept the hunter going was a pact he made, with himself, to protect innocence and preserve what humanity was left in the blackened world that dimmed daily despite his best efforts.

"I'll always remember." He calmly stated to himself, retracting any form of emotion that tried to force itself onto his face, "and I'll keep fighting."

It felt like a lifetime since the hunter had last visibly shown emotion. He was warped by the things he had seen in his life, the images of his family doused in their own blood and squirming like worms on a hook as they died. The vision of the vampire that had killed them and how he was the one beast that had ever escaped Tyler's blade. The fact that he had lived through so many hardships made him stronger and the pact that he had made to himself had given him the strength to continue his self-sworn quest of justice.