View Full Version : Milo Elkheart

11-28-10, 11:48 AM
Milo Elkheart

5' 11" 185lb.
brown hair green eyes
tanned skin
languages tradespeak, elvish
Ranger/ Warden

personality- milo is not an outgoing person, he is often willful and stubborn Socially he sometimes feels alienated, but is happy to exist on the fringe. His sense of humor is often misunderstood and taken as course or cruel, but don't be put off by it , it's just his way of looking at and dealing with the world. Slightly off center and alittle out of step.

Appearance- At first glance Milo will appear to be blending in with the world around him. That is what he wants, to be average and not draw too much attention to himself. He wears greyish/brownish top and bottoms covered by a padded leather vest, soft leather boots and gloves, and is topped with a brimmed hat to both block the suns glare and to hide his face.

Skills- champion archer, gifted with thrown objects, proficient w/ 2 melee weapons,
wood craft and tracking, food gathering and cooking, swimming, fletching

Abilities- communicate w/ animals, see into the heart of a pie, obsfucation,

Items- backpack, work knife, cloak, 50' rope, light bed roll, extra socks, flint and steel,
tinder box, whet stone, tweezers, sewing kit, oil cloth sack, extra bow string,
assorted leather pouches

weapons- yew longbow, assorted arrows, (2) steel hand axes, steel dagger

armor- padded leather vest

11-29-10, 10:36 AM
I see you listed some skills in the profile info, but not here. You must list any ability/skill Milo has in your profile as well as all of his equipment and what's it made of. Your abilities shouldn't be too strong at this point and the strongest metal you can get is steel.

12-02-10, 11:56 PM
my bad, it was a sloppy copy. looks like i got it all in the second time.

12-06-10, 10:55 AM
Apologies for the delay. I was away from home/computer during the weekend.

I just need you to add that the axes and dagger are made of steel and you'll be set to go.

12-06-10, 04:39 PM
copy steel. Done. Out.

12-07-10, 02:51 AM
I edited it into your profile for you, since you seemed to forget to do it.

You are approved. Thank you for your cooperation and welcome to Althanas.