View Full Version : A reason to fight

Amber Eyes
12-02-10, 01:56 AM
Kyla lay back on her elbows watching the new recruits. A dozen or so young men all dripping with sweat carried out basic marching techniques as Kyla and her sisters lounged about a mere twenty feet away. Steppenwolf looked at the girl with a bit of dissaproval in his eyes, but did not take the time to say anything to her.

Kyla nudged Anita with her elbow and pointed to the first row of men. "That one's cute."

Anita glanced up from her book grudgingly and stared in the direction Kyla was pointing. "If you like chubby guys I suppose."

"Not him you dolt, the one with the blonde hair."

"You know who he kinda looks like?" A quiet voice spoke behind Kyla.

"Don't you dare say it Emma. He's cute and I want him."

Emma smiled as Kyla turned around to look at her, "And why exactly are you interested in some twenty yearl old recruit who has nothing to show for himself? How is he going to provide for you?"

Kyla stood and dusted off her pants just as Steppenwolf began to dismiss the soldiers. "I don't need anyone to take care of me, I'm a General after all."

"For how long Kyla? If you don't start taking it seriously then your never going to make it in the army." Anita chimed in.

"Thanks for all the support. Now wish me luck." Kyla made sure her clothing was aligned properly before rushing off into the crowd of new recruits.

"When did she break up with Toby?" Anita whispered to her little sister.

"Toby was like three weeks ago, but she broke it off with James this morning. Something about morning breath." Emma sighed before laying back and resuming her own book.

Amber Eyes
12-04-10, 12:10 AM
Kyla ran up to the group of men, each tired from a long days training. "So whose going to buy me dinner?" She smiled widely.

Each man seemed to stand a little straighter as Kyla looked at them.

"I will." The chubby man from before spoke first.

The young mystic bit her lip and stared right at the object of her attraction. "Nope, wrong answer."

The blonde boy smiled back at Kyla and then looked at the others. "Um, if you'll excuse us."

The men walked off towards the showers, poking fun at the chubby one and stealing jealous glances back at the pair.

"So to what do I owe the pleasure?" The young man asked.

"How about you tell me your name first?"

"Alex, Alex Trint." The man held out his hand with a nervous grin.

Kyla took his hand and held it, "And I'm Kyla, Kyla Orlouge. Pleasure to make your aquaintence. Now that all that formal junk is out of the way, are you hungry?"

"Yes ma'am. I'd really like a shower first though."

"No problem, you can use mine. Oh, don't worry about it, I promise it's way nicer than the ones down here."

"I'm sure, but I don't have any clothes up..."

"I'll get you something out of Sei's wardrobe, no big deal."

The young soldier gulped, "Sei? I can't..."

"Oh come on! Live a little. Anita and I buy him stuff all the time and all he ever wears is that same old outfit." Kyla grabbed the man by the hand and practically dragged him inside.

Amber Eyes
12-05-10, 12:56 AM
Kyla sat in the common room on the top floor of Ixian Castle waiting for Alex to finish his shower and thumbing through a book. She felt someone sit roughly on the couch next to her and glanced up to see Anita staring at her.

"So where's the guy?" Kyla pointed to her room and Anita let out a small gasp, "He's in your room?"

Kyla nodded.

"Why?" Anita's face resembled that of a person who has just been shot.

"Because my shower is nicer than his and he stunk." Kyla made the statement as though any idiot would be able to figure out the girls reasoning when in fact she herself had no idea why she did half the things she did.

"Sei's going to kill you, and he is going to notice that the guy is wearing his clothes, just figured I should let you know." Anita jumped up from the couch and went into her own room to prepare for dinner.

Moments later Alex entered the room, his training clothes tucked neatly under his arm. "Thanks for the shower, it's kinda hard to get hot water down there sometimes. Too many guys fighting for the best shower times." The awkward smile on the young man's face made Kyla giggle.

"Let's head down to dinner, I hear Sei is reinstating twice baked potatoes on a trial basis."

Amber Eyes
12-08-10, 12:42 PM
The dining hall was at it's fullest and Kyla grabbled Alex's hand as she worked her way to the line. As they waited she tried to make small talk about which team the boy would join when given the chance, or if he would simply continue to train as a footsoldier only. When the young man confirmed the latter Kyla told him of the trainers, which to look out for and which to try to get close with.

She asked about his home and Alex told her of his aging mother and his father who worked hard and was never home. He was an only child and had been spoiled rotten before his mother's health faded. He had chosen to join the knights with a buddy of his named John. John's home life was a wreck but he was afraid to enlist on his own, and Alex had nothing better going on so he had quickly agreed. The two had arrive two weeks ago and both were enjoying themselves. John was just happy to have gotten out of his hometown, and Alex had never felt so important.

The line finally waned and the two grabbed their lunch trays. Alex held out his hand to gesture for Kyla to go first. She gathered her lunch, speaking with each worker as she went through the line. When they reached the soup stand Kyla smiled at the Soup Nazi. He quickly filled a bowl and handed it to her with a joke about it being the best he had ever made. The soup nazi then looked at Alex and quickly exclaimed, "No soup for you!" The mystic smiled to herself as she made her way to a table and waited for Alex to join her.

Amber Eyes
12-14-10, 01:04 AM
Three days later....

"Kyla! Papa says you have ten minutes to get to the meeting room or he's sending Jensen to get you out." Anita stood against the large oak door, her hand on the handle awaiting her sister's response.

"Tell him I'm heartbroken and I don't want to go!" Kyla's not-so-sad voice retorted.

"You don't sound sad!" Anita turned the nob and entered the room where Kyla sat painting her toenails with her back to the door.

"I am, very very upset actually, you should see me, I've been crying all night and the whole rooms a mess."

Anita cleared her throat and Kyla glanced up into the mirror before her. "Fine, tell him I'll be down soon." Irritation coated her voice and Anita could not help but smile. "So what happened this time?"

The young girl placed the brush back in the polish and walked on the sides of her feet to the dresser. "With Alex?"

Anita smiled, "Yes, with Alex. I though he was perfect, what changed your mind?"

Kyla pulled a pair of shorts from the top drawer and sat on the bed to put them on, taking care not to smudge the fresh paint. "I dunno, we just weren't a good fit." She stood and pulled the shorts up, wiggling just a bit to get them over her butt. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have a meeting to attend."

Amber Eyes
02-24-14, 10:10 PM
"I'm concerned that your behavior is not becoming of a woman of your status.

The mystic rolled her eyes as she leaned back in her seat. "I'm bored Sei, there is nothing to do in this stupid castle." She leaned forward, her eyes pleading. "I need entertainment."

Sei smiled knowingly. "I couldn't agree more."

At that Kyla straightened, tilting her head to the side in curiosity. "Pardon?"

"I said I agree Kylana, you certainly need something to keep you occupied."

The mystic's face grew concerned. "And we are talking about entertainment right? Not work?"

"I don't see why those two things are mutually exclusive.

Her smile faded.