View Full Version : Amelie Boehme

12-02-10, 10:03 AM
Name: Amelie Boehme
Age: 21
Race: Human
Nationality: Coronian
Class: Alchemist
Height/Weight: 5'4” / 126 lb
Hair/Eye Color: Brown / Green

Appearance: Long hair is a symbol of nobility, and, therefore, Amelie has only cut hers twice in her entire life. She ties her tresses up in a purple bow and allows her hair to hang down to her knees. Despite the length, her hair is always well groomed and kempt. Her hair frames a long and slender face with a pointed chin and a prominent nose. Most noticeable are her eyes, which are large and jade-colored. Her clothes are rich, silken, and luxuriant, although old fashioned. She typically wears shades of lavender, but her dress also varies with the season. She's fairly thin, with lengthy legs and slender fingers. On more than one occasion, she has been confused for an elf, although she has no elven blood.

Personality: Amelie's birth into an aristocratic family gifted her with all the social graces and unfortunate traits typically associated with such a position. She's polite and eloquent, with a smooth-tongue and a great understanding of etiquette and the art of conversation. Most find her pleasant to be around at first, as she is charming and very clever. On the other hand, despite her surface niceties, she is extremely vain and selfish and obsessed with her social standing. She's arrogant and emotionally immature and cannot stand to not get her way about absolutely anything. No one would go so far as to call her evil or bad, really, but she certainly has a lot of growing up to do. Someone in Amelie's position may either mature and grow up, or continue along the path of selfishness and become completely intolerable. Which path she will take is yet to be seen.

Her moods are also largely dependent on the season and the weather. Through her alchemical studies and experimentation on herself, she's discovered that she has a strong sensitivity to the waxing and waning of the four great elements and, therefore, a natural imbalance of the four humors that make up the human body. Thus, her health and temperament shift with the season. In the spring, she's of a sanguine disposition, and is cheerful and charismatic. When summer arrives, she becomes choleric, easily angered and bad-tempered. The autumn brings out her melancholic side, and she's despondent and irritable. Finally, the winter is associated with a phlegmatic mood, and she's the calmest and most rational during this period.


As a member of the Coronian nobility, Amelie was given a thorough and wide-reaching education in history, mathematics, and literature. She is well read and can be assumed to be at least mildly knowledgeable about most scholarly subjects that would be deemed by her parents to be fitting for a young lady to know, and quite knowledgeable on those subjects deemed to be unfitting. She is able to play the harp with a moderate amount of skill.

Alchemy: As it turned out, Amelie was born with a natural talent for and disposition towards the science of Alchemy. So much so, in fact, that in her late teens she left her home in the capital city of Radasanth to study with the famed alchemist Bernard Valentinus in the heart of the Concordia Forest. He taught her a great deal, and she is very knowledgeable in anything to do with Alchemy. Alchemy is the science and philosophy of chemicals and materials, concerned largely with the transmutation of one element into another and (broadly) the achievement of ultimate wisdom in the form of the Philosopher's Stone.

Alchemists are aware of the existence of four Great Elements and four Minor Elements. The Four Great Elements are Air, Water, Fire, and Earth. The Minor Elements are Aether, Sulphur, Mercury, and Salt. Through the combination of these elements, alchemists believe that they can create anything at all—even life itself.

Demonology and Summoning: Amelie also has a strong interest and a decent knowledge of the related science of Demonology, but that is entirely self-taught and secret. She is able to perform a Minor Summoning once a day, which calls a minor demon to fight by her side. The minor demon is an shadowy creature about the size and intelligence of a dog. It will fight to protect her from harm or perform simple tasks. The summoning requires a pentagram and a brief incantation period, and is taxing on her energy and sanity. It is, however, her primary form of self-defense and protection, so she'll summon the creature if she needs to.

Once in her life, Amelie performed a Great Summoning, with the use of a magical artifact and some notes from her mentor. She doesn't have the skill to perform that on her own, however, and wouldn't even want to if she could.

Potion Crafting: Given the right equipment and ingredients, Amelie can craft a wide variety of potions and poultices. These can range from healing potions to acid flasks to mixtures that restore energy and increase the body's strength and vigor. She generally carries a few such potions on her at all times (listed under the Equipment section).

Medical Knowledge: Amelie knows a great deal about the human body and a fair amount about medicine and healing, especially when it comes to potions. The basis of her medical knowledge is the theory of Four Humors. That is, that all the body's operations can be attributed to four basic substances that make up the body, and that these are analogous to the four great elements. The root of most sicknesses of the body or mind, therefore, is an imbalance of the humors. These humors are Blood (Air), Yellow Bile (Fire), Black Bile (Earth), and Phlegm (Water).

Fencing: Amelie does possess a rapier, and was instructed a little bit in its use...but not enough to really be any good in a fight. She could hold her own against a very beginner, but against anyone with any sort of skill whatsoever, she would be hopeless. Amelie cares more about pursuits of the mind than of the body.

Familiar (Homunculus): As her final project under her mentor, Bernard Valentinus, Amelie created a homunculus. The creation of her homunculus took months of preparation and gathering of materials from all parts of the world, and she considers it her masterpiece. The homunculus doesn't have a name—if it was given one, it would be free from her service and could potentially escape. It's a small monkey-like creature, about a twelve inches tall and covered in a thin layer of fur. It has big eyes with purple irises and a long, flexible tail. The homunculus is less intelligent than a human, but can understand and obey basic commands without any trouble. It follows her and obeys her without question.


Alchemical Ingredients and Equipment: Amelie carries at all times a few basic chemical ingredients. She has a small amount of sulphur, a pouch of salt, and a flask of mercury. She also carries a water bottle, and some dried grasses and plants. She has some gold powder (valueless, but useful in certain mixtures) She also carries a small fold-up alembic for the creation of mixtures, and flint and tinder for producing fire. Finally, she has a book filled with recipes and lists of ingredients, as well as information about the properties of various plants and minerals. Scribbled in the margins are many notes from her old teacher with observations about the contents.

Rapier: She wields an ornate but poorly-crafted iron rapier. Fancy-looking, but fairly average, and she doesn't really know how to use it.

Potions: In her bag, Amelie carries a number of mild to moderate strength healing potions, as well as at least one acid flask (carefully insulated so it won't break by accident). The acid flask is only of mild strength, but is nonetheless quite caustic and would burn skin and cause burning if spilled on...or thrown at someone.

History: The birth of a child into Coronian nobility is an event of some significance—mostly given that it doesn't happen very often. Not because Coronian nobles are impotent, or anything. They simply rarely get over the complex layers of social hierarchy and feuds and etiquette that are necessary for a couple to actually marry and produce a child. Amelie's parents were the a Duke of some influence, and the daughter of a cousin of the royal family. Both were quite wealthy, and she grew up in a large townhouse in Radasanth with some of the finest clothes and toys that could be lavished on a child. Her tutors were all knowledgeable professors from the city's various institutes of learning, and she learned fast.

Other children growing up in such a family may have become obsessed with the social scene and other such dalliances of nobility, but Amelie's love of books and learning kept her from being too concerned with such things. While she gave lip-service to the various courtiers who showed interest in her, her only true love was Alchemy. When she turned 16, she begged her parents to allow her to travel and study with the hermit Bernard Valentinus, who lived in the center of the forest Concordia. They were wary of the idea, but agreed to let her study there as long as she promised to come back to Radasanth and get married in five years. She had no intention of doing any such thing, but agreed nonetheless.

Her time with Valentinus was well spent. She learned much more under his tutelage than she could have on her own, both about Alchemy and about the world outside Radasanth. Although Valentinus was a bit of an outcast and had a reputation of being an irritable old bastard, Amelie found that she got along with him just fine. Both shared a passion for Alchemy and scientific discovery, after all, and Valentinus appreciated her talent—unlike her parents.

Five years passed, and it was time for her to return to Radasanth and get married. Amelie dreaded the coming day. She loved staying and studying with her mentor—going back to a life in the aristocracy seemed like hell. Marrying a man she'd never even met wasn't her idea of a good life. They probably wouldn't even let her practice Alchemy. So, in the months before her return to home, she formulated a plan. She stole a rare and very powerful silver ring belonging to Valentinus, and began to study his secret books of Demonology. She taught herself minor summonings, and then began to start right in on Great Summoning. When she left Concordia, she felt prepared to execute her plan.

The night before her wedding, she donned the silver ring and summoned Baal-Berith, a Great Demon known as a master of Alchemy. Berith appeared to her as a great red general upon a crimson horse, and she fell to her knees and pleaded to him to somehow stop her wedding. Normally the demon wouldn't have cared for the wishes of a mortal girl, but given her dedication to Alchemy, he was sympathetic. Or at least...kind of. Great demons are unpredictable at best. He fulfilled her wish by killing her fiancee and burning down the church her wedding was to be held in. Amelie was distraught. She'd never intended to have blood on her hands in such a way. On top of that, the entire city declared that she was cursed, and rumors floated that she had parlayed with demons. She was cast out of Radasanth, retaining her title and inheritance, but no longer welcome in aristocratic society. So began her life as an adventurer, walking the earth and seeking further secrets of Alchemy.

12-02-10, 10:31 AM
I've seen several people trying to play alchemists, but I don't remember anybody really sticking with it for too long. I hope you do.

You are approved. Welcome to Althanas.