View Full Version : Ganlon Martel

Ganlon Martel
12-03-10, 04:04 PM
Name: Ganlon Martel
Age: 25
Race: Human
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Green
Height: 64 inches
Weight: 245

*Occupation: Ganlon was a small town healer.

*Personality: Ganlon is a person who is quick with a smile and a laugh. His humor is dry and often mistaken by those he is talking with as being insulting. If he cannot find something about you he likes he just doesn’t talk to you. Those he does like he will tell things like, “I know you don’t like me, but I like you anyway.” He often tells those dearest to him, “You know you really stink.”

Appearance: “There is something about that boy’s smile”, was what Ganlon’s one and only sweetheart said about him. By most accounts Ganlon is an unremarkable human of average build and height; however, when he does smile at you a light shines in his green eye that is the envy of any of the nobility.

History: Ganlon was the oldest. It was expected that he take over his father’s trade and changing bandages on the local farmer was what he loved as a small boy. His father’s ability to make the cough that the village children had vanish was magical when he was five. Even at thirteen when his father snapped a bone back into line on Emile Laboute’s leg it made him think that his father’s gift came straight from the Gods. At fifteen his father started to teach him the trade secrets. People his father taught him were no different than any other part of the world that they lived in. He taught him that just like the plants needed sunlight, water, and dirt, people needed to eat and drink. People got sick or broken just like the wagon wore out. The deer, the fox, the wolf, the birds, and the cows all got sick just like people. Watching them and what they ate often told you what you could eat and what to do to fix a sickness. The gods may choose to send horrible sickness and blight, but most of the time it was just the same cycle of life that ran over and over again. Babies were born, children got sick, and old people die. He made him swear early that the things that he taught him were secret. His father taught him that if everyone learned how to count the numbers, and read the formulas there would be no need for the village healer. His father didn’t hold a whole lot of stock in the village cleric. The man was a follower of a war god and often stated the only way to get into heaven was through valor. Ganlon’s father told Ganlon that Valor usually meant a whole lot of killing. How a divine being found the dying of its followers a good thing was something that he would have to find out after he passed on. This never stopped Ganlon’s father from teaching Ganlon to defend himself. As most of the village men had done Ganlon’s father had served in the army of the local lord. He had learned to hunt and live off the land. Ganlon gleaned these skills from his father and even learned to use the sword and shield his father hung on the wall of their hut.
Ganlon’s father knew it was coming the day that he passed away and told him he was just worn out. Ganlon didn’t waste any of the precious herbs that the two of them had collected and as his mother had passed on years before he took his father to the woods beyond his hut and buried him by himself. Ganlon passed four years doing what his father had taught him. He used Edlerberry to limit the winter sickness and made a man with a broken bone chew the poppy seed as he set his bone. Genove Lambert was in his life for a short time before the shaking sickness took her. She was the one that he would marry. When it came on the sickness would stop her words and she would wet herself. There was nothing in his father’s formulas that could fix her sickness and he braced himself for the end. Even though she had had a family of her own he buried her next to his father. He went months with out loving anything. He refused jobs and healed no one. Finally one day as he left to hunt he came upon a women lying in the road. He could hear the breath rattle in her lungs and knew there was fluid in them. He saw the hole in her side. He couldn’t stop himself and fell to his knees and plugged the hole with the coat from his back. He had roobis root in his pack and crushed them to help with the breathing. He sat next to her and wondered if he had been in time to help this person. He grabbed her hand and squeezed. He willed her to get better. He suddenly became extremely tired. She seemed to quiet. At first he thought she was dead, and he lay down to sleep. A flash awoke him. A woman stood in front of him. She was blinding and in her hand she held a wooden chalice. “You have been chosen.” The words were in his head. “For what,” he mouthed. She smiled, “to heal.” She handed him the chalice and his head was filled with Humans, Elves, and Dwarves dying on a hill somewhere far away. But it was the Demon standing in the middle of them that gave him the biggest shock of all. It looked right at him and smiled. Then the vision was gone and the women with it. Ganlon left his hometown that day and never returned. Ganlon still searches for the women gave him the chalice and the hill where he saw the Demon.

Skills: Ganlon can feel any creature’s pain, illness, and injuries. He can heal small wound with will power twice a day. The energy involves come from within him for small things and makes him tired. Larger healings are focused through the Chalice that was given to him. Ganlon needs to focus the energy through the chalice and it requires him to use his full concentration. He can only do this larger healing once a day. The minor healings happen instantly. The major healings can take 5 to 10 minutes depending how badly the person is hurt. When he is done with the larger healings he must sleep. The magical healing energy and the ability to expel minor demons from the plain come from the energy of living creature. The more willing creatures believing in his abilities the stronger his abilities will become. The focus for expelling the Demons is once again the Chalice and usually takes 2-3 minutes causing the creature to be expelled from the immediate area. Ganlon only has the ability to control the energy of four living creatures, such as Two people, a cow, and a horse. The ability to make himself glow with his own internal light is also available to Ganlon. Since he has ability to feel pain, he is empathic with any animal, giving him the semblance of speaking to them.

Equipment: Ganlon is never with out a pouch of healing herbs, poultices, and bandages. When he is not praying for guidance he can often be found looking at the roots, leaves, and berries in the woods around him. He wears simple home spun clothes of a bland brown. He carries his father’s hand and a half sword which is iron. His father’s wooden shield, a Steel Chain Shirt, and leather leggings are on him as he walks. In his back pack are a sleeping roll, a iron pot helmet, and the Chalice of the Healing Goddess.

12-06-10, 10:59 AM
First off, apologies for the delay. I was away for the weekend.

I need a bit more info on the larger healings and how the Chalice works. Does it require him to meditate or something akin to that to make the Chalice work, or does he use herbs and other stuff?

Also, could you elaborate a bit on the ability to expel demons from the plain and how exactly it works (you mentioned that the energy comes from living creatures, but it's a bit vague). At any rate, you should only be able to expel minor demons at this point.

And finally, please list the material of the chain shirt. Steel would be fine.

Ganlon Martel
12-07-10, 03:18 PM
Ganlon wrapped the fish in the Seatle leaf that he had found and reached into his pouch for Salt. His fingers knew where all of the little bags inside of his pouch were and in an instant he knew he had no more salt. He put the fish onto the rock next to the fire anyway and waited for it to cook. He would have to go to the nearest town now and trade for salt. Ground salt was not something he couldn’t just find in the wild. He didn’t exactly know where He was. He had been walking for about a month now staying in forested areas. When the fish was done he pulled it from the stone and gave thanks to the Goddess for providing it. He picked up his stuff and started walking when he was done eating. At mid day he reached a hunter’s path that lead down to a dirt road. Ganlon started walking. Just after turning a bend in the road and passing over a knoll he saw the Covered Wagon coming towards him. The driver saw him too and patted the young blonde headed girl that was sitting on the driver’s board with him on the shoulder. She climbed into the back of the wagon. The driver was a man getting on in his years. His hat was worn and bent with wrinkles that matched the ones on his face. His clothes were well tailored however; and there were shovels, cups, and pans of all sorts tied to the outside of the wagon. He was a traveling merchant then. Ganlon thought, good he had not heard any news of the world for quite sometime and maybe he would have salt. The Merchant took a stout pole and laid it over his legs. Ganlon stood near the edge of the road and let the wagon come to him. He called to the driver when they were in voice range, “ho there merchant what news?”
“Ho, yourself, declare yourself before we continue.” The Merchant stopped the wagon. Ganlon walked towards the wagon, his steel chain mail shirt made a clinking beneath his shirt. The Merchant grabbed the Pole hard, “I said declare yourself.”
Ganlon paused, “I am Ganlon Martel, a healer.” He grabbed the pouch around his belt and showed the Merchant. The pouch was worn by village healers as mark of their trade. Ganlon could see a change in the Merchants expression. The hardness in his eyes lightened a little and the corners of his mouth turned up. Ganlon thought he recognized the look as hope.
“Since when do a village healer wear chain mail and a sword?” the Merchants face hardened again.
Ganlon smiled, “these are difficult times we live in.”
“I agree” said the Merchant, “still a hard nut to swallow.”
Ganlon was at a loss. How could he explain his need to wear his father amour and sword? The fear of the dream still haunted him and he couldn’t shake the feeling that he would need them to be safe. He could not explain the dream to the Merchant. He didn’t think he could explain the dream to anyone. Ganlon decided to take a chance at what he saw in the Merchant’s eyes.
“You have someone who is hurt in your wagon don’t you?” Ganlon wasn’t sure if it was divine intervention or just fatigue but the Merchant broke down. Tears streamed down his face.
“My wife, that place, she… she… help?” The Merchants face implored him to help. Ganlon walked around to the back of the covered wagon. He could smell the wounds before he saw the woman. He could feel the heat coming from her body and a sudden stab of pain in his shoulder told him where the wound was. He climbed into the back. The young blonde girl sat on one of the Merchants wares a pot of water and a wet cloth sat next to her. She was dabbing another wet cloth on the head of a woman. She was blonde like her mother. She was covered by a blanket. When he pulled it back he could see the wound. There was a hole in her shoulder, a round hole that was weeping green ooze. Her breathing was labored and her skin was hot. He felt her pain, he knew her sickness, and all of it made him ill. He also knew he would not be able to heal this alone. He dropped his pack on the floor of the wagon and opened it. The chalice was there looking very unremarkable. A solid piece of wood stained with what looked like wine. He thought it looked like a common cup he had seen at the Painted Jester, the tavern in his town. He took it out and put it by the woman’s head. He grasped the Chalice and then the woman’s hand. The Merchant had pushed his head through the flap of the wagon and was watching him cautiously. The instant Ganlon touched the woman’s hand he knew something was wrong with the wound. He focused and tried to follow the paths the person’s body that he knew. Up her arm, past her elbow to the shoulder he pushed his power. His head swam; his eyes water and he almost fainted. It was too much.
“If you want her whole,” he felt himself say, “come and show me.” He let go of the chalice and reached for the Merchant’s hand. The man climbed into the wagon. He took the Merchants hand and placed it on to the woman. Ganlon took the young girls hand and placed into the man’s hand. Ganlon touched the Chalice and took the young girls hand. Ganlon and his father had often talked about how all living things had energy. People gave off heat like a fire. They took in and gave off water. They used the air around them to breathe and their flesh became the earth when they died. It was an elemental energy, the spark of life some people called it. He used his mind to find the girl and merchants energy now. He pulled them first towards the Chalice and mixed them there with his own energy. He could feel the energy swirl together in the cup and then he pushed them out towards the women. Through the girl, through the Merchant, up her arm, past her elbow, and towards the wound he pushed it. The energy was winning. The wound started to close. Ganlon’s head swam again. It was then that he saw it. A small green statue, made of glass, looking like a dog with a man’s head. At first he could tell whether it moved because his head was swimming or on it’s own. Then it smiled at him. It was that same smile of malevolence he had seen before, a demon. Ganlon didn’t know what do to do. If he let go of the link he might lose the woman and not have enough of his own energy to complete the healing. He wasn’t sure if the demon had anything to do with the wound. He searched the wound with his mind and was forced back again. He heard the voice again in his head, “you are chosen” and he resolved to heal this all woman at all costs. Still holding the Chalice he turned his head towards the demon.
“I am Chosen,” he yelled, “and she will be whole.” A blast of white light shone from Ganlon and the glass seemed to melt a little.
A voice like the tumbling of gravel spoke, “She is mine. She agreed to the deal my master made with her. Her body is mine in exchange for the birth of a child.”
Ganlon yelled, “She will be whole.” The light shone again and this time the glass shattered.
As the light faded a voice from the spot of the statue said, “ I will go, but my master will not be pleased. I will find you again healer.”
The wound on the woman closed. Ganlon let go of the girl’s hand as the woman’s breathing returned to normal. The Merchant turned to him wide eyed, “thank you.”
Ganlon barley got out a smile, “all I wanted was some salt. Thank the goddess for her.” The girl put the pillow under his head just as he fell down unconscious.

12-08-10, 01:12 AM
I appreciate the extensive explanation. However, just for clarity sakes, could you edit a summarized description in your initial profile? This is just so people don't have to read an entire post when they want some information on his abilities. Just the bare basics, like how long it takes to preform a certain ability, what are its effects and such.

Ganlon Martel
12-08-10, 04:56 AM
Think this should be better. Don't think I understood the first time and got carried away.

12-08-10, 10:37 AM
That's perfect.

You are approved. Thank you for your cooperation and welcome to Althanas.