View Full Version : Happy Holidays?

Jack Frost
12-05-10, 09:27 PM
I saw that Sei put the months vignette contest up, and a question dawned on me. Do we have a formal winter holiday for Althanas? Does Sei go around on a magical Pegasus named sparkles and deliver presents to all the good little girls and boys? Do we celebrate the birth of the Thaynes? If we don't have one could we work and set one up for this winter?

12-05-10, 10:00 PM
I've had characters celebrate Yule in the form of a pagan holiday. Pretty sure I'll get Liam to celebrate Christmas or scorn it or something.

Silence Sei
12-05-10, 10:27 PM
Well, the Knights did a thread that was supposed to be a resemblence to Hallloween, but other than that, I can't think of any official holidays. The Vignette was actually put up because the best entries, pr0ovided the holidays are original but still have some similarities to our major ones, may be put into the canon.

Enigmatic Immortal
12-05-10, 11:58 PM
The knights of apoclaypse have a holiday called "Happy day the world isn't ending"


On this day, all KOA members are ordered to spend the day NOT training, and any missions that are not of the utmost importance are canceled. A feast is prepared and everyone is treated as equals but the most senior of staff. Most knights adopted the tradition to give out presents to their comrades, to congratulate them on not dying. When the day is over, the 364 days of training and war recommence.

But that is there holiday. I plan to have some of my characters just adopt a tradition to take a day to celebrate the birth of the world.

12-06-10, 01:17 AM
Jasmine's people celebrate the winter solstice. Each family does whatever they want really. Typically it involves a big family get together with lots of food and sometimes gifts. The taverns stay open late. In general it's a big party night. At the palace, the monarch gives a ball for all the nobility.

They celebrate the summer solstice with similar partying.

And also the new year.

Jack Frost
12-06-10, 12:51 PM
I was just curious. I wanted to write my vignette on having Jack celebrate the winter holidays. I wanted to know which he would, possibly the winter solstice due to the fact that his adopted parents were elves...

12-06-10, 06:05 PM
neat. my vignette for Jas will center around the Solstice Ball her brother is giving.

Haven't decided what I'm doing for Poison yet, prolly a trip to a bar somewhere and taking some random guy back to her room for further "festivities"

Caden Law
12-06-10, 08:30 PM
I always assumed the folks in Salvar had some random equivalent to Christmas. Evernorth, where Caden's from, has an annual festival of lights to celebrate the passage of the year and mark out who is and isn't alive now. It was an Ethereal holiday, but with Denebriel's death and the current state of her church, it's anyone's guess as to whether or not the holiday survived.

His Order of Wizards had a five to seven day new year's tradition that I've never been able to write in anywhere. They actually spend that time doing as much of a ritual prayer as possible. It dates back to a colossal spell that helps to preserve the linear flow of time, and helps lend names to the Occult Calendar referenced in some of my threads. Hardly anyone actually knows the real reason for it though. Several other Orders also practice the same ritual.