View Full Version : The mystery of The Dark Forest ( R & C )

12-06-10, 04:19 PM
This is a recruitment and chat thread for the following quest "The mystery of The Dark Forest" which is located here:


If you are interested in posting in this quest you MUST either post in here or pm me FIRST before posting in the thread, because I would like your first one or two posts (probably just the first one) to meet a certain criteria (don't worry it's not bad) ... then after that ... anything is game.

Basically, the story is where your character gets themselves lost in this mythical and dangerous forest and you meet my character Sara. We then embark on surpassing the six trials of the forest and then to solve it's mystery once and for all.

I'm looking for the following:

A max of 4 people (including me ... so 3 others)

Your character must be registered in Althanas, if he/she/it are not ... here is the link to register your character. Remember, your character must be approved by a moderator+ in order to post in Althanas:


Your character can not exceed Level 9

RPing experience on the site preferred but not required, newbies are welcome

You MUST be active

You MUST follow the criteria I give you in the first post (and the first post only ... everything after that is fair game)


If you are not active within a weeks time between posts, your character WILL be killed off in a way I see fits best the story unless you have good reason to leave like school or something like that. If you have a legitimate reason for leaving, let everyone know in advance so your character doesn't get killed off.

If you meet the criteria above then post below or pm me. This thread is also for chatting purposes between characters ICly or OOCly (your choice) for any questions, ideas, etc.

Post and have fun!
