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This Illusion
12-06-10, 04:43 PM
Name: Faus Maigizo
Pseudonyms: Andrea Aldatma, Dago Bolond
Age: 25
Race: Human
Hair Color: Straw yellow
Eye Color: Blue
Height: 5'11" (~180.34 cm)
Weight: 134 lbs.
Occupation: Con Artist and Wannabe Actor
Personality: An unemphatic young man with a flair for the dramatic, Faus rarely concerns himself over how his actions might affect anyone but himself. He also tends to be flamboyant, going to great lengths to act out his feelings with as much exaggerated emotion that he can muster. Faus gives off a cheerful demeanor, brushing off most criticism and insults with a grin and some overly dramatic response, and has a tendency to be boastful and egotistic. He habitually runs the mouth, supposedly speaking his thought processes aloud as opposed to keeping them up in his head, though with his tendency to lie it is difficult to tell whether this is an honest representation of his mind or if he is merely putting up an act for his audience.

Despite his general arrogance, Faus is quite the coward and can only put up a facade of indifference toward danger for only so long. He concerns himself primarily over his own well-being and has few qualms about abandoning others or turning on them if it would profit him greater. Oftentimes, he tries to strike deals with others to benefit himself and, though not quite that good at it, attempts to fix the deal or reinterpret the conditions to his favor.

Appearance: Faus' hair is often a ruffled mess that reaches down to his neck. Despite this and his societal position and general lack of funds, he takes remarkably good care of himself, normally looking quite clean and well-shaven and with his teeth only slightly yellowed. He has a lean frame with not much muscle on it, weighing just enough to not be underweight given his height. His arms and legs are thin, giving them an appearance of being a bit too long, and his fingers are much the same, appearing skeletal and cold. He has somewhat effeminate features, allowing him to disguise himself as a woman if the need ever rose.

He dresses simply, wearing a white tunic and black pants made of some cheap material, and battered leather boots on his feet. He has a pair of black gloves that he rarely wears since they are a bit small for his hands. Faus can often be seen with a cigarette in his mouth, puffing out smoke. Over his shoulder he totes a bag of stuff.

History: Born and raised by a beggar woman in the streets of Radasanth, Faus never learned who his father was, nor cared since he was far more concerned about living on until the next day. Ever since he was able to, he would go with his mother out onto the streets to seek their daily food and cash from the altruistic in the world, remaining largely passive in their attempts and often succeeding in getting only a meager fare. As he grew older, though, Faus took a greater interest in more active approaches and did his best to learn to be persuasive and wheedle out what he could from unsuspecting passersby. He was largely unsuccessful in his endeavors, though his successes did manage to provide for his mother and him enough for when they were unable to get what they needed.

As a child, Faus had a great love for the theater, often taking time off from his begging to watch some open air play available to the public. He would dream of one day becoming one of them, able to turn the words on a page into a reality on the stage. He was, however, encumbered by his inability to read and his status as a mere beggar. Nonetheless, he would practice (badly) on his own time, eventually going on to pretend to acting at all moments, much to the chagrin of his mother who, though concerned about her son's delusions, decided to let him be so long as he brought home food and money.

She would go on to pass away when Faus was 17, leaving him alone in the world. He took this opportunity to seek out some chance to make his way onto the stage, though his pride prevented him from joining any bit troupe that presented plays in the back alleys of the city, placing his hopes instead to participate in the grand theaters, or at least be part of some notable group. Needless to say, his attempts did not prove fruitful, though he did manage to find a retired actor that trained him in some minor light magic, allowing him to use the skills detailed below.

As an alternative, he took to conning, working on his prior experiences to convince the money out of people, which was a bit more successful than before. He often moves from place to place to avoid the ire of those he has met.

Skills/Abilities: Invisibility - Bends light waves so that he is hidden from sight. At his current level, Faus can maintain it for 10-20 seconds depending on his energy (less than a post. Much less.) Those with a high degree of visual perception may be able to see the light waves bending around him if they concentrate, so that they can see a faint outline of his shape. The sounds he makes while invisible are as normal, so most people may be aware of his presence if they hear him, but those untrained in the ear may have trouble locating him precisely.
Focused Light: Minor Bolt - Focuses light on a tip (such as a finger or rapier tip) and shoots out a bolt that strikes the target. At any distance, a minor bolt would be no more than a small irritation, easily shrugged off by anyone who has been at least bitten by a mosquito. When used while in contact, the bolt can numb a muscle for about 5-10 minutes, depending on the affected's constitution (about one to two posts. Maybe less.). Fatal only if used on the throat of someone with very little endurance (would collapse the windpipe and cause suffocation; tougher opponents would suffer some inconvenient breathing for a time). There's a short lag time between uses, mostly inconsequential though just long enough so that he cannot send out bolts in quick succession.
Rapier training: None/Informal - Faus has had no formal rapier training, instead practicing by himself after finding the blade abandoned on the side of the road. His "technique", as it were, is based largely on that of swordplay on the stage that he watched, and is thus more flashy than utilitarian. Against a fighter of any training, he would be able to keep his grip on his weapon for all of about five seconds.
Persuasiveness: Slightly Above Average - Knows how to talk. Won't be roping anyone in who is on their guard in any way, but can extract what he wants fairly well from those who are not.
Literacy: Minimal - Can read some common words, but is largely uneducated.
Equipment: A rather rusty rapier - In reality, only slightly rusty, but the alliteration was too nice. Made of iron and quite badly sharpened.
Leather jerkin - Made of worn, beat-up leather, wears it over his normal clothing. Probably found in the trash.
Cloak - Tattered and dirty enough that its original color cannot be told. Faus often wears it so that his left arm and shoulder are covered, as if he were some sort of royalty.
Bag of stuff - Contains a simple long dress, pads, and cheap red wig for when he needs to make a quick change in gender, as well as a brown wig for a male.

12-07-10, 03:03 AM
Seeing as your other abilities aren't all that powerful, I'll allow the invisibility, but with a small addition. Extremely perceptive people can still notice him, maybe as a sort of a really vague outline or something, if they look really hard (think Predator). This is just so this can't be used as a cheap one-shot-kill ability. Because being invisible could easily allow you to shove a dagger in just about anyone's spleen without much resistance.

This Illusion
12-07-10, 10:19 AM
Changes made. Also threw in a clerical detail of hearing him when he's invisible.

12-07-10, 10:44 AM

You are approved. Thank you for your cooperation and welcome to Althanas.