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12-09-10, 03:24 PM
He seemed to find a cold serenity in the slow rise and fall of the waves; as he leaned against the shaky wooden rail of Aerin's Point pier he gazed into the sea. Thick fog only known to the likes of this region of Salvar seemed to blaket the sea, almost as if tucking away for the night. Meanwhile, however, the moon seemed ever larger, its light flooding the fog to appear as some kind of ghastly entity that swirler about the ocean. Now that the night had come he was finally finding some relief from the stress of the privious day; his eyes had been fixated now for a long time on the horizon. he could see them from time to time. Across the northern sea of Salvar, like two beasts towering over the white blanket and the sea, a set of white-topped mountains stood hauntingly.

"Are you completely confident lad?" A recognizably old but familiar voice resounded behind Sylvan, it was Ograd, a man he'd met earlier in the day.

"Those mountains have been the birthplace of unspeakable evil, beasts turned amiss by people with evil inentions."

"Aye. They are weapons of unfathomable destruction. But do not be deceived, they are not easily broken. To be quite frank, I believe your concerns are miss-placed."

"What do you mean?" Asked Sylvan, finally turning to the man.

"I mean that there is no chance in hell this baby will get what he wants. He'll come back in a coffin, as well as all those fools that choose to follow him into the Maw. This is the Northern-most settlement in Salvar for a reason, the dragons up there are fierce, but they have been gentle enough to allow us to settle so close to their mountain, it is parhaps of his sea they don't dare to cross. But regardless, the father was many things, but one thing he was not was inexperienced, his son is a fool to follow in his footseps."

In simpler times there had been a human known as General Rahn Duvar, who had served for the Salvar Monarchy and succedded in the monumental task of ridding the northerlands off the violent creatures that prevented settlements to be built. The Iron Maw dragons, native to the northern mountains, had devoured dozens of expeditions into the icelands, destroying almost all of the needed newly-built logging camps in the region. Having lost one of his own brothers to the beasts Genral Duvar took it upon himself to destroy every single Iron Maw and extinguish any foothold the clan had in the region. General Duvan took an army of four-thousand, and although victorious, he returned with only two-hundred troops. Regardless, he was celebrated by the house of lords as a champion of the people, and became famously known as The Dragonslayer by the inhabitants. After his victory, however, dragon slaying became a sport to him. He set off to track and slay all types of dragons without digression. Young, old, violent and peaceful, dozens of dragons fell to the dragonslayer until Salvar, famously the home of the beasts, was completely devoid of the animals.

The fame he had aquired for himself had proven un-deserved, however. When the darkness befell the nations and Salvar was forced to protect its borders, The Dragonslayer General was the first one to fall to the legions of undyig the threatened the southerlands. It was a devatating loss for the morale of the Slavs, however he had not left without a legacy. Only a few days ago Sylvan became part of the topic that run rampant in Salvar, which made hedlines on the press. Donaar Duvon, who'd dubbed himself Donaar the Dragonslayer after his father, was setting out on an expedition outside of Salvar, to the outlands, through the northern sea, into the Alkaid Mountains where dragons of all clans were rumored to have nested after Rahn Duvar. His plan? To not only match up to the feats of his father but surpass them through the in immaginable. He was determined to capture the brood mother of the new clan of dragons and bring her back to Salvar, she and her children and exotic gift for the crown, to be used as pleased.

"Perhaps," Sylvan continued after a contemplative pause, "I don't doubt in the least those men will have more than hard time capturing the brood mother. Sylvan was not someone closed to opinions outside of his own, hoever by now he had thought of all outcomes and decided the smallest posibility the crew should succeed was too great a risk, not only for the dragons living within the peaks, but to the remiss peace that had befallen Althanas following the recent war against the dark that overtook Raiaea. Regardless, he was determined to cross the sea the next day and reach the mountains before any harm could be brought to the fierce creatures.

Silence Sei
12-16-10, 12:10 AM
The tales of the rumors in Salvar only took a day or two to reach Ixian Castle. It was easy enough to relay information when one had an underground network of underlying tunnels that connected to nearly all manner of country in Althanas. As such, the castle had been flooded with tale upon tale of Salvar dragons; the weaker soldiers portrayed them as humongous beasts of nigh unbeatable quality, and the stronger soldiers saw them as pups waiting to be put down before they became a threat.

But what were they to the leader of the Ixian Knights, Sei Orlouge?

Sei didn't picture the dragons from the rumors in any way shape or form. In fact, it was Sei who had protested against the slaying of dragons in Corone, as they had become an endangered species. Luckily, when one had the clout of an Orlouge, convincing the government to pass laws the way one wished was no problem. Dragons were a protected commodity in Corone, no longer hunted by poachers of men seeking a greater sport.

But Salvar was not Corone. No law had passed in the snowy tundra of the ice lands. Though Dragons had almost single handedly found themselves extinct by the anointed 'Dragon Slayer', there was still nothing the royal family of Salvar would do about protecting the lizards. Simply put, if the creatures were still in Salvar, and they had not bothered anybody in years, then they were obviously just a species trying to live a peaceful life.

A species that needed protection.

Sei felt the icy cold waters of Salvar continue to whip onto his face as he exited the boat. Each step he made on the boarding planks caused a worry that the wood was going to break beneath his lithe form. His eyes shifted around to see all sort of warrior conversing and exchanging stories with one another at the port. Obviously, he was not the only one who was seeking out the alleged dragons. Of course, he was probably the only one there to protect them.

Sei turned around and brought his hand out to the other person coming along with him for this trip. He had not requested any aid in this journey, but the General simply refused to be left behind. Her intentions were unknown to the telepath, but he could not say know to the blue eyes of his daughter, especially not when they held that stubborn fire to them.

Kyla Orlouge took her father's hand and began to dislodge from the ship...

12-30-10, 09:32 AM
The world stretched and broke; a falling haze of black. Through darkness and shadows a small form travelled to the land of dragons. To save a giant reptile or not, the person didn’t care. The boy cared only for adventure, and the word dragon was at the heart of adventure.

Talen, the name of the youth moving through shadows, was a boy of sorts. Among his limited life experience he counted his jobs as a travelling performer, a street kid, a vagabond and most recently a Knight Captain in the Ixian Knights. The promotion had opened a world of adventure to Talen, and he loved every minute of it.

An alley off the docks of main port darkened, the light literally pushed aside. A split in the veil of spacetime tore open revealing a black void within. Through the darkness Talen stepped out into the alley and looked around. The boy was dressed for the cold weather of Salvar, a thick black cloak hung around him to ward off the cold and hide away the youth’s nefarious equipment.

The doorway Talen used to travel closed behind him and the youth started towards the dock. The wharf was a throng of merchants and sailors and smelt of salt and bilge. The youth looked around and spotted the man he had been looking for. Sei Orlouge was hard to miss and Talen had followed after hearing of Sei’s mission. The boy had however decided to skip the lengthy boat ride and travel using his Shadow Step ability.

Talen disappeared into the crowd of bodies and weaved his way towards the ship, popping out near the leader of the Ixian Knights. Next to him was Kyla, a fellow Captain and Sei’s daughter.

“Sei, Kyla, good to see you both finally arrived. I trust the cramp quarters and ships rations were to your liking.” Talen smiled while he poked fun at the pair.