View Full Version : Sex, Drugs, and Violence: Going Down (Recruitment)

12-12-10, 03:19 PM
Is anyone who was in the first one still around?

Are there any virginal characters who need a life lesson?

Here's the preface.

One night when the moon is full and the people of Althanas are out to party, Josh re-appears on the face of the planet. Only, he's naked in a back alley in Radasanth, and can't remember anything. As the night goes on various stimuli will cause memories to come back to him, but they won't always be his own. Other characters can be in the City for any reason, with any goals in mind, but the idea is that we all end up getting trashed, laid, and beaten up (not necessarily in that order). A great way to have some fun and explore your character's wild side.

The purpose of this thread (for me) is to tell the story of Joshua's return after dying/disappearing at the end of the cell. But, I've already got a couple storyline-driven quests planned, so I wanted something fun to get me back in the groove of things.

Last time, I provided a specific venue/setting and we had like ten people, half of whom dropped out by the end. This time I'm thinking we should have multiple settings and slightly fewer PCs, so there's more room for creativity and character interaction. Aside from what's written above, I have very few specifics in mind for this quest, so please post with any suggestions!

(I almost forgot, when you join an SDV thread you get a nickname.)


PCs on board

Josh "Crackwhore" Cronen
Chandra "Cradlerobber" Dawnspear
Anita "Manmaker" VanDeBurg
Elijah "Melange a Trois" Morendale
Elijah "Too Easy" Belov


Ideas for NPCs/Settings

1-3 player created venues such as pubs, clubs, brothels, opium dens.... where our characters can get their paws on illicit substances and interact with each other.
A blacksmith shop run by an antiscoial dwarf who wishes he didn't buy shop space on the strip
Your Idea Here

Chandra Dawnspear
12-12-10, 04:15 PM
Why the hell not? I'd like to get on this if you'd have me. Should be fun all around.

12-12-10, 04:26 PM
I'm still here and am totally up for another round!

12-12-10, 04:46 PM
Hmm... sounds good. You're both in! Got any suggestions to add?

12-12-10, 05:07 PM
Ooh! This again?

Count me in.

12-12-10, 06:33 PM
[18:07] OberstChristoph: I'll join if you do.
[19:01] Rofil Mao: joined.
[19:01] OberstChristoph: Dammit. I didn't think you actually would.

I guess I have to join, now. =p

12-13-10, 12:48 AM

12-13-10, 12:49 AM
No suggestions as of yet.. but i'll let you know if i think of anything

12-13-10, 08:05 PM
Hmm... well, this is a decent number, but I'll leave another day or two in case anyone else wants in.

Chandra Dawnspear
12-14-10, 02:18 AM
Well, currently my character is on the run from her nation, but being in Corone will be a good point for her to at long last relax in some underground, unknown club where she can give into her vices with her two retainers. So perhaps this club can be a good starting point? That or meet in the woods of Concordia for a large party like burning man?

12-14-10, 08:37 PM
Bumped for absolutely last chance to join before the debaucherization begins.

I like the idea of a burning man style party in the woods. and maybe a meteor will strike at some point? Who knows!

So for now we'll say that the initial locations are the Flesh Failures club (since no one suggested anything else) and the streets of Radasanth in the vicinity, and at some point we will segue to the nearby countryside to get our collective freak on.


The intro will probably be up late tonight.

Also, I might bring one or two of my other accounts in for cameos, and I welcome you all to do the same... tastefully, of course.

12-14-10, 09:03 PM
Pardon my ignorance, but what exactly is this "burning man-style party" you speak of?

12-14-10, 09:51 PM
A hippiefest in the woods with lots of sex and drugs. Not usually much violence, but this is althanas. I bet even most of the hippies carry swords.

12-14-10, 10:22 PM
Ah. I'm slightly disappointed. See, for some reason I was thinking it was more along the lines of the cannibal rave from Dexter is Delicious. Since, well, in that book, there's a group of cannibals out in the Everglades, and they... like to... um...

nevermind carry on

12-14-10, 11:26 PM
When you said "burning man party", I immediately though of Eli. XD He is the human Burning Man Party.

12-15-10, 01:31 AM
ALRIGHT. The thread is upside down! (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=22125)

Feel free to introduce your characters however you like, but try to be interactive and aware of each others ideas!

12-17-10, 05:50 PM
.... anyone?

12-17-10, 08:55 PM
Finals week. Of my last semester at college. When I'm not taking tests or writing papers, I'm trying desperately to find a job, milking my contacts for what they're worth.

I'm sure you understand.

On that note, when I do get around to it, can I use Madison instead of Elijah? Not for the sake of interaction with Josh, but because I'm drawing a blank with Elijah and Nadia?

12-17-10, 08:56 PM
Hahaha of course. Can't wait to see her get sexy.

12-17-10, 09:02 PM
Good lord. Kill it with fire.

I should have a post up in a hot minute.

12-18-10, 03:38 PM
I will begin working on my post tonight. BaBE and I have something planned.

Les Misérables
12-18-10, 03:48 PM
I've never been in a thread where you two didn't have something planned :P

Ever. Including every thread on this site.

Awesome. Go get 'em!

12-18-10, 04:30 PM
Plaaaan plan plan plan planplanplanplanplan!

It's really nothing elaborate -- just a setup for Maddy and Eli bicker and stuff.

12-18-10, 06:46 PM
Someone should do a drinking contest at some point... just puttin it out there.

Jack Frost
12-18-10, 07:02 PM
I'd join but I'm too under-aged to understand any of these things :P
Why do I get the feeling this thread will make me lol repeatedly?

12-20-10, 12:26 AM
On that note, when I do get around to it, can I use Madison instead of Elijah? Not for the sake of interaction with Josh, but because I'm drawing a blank with Elijah and Nadia?

Well rats.. .there go my ideas for Poison and Elijah meeting up again... :p:p

trying to figure something out, should have something up within the next 48 hours

12-20-10, 01:11 AM
It's cool if Poison hooks up with Madison instead.

12-20-10, 01:36 AM
no.. it is not :P

12-20-10, 07:47 AM
no.. it is not :P

http://s3.amazonaws.com/files.posterous.com/frozen/CLiZJqFcDKEv9Yk4je6gBOGky48kgpYGkycW56zN4H6m82nb0G iPOKehamhH/sad-kitty1.jpg?AWSAccessKeyId=1C9REJR1EMRZ83Q7QRG2&Expires=1292853128&Signature=heSsQ%2FL5ant%2F1YUfB81QLZ7Bpq4%3D

12-20-10, 08:00 AM
You'll see how cool it is when it happens. It's not going to happen you say?


12-20-10, 11:46 PM
I will soon as I figure out what to do with her :p

12-21-10, 08:00 AM
If it would help, I wouldn't mind writing for Elijah as well; just as a small cameo role or something.

12-22-10, 12:26 AM
Work has been kicking my ass since it's the week before Christmas. I'll try to get a post together as soon as I can.

12-22-10, 01:28 AM
hmmm tis an idea BaBE...

i could just use a diff account too.. this week has been really busy for me too...

EDIT: I'm thinking I will use my Beauty account... the updated version that i'm about to put up.

12-24-10, 03:39 AM
k, so updated profile is up. i think i'm gonna go with this chara as opposed to Poison.

In a nutshell, the update is that slave has a new owner, a succubus banished to human form that is bi (but leans more toward lesbian than anything else). Slave now has a "name". Her Mistress calls her Mali. Mali has quite a bit more freedom than she did with Carth. In the club, she will be permitted to do whatever she wants so long as she does not leave the premises without permission.