View Full Version : The Return...(Open to anyONE Player)

Archanex Jotham
12-12-10, 09:38 PM
(I prefer level's 0-3)

The incantation lasted for several hours. Jotham sat in a circle with several other hedge mages that were acolytes of The Order. Archanex Jotham had gone missing in action ever since the last known adventure in Underwood when a small meteor struck in the nearby town. Jotham went missing during the after events of that trial and its ramifications. After ten long years had passed, Archanex Jotham The White resurfaced. Having joined the group of Acolyte Hedge Mages in Corone's Underwood township, Jotham had reverted to a deeper study of the Arkanos. Looking for more clues to find the hidden power of his people, Jotham became a virtual shut-in.

Nights were spent in libraries conducting the various research of the ancient Magi of Althanas, and the days were spent in training. Training mind, body, and soul for the trials that The Overmage would bring upon him. As he quietly trained, he grew in power and purpose. The heart ache of that loss in Underwood that day still burned a pain deep within his bosom. That's what lead The Overmage to become a recluse deep within the bowels of Concordia Forest.

Currently, Archanex found himself training against another of the acolytes in his circle. The students were fiercely dedicated to The Thayne; Khal'Jaren. Jotham had found himself deeply interested in The Thayne's studies and teachings and sought to one day become a powerful Magi. The ancient secrets of The Arkanos were theirs to discover. And it was those teachings that would once again lead Jotham back to The Citadel Leagues.

Archanex focused on The Elemental Manna pulsing around his body. It had become a brilliant halo ever since he had become Jotham The White. He'd touched death, and returned a powerful Sorcerer. With deeper control of The Arkanos, Jotham was able to quickly summon The Elemental Manna and concentrate it to a burning hot purpose. His opponent conjured a jet-stream of hydromancy power, and Jotham countered with his own potent sorcery. He summoned up a single orb made out of the dynamic fire he was able to innately cast. He felt the energies burn through the deepest aspects of his soul.

When he felt the pull of the burning hot power, Jotham did not attempt to battle the hydro jet that came his way. Instead, he was focusing on The Elemental Manna as it flowed naturally within the combat field around. Then, he released the burning hot flame. Conjured, the fireball blasted through the hydro jet and forged steam out of arcane liquid. The fireball was an extension of Jotham's psyche and was propelled at moderate speeds towards his opponent. When the elemental fire connected, the blast licked at his opponent's robes and the robes caught fire. Jotham reveled in the terrified screams of his foe as the archaic fires licked at him continuously. Jotham knew the properties of his dynamic fire and what they could do.

His opponent did not.

Fire burned quickly around his foe, scorching the man to his soul. Jotham had prevailed. His eyes were glowing with power as he stood there, basking in the glow of The Arkanos forces. His aura was brilliant, a light in the shining dark. With power crackling all around his person, Jotham stared as his foe as the superior Magi worked to heal him. Jotham was told that the training bout was over and that he should return to his studies and await further instruction...


As Jotham read from the scrolls of The Order, Jotham's mind comprehended the various complex glyphs and markings on the pages before him. It was an ancient room with many powerful books and objects that contained secrets. Some benevolent, others not quite so. All powerful. Jotham knew this, there were parts of the library and it's teachings that were open to an acolyte of his rank. He had long since passed the trials of an initiate and had gained the ranks of an acolyte. Jotham's eyes furiously studied the contents of the books before him. When he read one book, he closed it quietly, and began to jot down notes in his own grimoire. Spells, formulae, glyphs, runes, and other teachings of the magi.

His grimoire was beginning to get filled with the teachings of his Order. Soon, he would have volumes of collected works. But the first volume would require a personal touch only magi could provide. Jotham worked on the journal until his hands hurt. Then, he continued to write in that hunched over position which would destroy the backs of the unprepared. Grueling battles, terrible nights filled with endless studying, long meditative sessions, that was only a brief summary of what Jotham's life had become. The road to ascension would not be an easy one.

It took a moment for The Overmage to realize he was being stared at.

Stopping the eternal studies, Jotham smiled knowing immediately who was standing behind him.

"Grand Master Tristen." Jotham said. "To what do I owe the honour?" Jotham asked quietly, it was a library and he did not want to disturb the other students of The Order.

"My old apprentice." Tristen began. "Ever with the formalities. You have not changed one bit." Jotham did not need to turn to picture the older man's smile.

"Is there something that we need to discuss, sire?" Jotham asked.

"Actually. It would be better if we away from here. This is a place of study and I do-not wish to disturb your colleagues as they study." Tristen said. "Walk with me, Overmage." Tristen said.

Jotham did so.


The old building was located in a quieter area of Underwood. It was not run-down but it was still in decent shape. The residents of the edifice took excellent care of it with their secrets and power. It was once a grand cathedral that was meant for the worship of a local pagan deity long forgotten. Now it served as the base headquarters for the secret hedge magi circle. Jotham was a part of that secret society and had worked in the influence of a cult-like atmosphere. Their leaders were former Grand Masters of The Citadel. Jotham and Grand Master Tristen currently walked the artistically decorated halls of the former cathedral. Jotham deeply admired Tristen for his mastery of The Arkanos and his general wisdom. For what seemed like hours, they both walked in perpetual silence. Neither one stepping in front of the other, and neither one seeking to usurp the posturing of the other. They treated one another as equals, despite their differences in ranks.

"That was a nasty business that day." Tristen suddenly said. "Despite the fact that we lost possession of The Queen's Brother, you handled a squad of Magi very effectively. You showed leadership in a time of great danger and upheld your loyalty to our Order." Tristen suddenly stopped walking. They were in a hallway fulled with various ancient battle-suits of armour composed entirely of Damascus. Each suit was masterwork in nature but each suit was made of Dwarven or Elven craftsmanship. Human aesthetics were usually not favoured in Corone. But rather, Soldiers oft looked to other races for their equipment aesthetics. "In short, you performed wonderfully. Though we received a minor set-back, we are prepared to offer you a new duty Acolyte Archanex."

"What is that duty my liege?" Jotham asked quietly as he listened to his master.

"I would like you to..."


And so, Archanex Jotham The White found himself staring once again at The Citadel's front gate. The ancient building towered into the heavens and seemed as if it could touch the star ocean. Jotham found himself smiling. The elite of his Order sent word to The Citadel's Elders that he would be arriving. Moving quietly as he balanced alongside his walking staff, Jotham's powerful mind burned with possibility. He had very specific instruction from his Master. He was to fight all opponents on their own terms. He would use these battles to accrue necessary knowledge and obtain the experience needed to increase his standing with The Order. Jotham approached an initiate of The Monks and smiled at him.

"Ah, you must be Acolyte Jotham." The Monk said. "Come right this way, my superiors have prepared a Chamber for you. You can set it to any arena to your liking."

"Actually..." Jotham began. "I was instructed to allow my opponent to set up their own arenas for us. I am here to learn and be challenged. Please instruct my opponent to that effect." Jotham said softly.

"As you desire. Please proceed to Chamber Number Six." The Monk said, and Jotham quietly proceeded to his destiny.

(Please enter here^. Note, you are free to create any Arena you so desire, GO NUTS. But please be advised I am looking for only ONE opponent for this thread!!!)