View Full Version : The Cookbook of the Gods ((Solo))

12-13-10, 05:38 PM
There exists a book out there--actually, I should say a collection of books--that were scattered throughout Althanas when one of the older gods fell from the heavens. Don't ask me which one, since frankly I don't give a giant basement-dwelling rat's ass. What matters is the books themselves. The Spellbook of Infinity. The 2,000 Tales. (Unpronounceable elder god's name)'s Smithing Manual.

But there's one that's especially relevant to my interests: The Cookbook of the Gods.

According to the stories I've heard on this heavenly set, Cookbook is basically the most thorough alchemy guide to ever exist. Some say that when you open the book, the text magically forms on the page with the correct ingredients, precise measurements and the in-depth concoction method required for whatever you want to make. Some say it's just a ratty old book with some long forgotten formulas scribbled down in an incomprehensible language.

And then there's some who say it's just a glorified recipe collection. You know, how to make the holiest of Chicken Parmesan dishes and all.

But being in the business of collecting and second-hand books, you hear things. The Spellbook of Infinity is in the hands of a sorcerer last seen in Alerar. Aidan Johnston reads from The 2,000 Tales every night before going to bed. And the Cookbook... rests in the grubby paws of one Michael Carbone, small-time ruin-diver who calls Radasanth his home.

And that book will be mine by the end of the night.