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Aimer Haine Rogers
12-14-10, 02:28 AM
Name: Aimer (Eye-Meer) Haine (Hayne) Rogers
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Height: 5'11''
Weight: 143 lbs
Eyes: Blue
Skin: Slightly pale to pink
Hair: Sandy Blonde
Profession: Dabbles in everything, or what's available.

Personality: Aimer has quite the addictive personality. If he tries something once, and he likes it, there's a god chance he'll have a hard time stopping it. He's kind hearted, but has far more selfish moments than most people should. He loves family above all else, but he has difficulty showing it. He loves children, playing with them, feeding them, bathing them, he loves every aspect of it, even if it does take its toll on him. When subject matter goes around to his parents, Aimer is a bit withdrawn. He has many friends, but he rarely tells them anything if it troubles him, despite his wanting to.

Aimer is also prone to fits of rage while arguing with somebody. If he feels he can not win an argument, he will let his fists fly in the nearest direction, trying to hurt something or somebody. This is quickly followed up by hort bursts of depression, as well as some reflection on Aimer's part to try and make things better.


They were doing it again. His parents. The yelling never seemed to quit. What was it about this time? It didn't matter, really, it always sparked over one thing or another. His dad never had the drive to do anything in his life, and his mother felt trapped, like she was feeding two children rather than one. Why couldn't he work steady? Why wasn't he like normal dads?

Aimer, age fourteen at this time, quietly ignored the both the yelling and the mumbles. He knew that his parents loved one another, but they were two different people, perhaps too different. He sat in his room, playing with some cards he had owned since he was little, a game of solitaire.

How ironic, a game called solitaire, for the solitary person hurt most in this fight.

Nobody ever thinks about the children during these affairs, do they? Yet, they are the source of the most pain, should relationships turn sour. Aimer laid down the queen of clubs and thought about stories his mother used to read to him when he was little. The princesses always got taken away to far off lands by the knight in shining armor, but what happened after that? He heard something shatter against the wall and closed his eyes.

He took a deep breath and stood up, placing the playing cards in his back pocket. He left his room and found where his parents were fighting. "I'm leaving," he had said plainly, but neither of his folks heard the teens words, they were too self-absorbed in their own arguments. The door closed, and it would be the last time in a long time that Aimer Rogers would see his parents.

He spent the next ten years hopping from job to job, trying to find something that fit him like a job. Unfortunately, the apple does not fall far from the tree, and AImer would usually lose his job in the span of a few weeks, no matter how varied the reasons were. He's always managed to scrap by, it was the whole reason he had two hundred GP in his pocket at twenty four years of age.

Aimer is searching Althanas for three things; A woman who will love him, despite his faults, a family he can build with that woman, and a job that will provide for that family in one way or another. Until that time comes when he finds what he is searching for, he will keep looking, doing whats needed to keep himself fed and clothed.


Practice: Usually, if Aimer is not good at something, his stubborness and sheer will to prove others wrong will lead him to attempting at getting things right again and again, until he does. Even if he's sub-par, Aimer can will through hunger and pain if he has the right drive. After his goal is accomplished, however, he feels the effects of whatever plagues him in full force.

Gullable: Aimer can fall for some of the most basic tricks and scams, provided there is enough detail to it. If this means giving up five hundred GP in order to get five GP worth of food, he'll do it, so long as the food is actually advertised as something worth five hundred GP.

Weapons: Aimer has a black rod that forms into two long black iaido swords when a switch is flipped. Of course, the weapon is just for cosmetics, as it was sold during a flea market to the boy. The blade is sharp, but not anything that could sever muscle and bone by any means. The rod portion if made of steel, while the swords are iron.

12-14-10, 11:12 AM
I have to say, it's rather refreshing to see someone who has not trained swordplay from the day he was born and wasn't out for nonspecific revenge and couldn't crush a man's skull with his hand. ;)

You are approved. Welcome to Althanas.