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12-14-10, 06:45 PM
~Sabatykos Maelstrom~ (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=19358)

(Posted Sabatykos' character sheet for reference since he is also a Saenorakym Prime though he is a Hybrid)

Man of Steel. (Props to Superman)

Creno Art: Creno 1 (http://jotham-the-dark.deviantart.com/gallery/#/d2loodg), Creno 2 (http://jotham-the-dark.deviantart.com/gallery/#/d2looiw) and Creno 3 (http://jotham-the-dark.deviantart.com/gallery/#/d2loopa)

Name: Creno Valour (No relation to Reiko Valour)

Title: Squire

Age: 30

Race: Pure Saenorakym Prime. As a Saenorakym Prime, Creno Valour is a potentially skilled energy manipulator. Creno is a Pure Saenorakym Prime coming from Saenorakym Prime parents. As such, he can manipulate energy without Saenorakym Prime runes, though still has them. Creno hails from the Saenorakym Prime star vessel called Nightstar. His parents originated from that vessel and have been living on Althanas ever since Creno was born.

Hair: Blond

Eyes: Green

Height/Weight: 6'5"/250lbs

Job Class: Paladin Squire

Psychological Profile: Creno Valour is a generally optimistic individual. Fun loving and out going, Creno works hard and plays just as hard. He has joined The Watch in Underwood since he was a young lad and has been training ferociously to become a Paladin First Class. Creno is a Pure Saenorakym Prime and has the blood of a star-faring people flowing through his vessel. He has a good sense of humor and is highly intelligent. He has never picked up a set of trade skill as he is busy soldiering full time. Creno has a strong morale value due to his military training.

Vice: Wrath

Virtue: Justice

Appearance: Creno is very tall. As a standard Saenorakym Prime, he has the genetic advancements of his gifted people. Creno stands at an impressive, commanding height of six feet five inches and weighs around two hundred and fifty pounds. He has straight, slicked back blond hair that is tied into a long, wild ponytail. His ponytail is mid-back length. He has four wild strands that appear as bangs on the front of his head. He has a square jaw, and his cheekbone is chiseled. He has several combat scars on his body that are intricate in nature from the various battles Creno has been in.

Creno dresses in standard civilian attire when he is not on duty. He typically can be seen wearing black hide boots, black denim, baggy pants, and a short-sleeved shirt. He wears a belt with a simple buckle decorating it. His backpack is always on when he is in civilian attire, as he is usually on some adventure or another. This is his civilian attire. He commonly wears leather gloves.

Military attire. When on duty, Creno wears the standard cadet uniform of Underwood's military wing. The uniform is not armoured, but it is basic attire for a soldier. He rarely wears heavy armour due to his weapon capacity. Creno's military attire consists of an elegant The Watch tabard with a symbol etched on both front and back of the tabard. In military attire, a blue ribbon with two long tails is present on his forehead. Creno wears blue, baggy pants, and a long sleeved blue shirt. Elegant leather gloves are also standard equip. Creno's weapons are also notably visible in this uniform.

Also, it should be noted that on Creno's right arm and back are elegant Saenorarkym Prime runes.

Tomes of History: Born to Saenorakym Prime parents, Creno Valour is an only child. He was the first born son to The Valour Clan. Born on the star-faring vessel known as The Nightstar, Creno Valour arrived on Althanas when he was roughly four years of age. He was raised on Althanas in the city of Underwood in Corone. His parents were able to give him a military education where Creno Valour excelled from an early age. He passed Cadet training at the age of fourteen and at seventeen was already in his first battle as a Squire. He is currently stationed in Underwood's The Watch where it is constantly mobilized against Bandits and Barbarians hailing from Concordia Forest. Creno is closely tied to his parents.

His Mother's name is Loretta Skystorm and his Father is named Krum Valour. The two met at an early age and became sweethearts ever since. They married years later and Loretta gave birth to Creno. Both of Creno's parents are accomplished members of The Saenorakym Prime race. Creno's family has managed to achieved moderate wealth in Underwood. Creno's family lives on a moderately sized house in Underwood's residential district. Creno's parents remain in constant contact with The Saenorakym Prime stationed in Concordia Forest. With the settlers from The Nightstar long since settled on Althanas, The Nightstar resumed it's voyage to seek out distant stars in The Althanas universe.

Creno Valour currently trains in his military academy. He has been training since youth to become a fine Paladin. Creno has not yet mastered the precepts of a Paladin and is still learning the way of the sword. He hopes to one day become a legendary Hero of Corone.

Skill/Ability Tree:

*Melee Combat-Creno Valour is a Paladin in training of Underwood's The Watch. As such he has received military training since his early youth. Having surpassed the level of a Cadet, Creno has long since left standard skills behind and specialized in three aspects of combat training. The first aspect is large swords such as Buster Swords and Claymores. Creno has become gifted wielding weapons of that caliber. As such, he is an Above Average Swordsman. He has 2.0x's the skill level of a standard Althanian Human Warrior who has received no military training. Creno is skilled enough to either wield one two-handed sword with both hands, or two, two-handed swords. One in either hand. Creno's training includes the maintenance of his gear.

Further specialized combat training includes the usage and maintenance of Combat Spears of varying sizes. In his training, Creno has mastered the basic skills related to a Combat Spear and uses this weapon primarily when facing stronger opponents than he. In spear training, Creno has achieved a certain degree of mastery. He has Above Average Spear Mastery. He has 1.5x's the skill level of a standard Althanian Human Warrior who has received no military training. Combat Spears are large, specialized weapons. Creno may only wield one spear at a time. Furthermore, Creno is skilled at throwing Spears in an effort to impale enemy front-line units. He has 1.5x's skill level when throwing a Combat Spear.

Combat Specialty. Hand-Hand. As a form of desperation tactics, Creno will fall back to his hands when necessary. Creno rarely uses his hands, but is capable of killing with his large hands. Creno has obtained Average mastery with unarmed combat. Creno fights in a combat style standard to Corone. Against well-trained Warriors, Creno's style is predictable.

*Strength-As a Saenorakym Prime, Creno Valour has enhanced Strength due to altered genetics. Creno has 1.5x's the Strength capacity of the standard Althanian Human. He is easily capable of pressing 100 lbs. With some effort, Creno can lift up to 150 lbs. With his bare hands, Creno may bend or punch through Brass, Bronze, and Iron. Creno can also inflict damage based on his Strength with whatever weapon (Or lack thereof) he is currently wielding. Creno will eventually grow stronger.

*Flight-Creno's people are highly gifted. As star dwellers, they have feats that many native Althanian Races do not have. One of these powers if the power of True Flight. On their own, Saenorakym Prime may Fly long distances depending on their power level(s). Creno is still young and can only Fly for roughly Three Miles in one direction. He cannot exceed his weight-carrying capacity or he will tire considerably faster. He can use Flight in battle to evade certain attacks. (I promise I will not power-game this) He can currently fly for a maximum length of about two minutes before getting tired. When he has flown for this time period, there is a cool-down effect of about two minutes before he can fly again. (Edits placed per Letho's request)


*(1x) Battle Spear-A standard Corone Military decorated spear. It has a blade-tip made of Iron. And a long-shaft made of oak. The spear is a Masterwork Weapon. It cannot be sold. Worn across his back.

*(1x) Buster Sword-A standard Buster Sword. This is Creno's primary weapon of choice. It's blade is made of steel. It is also a Masterwork Weapon. It cannot be sold. Worn in a simple scabbard across the back.

*(5x's) Whetstones-Used to repair worn weapons. They can be repeatedly used.

*Armour/Clothing-Creno wears a standard military uniform, or, a standard civilian's outfit. (Explained in The Appearance section) He wears no armour.

*Travel Pack-A basic backpack made out of a sturdy material, heat-resistant and weather-proof that is used to hold many objects.

12-15-10, 01:46 AM
This looks relatively good. One minor thing. I'd like you to add some sort of a limitation for Flight when used in battles. Let's say he can use it for two minutes or so? I know you're not new to this and you said you won't powergame, but I like to have everything in order.

12-15-10, 12:29 PM
I added the 2-minute stipulation. Furthermore, I added a cool-down period for Flight to prevent constant Flying. I hope this helps my good sir.

12-15-10, 12:33 PM
That works.

You are approved. Thank you for your cooperation and welcome to Althanas.